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Adventure: The Lost Workshop (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: renau1g)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
[sblock=Seros]You can have each crew member aid a different person. So, if you commanded it, a crew member could aid everyone, giving them all +2, though any who failed would be lost to the storm.[/sblock]

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The party handles the ship in storm smoothly, Kasha using all her strength to keep the ship heading straight and true through the storm, Frost struggles with the rigging, Shrakk and Seros, accompanied by several of the crew, stand at opposite sides of the ship, guiding Kasha where to steer the ship in the storm. RAM TIGER stands on all fours at the prow, staring into the storm.

Unfortunately, what Nexal has passed through so far seems to be just the beginning. The group has sailed most of the day and now passes into night. Everyone is tired and cold and there's no end in sight.

[sblock=Continuing On]Having talked with Sanzuo (my roommate), we're going to "leave out" RAM TIGER from this Skill Challenge since his character is a bit too... animalistic and insane to get exactly what's going on or help in a constructive way. So, we'll count the party as 4 people for the purposes of this skill challenge.[/sblock]

[sblock=Skill Challenge Round 2]On to round 2! The storm has intensified and now it's dark. If your character has darkvision, the DCs remain at 18. With low-light, the DC is 19, with normal vision, 20. Remember that if you use the same skill you used last time, you take a -2 on the check. Seros, remember you have enough crew that you could have them aid all 4 of you, though you do risk losing a crew member for every check that fails.[/sblock]

[sblock=Frost]Were you counting the +1 from the ships repairs and your +1 in the 17? I need to know so I can tell whether your roll was a success or not.[/sblock]

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First Post
"Into the waves? Uh, right, I knew that, sure!"

Kasha follows Seros's advice, hoping (with certain misgivings as to the information's source) that he knows what he's talking about.

The deck has grown slick with sea-water, and at the helm Kasha suffers the worst of the ship's wild pitches and lurches. It takes all her balance and poise to maintain her footing as she keeps control of the heavy wheel.

[sblock=Skill Challenge]Acrobatics (balance): 1d20+11=19 (+9 base modifier, +1 for a day spent learning to sail, +1 for ship repairs)
+1 if another character makes an Acrobatics check this turn
+2 if I get an Aid Another from a crewman this turn

Kasha has low-light vision, so it should be a success (just) vs. DC 19 regardless of other people's actions.[/sblock]


First Post
Seros moves towards the bow of the ship as Kasha steers the ship, the deva hoping to add his excellent vision to their efforts. He gestures for one of the crew to join him in case the construct has some aid to offer. Unfortunately, the sea spray, fog, and whipping rain is almost too much for Seros, but he calls upon his previous life's memories and fight's through the distractions.

"Crew! Go aid my allies, see to their work and provide what support you can! One of you keep an eye on the gnoll" Seros barks

*Everyone can take advantage of the crew...just don't lose them or Seros will be sad :(

Otakkun, I noticed your PC wasn't on the new site. I've copid him over for you. L4W:pC:Shrakk (Otakkun) - L4W Wiki

Perception (w/+2 aid_ (1d20+15=17) fail...and we lose one crew man... wow, only a 1 or 2 could fail. Ah well, that's why we roll the dice. Oh..wait, I'll use Memory of 1000 Lifetimes - memory of 1000 lifetimes (1d6=6) bumps the check to 23

[sblock=ministats]Seros Male Deva Artificer 2 Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15, Senses: Normal
AC:17, Fort:14, Reflex:15, Will:16
HP:31/31, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:8/8
Action Points: 1
Magic Weapon
Static Shock
Memory of 1000 Lifetimes
Healing Infusion (x2)
Scouring Weapon
Swift Mender
Punishing Eye


Full sheet: http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/L4W:PC:Seros_(Farce) [/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Frost]Were you counting the +1 from the ships repairs and your +1 in the 17? I need to know so I can tell whether your roll was a success or not.[/sblock]

Sorry about that IS, I only included the +1 from my own two day stuff, but not the +1 from repairs. So total was 18, just enough *phew* thanks [/sblock]

Frost sees the others acting as the eyes for Kasha, the wind slams into thie shifter, the rain pelts him, the strain in his arms is tremendous as he fights the storm. After their last tenure in the desert the shifter had grown strong and his body toughened by the sand-blasting desert storms.

The wet ropes and rigging did little to help, but just as the ropes were slipping one of the crew showed up to provide some aid and with its help Frost kept his grip.

"Thanks Seros!" the shifter calls out loudly, hoping to be heard over the storm.


Use Endurance - endurance (incl. +2 from Seros' friends) (1d20+12=20)
(incl. +2 from aid, +1 from repairs, +1 from learning to sail) success! (note in the link I forgot the +2 from the work we did the two days)

http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/L4W:PC:Frost_(RickRoll) is my CS.


"It is now too dark for me to see, someone else should get in here!" shouts Shrakk as he goes to help with the sails instead, using his athletic ability to help in places where others would have trouble reaching.

Acrobatics Check (1d20+11=15)

His ability, however, is not enough to be of help, as the ship movement proves to be challenge enough for him to stand, nevermind trying to actually help.

[sblock=OOC]Thanks for the link Farce! On a sidenote, what's up with the signatures? I can't edit the link for Shrakk since now it says I'm only allowed to have a single line of text ... and I obviously have 2 already... wierd [/sblock]
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
As the storm reaches its apex, wind blasting at gale force, waves taller than the ship's mast rising and crashing on the ship, the chill of the water, bite of the wind, and exhaustion from hours on end battling the elements in the near-pitch darkness begin to take their toll.

The crew obey Seros and head off to aid the crew as the Deva clings to the railing at the front of the ship, pointing the way for Kasha through the heart of the storm and directing the crew about the ship, a thousand scattered memories from a past life as a ship's first mate giving him guidance.

Kasha manages to keep her footing and hold the wheel - with one of the silent crew doing what it can to assist - despite the violent motion of the ship and sea, steering straight into the massive waves. With each massive wave, the ship tilts back like a wagon going up a steep hill, then, after reaching the crest, falls with a sickening lurch down the other side.

Frost manages to secure the rigging with some help from the crew, no easy task, especially thirty feet up the mast in the pitch dark on a ship pitching back and forth like a leaf in the wind.

Shrakk helps Frost where he can, but a series of especially heavy waves nearly pitch him off the ship. A crew member sent to assist him by Seros manages to grab Shrakk and pull him to safety just before he goes over. When Shrakk turns to back to the sailor that caught him, the crew mate is gone, lost in the storm.

RAM TIGER gallops around the deck, snapping up the occasional fish that gets washed up on deck, standing at the prow and howling at the storm, making an appearance at least once at seemingly every part of the ship - from the mast-tops to the bilge, clinging onto the prow like a masthead to holding on to the side of the ship to claw and snap at the thrashing waves. A crew member follows RAM TIGER around, floundering to keep up with the bounding, storm-crazed gnoll.

You seem to have passed through the worst of the storm, the sky beginning to lighten. Seros spots the faint smudge of an island on the horizon, but the sight it is little reprieve for unnatural green lightning flickers in the skies over the island and occasionally arcs down into the rocks of the jagged reef that rings it. As the ship nears, two faint glowing points of light on the island become visible, perhaps the flickering beacons are to show places to land on the steep, rocky island...


[sblock=Action Points]I realize I forgot a certain important part of the Obsidian Skill challenge system... you can spend an Action Point to re-roll a roll. Almost everyone has succeeded so far, so we won't worry about it for the past rounds, though it is viable for the final round.[/sblock]

[sblock=Skill Challenge]The weather has lightened up, as have the skies, but now there's a reef and the occasional wicked green lightning bolt to contend with as you try to land the ship at the Island. Due to the light-levels, storm, and reef, DCs are 19 if you have low-light or dark vision, 20 if you don't.

You guys have only failed 1 check out of 8, but in the final round, you do have the option of taking a -5 on a check. If you do so and still succeed, you gain an extra success. Also don't forget the Action Point option.

Seros, there are 5 crew left, so still enough to aid everyone.[/sblock]
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First Post
Kasha keeps up the running commentary as she warily eyes the random bolts of lightning and fights to keep the ship under the sort of fine control that will surely be needed to stay clear of all the rocks on the way in. "Looks like we're taking our chances with red or green. Red's more my colour. Whaddya think? Sure hope you're gonna tell me if I'm getting near any of those rocks."

[sblock=Skill Challenge]Fine steering. Hm. Athletics again? There was only a penalty if we use a skill in consecutive rounds, right? Anyway, I'll take my chances.

Athletics 1d20+10=11



First Post
Seros is mesmerized by the unnatural green lightning as well as the two pinpoints of light up ahead. The deva is very distracted and for a moment fails to recall even the slightest possible reason for the lightning, but after consulting the crew, or in reality, just speaking his thoughts aloud, Seros comes to a hypothesis.

*Everyone can take advantage of the crew...just don't lose them or Seros will be sad :(

Trying Arcana to determine if I can tell anything about the lights or the lightning- arcana (1d20+12=13) doh! Yeah, I'll spend an AP to re-roll
arcana (1d20+12=28) *phew*

[sblock=ministats]Seros Male Deva Artificer 2 Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15, Senses: Normal
AC:17, Fort:14, Reflex:15, Will:16
HP:31/31, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:8/8
Action Points: 0
Magic Weapon
Static Shock
Memory of 1000 Lifetimes
Healing Infusion (x2)
Scouring Weapon
Swift Mender
Punishing Eye


Full sheet: http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/L4W:PC:Seros_(Farce) [/sblock]


First Post
With the storm beginning to subside, Frost moves down from the rigging and advances to the bow of the ship to take a closer look at the lights. He clasps Kasha on the shoulder as he passes, "Nice bit of driving there Kasha, you saved our arses out there' he says. Once at the bow, the shifter's keen eyes scan the island for any sign of a landing port as well watching the reef below for any hidden dangers that may harm their ship.

perception (+2 aid, +1 training, +1 repair) (1d20+13=22) [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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