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Airwalkrr's Shackled City IC


What the...
The surprised Orc breed wasn't expecting someone to attack him. Luckily, he is wearing his iron. With a swift motion he takes out his trusty battleaxe. The crystal that is fixed on it begins to glow (5 ft. radius) .
He then swings it with the intention to cut the robed figure.

[sblock=ooc]move action to draw weapon, standard action to Attack with Battle axe +6, dmg 1d8+4.
HP: 13/13
AC: 18, Touch: 11, FF: 17
Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: +1
Spot: +1
Listen: +1 [/sblock]

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Baelor brandishes his axe as he tries to push through the press to reach the cloaked figure attacking the half-orc.

Don't know if there is room to move in and attack, but if Baelor can do that, he will:

Waraxe +4, damage 1d10+3/x3

[sblock=Stat Block]AC: 18, HP: 09/09
Fort +4, Refl +3, Wil +1 (+2 racial bonus vrs poison and spells/spell-like effects)
Spot +4, Listen +4[/sblock]


"You don't know the half of it! He's just the one they leave to keep an eye on me. Oh, they're going to kill Starbrow for this!" the gnome moans in anguish.

Baelor moves quickly to take the gnome's previous position before the strange cloaked figure can react, thus avoiding the negative consequences of letting his guard down. By the time the cloaked figure turns to him, he has already taken a defensive posture.

[sblock=OOC]Last call for Goran and Simon's actions.[/sblock]


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"Oh, now this simply shan't stand!" Simon raises one hand and traces a symbol in the air, where it hangs for a moment as a sickly-grey sigil before, with a flick of his wrist, he sends it seething through the air towards the cloaked man. "Take him alive, if we can!"

Weekends are always difficult times for posting for me.... But here I am now, and thank goodness for Simon's crappy initiative roll!

HP: 8/8
AC: 16, Touch: 12, FF: 14
Fort: +2, Ref: +2, Will: +3
Spot: +1
Listen: +1

It looks as though I have LOS, if only just -- If I'm misreading that, he'll simply delay an action until/if he gets a clear shot.

Said shot is a Ray of Enfeeblement[/url]: 1d20+2=15 ranged touch to-hit, 1d6+1=7 points of strength damage.


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“We have a lot to talk about still... is there any exit other than this?”

Alexi asks, while she moves to block the front door.


Simon's conjured sigil soars towards the cloaked figure but his aim is a bit off, and the sigil strikes the back wall instead. Goran pulls out his throwing axe and chucks it at the cloaked figure, but the attack falls short of its mark and the axe clatters harmlessly to the floor. However, all of the attacks directed at it seem to catch the figure off guard as Floch cleaves his battle axe into the creature's side, causing a grave wound. Meanwhile, Alexi moves to cover the front door in case the creature tries to escape. Fellian nocks a second arrow and sends it singing towards its target. Though he comes closer than before, he still misses by a hair. Finally, the creature, in the throes of death lunges at Floch for one final strike before collapsing on the ground. Fortunately for the half-orc its rapier bends harmlessly against his armor. A pool of blood slowly begins to form around the creature.

The gnome quavers in the corner, simpering in fear. Clearly he is not used to the gore. "Please don't hurt me," he pleads, "I only did it under duress. They stole my rat and swore they would kill him if I didn't cooperate."

Though he is still standoffish towards most of you, he is clearly terrified of Floch, and seems inclined to be agreeable to any reasonable request the half-orc might make.

[sblock=OOC]Just a word of advice for Bohemian, in case you weren't aware. Simon suffered a -4 penalty for firing a ranged attack into melee. Compound this with the fact that the creature had a +4 cover bonus to AC from intervening creatures and the counter and Simon had an effective -8 penalty to his roll. You may wish to factor that into your tactical considerations in the future. Ray of enfeeblement is a great spell if you have an unobstructed path towards enemies who are not engaged in melee with allies. In less optimal circumstances however, the penalties often significantly reduce its chances of having any effect.[/sblock]


The Half Orc lowers his battle axe, and kicks the rapier away from the cloaked figure. He then kneels toward it, and reveals the creature’s identity.
He is gravely wounded. We should tie him and see if we tend his wounds.
He turns to the gnome with a roar.
Hurry little one, bring me rope, NOW!


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“Could you please stop bullying him around like that? He already agreed to tell us what's going on, and he is apparantly just a victim of this whole scheme as well. A bit more reason is what we need now, if we want to find the kidnapped people and his... pet.”

Alexi then turns to the gnome.

“That is what you want, right? Help us, so we can help you.”

"Exactly," Simon chimes in. "It's in everyone's best interests, friend. We will keep you safe, one way or another."

Yeah, running 4E has done that to me -- I'd forgotten entirely about 3.5's penalty for shooting into melee. My brain has trouble running on two tracks these days, even if they are largely parallel. Plus, I'm coming up with really awful metaphors.

Voidrunner's Codex

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