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[Adventure] Artemis' Pact


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OOC: Sorry for the long delay: my internet got hooked up last week, but at about the same time a bunch of RL stuff came up and I've been too busy to post. Hope to get back to it next week.

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*coughs quietly*

OOC: Sorry, STILL haven't had a free hour or so at a time to update... I'm at a big music festival this weekend, so definitely won't have time to update then, and then on Monday I'm picking up my new cats - I might have time to update, depends on how much attention I need to give them.


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The creature senses its psychic domination of Lilli beginning to break, and roars at her: "But YOU - your tiny mind is WEAK. You are nothing but a pitiful annoyance, and you will submit to MY WILL!"

Out of the corner of its eye it spots Gil trying to hide, and chuckles: "Oh no, you can't hide from me that easily. Your 'winged horde' is nothing to me but the buzzing of flies, but I won't have you waiting to backstab me. My prey can wait long enough to crush you!" It floats ominously towards Gil, and suddenly lashes out with a series of writhing chains. The chains batter Gil brutally to the ground - he rolls out of the way just in time before one loops around him to lift him into the air, and climbs unsteadily to his feat, barely able to stand. The demon laughs again.

Two more of the blackrock gargoyles emerge from the shadows at the far end of the caven - or perhaps from within the very walls, it's impossible to tell. They speed across the cavern on batlike wings. "The master said this one is strong. Best to kill it first," hisses the first as it gouges Shale with a sharpened claw, scoring a deep gouge across his surface.

"No," says the other, "Ignore the others. Kill the traitor!" It swoops down and sinks a claw into Artemis' stomach, nearly disembowling him.

Ok, let's get this thing moving again!

Shale moves Artemis' Patron to G16. It takes 18 damage and cannot take OA's until end of Gil's next turn
[MENTION=82643]CaBaNa[/MENTION]: unfortunately, it has line of sight to B19 so you can't hide from it. But you are hidden from the two Obsidian Gargoyles that appear this turn, since they're to the north of the ledges.

Artemis' Patron:
Immediate Interrupt, when Lilli makes a saving throw: Demand Submission. [MENTION=100292]Neil1889[/MENTION]: Lilli must reroll her save.
Unfettered Scream fails to recharge: Unfettered Scream recharge (1d6=3)
Move: to E18, putting Gil inside his Binding Field aura
Standard: Chain Lash (melee, reach 3) at Gil: Chain Lash at Gil (vs AC) (1d20+11-2=25, 3d6+6=20) 20 damage, and if he were dazed he would also be immobilized
Fails to save vs slow: save vs slow (1d20+2=5)

Gargoyle 3 appears at D15
Move: fly to I22
Standard: charge to K24, hitting Shale for 6: Cruel Claws at Shale (vs AC) (1d20+9+1=23)

Gargoyle 4 appears at N8
Move: fly to L16
Standard: charge to L23, hitting Artemis for 6: Cruel Claws at Artemis (vs AC) (1d20+9+1=28)

[sblock=Unlocked Stats]
Farmer Bob: AC 1719, Fort 1315, Reflex 1113, Will 1113
Artemis' Patron: AC 20, Fort ??, Reflex 17, Will 21
Obsidian Gargoyle: AC ??, Fort 18, Reflex 16, Will 15

Artemis: 2/29 hp, 2/7 surges, bloodied
Lilli: 21/22 hp, 2/7 surges, Artemis' Patron is considered half as far away for the purpose of ranged attacks made with her orb, psychically shackled to Shale (save ends) (maybe?)
Gil: 1/26 hp, 1/7 surges, hidden from Gargoyle 3 and Gargoyle 4 with stealth 21
Shale: 25/33 hp, 2/7 surges
Karma: 24/30 hp, 1/5 surges
Farmer Bob: 2/2 hp, 0/1 surges

Artemis' Patron: 25 damage taken, cannot take opportunity actions until the end of Gil's next turn, -2 to hit until the end of Artemis' next turn, slowed (save ends), used Mind Shackles, used Unfettered Scream, used Chains of Smoke and Fire, used Armor of Wrath, used Demand Submission, used 1 AP
Obisidian Gargoyle 1: 8 damage taken
Obisidian Gargoyle 2: 11 damage taken
Obsidian Gargoyle 3: 0 damage taken
Obsidian Gargoyle 4: 0 damage taken

External Map Link
The red square is difficult terrain for enemies of Artemis' Patron.

The white numbers on the floor are the height of each ledge. The door opens onto a ledge 15' above the lowest point of the floor (so 10' above the floor below it, which is itself 5' above the lowest point).

The rickety bridges are difficult terrain (including the one that's fallen). The two that are intact are held up by scaffolding reaching to the floor below, which can be climbed with a DC 15 Athletics check as a Move action.

The green patches of moss are difficult terrain. The pools of water are thigh deep (chest-deep on Lilli) so they are difficult terrain and, if anyone moves into a water-filled square, it takes a DC 10 Athletics or Acrobatics check to avoid falling prone due to the slippery moss at the bottom of the pool. (The demon is immune since the chains supporting it are so long, but it still counts as difficult terrain.)

The vortexes are explained in the Arcana block above.


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Artemis laughs loudly, "I can't believe I served you. You're pathetic. You're terrified of me! Look how you run away even now."

He finds himself inspired by his defiance of the devil and is invigorated by his taunts. Artemis stands while talking and smashes the gargoyle with his heavy rod.

"Forget these pathetic play things of yours. Now come and face me you coward!"

Movement: Stand.
Minor: Inspiring Word on myself: HS plus 1d6: 1d6 → [3] = (3) Roll Lookup . So heal for 10 hit points.
Standard: Eldritch Strike vs gargoyle: 1d20+8, 1d8+5 → ([13, 8], [6, 5]) Roll Lookup . Hit AC 21 for 11 damage. If it is still alive shift it to M-22.

[sblock=Artemis stats]Atremis Harks- Male Human Hybrid: Warlord/Warlock 2
Status: Bloodied
Darkspiral Aura: 0
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10
Defenses: AC: 17, For: 17, Ref: 18, Will: 17
HP: 12/29, Bloodied: 14, Surge value: 7, Surges/day: 1/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Primordial
AP: 1, Second Wind: unused

Eldritch Strike, Spiteful Glamor, Furious Smash, Darkspiral Aura
Battlefront Shift, Hammer and Anvil, Inspiring Word, Aid the Injured
Lead by Example, IronScar Rod[/sblock]

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