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(Adventure) The Island of Varras'zul (Manzanita Judging) (Concluded)


LEW Judge
ooc: it's been several days since the opening of this thread. got tired of waiting for the last PC. Sorry, Pyrex.

Each room was a small tight one, with only curtains for a door. There was barely enough room for a bunk and almost no room to stand in. At least, there was a measure of privacy within those close quarters. A few of them were placed aways sternwise, meaning that they were a little more shaky then the others when it came to travel.

After Gunterson showed everyone to their rooms, the sound of a horn blew through the entirety of the ship. Gunterson told each and everyone of the guests to meet up on the deck, personally guiding them to their destination if they were unsure of the way. It took some time since he went to each room to make sure that all the guests went on deck.

Most of the crew was gathered on deck as Captain Wander told everyone to start preparations for casting off. Mona stood off to one side of the captain, looking a little disappointed. Remi, the other human member of the party, was absent...


An hour later, the Winder was slicing westward through waves and calm water. It was a quick vessel, in comparison to most. Though the weather was great for a sail, some of the ship's speed came from its sleek, unique design. The Winder was undoubtably a gnomish ship.

The week passed quickly as the adventurers grew accustomed to sea travel. There would be times when the heat would be unbearable. There would be other times when the seawater was cold and unforgiving. For most, however, the rocking of the sea no longer brought out the last meal eaten out of one's stomach. The constant rocking and the refreshing breeze made the trip relaxing for these lucky individuals.

For those not so lucky, this was a trip to the Hells... with a bucket for vomitting.

Mona indeed had little money to pay for their fare, as shown by the treatment of the adventurers in residence and meals. The quarters, as stated before, were cramped. The meals were passable, though they were nothing compared to the luxury of the Red Dragon. While the party didn't have to work nor mann the stations of the ship, they were faced with a prospect that some would think even worse of: boredom.

ooc: will post the rest tomorrow. feel free to post your character's doings for the week within the ship.
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First Post
OOC: Oops, no problem. My subscription to the tavern thread dissappeared again so I didn't realize the adventure had started. Happy trails. :)


First Post
Scun is an accomplished traveller, but not overwater. It takes him a few days to adjust, but he does not complain. He spends as much time above decks as he is allowed, observing the workings of the ship and what the crew are doing. Each day he offers his prayers to Mongrel for a safe and swift journey and that his group may find the courage to band together to face whatever danger lies ahead.

He is quick to talk to anyone who approaches him, and tries to learn more about all the new people he has met.

Rae ArdGaoth

Razh reluctantly allowed himself to be led aboard the ship. He didn't mind the cramped rooms, the poor food, or the lack of entertainment. Living in the wilderness for many years had prepared him for such an environment. Catchy songs from his dwarven heritage and honoring his newfound diety Mongrel kept him and a few others entertained, though the quality of performance was less than average, to say the least. The constant rocking of the boat, however, was a different matter altogether. He rarely walked about, and when he did, it looked less like "walking" and more like a perpetual state of falling and catching himself at the last second.

He groaned loudly as he reached the side of the ship. "Ahoy, mate!" called a sailor. "Ye be needing a barf bucket?" he chuckled. "Bah! We dwarves are made o' stronger stuff that that!" The ship gave an unforgiving lurch, nearly hurling the hapless dwarf overboard. He groaned again. "Aye... bring on the bucket..."


Ogrin quickly located the room closest to the mast, exclaiming "This room seems to have a really small bed. I'll take it so you tall people doesn't have to fold up as much.". Due to this, good balance, and basic experience with ships, he does not have any problems with the ships rocking about in normal weather.

The first day of the journey he spends sprawled by the bowsprit, enjoying the sun. As his previous occupation required stealth and darkness, he is not used to the sun, and promptly gets sunburnt.

After spending a while hearing what Scun has to say about Mongrel ("I'll just sit here and listen with my eyes closed"), he gets very bored and just stares at the horizon. 'I must remember to bring a deck of cards to the next trip' he thinks to himself. 'at least I could teach others how to cheat!'
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First Post
After Rillian deposits his massive bag in his room, he begins to introduce himself to everyone. Thoroughly interested in every new thing he sees, he asks each sailor what he's doing, and offers to help. While unskilled, Rillian is a quick learner, and combines strength and agility in such a way as to be quite helpful.

When he first encounters Scun he begins talking in an excited voice.

"Hi, my names Rillian Trilnason, son of Tril, you probably know him, he's a merchant, and everyone knows him. Whats your name? Have you been to sea before? This is great. So I heard we need to help someone, do you know what we're gonna do? Pa always says its good to know the lay of the land. Oh, um, before you answer hold on."

with that Rillian waves to Razh and Ogrin, calling "Hey why dont you guys come over here so we can all meet."


LEW Judge
ooc: continue the PC to PC banter if you wish. I'm personally enjoying it. here's the promised post.

The Winder reached the Island of Varras'zul beneath a sky darkened by foul weather. Captain Wander immediately ordered the readying of a row boat to transport the adventurers. As the winds began to whistle and whip about them, captain, sailor and passenger let fall their gaze to the island.

T'was an island of warm clime. A belt of golden sand and jagged rocks surrounded the dark and green environs of Varras'zul. A thick canopy obscured viewing into the island, even viewings with a spyglass were likewise fruitless to divine the contents within. If ruins were within that destination, they showed no sign. A look to Mona revealed that she too was showing brief signs of anxiety, beaten back by the occasional surge of determination.

"Varras'zul" whispered the sailors to themselves in quiet fear. T'was not a place that bore happy rumors. The last party to enter the island did so a century ago. Even before their hasty exit, the island began to exhibit strangeness and a subtle, dare they whisper, evil. Sailors may be wont to believe omens and superstition but even Captain Wander shook his head at the sight.

Ogrin and Rillian heard the whisps of a complaint from Gunterson to Captain Wander. "I thought that the divinor said that the sea would be calm on our journey?!"

"Aye lad. She did say so. But this island...it be changin' everything about it. The maps on this place be obscure and wierd, though it be a mere week from Orussus.

This storm does not bode well at all, First Mate..
." they went below deck to plan even further.

Rae ArdGaoth

"Hey why dont you guys come over here so we can all meet."

"Arg... Ah don't know if Ah kin make it that far, young 'un. This infernal contraption's been messin' with me 'ead for 3 days nah!" Razh attempts to move from his current position by hanging onto the side of the ship. Every now and then, he stops suddenly, throws his head over the edge, and returns momentarily looking just a shade greener. After an interminable wait, he finally arrives at the meeting spot and promptly vomits into a bucket. "Hope there weren't nothin' in that barrel worth savin'..." He sits down on the deck, reducing his already short stature.

"Nah, what're we doin'? Ah believe Ah've already introduced myself t'most of us here, but ah... Me name's Rasereit Vundinn, and when Ah get angry, people die..."
His catch-phrase's usual fervor is diminished immensely, more a low growl rather than a roar. "Although, Ah don't think Ah'm up to much fightin' for right nah... Er... Ah had a good friend once, Kerrin, she's dead nah, slain by goblins, Mongrel curse 'em. Ah'll get me vengeance on 'em, don't doubt it fer a minute!" With the memory of his fallen, equine companion, much of his sickness vanishes instantly, the well-known, red flush of anger returining to his pale cheeks. He stands slowly and carefully. "But this little trip 'ere, Ah needed somethin' to keep me mind off me grief fer a while. Ah'll be back though, y'hear? Ye goblins hear that?! Eh?! You best watch yerselves, little runts, Ah'll kill the lot of ye!" His call seems loud enough for the sound to actually reach the coast.

With his blood rage vented a bit and feeling a lot better, he finishes his monologue. "If ye want to know a bit more about meh, ah... Well, me clan is gone, Ah wandered the wilds fer decades with me 'orse, and found me mate, Mongrel. After Ah lost Kerrin, Ah collapsed into a fit o' rage and depression 'til Ah stumbled into the Red Dragon Inn, where Ah found a surprisin' number o' friendly folk who pulled me out of it. And nah, here Ah am! That's me story. Anyone else?"


First Post
RillianPA said:
"Hi, my names Rillian Trilnason, son of Tril, you probably know him, he's a merchant, and everyone knows him. Whats your name? Have you been to sea before? This is great. So I heard we need to help someone, do you know what we're gonna do? Pa always says its good to know the lay of the land. Oh, um, before you answer hold on."

"No, I haven't heard of your father. Is he a traveling merchant? This is my first trip to sea. It's okay, but not really my favorite way of traveling. We're here to help out Mona to cure her friends, and thats what matters out here."


LEW Judge
Mona Ellenrowe approached the party whilst they gathered and told tales of their past. She was trying to avoid looking at the darkening sky as she gave them ill news.

"Umm...Gentlemen? I have spoken with Captain Wander. It appears that a freak storm is a little nearer than expected. He has to sail off for the safety of a different island.

I asked him to let us go to the island before the storm hits. The canopy there will make the weather a mere trickle, I believe. Besides,"
she added with a softer tone, "my comrades' time is growing short as each day passes."

She regained her composure then continued her explanation. "A sailor will ferry us to the island with a rowboat but he shall return to the ship afterward. The Winder shall go to a nearby island for shelter then return to this location and wait for us after the storm has passed.

Ummm... is this agreeable? And if so, does everyone have enough food upon them?"

ooc: internet access getting a bit screwy. might be some delays in the days to come. apologies in advance

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