D&D 5E Adventures Recommendations?


Hey there!

So I have been running a very successful 5e campaign and the secret has been that I have been running published adventures instead of creating my own.

Now, at 5th level, my players have set themselves up in the town of Alverton's Pass. This village lies on the Salt Road in the mountains on the border of the nations of Thalatia and Davon. Literally half the town is "Davonside" and the other half is "Thaliside", fun little set up.

I started the campaign, with their first dungeon delve as Sunless Citadel from the Tales of the Yawning Portal. I had to adapt and modify it to match certain setting caveats, but 2 trips in were a LOT of fun for them!

Last session I ran A Wild Sheep Chase for them, again slightly modified for the setting, and it was a HUGE success!

So now I am looking for adventures to run, as I don't see them leaving Alverton's Pass until they hit 10th level, as they are really setting up a concern in town. So I am looking for adventures that could be within a couple of days to a week's travel maximum, that I can send them out on as the campaign continues.

Please, suggestions are sought and links are really appreciated!


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If you want ideas for adventures... a new resource is AdventureLookUp. More than 1300 adventures already in it, with descriptions of the plot and lists of the kinds of things you'll find in it.

You can filter by edition, setting, level, the primary location of the adventure, the types of monsters in it, who the Big Bad is, and any particular magic items in it. And as far as I'm aware, every adventure in it has to have a link to a working location where you can buy it or find it-- DMsGuild or otherwise. This should help you out a lot.

I'm sure DMsGuild has some things weather new for 5e or even older modules you need to modify. A Castle Greyhawk type dungeon under the city is fun to pop in and out. Sewers, underground caves and such make good places to install something, even Undermountain. There is a lot of adventures for the 5-10 levels to look at and some are free or pay what you want.

I would suggest finding a theme or set monster type for every few levels and see if modules can be adapted. I'm running my group into the underground lake from LMoP and there are kuo-toa as the main threat. I also had a few levels of cultists before that.

Are you looking for just really short one or two session adventures or a bigger adventure path? If you're in a mountain town, you can always throw in Lost Mine of Phandelver and modify it to fit the campaign. It's a big adventure but not too big. It's meant to be the intro to D&D, so it's lower level. You may need to beef up some of the encounters. The group I ran it for had a lot of fun with it though. Aside from that, DM's guild is a great resource for adventures.

I heartily recommend Tomb of Annihilation. It has an unusual setting, a compelling enough plot, and features adversaries that aren't necessarily enemies. It's also set up so that you can integrate all or parts of it pretty easily into an ongoing campaign, and just has a bunch of cool and nasty ideas and tricks in it.

Plus, it's easy enough to change the source or cause of its death curse to fit your needs, so that hurdle is thankfully easy to overcome.

Thanks for the info guys.

What I was looking for, and my bad for not making it clearer, was your opinions on specific adventures, that's how I found A Wild Sheep Chase in the first place after all :)

So what 5e adventures have you played/run that you think would be awesome and might fit what I need?

For example, while I get that everyone is hyped on Tomb of Annihilation right now, it's jungle setting really makes it not practical for my temperate mountain town of Alverton Pass :)

As to manduck's question of "Are you looking for just really short one or two session adventures or a bigger adventure path?"; a little of column A and a little of column B maybe? ;)

I am looking for good and fun adventures, not just dungeon crawls, but just good times.


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