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(Adventure) The Monestary of Saint Feragon <Judge:Macbeth>


"Oi! Please, ever'one, just Rurik. I ain't 'Sir', an' I ain't mastered nuthin'. I appreciate it, but I reckon I oughta earn 'em, first."

Rurik turns back to Sir Ishmael. "Yer a holy man, right? Paladin mount, an' all? At'd mean you can fight, and heal, an' turn undead, right? Put it to yer this way: if I'm at forge, with tools, I'll be lucky to heal armor and weaponry. Yer skill is much more valu'ble. I'm just sayin', don't get kilt."

"So, if we c'n get these here Roadwardens to send a letter along with the next courier inta town, we oughta be goin'..."


[great time to get thwacked with a cross-post...]

"By the Forgefather, what in tha hells is THAT?"

On Rurik's initiative, he'll draw axe and shield [free, per Quick Draw feat], move atop the table at h8 (five foot step), and lay into the closest one of the beasts.
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LEW Judge
OoC: Ack... only a standard action. On his turn in round 1, he'll draw his warhammer and attack the closest foe.

IC: "To arms, comrades! The stain of evil is upon them!" Sir Ishmael moves to block the monster's path to his companions (H6), trusting to his agility and armor for defense. He grasps the handle of his kite tightly and bears it forward to deflect any blows against him. Sir Ishmael's countenance changes immediately to the look of a hardened combat veteran, fearless of danger and death.
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((OOC: I like that map!))

Just great.
Telerin stood up and turned around, not liking how this was turning out at all. He unsheathed his scimitar and got his shield into its position, calling to Whitefang, "Stay back, friend...don't attack them until they're close..."

Guilt Puppy

First Post
"Sealin' wax sealin' wax... I coulda sworn I had some o' dat..."

Rummaging through his pack, Sturm's almost doesn't notice the change and the Howl... Finally, looking up, he catches on to the situation, and flies into action immediately.


(Edit: Previously planned action invalidated by the enemies moving -- damn I hate when they do that! The Rage part, though, still stands.)

(Oh, and OOC -- yeah, that Whitefang thing threw me off too. I kept rereading to see where it was that the wolf somehow cast mirror image :D )
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Living EN World Judge
OoC:As the Whitefang horde descends upon you...oh, sorry. Um, those are windows. Whitefanf will be WF in the next map, or perhaps a different color, or the windows could be Xs... AMG, Yeah I'm an oldschool guy, graph paper it is for me!! Thank the Gods for Scanners...

Pre Round One

Telerin draws his blade, heeling in Whitefang, who (though he rails at having to stand down instead of tearing out the throats of these abominations of Nature), does as told.

Ishmael draws his hammr and readies his shield.

Round One

The Feral Roadwardens, looking possessed and mad with bloodlust, Charge into Battle.

F1 Charges Telerin, though his Claws miss , the black talons raking against Telerin's leathers, leaving scratches upon them.
<Now in space I>

F2 Charges the nearest Roadwarden, his talons ripping the man's abdomen cruelly. The Roadwarden stands for a second in shock, before another feral <F4> attacks as well, literally ripping the poor shocked Roadwarden's head from his shoulders < the poor man had 10 HP and took 9 and 8HP respectively...>
<F1 now in space I-2, F4 now in space J-2>

F3 scrambles up and over the table between himself and Rurik, clawing him <8HP...ugh>.
<Now in space G-9>
Whitefang, having held his attack, bites savagely at the feral who dared attack his Friend <8HP>, though he still stands.

<Everyone else feel free to post.>

Aranel is up...


First Post
OOC: : hehehe yeah ^^ the map is great...I think the tea stains add to the effect ^^;

The shock of what had happened almost caught the young elf by surprise. She had been eyeing the '2000 gold' bit on the scroll with a faint glint in her eyes.

Then everything went all to the abyss and there was yelling and blood and screaming. She yelped in shock as one of the Roadwardens was literally ripped apart. Her hand had already been moving towards her Masterworked hand crossbow, but she had not been fast enough to stop the demise of one of the wardens.
Taking aim at the mutilated creatures she applied pressure to the trigger and gave a small prayer to her god...actually any god listening, that she and the others got out of this alive.

((aiming at F4...*twitch* I'm technically level 2...*Pointed look at AMG-mild glare*))

Guilt Puppy

First Post
After raging, Sturm is running in at whoever is close enough to thwack with his scythe, in as straight as line as he can, no matter how many chairs or tables are in the way.

(That's rage, move, draw while moving, and attack. Simple 'nuff.)

Telerin watched the Roadwarden fall and then turns his focus back to the...thing in front of him, "Now, Whitefang!"
As he called to the wolf, he swung at the Feral creature with his own scimitar.

((Attacking F1...and I liked the idea of being surrounded by Whitefangs. :)))

Voidrunner's Codex

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