Adventure: Fire and Ice

Don Incognito

First Post
Forked from: Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

Don Incognito said:
The door to the tavern bursts open, and in stumbles a young monk, dressed in dark tan robes laced with occasional stripes of white. His head is shaved bald, face is dirty, and he appears to be soaking wet (which is odd, since it's not currently raining. It is currently nighttime, however). Out of breath, he pants heavily for a few moments before wheezing out a few words.

"'re coming...coming for me!"
[sblock=ZE PLAYERS]Crag, a warforged warden played by Kalidrev
Ingot, a warforged strength cleric played by Ryryguy
Hadrak, a dwarven laser cleric (pew pew!) played by Mal Malenkirk
Dorn, a half-orc wild magic sorcerer (PEW PEW!) played by nerdytender
Skalisss, a rather exotic dragonborn paladin played by JRYoung[/sblock][sblock=ZE RULES]Much like a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, an adventure only moves as slowly as its slowest poster. Being cursed blessed with impatience, I will NEVER be that person. So post fast and post often.

Unlike my last adventure, I am MUCH more prepared in the map department, and I think you all will be pleasantly suprised.

Also, we do not have any martial characters in this group. This is actually a good thing, because there are certain parts of this encounter that may or may not be RP heavy. Exceptionally good RP will be rewarded with XP. Exceptional LACK of RP will be punished with Grazz't riding a half-dragon tarrasque. So have fun with that.

There is no +1 bonus for timely posting. Your reward for timely posting is that I update faster.

Most of all, have fun![/sblock]
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Don Incognito

First Post
As the monk delivers his plea for help, Crag steps over to him heavily, the floor thudding and shuddering under his weight.

"Remain calm, sir, and tell me what or who is coming. And it would be helpful if you would say why it is a problem for you that it, he, or she is coming for you. Do you need protection?"
"There's...there's no time!" the monk pants. "Every...every moment we a moment comrades...are in danger."

The monk is starting to regain his breath, but he still looks absolutely terrified.
''All right, calm down my good man and tell us how we can help you.''
"I have a small ship...we need to get there soon...I was being followed!"
Ingot jumps up and hurries over to join the other adventurers who have clustered around the monk. In its excitement, it still clutches its half-finished mug of water.
"Sir, who is coming?" it asks. "And who are you?"
[sblock=OOC]Hooray, I'm back from the beach just in time for the new adventure to start!

I'm wondering if Ingot might recognize the monk's robes... should I make a skill roll?[/sblock]
"My name?...Hiram...Brother Hiram. And...the Order! We have to move NOW!"
[sblock=Passive Religion DC15]A number of small monastaries dot the isles, and this monk could come from any one of them. Likewise, "The Order" could refer to any number of shadowy organizations that operate within the Transitive Isles.[/sblock]


First Post
Crag nods at the monk, understanding the urgency of his plight, but having no idea about the religious orders of the world, he ignores the part about "the order" not knowing if it is a shady organization or not. Hearing that the monks name was "Brother" Hiram, however, calms his nervousness and he moves to follow Hiram back to his ship.

"If you were being followed, you had better allow me to escort you back to your ship. After I have done so, if you would wish for continued protection, we can arrange for it while you are safely on the ship. When you are ready, I will follow.

Crag wonders to himself why it is that Terra (the earth spirit that speaks to him) would guide him to this spot. He knows that Terra would not guide him somewhere he was not meant to be, as she had never miss-guided him before, but what does this monks trouble have to do with the protection of the earth itself? Crag decides to keep his eyes and ears open to any possible clues towards this mystery.

After completing his internal soliloquy, he adjusts his armor and readies his shield. Crag doesn't know Daunton very well yet, so he has no idea what to expect between The Hanged Man and the monks ship, but he wasn't about to go unprepared.

[sblock=OOC]YAAAAAY!! Thanks for holding my spot Don! This is going to be so much fun! If this is HALF as fun as reading through Echo's was, then I think we're all in for a big treat! ^_^[/sblock]


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Ingot listens to the monk's desperate plea and briefly considers what to do. I don't know what this "Order" is or what this Brother Hiram is up to... Still, obviously this is a chance for adventure! And he mentioned a boat - a chance to leave Daunton!

Ingot glances over at the strange-looking warforged Crag. Besides, I need to talk with this one further, to find out where he came from and how he was made. Another good reason to accompany Brother Hiram, for the time being at least.

Ingot steps beside Crag and addresses the monk again. "Brother Hiram, I'll also accompany you to your ship. Perhaps along the way you can fill us in with a few more details about your troubles. Starting with anything more you can tell us about this 'Order' - the more we know about the threat you face, the better we will be able to protect you."

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
-''Okay, we go to the the ship right now. Just... wait one minute.''

Hadrak hustles clumsily to the bar, using his hammer as a cane, slaps a gold piece on the counter, grabs a cask of dwarven ale and comes back.

-''There. We can go.''

On his way on the boats he appraises his warforged companions.

-''Well, there is no doubt that you both are fine examples of the divine craftmanship of Hefaystos, The Great Forger!''
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Dorn, amazed at his good fortune in finding adventure so soon after arriving at the tavern, nodded along with the others. He was sure one of the others would call him out as too weak, or question his presence there, but he took comfort in their continued tacit acceptance.

"I'm Dorn, and I've been fending people off my whole life." It was true, although the endless teasing of his peers had never been life-threatening, exactly.

Dorn reaches out dramatically with his palms, and a huge KERZAP is heard as a bolt of electricity blasts from one hand to the other. The effect is made somewhat less impressive by Dorn's wince.

"I will help you in whatever way I can."


First Post
Skalisss, having observed the exchange closely steps forward. An imposing 6'6" Dragonborn in full plate armor he speaks with a hiss that somehow conveys complete confidence: "Any who would pursssue a lone and terrified human mussst be quessstioned. If your caussse isss jussst I will help you Brother Hiram. My name isss Skalisss, ssservant of Netari. Let usss go to your ssship."

Voidrunner's Codex

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