Aeon (updated 10/9/14)


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Hell, if you're already making a .pdf, then I suppose I don't have to. You should probably add the images you can gather from the yahoo group as well. I think someone (grodog maybe...or I can) was going to/is going to email Sep to make sure its kosher.


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I enjoyed reading a story with epic level characters. It makes a nice change.

I was inspired to write a new campaign which from the beginning was designed to take some well developed characters right from apprentices to epic levels.

Of course a few character deaths along the way were likely, but that was all carefully factored in.

If you like that sort of in-depth story, with the powerful rubbing shoulders with the hoy-polloy, have a look at the link to my story below.

It will pass the time whilst Sepulchrave searches for his keyboard :D


er... I mean, bump

Sepulchrave's "last seen" date is 12/11, so he's still around. I wonder what threads he is reading? Maybe he has found some great story hour that is so compelling, he checks it every day for updates, hoping deparately for... nah. That's too far fetched.


First Post
Soul said:
I appologize for the lazyness but can someone e-mail the story hour(s) in .doc form? SoulBP at gmail dot com.

Done. You do realize though, that you could have gotten much the same thing by using the thread tools to download Cheiromancer's Tales of Wyre compilation thread, right?

Edit: Okay, so apparently I lied. :eek: Due to issues with my ISP, it looks like I won't be able to send those files after all (unless of course, you'd like to have them cut up into very, very small pieces). Sorry! If you don't want to download the text file of Cheiromancer's thread, you could always download Grodog's compilation at the Wyre Yahoo Group instead.
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"All I want for Christmas is my two Sep up-date, my Sep up-date, my Sep up-date" :D

I've been continuing to work insane hours, and haven't had time to try to ping Sep (or any one else for that matter), but hopefully the new year will instigate a calmer, gentler pace that will facilitate some phone time to catch up with him.

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