D&D 5E Age of Worms Adventure Path


You have a point there. It seems a little bit like a conflict between building a believable world and having the players get important information. Well, if they miss the DCs, they might ask people who might know the answers.

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For DCs not from a stat block I generally converted all DCs the same as described in the AoW 00 document. IIRC, the Ebon Triad was a thing in the larger Greyhawk setting that they adapted for the AP, so knowing at least a little information would make sense.


I saw your conversion of DCs, of course, and it works really well. OTOH, a secretive cult which the three original cults or churches actively try to suppress information about does not sound right if the cults´ very existence is easily known with a DC 11 roll. It is not a mechanical issue but rather a question of in-game consistency. Most people in Greyhawk should not even know that Vecna is a god in the first place...

EDIT: I think I will change just what kind of information people might know. A bogeyman-like cult of the Dark Triad? Easy to know. Who they are exactly, what they want, and who these three are is more specific information not common knowledge.


I was able to download all the supplements, but I can't find these 5e conversions I see talked about in here. Any have working links they can share of them? I would love any VTT updated maps and so on since I would like to run it for my friends.


From the link on the first page of the thread (Age of Worms Adventure Path) go to the upper-right corner and click on the "Go to Download" button.

The only maps (outside of any built by GMs) are in the supplements. They are high enough resolution for VTT. If you are having trouble lining them up to the grid, you can watch a tutorial I put together. It will show you how to set up a map (at least in Roll20) in a couple minutes.



First Post
From the link on the first page of the thread (Age of Worms Adventure Path) go to the upper-right corner and click on the "Go to Download" button.

The only maps (outside of any built by GMs) are in the supplements. They are high enough resolution for VTT. If you are having trouble lining them up to the grid, you can watch a tutorial I put together. It will show you how to set up a map (at least in Roll20) in a couple minutes.

Perfect. Thanks!!
Any monsters not in those conversions should be normal 5e Monsters I assume or A5e?

Voidrunner's Codex

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