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(Adventure) In Service of Orussus (dpdx judging)

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(Yeah, I gave Fangor permission to join in the game. You all can debate things as you want, but I'd prefer it if you allow him to stay on the OOC grounds that were trying to have fun, and make it fun for others.)

The courtier turns around, frowns for only a split second, and then grins again, "I'll bring something to drink immediately then, as both my personal appology, and so that you can discuss who will be working in contract with your party."

She then leaves for a few minutes, and then returns with ale and wine from the Judges stores. Without saying much, she waits by the stock for approval from the party.

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Kahuna Burger

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Creamsteak said:
The courtier turns around, frowns for only a split second, and then grins again, "I'll bring something to drink immediately then, as both my personal appology, and so that you can discuss who will be working in contract with your party."

She then leaves for a few minutes, and then returns with ale and wine from the Judges stores. Without saying much, she waits by the stock for approval from the party.

Having gone almost 5 minutes without a drink, Sara seizes on the ale with glee. Once she has a new mug to ballance on her sword, she turns to the goblin brothers. "Well, since you seem to be the 'gobbos' in question, I'll side with you. If you aren't happy with tolerance, we can turn down the help with hitting the ogre, or go find something else to hit ourselves. If you're ok, and we can all act like a team regardless about what someone who looks like you said about his mother once, then we can have a jolly good time." She grins at a sudden memory. "But one eyed Rob always used to say that the team that would rather be fighting each other was the one that got carried off the sand... Then again, he used to say that gnomish westlers and ugly whores were the best because they tried harder, so I don't know what he's good for in the long run." She tries a complicated move of tossing the mug then spinning the sword and laughs when she accidentally rips a seat pillow. "I kicked a gnomish wrester's ass once, but thats a different story..."


Thoria turns to the others and asks "How many were supposed to be in the group, did the notice specify? Personally, I see nothing wrong with having another axe available, but ultimately, it's the courts decision, and it seems that he has been excepted by them. As for the groups vote, I vote in the favor of him remaining." Thoria tries to ignore the end of the look that the new dwarf had directed towards her.


Thoria, also glad for the refreshment, gladly excepts the drink... without the showmanship of Sara's. She enjoys it no less then Sara does, however.


The courtier leaves.

15 minutes pass.

The courtier returns, pushing a fifteen foot long cart four feet wide through the double doors leading into the seating room. After she has wheeled the cart through the doorway, two servant men come through the doorway and turn the table to a more reasonable angle inside the room. They quickly unlock certain hinges and devices, allowing the table to bend around the corners of the seats. Then the group starts to pull additional wooden planks that fasten onto the sides of the table, extending the width to a full six feet of stable surface area.

"There will be four courses tonight. We will bring menues in for each meal, and you can order as you see fit. If you need more to drink, we will supply that as well. Is there anything I can do for you in particular before you are served? After I leave, these two will be whatever aid they can be, and when I return it will be with his Judgeship."


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Fangor the Fierce said:
I hold no grudges, looking at the Gobbos, and meant no grudge to be started. Ogres helped raze my village and I am only inclined at righting a wrong that was done. So what say you?"

Groggnir squints suspiciously at the dwarf. "I not hurt you as long as you not try to hurt me! Dwarf-men hurt us goblins bad, I know. Might even draw blood before I cut you in half." As if he hasn't just mentioned cutting him in half in a fight Groggnir suddenly grins and extends a hand to the dwarf. "More axes mean work done with sooner, and sooner we get money and food!"

Creamsteak said:
The courtier returns, pushing a fifteen foot long cart four feet wide through the double doors leading into the seating room. After she has wheeled the cart through the doorway, two servant men come through the doorway and turn the table to a more reasonable angle inside the room. They quickly unlock certain hinges and devices, allowing the table to bend around the corners of the seats. Then the group starts to pull additional wooden planks that fasten onto the sides of the table, extending the width to a full six feet of stable surface area.

"There will be four courses tonight. We will bring menues in for each meal, and you can order as you see fit. If you need more to drink, we will supply that as well. Is there anything I can do for you in particular before you are served? After I leave, these two will be whatever aid they can be, and when I return it will be with his Judgeship."

Groggnir's mouth drops open as he sees the huge cart and hears the words "four courses". He begins to drool in a rather disgusting fashion. "You hear that, brother?! More food than we could ever have scavenged!"

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Fangor eyes Thoria as she casts her vote towards his staying. Seeing her reaction to his look at her, he grins unnoticably. His attention is then diverted to Groggnir as he speaks.

QUOTE: Groggnir squints suspiciously at the dwarf. "I not hurt you as long as you not try to hurt me! Dwarf-men hurt us goblins bad, I know. Might even draw blood before I cut you in half." As if he hasn't just mentioned cutting him in half in a fight Groggnir suddenly grins and extends a hand to the dwarf. "More axes mean work done with sooner, and sooner we get money and food!"

Fangor, taken back by the sudden bluntness of the Gobo and the similarity of his feelings, reaches out to meet the creatures hand. "I have no intention of hurting you. And yes, if you were to try and "cut me in half", blood would be drawn." With a firm grasp and a simple shake, his attention was then turned to the feast laying before him.

"Ah, some ale and food to quench our thirst and hunger. This bodes well. But I will have some of my own wine. It is a special "home brew". Not for the likes of most people, but I would offer a toast to new acquaintances."

With that, he reaches into his pack and proceeds to remove an old bottle of wine. There is no label, and if there was one, it had long been removed from age. Fangor removes the cork with his teeth, and offers to fill any mugs that are empty. That is of course, after he fills his own mug.


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Having being quiet at the sudden arrival of the new dwarf moves forward and looks at him.

As you have just arrived, perhaps you should assume that the rest of us are happy to work together, dwarf, halfling, goblin and human. Feel free to join us but if you wish to bring tour prejudice along, don't bother to come.

On the other hand, ogres are not known for being pushovers, and any extra hands are welcome

Looking at the table Harwin smiles, anticipating the meal ahead.

Don't know if this is typical for every one coming to see the Judges, it would seem extreme. I mean, what is to stop the cities beggars from coming with a make believe complaint, getting a meal, and leaving? I hope this job is what they claim.
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Thoria turns to the food and , using a set of silverware from her pouch, starts to serve herself. If they are trying to poison us... well, it's a real shame to waist food for such an action, specially when dealing with dwarves. Her thoughts do not distract her from filling a plate and then leaning back to fill her mouth with the first bite of some fish of one sort or another.

After she's done with the meal, she belches politely and places her empty plate back to it's source, and cleans off her silver ware, returning them to her pouch.

"WHere be that judge? I'm well fatted for his presence and ready to be speakin of this charge.", draining the last of her 3rd mug of ail as an after thought.


After a lengthy time of being served, a well tanned man steps into the door. He is adorned in a very simple leather robe, a belt holding a heavy silvered hammer sits to the man's left. He walks into the room and takes a seat at the far end of the table.

"Salutations. I understand that you are here from Joe's place?"

The judges head is completely bald, but his youthful features could lead a person to believe that this is part of his grooming. He looks over the table for few minutes before announcing, "My name is Thadius or Thad as you please. I am the current justicar in charge of obtaining or seeing the death of the mauler, the ogre mercenary that leads a group of brigands in the south. If you could be so kind, I'd like to know each of your names and a little about you before I go into detail about these events."

You hear an honest voice in your head after the judge enters the room. It tells you that, "You have no need to worry about any true poison. Poison is not something that I would condone. However, you will be unable to mislead me during this hearing."

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