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[Adventure] Artemis' Pact

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First Post
*Wow!* amazed Gil to himself, he hadn't noticed, but the human had begun leaning toward Artemis. *Hope Bob stays calm...*


Shale's abilities allow him to glimpse at the state of the rest of the witnesses' minds. They, as him, are starting to think this isn't going to end very well.


First Post
Farmer Bob is thinking: Ah, Vena, Vena, Vena, what am ah doin' here? Shoulda stayed on t' farm, Ah, Vena, Vena, gonna die, gonna die, gonna die, ah, Vena, Vena, Vena, what am ah doing here? Shoulda stayed on t' farm..."

7 Rabbit is genuinely awed and overjoyed to see the night gaunt, but also a little nervous as he wonders if he is worthy of its presence.

As Artemis repeats the words the nightgaunts neck sways and bobs back and forth, up and down. As he reaches the last word, it leaps up into the sky and circles the clearing once, skimming close to your heads. "It's pleased!" cries 7 Rabbit, clapping his hands together. "Oh, think what strange vistas this traveller has seen, all the way from the farthest aeons of the sky! And now it's here to add our tiny lives to its vast experience! Oh, the Dreamer in the Dark does us such great honour..."

Artemis' robe is now as bright as the missing moon, and his body is beginning to glow with a papery whiteness that seems to come from deep inside, shining right through his skin. 7 Rabbit regards him with satisfaction. "A good start," he nods. "Continue: the next step is..."

Suddenly there is a thundering crack and the ground shakes. 7 Rabbit staggers backwards, falls, and rolls over himself in a tangle of garish robes. The nightgaunt leaps skyward and vanishes. The ground falls away beneath your feet as a deep pit opens up, perfectly positioned to swallow Artemis and the five watchers into the depths of the earth. For a moment the distant stars are framed brilliantly in the opening, then the earth closes over you and they vanish.

As the night gaunt stared at you, you began to feel yourself under the gaze of a vast, distant intelligence, and to feel insignificant and small beneath the vast reach of the sky. But now that feeling has vanished, to be replaced by a claustrophobic feeling that you are puffed up and pressing against the walls that surround you. As you fall, you begin to be oppressively aware of the vast tons of rock hanging over your head, and to long for the open sky above you.

If you are able to read Artemis' mind as you fall, go ahead and read the Artemis block overhead.

You tumble for what seems like an age, scraping roughly against sheer stone walls, before tumbling into a heap on a rocky floor. You are in an irregular cavern with several exits, including a hole overhead. The walls are braced with timbers, with empty torch brackets mounted on several of them. Deep cracks and crevices pierce the walls between several of the timbers, perhaps concealing more exits. A large central pillar is surrounded by fallen rock, discarded picks and tools, and trash. Several half-decayed bodies, dressed in rusted chain mail and rotted leather, lie among the fallen rock around the pillar.

Miraculously, most of you have taken only minor scrapes and bruises from the fall, though Shale has a large star-like crack marring one of his facets and Farmer Bob is bleeding from a scalp wound. He puts his hand to his head, stares at it as it comes away bloody, and says, "Ah want t'go home. Dun' wanna see no more magic."



Everyone takes 1d10 falling damage: Falling damage on Artemis, Lilli, Gil, Shale, Karma (1d10=1, 1d10=7, 1d10=1, 1d10=10, 1d10=5) The fall also bloodies Farmer Bob.

Farmer Bob is what I call a double minion: he has 2 hp and 1 healing surge. Anything that damages him does 1 hp of damage, and any effect that heals him heals 1 hp. He does not take any damage on a miss. The effect is that he's like a minion, except that one hit bloodies him and the next hit kills him.

There will be an XP bonus for you if you can get Farmer Bob out of here alive...

Oh, I never got a token for Gil, so he's represented by Ron Weasley there on the map. If you want a different token feel free to send me an image.
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First Post
Artemis's look is grim, "Oh no no no. This can't be right. What have I done? I fear I've put you all in danger."

Artemis readies his heavy iron rod and straps on his shield, advancing to protect his allies from any attacks.

"Lilli or Gill? Do you have any thing to make light?"

[sblock=actions] Move: Move to L7
Standard: Equip shield.
Minor: Draw Ironscar Rod

[sblock=mini-stats]Atremis Harks- Male Human Hybrid: Warlord/Warlock 2
Status: quo
Darkspiral Aura: 0
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10
Defenses: AC: 17, For: 17, Ref: 18, Will: 17
HP: 28/29, Bloodied: 14, Surge value: 7, Surges/day: 7/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Primordial
AP: 1, Second Wind: unused

Eldritch Strike, Spiteful Glamor, Furious Smash, Darkspiral Aura
Battlefront Shift, Hammer and Anvil, Inspiring Word, Aid the Injured
Lead by Example[/sblock]


First Post
On it! shouts Gil, Artemis' shield shines brightly in all directions, I'm ok, Bob doesn't look so good. using Karma's leg for a lever, Gil pulled himself closer to Bob, looking intently at the wound.

How many fingers? asks Gil, as he rips part of Bob's shirt off, Stay still. cleaning the cloth with an abbreviated cantrip, Gil wraps it around Bob's wound. Picking up Bob's hand and placing it on the bandage, Keep pressure here for a second. calmly orders the wizard. Reaching into a side pocket of his backpack, Gil removed a climbing piton, shaved part of the metal off, and replaced it. The sliver of metal bent to Gil's will, and provided an excellent pin to hold the makeshift bandage in place.

You're gonna be ok! We're still having fun, right! cheers an ever-optimistic Gil, propping himself up on one elbow. Relax Artemis, 7 Rabbit said you're doing a great job. This is probably just the next step, and we're all still watching, real close.


Minor cast light on Artemis' shield

Move crawl into Karma's square (I believe this is legal as we are prone)

Standard Heal check to allow Farmer Bob use of second wind. CRIT

Can Farmer Bob have Temp HP?


Gil Human Hybrid Wizard/Artificer Multiclass Assassin
AC 16 Fort 14 Reflex 17 Will 14 (+1 from ranged attack 5 squares away Cloak of Distortion)
HP 26/27 Surges 7/7 Surge value 6
Passive Insight 17, Passive Perception 17, Normal vision
Second Wind Not Used, AP total 1, Speed 6, Initiative +7, Languages Common, Draconic
At-will powers; Thundering Armor, Winged Horde, Scorching Burst, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
Encounter powers; Grasping Shadows, Shadow Step, Moonstride, Healing Infusion: Curative or Resistive, Orb Shift
Daily powers; Caustic Rampart



I placed it in the post above your request for tokens using the edit function. I could have made it far more visible, sorry about that.

Here is the link to my token.

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[sblock]Shale's not really able to probe minds; the bit in my last post was roleplaying, and I simulated that ability with training in diplomacy, bluff and insight (Shale's been living almost all his life isolated in a tower, he'd not be able to understand humans if he wasn't at least able to sense emotions)[/sblock]

With some effort and concentration, Shale's crystals shuffle and almost completely repair the crack on his head.

OOC: Use second wind, regain 8 hp


We're trapped

His lack of inflection makes difficult to say if he's stating a fact or if the crystalline thing is worried. Must be the later, because he dislodges a large piece of himself and, as he holds it in his hand, it starts to glow softly

OOC: draw orb

[sblock=mini-stats]Shale Shardmind psion 3
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
Defenses: AC: 18, For: 13, Ref: 17, Will: 17
HP: 31/33, Bloodied: 16, Surge value: 8, Surges/day: 6/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Elemental
AP: 1, Power points: 4/4, Second Wind: Used

Static Mote, Dimensional Scramble, Betrayal
Shard Swarm, Far Hand, Forceful Push, Intellect Fortress, Orb of mental constitution (item)
Living Missile, Amulet of resolution (item)[/sblock][/QUOTE]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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