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Adventure: The Lost Workshop (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: renau1g)


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"Ha! Nice work. So should we keep it? I know we busted it up a bit getting it out, but it's gotta be worth something right?" Frost says, then points up the trail, "Do you want to scout ahead" he asks the scouts

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First Post
"Looks like a nice bit of crystal to me, now that it's dead. Let's take it."

Once the crystal is safely squirrelled away in somebody's pack, Kasha takes the lead on the route ahead. "Shrakk, are you coming? The rest of you louts give us some room."

With that she prowls off up the path, staying low and using the rocks for cover. Her eyes are keen enough, but she's much too easily distracted to make a good scout. Still, she'll at least be able to take a look about for anything obvious, and provide some backup for Shrakk if they should find themselves in trouble.

[sblock=OOC] Stealth 1d20+9=15
Perception 1d20-1=1[/sblock]

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Kasha and Shrakk return a while later as the group nears the top of the steep path. They have found that at the top of the cliff face is a small, strange, sand-filled valley. At the far end of the valley, there seems to be a cave...


First Post
"I would greatly desire to keep the gem, perhaps after this is over, you will allow me to study it? Perhaps some new techniques can be gleaned from it as it seemed to hold sway or at least empower those constructs" Seros says.

After they come back, "A cave? Was there anyone or anything inside it?" the deva asks

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Kasha and Shrakk just got close enough to see the cave and, a few minutes of strenuous climbing later, the whole group is standing atop the rocky island, looking down at the strange wind-carved, sandy valley hidden away atop the island.

At the far end there is indeed a small cave, though who or what might be in it is only a guess from this distance.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
[sblock=Adventure Pacing]I've been taking a pretty direct hand the last week or so in "pushing" things along to try to keep the pace up and hopefully interest high. If this bothers people and everyone wants to go at a slower pace, just let me know and I'll "step back" a bit. (E.g. Saying what Shrakk and Kasha saw rather than sblocking them and letting them say it in character).

Edit: I'm also not sure how often everyone is available to post. From the posting rates, it looks like most of you post between once per two weeks at the minimum and once per day or so as the maximum. Long story short, just not wanting this adventure to stop half-way through (which I've heard is a chronic issue with PBP games)

Please let me know what your posting schedule looks like so I have a better idea of what posting-pace I should aim for. First time running a PBP game so I'm not sure exactly what to expect yet.[/sblock]
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Pacing [sblock]I usually post once or twice per day during weekdays, unless I'm either on a foul mood or overworked, and almost never on weekends. I see no problem with you pushing the pbem when someone doesn't respond in time (usually me lately, I know :blush:) since it's that kind of DM involvment what keeps this games running on the long run.

On that note, I think you're doing a great job. [/sblock]

As soon as everyone is gathered, Shrakk once again moves to scout ahead, intent on checking the small cave.

Stealth & Perception checks. (1d20+9=13, 1d20+11=17)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Shrakk slides down the sandy dunes towards the cave entrance, the valley silent except for the faint slither of sand on sand and the occasional crack and rumble of thunder overhead. Inside, the cave looks to be cool and dark, the natural opening immediately giving way to a smooth-walled, tiled room with marble pillars supporting the domed ceiling overhead. The room is large and the dim light coming from the overcast afternoon sky faint enough that Shrakk can't even see all the way to the far side of the room.

Shrakk sees movement in the shadows, the way they stand and move reminding Shrakk of the constructs on the beach. Two have faintly glowing black gems on their backs, one a brilliant white gem between its shoulders. The white one seems to have spotted Shrakk and somehow alerted the others to his presence.

[sblock=Otakkun]You never said if Shrakk was going to be healed up after the last fight. 2 augmented surges would take you exactly to 29/29 hp, so we'll assume you did that.[/sblock]

[sblock=Initiative]I'm rolling everyone's initiative for them so we can jump right in. Here's what everyone got:
Shrakk: 22
Kasha: 18
Frost: 18
Seros: 17

That means the Black Crystal Constructs go first, but they don't see Shrakk so they just ready actions. The PCs are up.[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain Features]The sand is all difficult terrain(including J16, J17, K16, K17 inside the cave).

The cave is bright light within the sandy area, dim light in the slightly darker area, and complete darkness in the darkest areas. If anyone has a light source out let me know, so I can change the light levels appropriately when you get close to the cave.

The marble pillars block movement and provide cover.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combatants]Shrakk: J13
RAM TIGER: H3, 8 damage taken
Kasha: J4, 7 damage taken
Frost: L3
Seros: N4, 1 damage taken
Note: I forgot to apply the damage that RAM TIGER, Kasha, and Seros already had for the health bars on the uploaded map. Next round it'll be there.

Black Crystal Construct 1
: H19
Black Crystal Construct 2: M19
White Crystal Construct 1: J22

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First Post
"Something's up," Kasha mutters as Shrakk comes to a halt up ahead. "I'm going to back him up." She hustles forward over the dunes to within easy speaking distance of the Gith. "Hey!" she hisses, "what's up?"

Peering ahead, though, she can see for herself. "More of these metal creeps. Hmph. New flavours, too. Don't go racing on ahead, you hear? They've seen us, so if they want a piece of us then they can come out here in the open and get it." She motions to the right side of the cave, as they face it. "You take that side, I'll take the other, and I'd bet my last copper that the gnoll goes straight at them. We'll come in from the flanks and take 'em to pieces."

[sblock=Actions]Draw Sword.

Double Move to G10.[/sblock]

[sblock=Pacing]I would echo Otakkun, I think you're doing a great job Iron Sky. I hope that you're enjoying yourself too, and aren't getting too sick of chivvying us along. Speaking for myself, at least, I can say that you really shouldn't take it as a sign that I'm uninterested or can't be bothered with the game, because that is definitely not so.

I think to a large extent, the delays happen when we reach a point where somebody has to take the initiative and direct some forward movement. At the start of the game I was having Kasha leap happily into that role at every opportunity, but a couple of things conspired to make me stop that - in the first place I was concerned that I wasn't giving other people a chance to weigh in with ideas and make their own decisions, and in the second place I also just grew busier with work, which made me more susceptible to a 'wait for somebody else to post' attitude.

On posting frequency: I aim to check my threads, with the intention of posting if possible, every couple of days as a minimum. In practice this may be attenuated by the effects mentioned above.[/sblock]

[sblock=Kasha Quick Stats]
Kasha Female Half-Orc Rogue 1
Medium natural humanoid
Initiative +4; Senses Passive Insight 9, Passive Perception 9, Low-light vision

HP 15/22 Bloodied 11, Surge Value 5, Surges 3/6
AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 16, Will 12
Saving Throws +0
Speed 6

Action Points: 1

Encounter Powers: Torturous Strike
Furious Assault
Second Wind

Daily Powers: Handspring Assault

Daily Item Powers: (1/milestone)


14 gp

+1 to all skill checks while on board the Nexal
+1 to saving throws and damage while adjacent to an ally
+1 on skill checks if an ally makes the same check during the same round[/sblock]
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First Post
Sorry the delay Iron Sky, I've had a bunch of life smack me upside the head lately. Usual stuff, family, work, etc. I think you've done a great job so far also! I hope I haven't been taking away from your fun. If I am, sorry :eek: I hope to have things better soon-ish

Frost sees the others stop and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, something's wrong, so he quickly draws his weapon and strides forward through the sand.

Minor: Draw chain
Move+Standard: double move to L13

[sblock=ministats]FrostMale Longtooth Shifter Fighter 2 Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Low-Light
AC:19, Fort:17, Reflex:14, Will:14
HP:35/35, Bloodied:17, Surge Value:8, Surges left:6/11
Action Points: 0
Reaping Strike
Dual Strike
Longtooth Shifting
Funneling Fury
Battle Fury Stance
Villian's Menace
Mithral Armor


Full sheet: http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/L4W:PC:Frost_(RickRoll) [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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