D&D 5E [Legendary Games] More Loot for The Dragon's Hoard!


It's been a busy month away from the computer for Legendary Games dealing with health and family issues but after nearly a month we are excited to return with the latest issue of The Dragon's Hoard #47, featuring as always new class options, magic, and more for our 5E fans every month with magical items like the funereal rod and reliquary shield, spells like bones of the earth and inevitable defeat, class options like the Iridic Mage and Apostate paladin, and monsters like the terrifying feargaunt and sinister shadow collector! Grab this 32-page 5E book in print or PDF today at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, Amazon, and DrivethruRPG!

Each issue of The Dragon's Hoard collects all of the new magic items, class options, spells, monsters, and more from our Legendary Loot Patreon, which publishes new 5E content every single day, with new magic items free to everyone each week on 5E FREE-day, like today's fabulous frigid fluid! A new issue of The Dragon’s Hoard releases every month, and our Patrons get their copies for free on the 1st of each month, but they go live for everyone by mid-month. Check out some of our recent issues like:

  • The Dragon's Hoard #37, available now with spells like demonhide, village veil, defiler's mantle, and ravaging remorse!
  • The Dragon's Hoard #39, available now with class options like the Beastlord primal path and Winter Knight paladin oath!
  • The Dragon's Hoard #40, available now with spells like molten orb, path of glory, mirror hideaway, and curse of burning sleep!
  • The Dragon’s Hoard #41, available now with magical items like the vengeblade and wand of bitter thorns!
  • The Dragon's Hoard #42, available now with creatures like the ancient jotunnár horde, and the apocalyptic radioactive purple worm!
  • The Dragon’s Hoard #43, available now with class options like Path of the Destroyer and glorious Inner Harmonies!
  • The Dragon’s Hoard #46, available now with spells like doom scarabs and chains of the inquisitor!

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