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[Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

Voda Vosa

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Vermitrax simply waves his left hand dismissively, and a small thread of arcane cyan light encircles the only vine left, and pierces it once and again, until it shudders and dies.

OOC: Kill last one with magic missile.

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(Rolls above are the 32 and 23 - weird problems typing here.)

Lilli could just make out another pillar from where she was, so she tried to attune to it from a distance.

She was perhaps, successful, but she still didn't like the look or smell of the pool and now the grey mists now worried her too.

Lilli decided to stay hidden as much she could behind the tree and pillar, but she shifted her feet slightly.

[sblock=actions]Start in V9.

Round 3.
Skald's Aura is activated.

Skald's Aura (Encounter Minor Aura 5 Aura, Healing, Martial)
Effect: You activate an Aura 5 that lasts until the end of the encounter. If the Aura ends prematurely for any reason, you can reactivate it during the encounter as a Minor Action. Once per encounter, you or any ally in the Aura can use a Minor Action to spend a healing Surge and regain [2d6] additional Hit Points. Alternatively, you or any ally can use a Minor Action to allow an adjacent ally to spend a healing surge and regain the additional [2d6] hit points.

Standard Action = Activate pillar attempt in U18. Uses Healing surge. Total = 32.

Move Action = Shift to V10 and Stealth check to hide again behind pillar and tree - Total = 23.

[sblock=Potential Interrupts]If Lilli is bloodied, then Lilli will use the following (if Shield spell below ensures a miss, then use Shield instead):

Fade Away (Encounter Immediate Reaction Personal Illusion (Racial Ability))
Trigger: You take damage.
Effect: You are invisible until you attack or until the end of your next turn.

If Lilli is attacked and this Power will cause a miss, then Lilli will use:

Shield (Encounter Immediate Interrupt Personal Arcane, Force)
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defence until the end of your next turn.


Female Gnome Wizard, Level 7.
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 19. Senses: Low-light vision.
AC: 21, Fort: 16, Reflex: 20, Will: 20.
HP: 42/46, Bloodied: 23, Surge Value: 11, Surges left: 3/7
Speed: 5 squares. Size: Small. Languages: Eladrin, Allarian, Draconic, Dwarven.
Saving Throw Bonuses: +5 Racial bonus against Illusions.
Action Points: 1
Orb of Deception
Second Wind
Use Vulnerability
Illusory Ambush
Nightmare Eruption
Grasping Shadows
Horrid Whispers
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Fade Away
Maze of Mirrors
Visions of Avarice [Visions of Avarice Secondary Attack]
Skald's Aura [Activated]
Experienced Arcana
Phantom Echoes
Orb of Far Seeing - Encounter Power
Orb of Far Seeing - Daily Power
Feyleaf Sandals - Daily Power
Amulet of Elegy +2 - Daily Power
Illusionist's Gloves - Daily Power
Harp of Deeper Slumber - Daily Power

Note: Shimmering Cloth Armour - Lilli does not provoke opportunity attacks when she makes ranged or area attacks.
If Lilli falls and is about to take a punishing amount of damage, her Feyleaf Sandals will likely save her.

Conditions: None.[/sblock]
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First Post
There is temporary silence as barrage of magical attacks clears strange vines that erupted from the swamp.
However, stench coming from grayish mist seems to intensify and tremors can be felt
coming from somewhere below...
GM: Waiting for Lerrick; will give time until tomorrow.


First Post
GM: Skipping Lerrick for this round (not like there was something essential to do anyway)

Update on pillars:
- while apparently bit stronger, protective aura does not grant any extra abilities


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After moment of silence, earth rumbles and fetid water spray up from cracks in the ground.
With sound like breaking bones and dying men, thing rises from the ground, surrounded by cloud of foul mist and stench of hundred rotting corpses. It surfaces just beside Martelai and utters low roar:
[sblock="thing from below"]
Size of an elephant, horrific half-mummified thing is mostly resembling massive deformed head. Monstrous combination of bestial and humanoid features is dominated by enormous maw that drips bile and rot and leaks fetid mist. As the maw opens, smaller maws are visible inside it, yawning between rows of jagged teeth size of shortswords. Monster's maw is surrounded by circle of gauged eyes crying tears of blood and decay and vine-like appendages many feet long erupt from its mummified flesh, whipping air like hungry snakes.
While it is uncertain how much of the horror is still buried beneath the surface, more snake-like things of decaying vines and mummified flesh erupting around the clearing are probably connected to the beast.
Erupting from the soft earth with unnatural ease, horror drools, roars and cries as it whips its snake-like appendages and grinds teeth of its maws...

With muffled roar sounding halfway between fury and pain, thing opens its segmented maw. Rotting appendages composed of decaying vines and crunched bones whip around it, sniffing the air as if they are things with life (or unlife) of their own. Moment later they whip toward Cyr, Martelai and Kane.

Attack (vines): Martelai: 36 vs AC, hit; Cyr: 36 vs AC: hit;
Martelai: 8 damage (-2 from protective aura), total 6; Martelai is grabbed
Cyr: 12 damage (12 total, Cyr is outside the aura); Cyr is grabbed

Hissing vine-like things coil around Cyr and Martelai, jagged shards of bone and venomous thorns trying to bleed and squeeze life from them, while pulling them toward monster's gaping maw. Third of whipping things fails to reach Kane and retracts back to monster's deformed body. While things' pull is not strong enough to move companions much closer, monstrosity snaps its gaping maw toward Martelai:
Attack (maw vs Martelai): 24 vs AC, hit: 35 damage (-2 from protective aura), total 33
As jaws close around Martelai with bonecrunching snap, Monstrosity open another, smaller maw resembling deformed mouth rather then monstrous maw and utters single syllable in some foul, long forgotten tongue. Air around it hums and boils and blast of magical energy tears through the area; Disturbance that deforms vision and puff of darkened smoke leaps from monster's smaller mouth toward Lilli, detonating with barely a sound. Lilli flickers for a moment as if she is not totally here and while obviously unhurt, she remains well transparent, as if made from pale mist.
Attack (phasing blast vs Lilli): 30 vs Will: Lilli is phased (save ends): when phased, character is fully concealed and insubstantial to attacks done by subjects which are not phased. All healing done to him by characters who are not phased is reduced by half. All subjects who are not phased are fully concealed to him, suffer half damage from his attacks and gain only half healing from his powers.
More fetid water splashes around the creature as several rotting tendrils of vine and mummified flesh erupt around the area; two of those are shimmering, half transparent things, two are fitted with jagged blades and one is thicker then the rest and especially thorny.
Five thorned vines surface in the area (bladed vines: N7, I17; Phasing vines: I8, S12; Thorned vine: E17)
Note: phasing vines are phased: they are attacked at -5 by non-phased characters


First Post
GM: New round: Round 4
link to combat grid: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...k1ellPTlhjZ2I4VVF6eVdGVEE&usp=drive_web#gid=0

PC stats:
Martelai: HP 25/68 AC 21 Fort 19 Ref 20 Will 21; [grabbed] on hit, 1d6 dam to attacker, foes who end turn beside him take 5 psychic
Cyr: HP 38/50 AC 22 Fort 16 Ref 20 Will 22; [grabbed]
Lilli: HP 42/46 AC 21 Fort 16 Ref 20 Will 20; skald's aura [phased (see below for details)]
Kane: HP 65/65 AC 26 Fort 21 Ref 22 Will 21
Jade: HP 32/32 AC 21 Fort 23 Ref 19 Will 23
Verm. HP 54/54 AC 22 Fort 20 Ref 22 Will 22
Skel HP 29/29 AC 22 Fort 20 Ref 23 Will 23
Lerrick: HP 63/63 AC 21 Fort 20 Ref 19 Will 24

Monster stats:
Thorned vine: AC 27, Fort 25, Ref 25, Will 25; HP 1/1, minion
2 x Bladed vine: AC 27, Fort 26, Ref 24, Will 24; HP 1/1, minion
2 x Phasing vine: AC 27, Fort 26, Ref 24, Will 24; HP 1/1, minion; [phased: attacked at -5 by characters which are not phased themselves (atm Lilli)]

Horror of The Swamp of Tears: AC 27, Fort 26 Ref 23 Will 26; HP: 533/540

Pillars/protective aura: 7/10 pillars active
- protective aura grants DR 2, regeneration 1, +2 to escape from grabs

phased condition description: Character is phased, being partially out of sync with material world: when phased, character is fully concealed and insubstantial to attacks done by subjects which are not phased. All healing done to him by characters who are not phased is reduced by half. All subjects who are not phased are fully concealed to him, suffer half damage from his attacks and gain only half healing from his powers
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First Post
ooc: here...sorry for the delay

Lerrick looks on in amazement at the hideous thing. This is worse than...Bosch. As quickly as she says the statement she snaps back to reality and moves closer to combat in order to help her allies in need, but not before she tries to prevent to lesson the power of the beasts attack. She closes her eyes and speaks words under her breath. The mark on her forehead begins to glow a bright silver. Suddenly she opens her eyes. Her gaze, now with eyes blazing the same silver color, locks onto the beast. A blast wave of silver mist rips though the monster. Although there is no immediate consequences from the attack, Lerrick lips form a smile, obviously please with her work.

double run to current location on map

Iron to Glass (Daily Power): 1d20+12 vs reflex = crit!

Hit: Until the end of the encounter, the target takes a -2 penalty to melee damage rolls. Whenever the target hits will a melee attack, the penalty worsens by 1 to a maximum of -5.
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