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Airwalkrr's Shackled City IC


Hurry little one, bring me rope, NOW!

The gnome gasps, "Wh-why would I h-h-have any rope? I'm a locksmith not a m-m-mountain climber!"

Floch pulls back the cloak to reveal a hairless gray humanoid creature with sharp teeth and grey eyes. It does not appear to be undead, but it looks sickly just the same.

“That is what you want, right? Help us, so we can help you.”

"Yes, whatever you want. But you have to move quickly. Now that you've taken out that one, the others will soon start to wonder. They come from beneath the city. There is a passage that leads to the abandoned underground city of Jzadirune in the backroom. That's where they come from. I'll show you where it is, but you have to hurry!"

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A quick glance around the room confirmed that only their attacker was injured. With that Keth didn't waste any time going to the side of the bleeding figure, checking for signs of life.

You don't get off that easy.

[sblock=ooc]Assuming the assailant is still alive Keth will cast Cure Minor Wounds on them to stabalize them post haste.[/sblock]


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Baelor fingers his axe and nods at the gnome. "Yes, show us this passage. If these beings are responsible for the disappearance of my friends, I shall carve my way through them all."


The creature appears to be breathing, but it is fading. Keth's spell staunches his wounds and the creature's breath becomes more steady, but it remains unconscious.

The gnome moves over to the back room, stepping gingerly over the unconscious creature. He then steps to the wall under the staircase and steps on a loose floorboard. That causes a portion of the wall to jut out slightly. The gnome puts his fingers along the edges of the extended portion of the wall and swings it open, revealing a stairway that descends into the depths.

"They must have discovered this passageway somehow. They arrived at night, kidnapped my rat, and told me they would kill him if I did not cooperate. I gave them three skeleton keys that would open most locks in the city. I'm really not a bad person, but they blackmailed me! I had no choice!"


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Baelor harumphs at the gnome's words. Without second thought the dwarf takes his pipe from his mouth (where it had remained when he had rushed toward the melee) and taps it against the upper portion of his high, well-worn leather boots, knocking ash and charred tobacco to the floor. He pockets the meerschaum and then steps to the edge of the stairs, looking down into the darkness.

[sblock=For airwalkrr]
60' darkvision...can Baelor see anything?


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Keth looked up from the sickly looking creature, the danger of its immediate expiration having passed.

What is this thing?

It wasn't quite like anything he had ever seen before. Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't healthy looking.

Keth studied the gnome for a moment.

You say there are more of these? How many? How much time do we really have before they realize what's happened?

[sblock=ooc]How large is the creature?

Do we know anything about this Jzadirune?[/sblock]
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"Well," a nonplussed Simon says, "Sooner begun, sooner done, eh?" He swings his axe from his back and tests the edge against his thumbnail as he strides over to the captive.

Kneeling down beside the creature, he looks it over slowly, stroking his beard. "I've never seen the like," he mutters....

1d20+6=20 Knowledge: Religion


[sblock=OOC]Oni, the creature is medium-sized.

On the Knowledge checks for identifying monsters, I will often stack spoiler blocks within each other since you gain more information for each 5 full points by which you exceed the DC. In this case, you do not need to roll a second Knowledge check. If your original check beat the next result, you may read the next spoiler. Remember, this is the honor system. Please do not abuse it.[/sblock][sblock=Knowledge (dungeoneering) DC 12 to identify the creature]This creature is a skulk, a member of a race of subterranean humanoids with superb camouflage that allows them to blend in with their surroundings.[sblock=Knowledge (dungeoneering DC 17 to know more]A skulk's stealthy abilities extend to evading magical means of detection as well as tracking. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to track down a skulk who has fled.[sblock=Knowledge (dungeoneering DC 22 to know more]Although not physically powerful, skulks are cunning and often travel in groups, using their stealth to take opponents by surprise. They often serve as minions to more powerful creatures in the Underdark.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Knowledge (history) or bardic knowledge DC 25 to recall information about Jzadirune]Jzadirune is a gnomish enclave below Cauldron that was abandoned 75 years ago after it was struck by a magical malady known as the Vanishing. It is rumored that tainted artifacts the gnomes had discovered deeper underground were the source of the disease. After abandoning their stronghold, the gnomes never returned.[/sblock]

As Baelor gazes into the secret passage, he sees a stairway descending down into the depths. The passage is made of fine masonry. Whoever crafted this place knew what they were doing.

"I'm afraid I don't know exactly how many of them there are," the gnome explains petulantly, "but they usually come in pairs or threes and often leave the shop wearing cloaks. There are actually two kinds of creatures. Tall ones and short ones. This is a tall one. The short ones are sinister gnomelike creatures (I assure you there is no relation) with pallid skin, large noses, and soft black hooves for feet. They wear black cloaks and cowls that help them hide in shadows.

"They could come at any time, so time is of the essence. They usually come at night however. I suppose it is all the better for them to carry out the kidnappings in the dark."


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Baelor grumbles low in his throat, resting his heavy axe against his shoulder as he turns back to the gnome. "Do you have any idea what lies below? These creatures' defenses? And what is so important about a damned rat that you would go along with this?


" ... They arrived at night, kidnapped my rat, and told me they would kill him if I did not cooperate. I gave them three skeleton keys that would open most locks in the city. I'm really not a bad person, but they blackmailed me! I had no choice!"

The Half Orc eyes the gnome
I’m in no position to judge you little one, the church will hear about your story when we’ll return, they and the gods will decide your fate.
He then eyes the two new comers his friends brought from the outside before trailing after Baelor to the depth of Earth.
Maybe you two...
He nods to them while thinking that maybe they can do this job, clearly they are not that good with bows.
...Can take the cloaked one to the temple where he should be questioned?

Voidrunner's Codex

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