D&D General After being put off by Starlight Enclave, I finally read Glacier's Edge (Current Drizzt trilogy)


Reeks of Jedi
I just finished it the other day.

HUGE Improvement over the previous novel which almost got me to quit Drizzt novels again (the first time being when 4th ed killed everyone but Drizzt).

Why was it better? Because it wasnt a novel spending a lot of pages explaining how SO MUCH BETTER the good ice drow are over everyone else. ESPECIALLY the Menzo Drow. Better food, better magic, more beautiful, etc etc and not just over the evil drow but almost anyone else! The new book had others things to talk about....

Well until the very end when even just the SIGHT of the city melted old grumpy Gromph the Drow Archmages heart.
Heart Volunteer GIF

Oh and of course the Good Ice Drow are like super mentally defended that even a top tier psionicist has troubles breaking through their defenses! A drow who lived with and trained with the Illithid Hivemind.... okay WotC.

Not to mention it's kind of moved on from Drizzt being an ungrateful jackass. Ugh that last book....

What was really great was all the other characters. The dragon sisters. Pikel (who still uses 2nd ed spells!). Grandmaster Kane. And them all forming a group and going into a high level fight. Gromph, Pikel, and Kane doing some heavy lifting. The dragon Sisters getting tied down pretty quick was a shame though. Plus more Menzo intrigue. Good stuff.

And I know Drizzt is supposed to be a Ranger. More specifically a Ranger/Barbarian/Monk (Probably 9/1/10 at this point), but I will die on the hill that via 5E rules he is a Fighter/Barbarian/Monk. And "nature/ranger stuff" can be explained via background, subclass, and skill selections and feats etc. He never uses Ranger Spells, everything he does as a Ranger in 5E is just skill checks etc. His animal companion is a magic item. He made more sense as a Ranger back in AD&D when they didn't get any spells until like level 9 or whatever.

Anyways, despite what Salvatore says, I still think this Good Ice Drow are SO AWESOME OMG was handed down by WotC. I get a lot has changed in Menzo and like House Baenre particularly but its still odd to have a drow daughter go up to her mom who has been a lolth priestess for hundreds of years and be all "I love you." and her mom "I've always wanted to love you too!" Yeah okay. Shades of Drizzt's sister from way back who cared for him but couldn't really display it, I guess.

Even got me to go back and start up the Dark Elf Trilogy again. SO GOOD.

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Yeah, Salvatore lost me some time ago, but this particular push was so brutally hamfisted and obvious I refuse to buy it.

Unfortunately your description is exactly what I figured it would be.


Reeks of Jedi
Yeah, Salvatore lost me some time ago, but this particular push was so brutally hamfisted and obvious I refuse to buy it.

Unfortunately your description is exactly what I figured it would be.
Most of the book is fun. The only downside IMO is when the Good Ice Drow are in it. Which isn't a lot.

The big fight at the end with some of Faerun's top level Salvatore characters vs hordes of higher level monsters etc was exciting though.

I really hope either next book or soon after Salvatore addresses Drizzt's crisis of faith. Mielikki has done so much for him despite WotC making her go insane about Orcs for a bit.


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