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(Adventure) The old fashioned way...


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The dwarf grunts out a laugh. "Ye think I'm not knowin' that? Acch, but me sturdy mount, Maurice, be back at the Red Dragon, an' I'm not one fer ridin' a horse. If'n the wizard can conjure up a donkey or a mule, I'll be more'n happy tae ride."

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Rogar snorts, puts his hands on his hips, and appraises Semabin with a raised eyebrow. "Lad, we ARE where we find horses."

[[ Mistress Kahuna ;), are there actually any mules or anything in the stables? I'm not averse to a Gimli-on-horseback comedy skit, but short, stout creatures are more Rogar's style :D ]]

Kahuna Burger

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TheNovak said:
[[ Mistress Kahuna ;), are there actually any mules or anything in the stables? I'm not averse to a Gimli-on-horseback comedy skit, but short, stout creatures are more Rogar's style :D ]]

there are no other animals in the stable except the single mare. The map you were given shows a township only a mile or so from the manor which you assume is where the wizard expected you to hire mounts.


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TheNovak said:
Rogar snorts, puts his hands on his hips, and appraises Semabin with a raised eyebrow. "Lad, we ARE where we find horses."

"There's a place to make purchases nearby. Let's go there," Durg says looking at the map, that was given to them. "Should we get anything else but mounts? Some cheap potions could save us from a possible tight spot."

Knight Otu

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"Yes, getting curing potions would be a good idea. I have one, but I've been told that it is a weak potion. If there is really two thousand gold worth in that backpack for our expenses, we might take, say, 200 gold for healing potions. Err, how many potions would that be?"


First Post
Knight Otu said:
"Yes, getting curing potions would be a good idea. I have one, but I've been told that it is a weak potion. If there is really two thousand gold worth in that backpack for our expenses, we might take, say, 200 gold for healing potions. Err, how many potions would that be?"
Durg nods his head. "Exactly what I'm saying. We got a bag of gold and a possibly dangerous quest coming up. What if each one of us took some gold, say 50 or 100 maybe, for necessary purchases?"

"Anyway, let's move. We can talk more as we go," the half-orc grunts.


Halydin's Actions

Halydin listens as the other's discuss provisions as he intently studies the map given to them by the mage. He knows for one that horses hate orcs and orcs usually only like horses if they are in fact in a stew, so in all likely hood this band of orcs will be moving on foot.

Halydin also knows that the average overland speed especially for thoose unfamiliar to the wilderness is usually between 2 and 3 miles per hour. A quick calculation: The horse arrived at the house around noon and it is now late afternoon. Halydin centers a circle around the eastern meadow and scribes a light arc, according to the scale of the map, 15 miles around it.

The ranger also surmises that the orcs would most likely be attempting to exit the forest via one of the mountain passes and also that beings unfamilar with the forest tend to stay on the easiest terrain. Halydin looks to the map once again and traces the path of least resistance from the eastern meadows to the nearest mountain pass - He quickly cross references that with the "distance traveled" circle he had scribed before and develops an idea of were the orc raiding party would be in the next several hours.

As they continue their walk to the nearby town the half elf ranger offers , "Gentlemen, please don't take this the wrong way and I am by no means asking for any type of leadership position but I would like to propose a simple strategy to accomplish the task at hand."

Halydin continues, "Taking everything into consideration including: Our strength, our enemies estimated strength, the terrain on which we are likely to find them and the fact that they hold a hostage, I would like to offer a strategy of slow attrition of the enemy by the employment of hit and run and ambush tactics." Halydin comments while pointing at the map, "Perhaps after locating them we can draw them away from the main party via trickery and ruses in ones and twos and deal with them on the terrain of our choosing and with the advantage of superior man power." The half elf finishes and looks to the others for comments and questions.


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Cailean arches an eyebrow in thought. The kind of tactics Halydin suggested were exactly the type he had defended against time and again as a Caravan Guard. Tactics he knew would be very effective against a team unprepared for them. "I think you may have a point. But, tactics like that would require us to start on foot now to catch them before they have a chance to group up in an encampment. We'd have to skip our trip to the marketplace."

Voidrunner's Codex

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