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Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

Day 6 – Confrontation

When Eadric awoke, Shomei was gone. His stomach turned, and a sense of foreboding gripped him. He leapt up and hurriedly entered the study.

The air was cold. The door to the cottage was open, the fire had guttered and gone out; morning sunlight streamed in. Eadric ran outside into the snow; a long, narrow area, hemmed in on all sides by a dense thicket of Hazel. There was no sign of her, but a large patch nearby was bare of frost and had been scorched with such heat that the earth had vitrified; Qematiel must have alighted there, he knew. He heard footsteps behind him, and turned to see Nercamay; she carried a heavy robe. She drew it about him to cover his modesty.

Nercamay smiled gently. “She asked me to tell you that the fence will be passable by noon, and you will be able to leave; that she will try her best to keep damage at Deorham to a minimum. And in the event that you don’t see her again and she does not have the opportunity to harangue you, to look first and foremost to your own enkindlement: that you should gaze upon the Sun, because Isthu Sa.*”

“How long has she been gone?”

“Less than an hour, Ahma.”

“Did she reveal her specific intention to you?” He asked.

“She was meeting with a clique of a dozen wizards which included Jalael, Muthollo and Daunton; thence to Deorham.”

Shomei!” He called, the force of his will behind her name. He knew that she could hear him. She ignored him.

He invoked the Eleos. Nehael. Goddess. Oronthon – last.

Nercamay shook her head. “She is her own Self, Ahma; she will brook no intervention on her behalf on the part of another.”

“I refuse to accept this circumstance,” he sighed.

“I do not see that you have much choice, Ahma.”

“Can you leave here, Nercamay?’ He asked.

She shook her head. “The area is locked.”

“Unsurprising,” Eadric smiled grimly. “Can you issue a sending?”

“No, Ahma.”

“Is there no way for you to reach anyone?” He asked, exasperated.

“I am a muse, Ahma; I appear in dreams.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Then that will have to do. What time is it Nercamay?”

“Dawn was two hours ago, Ahma.”

He cursed, and made his way back inside into his chambers. Eadric retrieved the figurine of the Eleos, and then rummaged through drawers in the study until he found the knife with which Shomei had carved it. He exited the cottage again, and sat upon a rude stool; all the while, Nercamay watched uncertainly.

“I need you to communicate with someone who sleeps at this late hour; Ortwine is a likely target. She prefers to rise just before noon.”

Nercamay entered a brief trance, and shook her head. “Ortwine does not sleep Ahma.”

Eadric sighed, and wracked his brains. “Try the goddess Lai.”

Again, a brief pause. Nercamay nodded. “I touched her; she seemed confused that no message was forthcoming.”

“Good,” Eadric nodded. “Dream again. Tell her to wake up, to contact Nwm and to instruct him that the Ahma will require immediate reembodiment.”

Ahma, I…”

Do so, Nercamay.”

She complied.

He touched the statuette of the Eleos, invoking her for protection, and handed Nercamay the blade. “I cannot kill myself, Nercamay. It is antithetical to my nature. If you…”

“I know where to put a knife, Ahma,” she said drily. “I am a devil.”

There was a brief, white-hot pain. Blood stained the snow.

Nercamay sighed, sat by the body of the Ahma, and entered saizhan.


Mostin had chosen an abandoned croft in a heavily wooded range of hills in Soan. None had gone there since the infestation of Graz’zt’s demons had scoured Sisperi; some few – mostly babau and leaping demons – remained, but had been quickly slain or driven off by Nwm. The binding site was an overgrown stone silo which lay half below ground, into which a steep set of moss-covered steps gave; the interior was damp and cool. Mostin had prepared an area ten feet in diameter, and drawn a diagram of baffling complexity with celestial silver and salts; items which were becoming increasingly difficult to procure with the removal of the Empyrean from reality as currently described.

Little of the remaining symbolism was traditional in nature. Shomei’s exempt status – together with her magnification – made unconventional adjuncts and trappings a requirement. Gone were the blasting rods, holy water and other typical Goetic tools; Mostin had based the rite off of the Articles of the Wyrish Injunction, and would invoke the Claviger in testimony to Shomei’s confinement. It meant working with oneiric ideograms describing various substrates of Dream; conditions to which Shomei might be vulnerable, but of which he, himself, had little experience. He fretted and paced and muttered.

Nwm – still conflicted in his feelings, but grimly conscious that the binding was probably necessary – watched dispassionately. The choice to keep Ortwine in the dark – because of her connection to the Hazel – also left him with a sour feeling in his mouth. But Hlioth’s words – that Shomei would leverage that relationship – could not be ignored. However mad, the crone’s insights were almost unerring in matters Tree-ish.

Mulissu descended through a large hole in the domed ceiling and sighed. “Will this take much longer, Mostin?”

“Trust me when I say that it would be best to get it right the first time,” the Alienist replied acidly.


No viridescent devas waited for him. There was no Yew; no mountain; no fresh, resin-scented air. Only a frigid void. He was distinct from it, and illuminated its merest fraction; its vastness humbled him. He gazed across an immeasurable distance at the World; it seemed tiny and insignificant. He waited. His knew that his own light and heat might sustain him for an eternity. He hoped they would not have to: he was utterly alone.

A familiar voice called to him. He sighed, and leapt toward it, intent upon descent into the Green and the body which he knew awaited him. Something – a claw made of color – rushed at him and seemed to snatch him, drawing him aside. A visage made of potential, dynamic and shifting, and wise beyond all conception, held him and observed him without emotion.

Do not forget that you are still frail, it said to him.

It hurled the Ahma downwards like a meteor; briefly, his essence fragmented into a quintillion parts and streamed into the World, which gathered them together again.

He awoke with a start, not to Nwm’s face, but to Nehael’s.


Eadric stood at once. His surroundings were familiar: the interior of the tabernacle. The Sela sat nearby in meditation, but did not regard him.

“That was a riskier strategy than you might imagine,” Nehael sighed.

“The stakes are high. Where is Nwm?” He asked.

“He and I are in unspoken disagreement,” Nehael smiled, handing him clothing, which he hastily began to don. “He believes that neutralizing Shomei is necessary. He has travelled to Sisperi with Mostin and Mulissu in order to bind her. Soneillon will act as a sink for Mostin’s spell. He would have waited until after this was accomplished before reincarnating you – probably as a mule. Fortunately, I knew that you were dead; I suppose if you invoke every deity you can conceive of, someone is bound to hear.”

“Why do you believe this to be an error on Nwm’s part?”

“First, because Shomei’s survival hinges on the word of Soneillon given to Mostin – and I suspect that she views it as somewhat less binding than when given to the Ahma, for whom she has a rather intense and possessive love. She knows, Eadric – how can she not, after what you have shared? Your recent actions may have led her to now view Shomei as a substantive threat to your affection.”

“And the second reason?” He groaned.

“The second reason is that the first reason does not matter, Eadric,” she handed him Lukarn. “Because Shomei will throw her full weight at Deorham before Mostin even has a chance to begin his spell; you can be assured that Soneillon will remain there until the last possible minute for her own safety. Even if she subsequently made her way to Sisperi, Shomei would follow her with Qematiel and her devils and attack before the rite could be completed. She might hound Soneillon through a dozen worlds and wreck them in her passing. Of course, Shomei wouldn’t be attacking today at all if it weren’t ...”

“…for my recent actions.” He sighed. “I feel as though I’ve made a terrible mess of things.”

“Well, then at least we’ve made some progress,” Nehael nodded.

“How long do I have?”

“Fifteen minutes,” Nehael smiled.

“What if the rite were to proceed without Soneillon’s involvement?” Eadric asked. “With me acting as guarantor of Shomei’s safety?”

“You would need to find a very selfless, willing caster of some magnitude with an untapped reservoir to act as the sink,” Nehael replied.

“Can you…”

“Do not look at me, Eadric. I am red; magic is not my forte.”

“Is there any…”

Teppu coughed gently and entered the tent. Eadric gave a hopeful look.

Nehael sighed. “Yes, Eadric. Teppu is capable.”

“Then I must go now…”

“One moment,” Nehael interrupted. “Teppu’s reservoir was reserved against the imminent danger of the Cheshnite horde and the Fourth Effluxion, which looks like [this].”

Eadric staggered as the magnitude of the threat was revealed to him.

Nehael nodded. “So please bear that in mind when you choose to spend it elsewhere.”

“Why must I always be the one to choose?”

“Because you are the Ahma, Eadric,” Teppu smiled jovially. “A job which no-one else wants.”

The Sela stirred. “Do not forget that you are still frail.”

Sela, I…

Tramst held up his hand. “Remind Shomei that the Flame needs nothing and is always Perfect, Eadric. It cannot Fall.

He nodded.

“And Ahma,” the Sela continued. “I don’t think you’ve done too badly, given the circumstances.”

Nehael raised an eyebrow. “The Sela is much kinder than I; I am merely compassionate.”

“Will you come?” Eadric asked Nehael.

“No, Eadric.” She smiled. “I am going to go and shoot ghouls; which is, to say, my job. But I’m sure Ortwine will accompany you; she has a bone to pick with Nwm.”

“Nehael,” he began. “Concerning Soneillon…”

“At this point, Eadric, my practical advice would be to grovel.”

“Noted,” he said.


[Mostin]: We are ready.

[Soneillon]: You are too late, Mostin.


Qematiel gyred in the skies above Trempa. Shomei considered.

Between them, Soneillon and Carasch might have a total of seven transvalents of up to the four-hundredth order available. Shomei herself had two remaining, and of only the two-hundredth, but her most powerful infernal minions had a large array of superb dispellings which, if intelligently managed, might open a gap in Soneillon’s defenses and reveal a line of attack. Shomei could then use time stops and bring a barrage of hellfire acid storms to bear against Soneillon before she could react; hopefully enough to end it. Shomei knew that careful deployment of her devils was vital. There was no doubt that the chthonic balor had seen the first wave which Shomei had dispatched; the six-winged Aristaqis and fifty exemplars would test the potent wards which shrouded Kyrtill’s Burh, and attempt to goad Soneillon into precipitous action.

Shomei could not afford to be indiscriminate in her attack; any volley or assault which happened to catch the Blackthorn in its area would result in the certain and immediate extinction of the devils responsible, as the reflex of the scion – or worse yet, the ludja itself – snuffed them out.

Her mind was linked to that of Aristaqis and followed his thoughts, although no direct sight could be conveyed to her within the suppressive ambit of the scion. The eight flights which preceded him described an arc a quarter-mile across; their positions and velocities understood by Shomei as an abstraction of constantly changing coordinates and vectors.

As though to demonstrate to Shomei both her own, sheer physical prowess and her willingness to engage immediately and without intermediaries, Soneillon appeared directly within the flight path of Aristaqis and deep within the ranks of the exemplars who accompanied him. The demoness set about the infernal seraph instantly, eschewing magic for a more direct attack. He dwarfed her with his mass, but Void struck as a storm of tendrils which lashed at him. Before he had even the chance to swing his weapon, he had been reduced to nothing; all trace of ens had been removed. His blade – a nine-foot flaming sword etched with infernal runes – plunged from the skies and sank into a bank of snow.

Shomei cursed. She hadn’t expected Soneillon to act that impulsively. The remaining devas hurled themselves at the demoness, but Soneillon shrugged them off; she preferred no further engagement at that time, and vanished. Shomei ordered the devils to reform and press on.

Shortly after, they encountered the outermost of the defenses around the keep; an impenetrable barrier of force.


Soneillon had learned many tricks, and had drawn freely upon the power of the Urn to entrench and fortify her position. Nested magics surrounded the stronghold, each more complex than the last.

The outermost ward was a paling not unlike that which she had erected in Throile, albeit of more modest scope: a force encountered as a solid barrier with a diameter of a mile at the center of which Kyrtill’s Burh – the stones of which had been reinforced to the point of magical adamant – was situated.

The entire area was a dimensional cordon of such power that no magic within Shomei’s grasp – or so Soneillon judged – might break it; within, a veiled discontinuity was hidden, large enough for the demoness to facilitate the summoning of her minions, and for her to flee if it became necessary. Six invisible nets, debilitating screens which would afflict those who attempted to press close, further surrounded the bastion; each was protected by a metaward designed to stave off aggressive dispellings which were focused upon it. Two inner screens – wrought of blasphemy and keyed to the annihilation of devils – provided the tightest defense. Symbols adorned the flags of the courtyard; scribed on walls and doors were glyphs describing ruin and insanity.

Within the chapel – her gap within the dimensional lock – Soneillon began to summon her lesser kin in an unending torrent; chthonic succubi who seemed as dark reflections of herself, some degrees removed in power but formidable nonetheless.

[Mazikreen]: The Paling is down.

Soneillon ignored her; the demonesses began to take flight. They harried the devas who were now moving forward in determined waves.

Powerful dispellings began to target her defenses.

Shomei deployed the main strength of her devils, striking from east, south and west with a focus upon negating the transvalent screens. An erosion of the wards began, but the dimensional lock remained intact, impervious to the superb dispellings which struck it. Fallen exemplars and episemes pressed forward relentlessly.

The Infernalist stopped time, teleported to a distance of a mile from the keep, and struck it with a yet more potent dispelling, shattering the tight inner cordon. Still, the lock endured. Shomei swore, retreated beyond range, and waited.

Time recommenced. Devils surged toward Kyrtill’s Burh.


Realizing what had happened, Soneillon opened the mouth to an adjacent demiplane; a confined space where several hundred demons – including Abyssal nobility whom she had suborned – had been kept locked in close proximity to one another for far too long. They erupted with a fury which was utterly indiscriminate; an explosion of malice and spite which poured out into the world, intent on doing violence to whatever was nearest. Soneillon augmented them with a powerful spell.

Within the courtyard, the black axe of Carasch now moved in great arcs, cutting through swathes of the dark celestials who flung themselves at him as though they were butter. His annihilating fire – a shroud of unbeing kindled by magic to greater intensity – burned those of lesser stature away before they even came close to him. None could withstand him.

He uttered a syllable; three Antagonists perished, along with a dozen other episemes: ash and smoke, borne away on a mordant wind. And another; a storm of blasphemous void scoured the keep and the countryside beyond of devils of less than once-exalted status. And a third; Armaros, Shomei’s captain – reckoned greatest of the Thirteen – perished beneath it.

Hellfire engulfed him; he weathered it.


At the last, Shomei had thrown the wyrm at the engagement. She circled above the keep, breathing great gouts of fire, carefully avoiding the scion. Demons disintegrated in droves; more than a few devils were caught in her discharges. Ahazu and Dhenu, once great Abyssal magnates, burned away within a line of destructive breath. Carasch prepared to engage her; Soneillon bade him otherwise.

The merlons on the Steeple melted as Qematiel unleashed ancient hellfire upon it, obliterating demons who jostled in the air above it. The dragon screamed; Soneillon had set about her neck, and Void pierced her scales. Qematiel powered vertically upwards, twisted her head, unleashed breath which should annihilate, groped with her claws. She thrashed wildly in the skies.

Soneillon clung tenaciously, enduring the heat, and drank of Qematiel’s being: the quiddity of the wyrm began to falter; she was slowly unmade. Her ascent arrested; she began an erratic plummet, her head and tail spinning over, end to end. As they fell, the demoness moved over her and came to rest on her muzzle between her eyes; the world reeled around them both as she transfixed the wyrm with her gaze.

[Soneillon]: We are not so different, you and I. But your time has passed; you no longer belong. This is the Void [thus]. It is peace. It is your right. Do you wish it?

[Qematiel]: I cannot remember it.

[Soneillon]: Choose to trust me, or not. I will slay you either way.

[Qematiel]: I will take it.

“You were something glorious,” Soneillon smiled gently, stroked the wyrm’s great snout, and kissed her.

Qematiel – first, last and greatest of the hellfire wyrms, and the paragon of her kind – vanished in a dark fire into oblivion.

Soneillon returned to the melee.


[Yeqon]: Almost…

Shomei turned to Irel, Who Smites – the only episeme whom she had not deployed into the combat, and raised an eyebrow.

“Stay here,” she instructed.

A superb dispelling of incredible power struck Soneillon.

[Yeqon]: Now. Go [here]

Shomei sensed her moment and stopped time, teleporting into the doorway of the chapel amid the chaotic fight which was underway. She paused momentarily to gain her bearings; Soneillon was in the process of slaying another seraph – the Prosecutor Pineme – and demons and fallen celestials clawed or hewed at one another nearby.

The Infernalist’s left hand began to coil temporality, a slow, purposeful movement which repeated time stops at regular twelve-second intervals. Her right charted a faster counterpoint, building hellfire in a rapid crescendo. There was no margin for error; if Shomei’s concentration faltered or she risked even one of her temporal interruptions to stretch beyond its safe duration, Soneillon, she knew, might finish her in an instant. But Shomei gave reality no opportunity to recommence.

Energy coalesced. From a subjective perspective, Shomei continued her motions for more than two minutes; outside of her bubble, no time had passed. The continuum in her vicinity threatened to snap under the pressure which she applied to it. Sweat poured off of her, as an unrealized maelstrom of power grew to incredible intensity. She emptied herself utterly. All power, all will, focused on a single Moment. That which must be done; that thing which she must have.

She teleported to a distance of twenty miles, beyond the range of the perception of Carasch.

Time began again.

Soneillon extinguished Pineme. A fraction of a second later, there was a detonation and she was engulfed in hellfire of unimaginable heat; an exquisite pain, which burned Void itself and pushed her to the brink of annihilation – where she teetered – but not quite beyond. The strength which she had sapped from her recent conquests had buoyed her to a point where she could withstand it; she sighed. This girl is such a tease, Soneillon thought.

[Shomei]: Well?

[Yeqon]: No. What now?

[Yeqon]: Mistress?


Shomei hurled herself at an invisible barrier in a fury; Hellfire surged from her in waves as she raved. Beyond the confining circle stood Mostin, Teppu, Mulissu and Nwm; somewhat removed, Ortwine watched without emotion. Hindmost, the Ahma, who regarded her with concern.

Shomei fumed within the thaumaturgic diagram and glowered at Mostin and Eadric. The Alienist motioned; the others made their way in some relief from the chamber. He waited until her turbulence had subsided to a point where she could communicate.

“Very clever, Mostin,” she finally nodded, looking at the glyphs which contained her.

“Finding the apposite symbolism was difficult,” he agreed. “But I think I did a good job.”

“Will this argument be a presentation from both of you at once or a sequential attempt to change my perspective? How did you get out, Eadric?”

“Nercamay killed me; Nehael resurrected me.”

“Oh?” Mostin inquired. “The muse? What is she like?”

“Quite charming,” Eadric nodded.

“You treat death lightly, Ahma,” Shomei smiled. “I cannot afford to.”

“I do nothing of the sort,” he said stonily. “How much collateral damage did you cause, Shomei?”

“I? – None. All of my actions are intensely focused, Ahma – as you know. I do not thrash wildly about. Soneillon’s demons, on the other hand, are no doubt running riot.”

“The universe does not consist entirely of you, Shomei.”

“Yes, Ahma, it does: that’s precisely my point.”

“And the I as relational?” Mostin asked. “Didn’t your Sela mention something like that to you in one of your more religious moments?”

“You have already been in dialogue?” Eadric was astonished. “You haven’t been communicating very well, Shomei.”

“It’s none of your damn business.” Shomei said.

When will you assume some responsibility, you petulant child?” Eadric thundered.

Mostin raised a hand. “It seems that I must act as arbiter of your passions as well, Eadric; perhaps a little restraint is in order?”

“I…” Eadric began, and then calmed himself. “Yes, Mostin; thank-you. Shomei, the Sela asked me to remind you that the Flame needs nothing. It is always Perfect. It cannot Fall.”

She looked uncertain. “I am not sure what…”

“It is my function as the Ahma with regard to you to impress this point upon you.”

“Your perfection is certainly achievable, Shomei,” Mostin agreed unexpectedly. “The Web of Motes revealed as much. But there is some kind of gap which prevents the catenary from forming. I cannot intuit precisely what the gap is; its order is Aeonic and thus inscrutable to the Web.”

“I do not understand…”

Pharamne’s Urn landed in the dirt near the Alienist. Mostin twitched. Shomei gaped. Eadric turned his head and swallowed.

Soneillon smiled and approached. She had appeared in the guise of the Trempan peasant-girl. “There is your gap, Mostin. Ah…don’t touch it; my gesture was purely for dramatic effect.”

“Soneillon…” Eadric began.

She struck Eadric’s face soundly with her palm, flooring him. Mostin winced. Soneillon sighed, drew close to the thaumaturgic diagram, placed her hands behind her back, and inspected Shomei as though she were an exhibit on display. She arched an eyebrow.

“She is very short, Eadric,” Soneillon remarked, turning to him.

“You are very strong,” the Ahma stood groggily. He realized that she had never, before, committed any act of violence against him.

“I am not sure what you mean by the Urn being the gap,” Mostin licked his lips and looked at the amphora at his feet. “It is merely a source of great power. It is some kind of impediment to her Self-realization? ”

Shomei sat within the diagram and groaned.

“I do believe your short friend just had a little epiphany,” Soneillon smiled at Eadric.

Shomei sighed. “The power is the problem, Mostin. The Urn is external to and greater than myself; it is of the transcendent order, and is not-I. Possession of it – and a focus of myself upon it – and my own perfection – which must necessarily be described in terms of I – might be deemed mutually exclusive. I can choose one route or the other.”

“And you would deem perfection preferable?” Eadric asked.

“Well obviously, yes.”

“This irony should be preserved for all posterity,” Eadric observed drily.

Soneillon approached Eadric. He gave a nervous smile. Her eyes bored into him. “You seem to have lost my token, Eadric.”

“Well, I…”

“No matter. I have another.” She reached within her pocket and withdrew a scarf of black samite which cracked as she unfurled it, causing him to start. “For the time being, you remain mine.” She spoke through gritted teeth and tied it tightly around his wrist, cutting off his circulation. “Let’s see if you can go a week, this time.”

“Soneillon, I…”

“Later, dear.” She smiled sweetly.

The demoness turned back toward Shomei and regarded her with a mixture of scepticism and curiosity; the Infernalist appeared to have regained her focus, and seemed calmly absorbed in herself. Soneillon slowly walked toward the circle and looked intensely at her. She placed her foot within, scraping dirt across the diagram and breaking its confining power.

“Do not…” Mostin gave a horrified look.

Soneillon spoke softly. “Drishhtavanaasi varca avadhya tvamayaa.

Leika kunnan sauili Thiudan, kuntho.” Shomei replied. “Sezho saizhia thatei saizhio. Antharuhthan? Saizhi?

Nitya iisi.

There was a pause. Fear gripped Eadric.

“I do like Irel,” Soneillon remarked. “I didn’t see him.”

“Yes, he’s sweet; I kept him back. He smites, you know.” Shomei stood.

Really? How intriguing. Perhaps I might borrow him?”

“I am sure some arrangement can be made,” Shomei nodded. She gave a sidelong glance toward Eadric. Soneillon caught the exchange.

“But not before midsummer.” The demoness reached down, picked up the Urn, and smiled at Mostin.

Mine,” she said.

*Thou art That


Soneillon’s Bitch-Slap
[sblock]Soneillon’s famous bitch-slap was made against a flat-footed Eadric and consisted of the equivalent of a surprise action trip attack followed by a full tendril attack routine to subdue. The attack was glossed (or ‘skinned,’ to use modern parlance) as a single slap.

Eadric sustained 780 points of nonlethal damage and was knocked prone.[/sblock]
Shomei Enkindled
[sblock]The Enkindled Shomei in her first stage, with 3 “actualized” divine ranks; they are superimposed upon her unascended form, but the outsider HD are not included. I’ve pegged her CR at 54; the full realization (the Perfection) of the Antinomian Flame involves the addition of 60 outsider HD plus perks – the equivalent of benefits granted by both the exalted and perfect templates possessed by the Flame – at which point Shomei’s CR increases to approximately 95.

Feats are reconfigured in order to accommodate SDAs more effectively, gear value increases to the equivalent of 42Mgp – all of Shomei’s items become legacy major artifacts. The Trammel of Hell is not set against this total. She is assumed to be under the effect of foresight.

Shomei Enkindled (CR54)

Symbol: The Rod
Portfolio: Becoming, the Self
Worshippers: None
Domains: Knowledge, Liberation, Magic

Conjurer 35 (Focused Specialist)
Medium Outsider (Augmented, [Evil, Lawful, Exempt], Native)
Divine Rank: 3
HD: 35d4+420 (560hp)
Init: +11
Spd: 80ft.
AC: 122 (+60 Epic Mage Armor, +13 deflection, +11 Dex, +3 Divine, +13 natural, +2 insight, +10 profane; touch 109, flat-footed 111)
Base Atk/Grap: +28/+40
Atk: +51 melee (1d6+15, Hazel rod) or +42 ranged touch
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
SA: Salient divine abilities, spell-like abilites, spells
SQ: Concession to the prior infinity, darkvision 60ft., doubly exempt, DR 15/epic and silver, Hazel's benedicite, infernal bibliosoph, greater plane shift, greater teleport, immune (ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, fire, mind-effecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutations), immortal, remote communication, salient divine abilities, see in darkness, SR 144*, telepathy 100ft. understand, speak and read all languages, speak directly to all beings within 3 miles,
SV: Fort +48 Ref +49 Will +113*
Abilities: Str 30 Dex 32 Con 34 Int 65 Wis 41 Cha 36
Skills: Bluff +35, Concentration +102, Craft (alchemy) +68, Craft (engraving) +68, Craft (jeweler) +68, Craft (woodworking) +68, Decipher Script +68, Diplomacy +40, Gather Information +36, Intimidate +36, Knowledge (arcana) +118, Knowledge (architecture) +68, Knowledge (geography) +68, Knowledge (history) +68, Knowledge (local) +68, Knowledge (nature) +68, Knowledge (nobility) +68, Knowledge (the Planes) +68, Knowledge (religion) +68, Intimidate +36, Listen +36, Profession (arboriculture) +68, Profession (law) +68, Ride +32, Sense Motive +36, Spellcraft +135 (scrolls +139), Spot +36.
Feats: Augment Summoning, Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Focus (Conjuration), Greater Spell Penetration, Heighten Spell, Iron Will, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Spell Mastery, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration, Still Spell
Epic Feats: Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spellcasting, Epic Spell Focus (Conjuration), Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Will, Improved Heighten Spell, Multispell (x2)
Salient Infernal Abilities: Arcane Mastery, Alter Reality, Divine Spellcasting, Hellfire Mastery

XP Reservoir: 15,000/week

*Shomei has AC 62, SR 64 and a Will saving throw modifier of +63 when epic protections are not in place.

Senses: Shomei can see, hear, touch and smell at a distance of 3 miles. As a standard action she can perceive anything within 3 miles of any location where her name was spoken in the last hour. She can extend her senses to up to two locations at once. She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 3 hours.
Automatic Actions: Shomei can use any skill related to her portfolio – even those she has no ranks in – as a free action, provided that the DC is 15 or less.
Create Magic Items: Shomei can create magic items related to her portfolio without the requisite item creation feat provided she meets all other prerequisites for the item, and the item's market price does not exceed 5,000gp.
Divine Aura: As a free action on her turn, Shomei may choose to emanate or suppress an aura of daze, fright or resolve with a radius of 30ft. A Will saving throw (DC43) negates the effect.

Salient Infernal Abilities
Alter Reality: Shomei may use this ability at will by drawing 5000xp from her reservoir.
Arcane Mastery: Shomei never needs to consult a spellbook when preparing spells.
Divine (Infernal) Spellcasting: Shomei may cast spells of up to 27th level. She is regarded as having the spell focus feat for any spell which she casts.
Hellfire Mastery: Whenever Shomei casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability which deals energy damage, the effect manifests as a fire effect; the damage results directly from infernal power and is not subject to resistances or immunities to fire. Shomei herself is immune to all [Fire] effects and is unaffected by Hellfire effects regardless of their source.

Concession to the Prior Infinity (Su): Shomei may use any planar binding, summon monster, gate spell or any epic conjuration to freely call or summon any devil or other lawful evil outsider.

Doubly Exempt (Ex): Shomei may ignore any alignment-based effects which might adversely affect her due to her subtypes; conversely, she may choose to be affected by any alignment-based effects which would provide her with a benefit. Devils and other lawful evil outsiders automatically recognize Shomei's status and their initial attitude toward her is always friendly; evil feys and suborned devils with the [Green] subtype treat her likewise. Divinations which attempt to discern information pertaining to Shomei's alignment always fail.

Spell-Like Abilities: Shomei can use the following spell-like abilities at will (Caster Level 38): antimagic field, break enchantment, clairaudience/clairvoyance, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, discern location, divination, find the path, foresight, freedom of movement, greater dispel magic, greater plane shift, greater teleport, identify, imbue with spell ability, legend lore, mage’s disjunction, magic aura, mind blank, omen of peril, protection from spells, rage, refuge, spell resistance, spell turning, true seeing, unbinding, undetectable alignment. The Save DC, where appropriate, is 23+ spell level.

Hazel's Benedicite (Su): Shomei may craft any rod, staff or wand (including epic rods and staves) as though she possessed the appropriate item creation feats and the Efficient Item Creation epic feat, provided that she uses wood from a Hazel aspect as the material for her crafting. Shomei pays the normal xp and gp associated with crafting such items.

Infernal Bibliosoph (Ex): As curator of Hell's library, if Shomei Takes 20 on any Knowledge skill check made within its confines she receives a +30 profane bonus to the check.

Ongoing Transvalents: Shomei enjoys a +60 bonus to her Will saving throws and AC and a +80 bonus to her Spell Resistance as a result of ongoing epic spells. These are renewed on a weekly basis and have a caster level of 85 for the purpose of opposed dispel checks.

Shomei cast spells as a 38th-level focused specialist Conjurer (4/10/10/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/6/6/5/5/5/5/4/4/4/4/3/3/3/3/2/2/2/2 spells per day). She may cast spells of up to 27th level. The Save DC is 41+ spell level, Conjurations 44+ Spell level. She gains a further +4 bonus to the CL and Save DC of any spell which provokes a Will saving throw, and a +6 bonus to penetrate any targets' spell resistance. Shomei may prepare an additional 3 Conjuration spells of every level. Her barred schools are Evocation, Necromancy and Illusion. Shomei has access to any nonepic spell on the sorcerer/wizard spell list. She does not incur attacks of opportunity if spellcasting when threatened. She may cast up to three quickened spells per round.
Shomei may also cast 3 epic spells per day. She gains a +5 bonus to Spellcraft checks when casting spells with a Conjuration base seed, and suffers a –15 penaly to all Spellcraft checks when casting spells which incorporate a Necromancy, Evocation or Illusion seed. She enjoys a –5 mitigating factor when developing spells which reflect her Infernal specialty.

Spell Configuration: If Shomei’s bonus conjurations are dedicated to attack spells, she favors quickened hellfire-substituted acid storms; if dedicated to callings, then superior planar binding.

Magic Items: Headband of Intellect +10, Ring of Protection and Resistance +10, Arcane Bracelet, The Hazel Rod, Crystal Ball of Demands, Robe of Meteors, Trammel of Hell

Soul Trapping Gems: Shomei possesses 10 black sapphires, each of 50,000gp value.

Arcane Bracelet (Major Artifact)
Whilst worn, this silver bracelet grants a +50 competence bonus to all Knowledge (arcana), Concentration and Spellcraft skill checks. Every day, the bracelet’s owner can recall up to 40 levels of spells that she has already cast during that day. Spells raised beyond 9th level by metamagic feats may be recalled, but Epic spells may not. If the spell recalled normally requires an expensive material component and/or an XP cost, the caster must meet these requirements as usual. Caster Level 40.

Crystal Ball of Demands (Major Artifact)
This crystal ball with telepathy and true seeing allows its user to use the demand spell at will (Heightened to 25th level, DC 49). Caster Level 40.

Hazel Rod (Major Artifact)
This rod strikes as a +10 axiomatic unholy light mace and provides a +4 bonus to the Caster Level and Save DC of any spell or spell-like ability used by its wielder which provokes a Will saving throw. As a standard action, the owner of the Hazel Rod may use dominate monster at will; the wielder uses his or her own caster level, ability score modifier and any relevant feats and salient divine abilities to determine the parameters of the effect, modified by the bonus provided by the rod itself. In Shomei's case, Caster Level is 41 and the Save DC is 52.

When used in conjunction with any planar binding spell to bind lawful evil outsiders, the Hazel Rod increases the number of Hit Dice possessed by eligible targets by +8; for example, the rod's wielder could bind a devil of up to 26HD with a greater planar binding spell. The rod confers a +6 circumstance bonus to any opposed Charisma checks involved in the binding process. Caster Level 40.

Robe of Meteors [Major Artifact]
This purplish-black robe displays a field of shooting stars which seem to constantly fall, blaze briefly into incandescence, and then vanish. It provides a +10 profane bonus to Armor Class and saving throws, immunity to bludgeoning and fire attacks, and grants a number of other abiities to its wearer in addition:
•As a full-round action, the wearer can concentrate to increase the density of the meteor field within the robe. On the next round, and for as long as the wearer concentrates upon this effect, he or she benefits from an intensified spell turning effect, and is able to turn up to 40 levels of spells per round. There is no limit to the number of times per day this ability may be used. In order to turn epic level spells, a successful caster level check must be made.
•As a standard action, the wearer may grasp a falling star and hurl it as a meteor swarm (intensified, heightened to 30th-level, DC55). This ability is usable 3 times per day.
•As a swift action, once per day, the wearer may make a meteoric leap, transforming himself or herself into a line up to 1200 feet long and moving instantaneously across the battlefield. The wearer can reappear in any space adjacent to the last space ended by the line with any gear worn or carried. The meteoric leap does 192 points of bludgeoning damage and 284 points of fire damage to all creatures along the line with no saving throw. Upon reaching the destination square, an intensified meteor swarm (heightened to 30th-level) explodes in a 40-ft. radius burst centered on the cloak's wearer. A Reflex saving throw (DC55) halves the damage.
Caster Level 40.

Trammel of Hell [Paradigmatic Artifact]
Crafted by the Adversary for the purpose of restraining the wyrm Qematiel, these shackles are constructed of Hellforged adamant and resize themselves to fit any creature of size diminutive to colossal, with any number of manacles becoming available for binding creatures with multiple limbs. The Trammel of Hell requires an Escape Artist check or Break DC of 100 to escape. Creatures bound with the trammel are subject to a dimensional anchor effect (Caster Level 75).[/sblock]
Exchange Between Soneillon and Shomei
[sblock]This is rendered for the purpose of the story in the Tongue of Shûth (Soneillon) and the ancient Borchian dialect (Shomei); at this point, Eadric knows only that something has been communicated:

Soneillon: “I cannot (bring myself to) harm you because you have seen the Sun as I do.”

Shomei: “If you refer to his potential to realize that Sovereignty, I understand. I saw that you have seen the thing which I have seen. And the other one? She sees?”

Soneillon: “She always has.”[/sblock]
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Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
... continued awe.

Writing, dialogue, and story while getting far more complicated have all continued to improve so much over the last DECADE that you've enthralled us Sep!

Thanks for continuing to write the story for us fanatics.


Like most great tragedies, we find this conflict was rooted in a critical misapprehension on the part of the heroes. Unlike many great tragedies, no one important died. Not permanently, anyway. ;)


I can't help but wonder - in a conflict of such barely-imaginable scale as this one, how much - if any - of the combat is resolved with die rolls and formal rules, as opposed to approximation and DM fiat?

If the former, how did you crunch the numbers and parse the rules in anything short of a solid week of work? I... kind of assume there was at least some of this, since you've gone to such painstaking effort to create stat blocks for every character involved.

If the latter, were there any questions of fairness in your fiat? (This ties back into wondering whether Shomei is effectively a PC or NPC at this stage.)

In either case, an amazing read!



Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
I just went back and re-read the compiled story hour posts for this entire story and it is amazing to go back and re-read what has come before.

also help me put more current posts into actual story context as I had forgotten much of what passed previously.

I can't wait to see if Eadric manages to enkindle his Flame to its full potential and what effect hat would have on the world!!

Unemployed Devils

Two unemployed devils of somewhat different magnitude, but both rather focused on social manipulation and interaction, and both advocates of an infernal negotiation with saizhan. Yeqon is typical of a fallen seraph, insofar as those powers which he has clawed back (the Hellish mysteries) are of less magnitude than those previously granted to him at his creation; an unfallen Yeqon would be around CR 50.


Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 18d8+96 (177 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 40ft.
Armor Class: 40 (+12 deflection, +8 Dex, +10 natural), touch 30, flat-footed 32
Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+22
Attack: Melee touch +18 or ranged touch +26
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Change shape, damage reduction 10/silver and good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to fire and poison, infernal grace, infernal inspiration, lore, regeneration 5, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, see in darkness, spell resistance 30, telepathy 100ft.
Saves: Fort +34, Ref +36, Will +33
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 27, Con 23, Int 40, Wis 22, Cha 34
Skills: Appraise +36 (related Craft skills +38), Bluff +43, Concentration +27, Craft (calligraphy) +36, Craft (painting) +39, Craft (sculpture) +36, Diplomacy +54, Gather Inforamtion +43, Hide +29, Knowledge (arcana) +36, Knowledge (architecture) +36, Knowledge (history) +36, Knowledge (nature) +36, Knowledge (nobility) +36, Knowledge (religion) +36, Listen +27, Move Silently +29, Perform (all) +41, Profession (companion) +30, Search +36, Sense Motive +27, Spellcraft +38, Spot +27
Feats: Master Manipulator, Negotiator, Obscure Lore, Skill Focus (Craft: painting), Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Profession: companion), Versatile Performer
Challenge Rating: 18

Nercamay – known as the Companion – is an infernal muse. She appears as a tall, alluring devil with olive skin and violet eyes, wearing a white peplos and with her hair gathered in ornate arrangement. Only the closest inspection or magic will reveal her devilish nature. Of calm and gentle demeanor, Nercamay is a sophisticated aesthete with a broad range of artistic gifts and intellectual interests; she has inspired numerous works of art and literature. When not tempting mortals, her skills were much sought after; she has acted in the capacity of companion for many infernal magnates.

As one of the Servants of the Four Kings, Nercamay may move through any region where they hold sway; Nercamay was on Dis acting as companion to Count Merodach when the I migrated and Hell retreated, and thus retains her diabolic type. She was subsequently conjured from the prior infinity by Shomei the Infernal.

Change Shape (Sp): Nercamay can assume the shape of any small or medium humanoid.
Infernal Grace (Su): Nercamay gains a deflection bonus to her armor class and a profane bonus to her saving throws equal to her Charisma modifier.
Infernal Inspiration (Su): As a standard action, Nercamay may grant a +4 profane bonus to any willing creature’s next Craft, Knowledge or Perform check.
Lore (Ex): Nercamay may make a bardic knowledge check as though she were an 18th level bard. She makes such checks with a +39 bonus.
Regeneration (Ex): Nercamay takes normal damage from silvered good-aligned weapons and from spells with the good descriptor.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will – bestow curse (DC 26), bolts of bedevilment (DC27), charm person (DC23), combined talent, dream, greater teleport, insight of good fortune, probe thoughts (DC 28), share talents, suggestion (DC 25); 1/day – divine insight, hindsight, solipsism (DC 29). Caster level 18th. The Save DCs are Charisma-based.

Fibula: Nercamay’s brooch, in the form of a platinum swallow with gem-set eyes, grants a +5 resistance bonus to saving throws and allows the wearer to use a moment of prescience once per day to gain a +15 insight bonus on any d20 attack roll, skill check, saving throw or opposed ability check (CL15; 85,000gp)
Comb: An amber comb worn by Nercamay confers a +10 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-related skill checks. (CL15; 50,000gp)[/sblock]

Yeqon, the Fifth Prosecutor

Size/Type: Huge Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 44d8+880 (1232 hp)
Initiative: +21
Speed: 100 ft., fly 300 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 70 (-2 size, +10 armor, +15 deflection, +13 Dex, +24 natural), touch 39, flat-footed 60
Base Attack/Grapple: +44/+74
Attack: +70 (3d6+28/19-20, +6 hellforged adamantine flaming burst wounding longsword)
Full Attack: +70/+65/+60/+55 (3d6+28/19-20, +6 hellforged adamantine flaming burst wounding longsword)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Hellfire, spell-like abilities, spells
Special Qualities: Change shape, damage reduction 20/epic and good, darkvision 60 ft.,devilish aura, frightful presence, immunity to fire and poison, protective aura, regeneration 20, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, spell resistance 57, telepathy 100ft.
Saves: Fort +49, Ref +42, Will +43
Abilities: Str 54, Dex 37, Con 51, Int 40, Wis 38, Cha 40
Skills: Bluff +68, Concentration +67, Decipher Script +62, Diplomacy +123, Escape Artist +60, Gather Information +66, Hide +52, Intimidate +72, Knowledge (arcana) +62, Knowledge (history) +62, Knowledge (nature) +66, Knowledge (nobility) +62, Knowledge (the planes) +62, Knowledge (religion) +75, Listen +61, Move Silently +60, Perform (oratory) +106, Profession (lawyer) +61, Search +62, Sense Motive +93, Spellcraft +66, Spot +61, Survival +61
Feats: Cleave, Dire Charge, Dodge, Epic Reputation, Epic Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Epic Skill Focus (Knowledge: Religion), Epic Skill Focus (Perform: Oratory), Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Mobility, Negotiator, Persuasive, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Knowledge: Religion), Superior Initiative
Challenge Rating: 45

Yeqon, the Fifth Prosecutor, is a fallen seraph who was instrumental in the early stages of the Great Revolt in the prior infinity, and one who remained closest to the Nameless Fiend after the Fall. Although his physical participation in the events on the Blessed Plain was minimal, Yeqon bears a large responsibility for the incitement and corruption of many lesser celestials. As with other episeme solars who retained much of their former dignity – Prosecutors and Antagonists – Yeqon has occupied himself with the strategic and philosophical aspects of the war against the Celestial Host and the advocacy of the antinomian viewpoint. He is a devil of great gravitas.

Yeqon appears a black-winged celestial of unmistakeably infernal demeanor, clad in a dark tunic and bearing a long, slender blade at his waist. He is a massive fiend, standing some fifteen feet tall and weighing around two tons.

Yeqon’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons he wields, are treated as evil- aligned, lawful-aligned and epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Exalted and Cast Down (Ex): As a former seraph, Yeqon retains many benefits enjoyed by exalted celestials; others are lost to him in punishment for his actions.
  • Insight Denied: Yeqon loses his insight bonus to armor class and attack rolls
  • Stripped of Divinity: Yeqon loses divine spellcasting power and spell-like abilities which would otherwise be of a level equal to his hit dice. Divine elemental power is also lost. He gains Hellish mysteries in place of these abilities.
  • Elemental Vulnerability: The total elemental invulnerability enjoyed by exalted celestials is replaced by normal diabolic resistances and immunities
  • Grace Withdrawn: Yeqon loses the Charisma bonus to his saves from which episemes normally benefit; his SR is reduced to CR +12; he cannot smite, commune or turn undead.
Hellish Mysteries
Devilish Aura (Su): Yeqon can activate this as a free action. It acts as a double strength magic circle against good (Caster Level 22nd). The aura can be dispelled, but Yeqon can create it again as a free action on his turn.
Frightful Presence (Ex): Yeqon can unsettle foes with his mere presence. Creatures within a radius of 120 feet are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than Yeqon. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a Will save (DC 47) remains immune to his presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.
Hellfire Wielder (Ex): If Yeqon uses any spell or spell-like ability which delivers fire damage, half of that damage is considered profane damage and is not subject to resistances or immunities
Infernal Spellcasting: Yeqon casts arcane spells as a 22nd-level sorcerer. He may cast spells from the Darkness, Domination and Evil domains as arcane spells
Spell-Like Abilities: At will—animate objects, blasphemy (DC 32), continual flame, dimensional anchor, greater dispel magic, unholy blight (DC 29), imprisonment (DC 34), invisibility (self only), resist energy, speak with dead (DC 28), waves of fatigue; 3/day— earthquake (DC 33), mass charm monster (DC 33); 1/day—power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, wish. Caster level 22nd. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Change Shape (Su): Yeqon can assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid.
Fast Healing (Ex): Yeqon has fast healing 20.
Ongoing Effects (Sp): The following abilities are always active on Yeqon’s person, as the spells (caster level 22nd): detect good, detect snares and pits, discern lies (DC 29), see invisibility, true seeing. They can be dispelled, but Yeqon can reactivate them as a free action on his turn.
Planar Travel (Su): Yeqon may move between any two planes. Treat this ability as a plane shift except that Yeqon can only transport himself and his equipment and he never arrives off-destination.
Regeneration (Ex): Yeqon has regeneration 20. Epic good-aligned weapons and good-aligned spells do normal damage to the fallen seraph.
Teleport (Su): Yeqon can use greater teleport at will as the spell. He can transport only himself and his equipment.

Yeqon casts spells as a 22nd-level sorcerer (6/10/10/10/9/9/9/9/8/8 spells per day; Save DC 25+ spell level). Relevant pells known:
4th – attune form, finger of agony (DC 29), voice of the dragon, wall of fire (DC 29),
5th – fire and brimstone (DC 30), magic jar (DC 30), nightmare (DC 30), permanency
6th – greater fireburst (DC 31), interplanar telepathic bond, make manifest (DC 31)
7th – finger of death (DC 32), reverse gravity (DC 32), vision
8th – discern location, mind blank, unholy aura (DC 33)
9th – monstrous thrall (DC 34), shades (DC 34), soul bind (DC 34)

Equipment: Yeqon’s sword, Voice of Reason, Black Robe of Cocytus

Yeqon’s Sword: This weapon is a lawful evil +6 hellforged adamantine flaming burst wounding longsword
Voice of Reason: The talisman of Yeqon confers a +30 competence bonus to all Diplomacy, Sense Motive and Perform (oratory) skill checks. The wearer can use mass suggestion at will (caster level 20th)
Black Robe of Cocytus: This unadorned robe grants a +10 armor bonus to AC and a +5 resistance bonus to saving throws[/sblock]
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Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
I love the crunch that we get along with a fabulous story! Thanks Sep for continuing to share stats and story with us

[MENTION=141]Cheiromancer[/MENTION] & Starman - hmm, 856 pages explains why it took me a while to read!! Didn't think it would be that long when I started it over...

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