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[Adventure] Artemis' Pact


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OOC: No turn yet, waiting on Lilli and Artemis, Gil is basing his actions off theirs this round. Thanks for asking! Just wanted to put something down, saying "I'm here" instead of taking the actual turn. So, a little free action speech. No worries, I've gotten characters mixed up often ;) even my own. I remember when Veruzak magically became an epic level lich (named Massacre) until the post was edited.

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"I would rather be in there mixing it up hand to hand," Artemis complains.


Your life is going to end on it's own anyway so I don't see the hurry to make it shorter, but I could stop hindering it if you so wish.


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Lilli hears the shout to target the bat and switches her plans. She weaves her magic to inflict an illusion of all-encompassing bright light on the cave dweller. From the light, a large skunk leaps out and gnaws on the bat’s consciousness.
Illusory Ambush (At Will Standard Ranged 10 &#10022 Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic)
Target: One creature
Attack: +5 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6+5 Psychic damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Illusory Ambush: Shadowhunter Bar number 2. Roll Lookup Total: 24

Damage: Roll Lookup Total: 11.



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Great visual Neil1889

Feeling uncomfortable and chastised, Gil inches away from Shale, still not turning around. The wizard took in the battle with a scholars eye, attempting to memorize it all in one go. That was when he spotted the truly dire nature of Karma's position.

Slogging forward without properly assessing the situation, Gil places himself dangerously close to the the Umber Hulk. Focused only on screaming all the while, Karma! GET UP! GET UP NOW! KARMA GET UP! GET AWAY FROM THE HULKING BEAST! GET UP NOW! Out of his peripheral vision, Gil spots the umber hulk, and with neck snapping quickness, looks directly away from the beast. HELP! Screams the suddenly exposed sissy, already moving his hands in casting motions.


Move to M15

Standard-Move to M13

Minor healing infusion, close burst 5, target Karma
Karma regains 8 HP (Do NOT spend a healing surge.)
[sblock=Other less important stuff], Dante Mephisto Gilgamesh expends a healing infusion created with his hybrid healing infusion class feature. Special: Gil can only use one of his healing infusions per encounter.[/sblock]

If the Maddened Umber Hulk moves adjacent to Gil, he will use Moonstride.


Gil Human Hybrid Wizard/Artificer Multiclass Assassin
AC 16 Fort 14 Reflex 17 Will 14 (+1 from ranged attack 5 squares away Cloak of Distortion)
HP 23/27 Surges 5/7 Surge value 6
Passive Insight 17, Passive Perception 17, Normal vision
Second Wind Not Used, AP total 0, Speed 6, Initiative +7, Languages Common, Draconic
At-will powers; Thundering Armor, Winged Horde, Scorching Burst, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
Encounter powers; Grasping Shadows, Shadow Step, Moonstride, Healing Infusion: Curative or Resistive, Orb Shift
Daily powers; Caustic Rampart

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First Post
The bat is shaken by Lilli's attack, and decides it's time to flee. But it can't resist swooping down for one last attack as it goes, and Lilli is right in its path. Its barbed tail lashes painfully across her face, raising a bloody welt. Then it vanishes down the tunnel.

The umber hulk turns again in a futile attempt to escape the orbs that are sucking it in. But this time it sees prey that has foolishly approached within the reach of its ape-like forearms. It lashes out at Gil with two huge claws, planting the first directly in his chest and knocking him back against the wall. With its second claw it grabs his arm and begins to pull him apart - Gil twists out of its grasp but the beast nearly wrenches his arm out of its socket. The hulk howls in triumph and closes in to deliver a killing blow, but is thwarted again as Gil fades away and sidesteps - or rather, side staggers, leaving a trail of blood through the water. The slippery floor now hinders him as well as the hulk, and he is unable to move more than a few steps away.

The Umber Hulk takes 11 damage and is pulled to J12.
Shadowhunter Bat 2 takes 11 damage, bloodying it.

Shadowhunter Bat 2:
Standard: Flyby attack at Lilli, moving to L1: Flyby Attack on Lilli (1d20+7-2=25, 1d6+4=8) Critical hit for 10 damage - Lilli is bloodied.
Move: Fly 8 squares north (off the map)

Maddened Umber Hulk:
Disarming Gaze does not recharge: Recharge Disarming Gaze (1d6=1)
Slowed for starting adjacent to the static mote
Standard: Claw Frenzy at Gil (reach 2): Claw Frenzy at Gil (1d20+10=30, 1d10+4=8) Claw Frenzy at Gil (2nd attack) (1d20+10=24, 1d10+4=8) A critical and a normal hit, for 22 damage total. Gil is bloodied. In fact, he's down to 1 hp!
Move: to K12. [MENTION=82643]CaBaNa[/MENTION]: Gil uses Moonstride, becoming insubstantial (for how long?) and shifting 2 squares - but due to the difficult terrain, he can only move 1. I assume you'll move to M14 - that ok?

[sblock=Unlocked Stats]
Farmer Bob: AC 1719, Fort 1315, Reflex 1113, Will 1113
Maddened Umber Hulk: AC 17, Fort ??, Reflex ??, Will 17
Rot Grub Swarm: AC 13, Fort 13, Reflex ??, Will 13
Shadowhunter Bat: AC ??, Fort 13, Reflex ??, Will 11

Artemis: 16/29 hp, 5/7 surges, bloodied
Lilli: 9/22 hp, 4/7 surges, bloodied
Gil: 1/26 hp, 5/7 surges, bloodied, insubstantial
Shale: 31/33 hp, 6/7 surges
Karma: 10/30 hp, 2/5 surges, prone, bloodied
Farmer Bob: 2/2 hp, 0/1 surges, +2 to all defenses until start of next turn

Maddened Umber Hulk: 88 damage taken, cursed by Artemis, bloodied. Used Disarming Gaze. Used 2 Action Points.
Rot Grub Swarm 1: 50 damage taken. Dead.
Rot Grub Swarm 2: 44 damage taken. Dead.
Shadowhunter Bat 1: 35 damage taken. Dead.
Shadowhunter Bat 2: 18 damage taken, bloodied, -2 to attack rolls until the end of Lilli's next turn. On ceiling (20' up).
Shadowhunter Bat 3: 38 damage taken. Dead.

External Map Link
Climbing a rock pile takes a DC 15 Athletics or Acrobatics check and you grant combat advantage while on top of them. The standing water and rock piles are difficult terrain.




The existing mote implodes again, and again it pulls the Umber hulk toward it with it's frantic shooting of lightning tendrils. After that, Shale tries to warop the beast away from it's position, but he's running out of psychic energy and only manages to make the air tremble for a moment. The huge creature doesn't even notice.

Start of turn: Static Mote explodes, dealing 8 damage and pulling the Hulk 1 square northwest.
Standard Action: Dimension Scramble, centered at I11. It most probably fails to hit the Hulk's Fort defense.
Move: I'm already at the edge of the map, but the more distance possible between me and the thing, the better.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats] Shalehttp://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Shale_(Someone) Shardmind psion 3
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
Defenses: AC: 18, For: 13, Ref: 17, Will: 17
HP: 31/33, Bloodied: 16, Surge value: 8, Surges/day: 6/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Elemental
AP: 0, Power points: 2/4

Static Mote, Dimensional Scramble, Betrayal
Shard Swarm, Far Hand, Forceful Push, Intellect Fortress, Orb of mental constitution (item), Second Wind
Living Missile, Amulet of resolution (item)[/sblock]
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