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[Adventure] Artemis' Pact

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Even as Artemis' patron is vanishing into Shale's vortex, it is hit by a dead on blast from Artemis. It appears staggering and bloody in the pool, and is immediately assaulted by a sweet angelic chorus. It roars in anger.

"ENOUGH!" It heaves itself out of the pool, new power coursing through it, and moves a few steps towards Artemis. "NO MORE GAMES! YOU DIE NOW!" The rock beneath Artemis' feet starts bubbling and infernal smoke begins billowing up from it. But at the last minute, the devil spins away, and gouts of fire explode around Shale instead, wrapping him in chains formed of smoke.

"No," mutters the demon, "Despite that lucky shot, your friend and his lightning orbs are still more vexing. He dies first!"

Artemis' Patron takes 39 damage, bloodying it, and can't take OA's until the end of Gil's next turn. It is slowed, and takes a -2 penalty to attacks until the end of Lilli's next turn, after which it is knocked prone.

Mind Shackles recharges when it becomes bloodied, and Chains of Smoke and Fire recharges when it gets dumped in the pool at I19.

Man, if I'd seen that Artemis got a crit, I wouldn't have had it eat the Dimensional Scramble. That's way more hurt in one round than I thought it was taking!

No Obsidian Gargoyles spawn this turn.

Artemis' Patron:
Unfettered Scream does not recharge (come on!)
Move: to K20
Standard: Chains of Smoke and Fire on Shale: hit Reflex 24 (rolled 28, -2 from Horrific Whispers, -2 for cover from the edge of the cliff) for 15 damage, bloodying him, and Shale is dazed (save ends)

Farmer Bob:
Standard: Full defense

[sblock=Unlocked Stats]
Farmer Bob: AC 1719, Fort 1315, Reflex 1113, Will 1113
Artemis' Patron: AC 20, Fort 19, Reflex 17, Will 21
Obsidian Gargoyle: AC 20, Fort 18, Reflex 16, Will 15

Artemis: 13/29 hp, bloodied, 1/7 surges
Lilli: 13/22 hp, 1/7 surges, Artemis' Patron is considered half as far away for the purpose of ranged attacks made with her orb.
Gil: 3/26 hp, 1/7 surges, prone, slowed until the end of the devil's next turn
Shale: 10/33 hp, bloodied, 2/7 surges, dazed (save ends)
Farmer Bob: 1/2 hp, 0/1 surges, prone, +2 to all defenses until start of next turn

Artemis' Patron: 92 damage taken, bloodied, can't take OA's until the end of Gil's next turn; slowed and takes a -2 penalty to attacks until the end of Lilli's next turn, after which it is knocked prone; used Unfettered Scream, used Chains of Smoke and Fire, used Chains of Carceri, used Armor of Wrath, used Demand Submission, used 1 AP
Obisidian Gargoyle 1: 8 damage taken
Obisidian Gargoyle 2: 11 damage taken
Obsidian Gargoyle 3: 7 damage taken
Obsidian Gargoyle 4: 11 damage taken

External Map Link
The red square is difficult terrain for enemies of Artemis' Patron.

The white numbers on the floor are the height of each ledge. The door opens onto a ledge 15' above the lowest point of the floor (so 10' above the floor below it, which is itself 5' above the lowest point).

The rickety bridges are difficult terrain (including the one that's fallen). The two that are intact are held up by scaffolding reaching to the floor below, which can be climbed with a DC 15 Athletics check as a Move action.

The green patches of moss are difficult terrain. The pools of water are thigh deep (chest-deep on Lilli) so they are difficult terrain and, if anyone moves into a water-filled square, it takes a DC 10 Athletics or Acrobatics check to avoid falling prone due to the slippery moss at the bottom of the pool. (The demon is immune since the chains supporting it are so long, but it still counts as difficult terrain.)

The southwestern pool is full of sparkling water.

The vortexes are explained in the Arcana block above.


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Shale struggles a bit, his crystalline form cracking and turning black under the red hot chains. He’s not strong enough to escape them, and the demon laugh cruelly watching him succumb to them.

Shale’s not yet out of resources, however. Discorporating briefly into a myriad of pieces, he escapes the chain prison. The surprised creature, already weakened by the repeated assaults and Lilly’s spell, is unable to resist his mental attack. He’s warped again, getting his already deformed body even more hideous to behold and dumping his body away from the group.


You can move freely. Use the chance to finish him.

Says pointing at the water stained by the content of Gil’s flask.

standard action: Dimension Scramble on L19. Burts hits Patron’s Fort for 8 damage, and teleports him to N17.

End of turn: Fails save against Dazed, reroll using Amulet of Resolution, success.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats] Shalehttp://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Shale_(Someone) Shardmind psion 3
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
Defenses: AC: 18, For: 13, Ref: 17, Will: 17
HP: 10/33, Bloodied: 16, Surge value: 8, Surges/day: 2/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Elemental
AP: 0, Power points: 2/4

Static Mote, Dimensional Scramble, Betrayal
Shard Swarm, Far Hand,Forceful Push, Intellect Fortress, Orb of mental constitution (item), Second Wind
Living Missile, Amulet of resolution (item)[/sblock]
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First Post
Artemis smiles at Shale's brilliant maneuver.

"The stars align, devil. Your fate is preordained. I just want you to grant me one favor..."

Artemis moves around the outside of the flailing chains. He steps into the sparkling pool, scoops some water into his mouth and drinks it down.

"When you're banished back to whatever miserable level of hell you come from, waiting millenia for the chance to come back to our fair plane, writhing in pain from the torment your masters will inflict from your failure... do me one favor. Think of me."

Artemis then blasts the devil again. Light sparkles like stars when the blast reaches the devil.

Movement: Walk around chains, L-22 to K-21 to J-20 to I-19.
Minor: Ingest water.
Standard: Spiteful Glamor vs. patron: 1d20+6, 1d8+5 → ([20, 6], [2, 5]) Crit again! critical extra damage: 1d6 → [2] = (2) Roll Lookup . Total damage again is 15.
Athletics (for ending in water): 1d20+9 → [5,9] = (14) Roll Lookup
Save: 1d20 → [16] = (16) Roll Lookup . saved!

[sblock=Artemis stats]Atremis Harks- Male Human Hybrid: Warlord/Warlock 2
Status: bloodied
Darkspiral Aura: 0
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10
Defenses: AC: 17, For: 17, Ref: 18, Will: 17
HP: 13/29, Bloodied: 14, Surge value: 7, Surges/day: 1/7 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Primordial
AP: 1, Second Wind: unused

Eldritch Strike, Spiteful Glamor, Furious Smash, Darkspiral Aura
Battlefront Shift, Hammer and Anvil, Inspiring Word, Aid the Injured
Lead by Example, IronScar Rod[/sblock]


First Post
As Artemis gulps down the water, he feels a tingling warmth spread through his body, right out to his fingertips. The heat continues to increase in waves until it starts to become painful, and then increases some more - a shudder wracks his body and he begins to worry that the sensation will never cease. And then suddenly it's gone, and he's left feeling refreshed and energised.

He's not sure his body could take the strain of drinking that again, though.

Choose one of: regain use of a Daily power, regain use of an Encounter power, regain 1 healing surge and use of Second Wind, regain a Power Point, gain an Action Point.

Feel free to retcon your use of Spiteful Glamor if you want to regain a power and then immediately use it.


First Post
Before the effects of her previous spell wear off, Lilli attempts to enhance her operatic magic with a build up to a resounding cresendo, only to for her intended audience to hear a damp squib...

Perhaps her other audience might be amused at least...

[sblock=actions]She'd have made a saving throw![/sblock][sblock=actions]

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3156498/ Not good.

Illusory Ambush (At Will Standard Ranged 10, Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic)
Target: One creature
Attack: +6 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6+6 Psychic damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Maybe it'll fall over anyway from the previous round's actions (or even because of other character during this).
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First Post
OOC: Well, I can't get close enough to hit the guy with my encounter or daily, so they haven't been used. I still have my second wind and an action point, so I guess I'll gain a healing surge. No ret-con from me, but by my math (based on when he went bloodied) he only has 5 hp left :D
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First Post
Slumping over the side of the cliff, Gil falls onto the platform below with a grunt, and then over and into the water. The strange liquid pours into the young scholars open wounds, and he feels reinvigorated. The fire-in-my-blood sensation was almost too much for the wizard, and he nearly feinted. GRuhhnnnn

Without standing, Gil tapped into those new found arcane reserves, and conjured forth a miasma of floating green droplets. They begin burning away at everything in the area, the acidic cloud thickens until a heavy mist obscures the area around Artemis' Patron. More. croaks Gil, and the volume thickens, and intensifies, rock begins bubbling into puddles below the devil. MORE. shouts Gil, arching his back in the water. The caustic miasma begins swirling around the devil, corroding everything in the vortex of vapor. CONSUME THE EVIL WRETCH! roars an infuriated Gil! Then the scholar slumps into the water with a splash, laying still, blood mixing with the water. The swirling mists slow lightly and begin fading...


Move crawl five foot drop -> H20 five foot drop -> H19 (only two squares, in case still slowed)

water auto-enters bloodied Gil

regain use of caustic rampart daily power

Standard Caustic Rampart daily wall 5 w/in 10
Effect: Gil conjures a wall of acidic fumes. The wall can be up to 2 squares high and must rest on a solid surface, and it lasts until the end of Dante Mephisto Gilgamesh's next turn. The wall is difficult terrain and it's squares are lightly obscured. Any creature that starts it's turn within the wall or adjacent to it takes acid damage equal to 1d6+6 acid damage.
Wall is 2 square high, located at N17, O17
Wall is 1 square high, located at O18
Sustain Minor: The wall persists.
First round of acid damage for Artemis' Patron = 12



Prone = Enemies +2 to melee attacks (CA), -2 to ranged attacks

Gil Human Hybrid Wizard/Artificer Multiclass Assassin
AC 16 Fort 15 Reflex 17 Will 14 (+1 from ranged attack 5 squares away Cloak of Distortion)
HP 3/27 bloodied 13, Surges 0/7 Surge value 6
Passive Insight 17, Passive Perception 17, Normal vision
Second Wind: Used,
AP total 0, Speed 6, Initiative +7, Languages Common, Draconic
At-will powers; Thundering Armor, Winged Horde, Scorching Burst, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
Encounter powers; Grasping Shadows, Shadow Step, Moonstride, Healing Infusion: Curative or Resistive, Orb Shift
Daily powers; Caustic Rampart

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First Post
The devil disappears behind a billowing cloud of caustic smoke, and a wrenching scream echoes off the walls of the cavern. As the scream dies away, a clinking chain snakes along the ground out of the smoke. Its surface is blackened and pitted with acid. Another follows, and another. The ends of the chains bite deep into the ground and contract. The smoking mass of the chained cambion's body heaves into view. It seems comatose - only the chains are moving, feeling along the ground like blind inchworms. Little by little they drag the body around the edge of the pool to face Artemis. Finally the chains rustle and raise their burden up, rolling it on one side so that its ruined face is staring towards him.

Its eyes open as pits of hate. Both Artemis and Gil are paralyzed staring into them - they feel its hatred penetrating their very souls and crushing them towards the ground.

Its mouth opens with a scream of pain and rage! The water of the pool explodes up in sheets around them. Gil is drenched, but most of the blast passes over his head as he hunkers down in the water. Artemis, however, takes the brunt of it. The wind of the demon's scream blows him off his feet and sends his body flailing and skipping across the surface of the pool, to fetch up in a heap against the ledge behind him.

The scream dwindles to a sigh. The chains give out and Artemis' patron collapses face down in the moss. Its shackles fall limply to the ground in coils around and on top of its body. It twitches and, for the first time, moves its actual limbs, trying weakly to regain its feet.

Artemis' Patron takes 35 damage and is teleported to N17 and knocked prone (from the aftereffect of Lilli's attack last round)

Artemis' Patron:
Unfettered Scream recharges: Unfettered Scream recharge (1d6=6) HA HA HA YES!
Move: crawl around the edge of the pool to K17
Minor: Mind Shackles on Artemis and Gil: Two enemies adjacent to each other in a close burst 5 are psychically shackled (save ends; each enemy makes a separate saving throw against this effect). While psychically shackled, an enemy takes 10 psychic damage at the start and the end of its turn if it isn't adjacent to the other creature that was affected by this power.
Standard: Unfettered Scream (close blast 3) on Artemis and Gil: Unfettered Scream at Artemis and Gil (-2 to hit from prone; vs Fort) (1d20+9-2=25, 1d20+9-2=14, 2d6+4=8) Hits Artemis for 8 psychic damage, and pushes him 2 squares, to K21.

Ok, NOW it has 54 hp left! If you can kill it before Artemis and Gil take their next turns, they won't trigger Mind Shackles; otherwise, they'll take 10 hp damage at the beginning of their turn and another 10 at the end.

Farmer Bob:
Standard: Full Defense

[sblock=Unlocked Stats]
Farmer Bob: AC 1719, Fort 1315, Reflex 1113, Will 1113
Artemis' Patron: AC 20, Fort 19, Reflex 17, Will 21
Obsidian Gargoyle: AC 20, Fort 18, Reflex 16, Will 15

Artemis: 5/29 hp, bloodied, 2/7 surges
Lilli: 13/22 hp, 1/7 surges, Artemis' Patron is considered half as far away for the purpose of ranged attacks made with her orb.
Gil: 3/26 hp, 1/7 surges, prone
Shale: 10/33 hp, bloodied, 2/7 surges
Farmer Bob: 1/2 hp, 0/1 surges, prone, +2 to all defenses until start of next turn

Artemis' Patron: 128 damage taken, bloodied, prone; used Mind Shackles, used Unfettered Scream, used Chains of Carceri, used Armor of Wrath, used Demand Submission, used 1 AP
Obisidian Gargoyle 1: 8 damage taken
Obisidian Gargoyle 2: 11 damage taken
Obsidian Gargoyle 3: 7 damage taken
Obsidian Gargoyle 4: 11 damage taken

External Map Link
The red square is difficult terrain for enemies of Artemis' Patron.

The white numbers on the floor are the height of each ledge. The door opens onto a ledge 15' above the lowest point of the floor (so 10' above the floor below it, which is itself 5' above the lowest point).

The rickety bridges are difficult terrain (including the one that's fallen). The two that are intact are held up by scaffolding reaching to the floor below, which can be climbed with a DC 15 Athletics check as a Move action.

The green patches of moss are difficult terrain. The pools of water are thigh deep (chest-deep on Lilli) so they are difficult terrain and, if anyone moves into a water-filled square, it takes a DC 10 Athletics or Acrobatics check to avoid falling prone due to the slippery moss at the bottom of the pool. (The demon is immune since the chains supporting it are so long, but it still counts as difficult terrain.)

The southwestern pool is full of sparkling water.

The vortexes are explained in the Arcana block above.


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The creature's last efforts are terrifying to behold, but his dying psychic echoes, reverberating in the cavern, are too evident for Shale. They are a mix of hate, despair and terror, drenched in the inability of understanding it's inevitable defeat and the pain of being rejected. Shale realizes it's, ultimately, a deeply flawed being, unable to conceive anything would not be driven by the desire of inflicting pain on others - pitiful, yet disgusting, and have to be ended now.

Shale raises his orb once more and concentrates the full power of his being through it, again twisting space around the demon in a sustained effort. Links of chain bend in impossible shapes before dissapearing, teleported in microscopic pieces around the area scourged by the mental power, forming a fine grey mist.

Layers of the now defenseless demon follow, his flesh being peeled away, layer by layer, until only a skeleton remains. Even this last vestige drips comptemp and hate towards all living things, before being violently thrown into the acid mist, where it, finally, dissapears for good.

[sblock=actions]Standard Dimensional Scramlble centered on Patron, should hit for minimum 7 damage, so it must be dead. I hope. If not I still can walk into the water, drink it, regain an action point and use it for another shot.[/sblock]
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