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(Adventure) Hunt for the Cirya de Pietro [Judge - garyh]

Kahuna Burger

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GnomeWorks said:
OoC: Whenever you're ready. ;) I think that that would call for a bit of RPing, rather than simple dice rolls.

ok, does the pirate ship have a name already? might come up in conversation. If any of the pirates were dropped without dying, Katherine would encourage her crew to stabalize them, but I don't know how realistic that would be. In any case, the enemy dead will be given appropriately respectful burials at sea as a show of the Gazelle's willingness to forgive and accept the new crew. Aside from meantioning the magical auras, kath will leave the examination and decision making on the weapons up to those more trained in such matters.

After adding them to the orders, Katherine will ask ricardo to take the former pirates and current crew and set about making both vessels travelworthy. meanwhile, Katherine will sit down with the other "senior crew" and discuss strategy.

"I think that Ricardo and the men who he brought with them have demonstrated their loyalty amply... I'd like to bring them in on the true purpose of our travels. Is that alright with everyone?" If there are no objections she continues, "We did very well here, but it seems obvious that this wasn't the strongest group of pirates we could encounter - their vessel is in bad repair and I suspect that their captain was lost to them somehow, because I never did see anyone take charge. Now we can make our port call as planned, and then go farther out to the areas known to be hunted by our pirate quarry and hopefor the same success, but with this capture we have another option." She looks carefully at Hollander as she speaks, obviously aware that this suggestion may sit badly with him. "I want to speak more to our new 'recruits' about this before I call it as grand as a plan, but I have heard that in some areas there is some honor amoung the thieves of the sea - 'divytowns' where pirates dispose of their takings and carouse between voyages. I have toyed with the notion that rather than acting as bait with only the information gained at reputable ports to guide us we could try to get the word straight from the pirate's mouth as it were... with a known pirate vessel at our disposal, it now seems worth more of a toying."
She looks around the table to see what others think of the notion.

OOC: ok, I admit it, I have a weird vision of katherine maskerading as a pirate queen... gotta use that bluff for soemthing! ;)

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"I agree that our crew proved themselves loyal in the battle. Should they be given a choice about whether they want to continue with this voyage once they know the truth? And will it settle well with all of them finding out that we had other plans in mind when we hired them? Oh and what are we to do with the pirates that we captured and those foul weapons of their's." says ao'Thuir once seated at the planning meeting with Katherine.


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Looking at Katherine, Hallador shakes his head This mission will definitly lead me in ways I do not like. Relying on criminals to lead us to others like them where we could possibly join with them to destroy them is to me like lying with a demon in order to bring down the hells...but unfortunatly at this time I have no other suggestion. I would suggest keeping a close reign on our new potential crew, their weapons did indeed radiate evil and I would like them destroyed..at the very least sent to the bottom to the sea. Also at this time I do feel that our current crew should be informed of our intent and have the choice of staying onboard or leaving at the next port
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"Hmm, we really don't want word of our mission getting out, so here's what I propose. Before we put in to port, we let the crew know that we plan to go hunting pirates. Anyone who wants to stay, stays. Anyone who wants to go, goes. Once we set sail with whomever has decided to stay, then we tell them who our target is.


"Good idea Remi, sounds like a fine way to keep our mission secret yet let any man choose their fate. And I agree with Hallandor, those weapons are unnatural, they should be given to the sea to bury as He sees fit. I dont trust those pirates though, I think that some time under lock and key would be a better plan. Some time to think about what they have done, before we approach them with forgiveness. If we give it to them now they might think we are soft and easy to betray." Replies ao'Thuir.
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Kahuna Burger

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OOC: It occurs to me that I've been allowing assumptions from other games, books etc involving pirates and sailors to control katherine's attitudes towards the surrendering pirates, So I'll withdraw the automatic adding to the orders, and seek Ricardo's input on how complete a surender would be, to advise the vote of the party...

At Hollander's ad Ao'thuir's comments on the weapons Katherine nods. "Would you mind if I looked them over prior to burial at sea? They are different than anything I've seen, and I'm wondering if the evil in them is inherent to their makeup or if these individual weapons were made with tainted magic when the regular kind would have worked just as well..." Considering further she adds "Did you get any impressions of the pirates themselves? While a truely good man might rather die than take up this life, one would not have to be deeply evil to be forced into it. I'd like you to be there when I talk to them, see if you feel they can be redeemed. .... I know the idea of treachery doesn't sit well with you, but we won't be abandoning this good ship entirely, so I hope to shield you from any direct participation in the maskerade..."

She nods to Remi. "Good point. The general truth now and the specifics when we know they are on board completely."


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OOC: GW, what are our legal obligations concerning the pirates and their stuff? Frontier justice? Hand 'em over to the port authority? Sell their stuff at auction & distribute proceeds to widows & orphans?


Pyrex said:
OOC: GW, what are our legal obligations concerning the pirates and their stuff? Frontier justice? Hand 'em over to the port authority? Sell their stuff at auction & distribute proceeds to widows & orphans?

I think that, since you caught them, whatever you decide, any port authorities you run into probably won't have an issue with it. So long as you don't let them go and let them commit more piracy, anyway. :)


"You can have a look at them if you like Katherine, but I don't trust these weapons, specially with Hallandor's word. I'll let you handle the potential recruits, I will be keeping a close eye on them though cause I don't want to be betrayed at the first sign of trouble." ao'Thuir says, content to let their captain deal with the captured pirates. He will indeed keep an eye on them should they join the crew.


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Looking to Katherine Hallador repliesLooking at these weapons does not raise a problem with me. I will be there to question those pirates with you, as I would like to know where these weapons came from.

Voidrunner's Codex

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