Al-Qarin: Into the Desert (3-1-24)

Good stuff! Hard to believe this thread is almost nine years old!

Seriously. Looking back at some old comments I made, I peg this part somewhere around the summer of 2005.

We actually played a session not too long ago which was awesome...playing that is, not the session itself. That was disasterous. Of course, in Galeman's game, if there isn't plenty of disaster and tragedy, we don't really feel like we've accomplished anything.

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Struggling to regain his senses through a fog of pain, Khalid's first thought was that he'd been attacked by Vestalt's minions. Trying to scramble away from the pointed horns with that filled his vision, he flopped about like a landed fish, until slowly his vision cleared, and Azarek's face coalesced in front of him. Blinking in confusion, he asked, “Ah, what happened?”

“You asked me to keep an eye out for anything funny,” Azarek rasped. “You went stone still for about half an hour, then started mumbling and drooling all over yerself. So I woke you up.”

“By bashing me with your shield?” Khalid moaned, rubbing his jaw.

“Hah,” Azarek barked. “That weren't nothing. Shaking ya didn't work, so I gave ya a little nudge is all.”

Annoyed as he was, Khalid couldn't really find fault with him. Brushing away Azarek's outstretched hand, he stood up and closed his eyes, trying to re-establish the connection. Ilsadora? Geoff? But this time there was no response, save for a faint whiff of pine that could have been no more than a memory. With a sigh, Khalid and went to find Gorak and Shayla. Holed up within the privacy of the magical shelter, they discussed it late into the evening. Khalid repeated the details several times, and, painful as it was for her, Shayla recounted her experience, at least as much as she could recall, in the hopes they could find some common thread. In the end, it came down to a single question.

“Are you sure?” Gorak growled, for the tenth time.

Khalid sighed. “Ah, it seemed as real as this does now. I could feel the warmth, yes, warmth of the sun upon my face and smell the pine upon the breeze. And I do not doubt the power of the being. Yes quite.”

“But was it Ilsadora?” Shayla pressed.

“Ah, I can only guess. cut short.”

“When you got clobbered,” Gorak grunted, scowling at Azarek.

Azarek shrugged off the comment. “He asked for it. Don't blame me jus cuz I enjoyed it a little.”

Ignoring that, Shayla asked, “Do we tell Erik?”

“Ah, I see no reason not to. Let them do what they will with the information, yes, quite. There can be no denying the presence of a higher power within the vault, and his sacrifice has already renewed their faith. The most obvious explanation is likely the correct one in this situation,” Khalid replied. “It's the implications, yes, implications, that concern me.”

“A'right,” Gorak grunted, cutting the conversation short. “Then I think we're just about done here. Probably best we head out in the morning.” No one disagreed, and they retired for the night.

Having done little but study the last few days, being awoken on Gorak's schedule was more than a little grating. Slowly Khalid collected his things and exited the portal, joining the others in the small house that had been given over for their use. The main square was a flurry of activity, with Erik at its centre. Dozens of people, rangers and villagers alike, crowded around him while he calmly organized everything from the provisioning of the town to the daily patrols. When he caught sight of them at the edge of the crowd, he extracted himself from the townsfolk and joined them. Seeing that they were carrying all of their gear, he said, “You're welcome to stay as long as you like, but I'm guessing folks like you have more important places to be.”

“Home,” Gorak grunted. “And we got a mountain range and half a desert to go yet. Best we get started.”

“I understand. Just know that nothing we can do will ever repay what you have given us.”

“Ah, there's something else you should know,” Khalid interrupted. He quickly covered the details of his experience. “I do not pretend, yes, pretend to know what it means but we thought you should know. Yes, quite.”

To his surprise, Erik reached out and clasped his arm. “I can't begin to thank you enough, for everything you've done, especially how we, how I, treated you before. I won't ignore the lesson in humility, Ilsadora has seen fit to teach me.”

Gorak grunted. “You had your reasons and we had ours. Worked out well enough for both of us I figure.” His scowl deepened. “But you know, Orcs maybe the least of yer problems. The Dwerro ain't gonna be busy down south for ever.”

Erik nodded. “We'll send out scouts. We'll have some warning at least.”

“Warning won't be enough to save you from the Dwerro army,” Shayla replied.

“No,” Erik agreed. “It won't. But if they come this far north, they'll find nothing but a few crumbling old buildings in a clearing in the trees. Once we drive the Orcs out and control the forest, there won't be an army in the world big enough to flush us out.”

“That's a hard life fer village folk,” Azarek rasped. “You sure yer ready fer it?”

“Those Orcs chipped a little bark off, but it’ll only grow back thicker. We've deep roots in this forest. With the goddess watching over us, we will come to thrive beneath the leaves.” The tone in his voice edged upon zeal.

“Ah, she may not yet be able to intervene in mortal realm again,” Khalid cautioned. “She said nothing...”

Erik smiled. “Maybe. But her courage is our courage in these dark times. Perhaps witnessing our small triumph will lend her some small amount of hope, in return for the faith she has given us.”
Khalid couldn't help but notice while objects of worship for Ilsadora were there to see before, now every building sported dedication to the Goddess. True faith might be enough shelter from the privations to come, he thought to himself. They parted ways with Erik shortly thereafter, and after checking in on Geoff one final time, they rode out of town. Once again, like Knolton, Khalid found himself the centre of far more attention than he felt he deserved, as townsfolk came out to bid them safe journey.

* * * * * * * * *​

Two days into the journey, and Khalid was already missing the casual indolence of the last days in the village. Recent events had done little to quell his disquiet with the trees, and the prospect of running into fleeing Orcs was all too real. Being mounted and on the road, they gambled that they'd be able to overrun or escape any of the scattered bands foolish enough to cause trouble. But it was more than just physical discomfort that soured his mood. Once clear of the village, Gorak had pulled out the twisted staff, and carried it at his side. Khalid had long since learned to trust his instincts, especially the paranoid ones. The presence of the staff made him decidedly uncomfortable and not only because of its association with the basement. He caught Shayla's eye and motioned at the staff with a nod of his head. She leaned back in her saddle and shrugged, but Khalid caught her watching Gorak more and more often as they left the trees behind, and rode out onto the plain.

A few days later, Khalid's suspicions grew to the point where he could not help but voice them. Gorak, he began, with a glance over to Shayla. We need to discuss the staff.

“What about it?” Gorak grumbled.

We need to give it proper study, it could be unpredictable or dangerous.

“Relax,” Gorak grunted. “It's just a weapon.”

I should think it’s more than just a weapon. In any event we should discern exactly what it is capable of.

“I think I got a pretty good handle on it,” Gorak grumbled. “It ain't nothing to worry about.”

The last thing Khalid did when somebody told him to stop worrying, was stop worrying. “Ah, Gorak,” he said. “If you know something...yes quite.”

“Well it obviously does that thing that sucks all the water outta the air.” Gorak growled.

“Are you certain? Is, yes, is that all it does?” Khalid pressed. “How can you be sure?”

Realizing that he couldn't continue to be evasive, Gorak relented. “It told me.”

“Told you?” Shayla asked, in that deadly calm voice that usually meant somebody was about to get seriously hurt.

“Yeah,” Gorak rumbled. “It told me. It's a weapon alrigh'. Damned powerful and conscious of it.

Khalid switched again, directing his thoughts only to the three of them. Gorak, such things do not...think...the way we do. They are often times infused with singular purpose that they will carry out to the exclusion of all else. The most powerful can overwhelm a man's mind.

“It tried that. Din't work. It knows who’s boss.”

What does it want? You perhaps received some glimpse of its purpose?

“Well,” Gorak grumbled, starting to look a little defensive. “Maybe something. I got the feeling that it don't like cities and civilized folk much. That’s why it got on so well with them Orcs.”

“Great. It's capable of widespread carnage, and it hates cities.” Shayla muttered. “What if it went off in Gem-Sharad? How many people would it kill?”

“It can't do that,” Gorak growled. “It can't activate isself. It needs somebody to use it. And besides, that ain't nothing new. You can't tell me there weren't nothing that dangerous floating around Gem-Sharad before?

Unquestionably. But the institutions that held those forces in check have been swept away. And new powers rush to fill the void. Thus far, we have managed to claw and scratch our way to near the front of the pack, through a combination of ill luck, suffering and a measure of bravado that is rarely substantiated by our actions. I certainly see the allure. But in the wrong hands...we bested it once, sacrificing half a town to do it. In that was in the hands of one ignorant, albeit charismatic, forest Orc.

“It's gonna take more than a shrivelled up stick…” he paused and glared at Khalid, “or a shiny egg to order me around. Ain't I proved that already?

We can't afford to underestimate it. It will be relentless. Its very identity is tied to its purpose. It will wait until you're wounded, or confused, to strike again. Perhaps it will remain docile for a time, until you come to depend on it, and when you need it this most, it will demand your surrender. If you refuse, it matters not, for the next to retrieve it may not be that strong.

“One of these times, we're gonna run into something that don't poison or burn too well,” Gorak replied, “and this thing'll help. If I can control it, we're a force to be reckoned with. The shyte that's dogging us, maybe for once, we got the edge.”

Perhaps. But given our recent success, it's equally likely that we'll end up putting a powerful artifact into the hands of Vestalt, who will no doubt find a way to employ it. It's my opinion that it's too dangerous to use, and too dangerous to carry with us. It's best destroyed, but given our present situation, I think we have to settle for concealing it.

Azarek rolled his eyes. “Ya don’t throw a sword away just cuz one end’s a little pointy. If you ain’t gonna risk getting cut, you ain’t never gonna win the fight.”

“I’m with Khalid on this one,” Shayla said, cutting him off. “It’s too dangerous. We’re not going to let it do what it wants, and worse, we took it away from somebody that would have. It’s going to turn on us. It’s just a matter of time.”

Gorak absently tossed the staff to the ground. “I think yer wrong,” Gorak growled. “But I can’t have you doubting me all the time, or we’ll end up dead fer sure. We’re in this now. Only way we live to see another day, is if we trust each other.”

Khalid half expected to be smote by some unseen power, but the staff just lay there. Gorak shrugged. “I just figured maybe I shouldn’t be holding it, if I was gonna say that.”

“Who’s going to pick it up?” Shayla asked. “We can’t just leave it there.”

“Relax,” Gorak rumbled, riding over to one of the stunted pines that still dotted the increasingly bleak landscape. Muttering a few words, he plunged his hand through the bark. The tree sagged a little as he pulled out a smooth pine box. Gorak grunted at Azarek, who slid off his horse and helped him manoeuver the awkward branch into the box. Repeating the incantation, Gorak ran his hand along the side and sealed the staff within. “That’s the best I can do for now. We find us a good sized chunk of rock, and I’ll bury it.”

Khalid, lacking a better suggestion, nodded, and they resumed their journey. Just before noon the following day, Gorak returned from scouting ahead. Shifting back into his natural form, he growled, “I think I found some place that’ll work.” He led them away from the thin rutted path they were following through the gently rolling terrain to a thin stream. As they followed its banks it gradually widened until it merged with another and became almost a proper river. A few miles further on, the gentle murmur of the water grew louder as it tumbled down a waterfall to a murky pool below. They picked their way down the rocky incline to the base of the falls. Unstrapping the box from the back of his horse, Gorak placed his hand on the rock and uttered the words to a spell. At his touch, the rock rippled and flowed away, forming a small opening, just large enough to accommodate the staff. Sliding it into place, he repeated the words and dragged his hand across the stone, leaving no trace of his work.

Breathing a sigh of relief that the staff hadn’t managed to strike them dead, a flicker of motion caught his eye as he was about to speak. Swooping down from overhead was a giant owl, larger even then the eagle they had faced many months ago in the desert. Gorak, absorbed with the task at hand, was similarly caught unaware as the bird settled at the rocks on the top of the falls.

In a manner all too familiar, the bird began to writhe and shift, wings melting into arms, talons drawing back into booted feet. The steel grey feathers became a long coil of grey hair. Only her eyes remained the same. The cold, calculating menace of a predator. The woman, never taking her eyes from them, tilted back her head in a decidedly wolflike manner and sampled the air.

“You stink of blight,” she declared, her lips curling slightly. “Who are you?” she demanded. “And what are you doing here?”


it's alive! IT'S ALIVE!

Still here. Is this game still running or are you just writing it up after the fact? What levels are they at this point in the story, and what levels are they right now, or whenever it ended?

it's alive! IT'S ALIVE!

Still here. Is this game still running or are you just writing it up after the fact? What levels are they at this point in the story, and what levels are they right now, or whenever it ended?

Heh, I'm amazed that anybody read this thing in the first place, much less is still following it after all this time. The game hasn't ended, but it's pretty much dormant at this point. We all live in different cities now, and while there was some brief hope Galeman would move back to this side of the country at least, for now it doesn't look like we'll be playing again regularly anytime soon. When I first started writing this up, it was mostly for the character points. Now I'm just trying to get it down so we don't forget everything that happened on the rare occasions that we do get together. I have high hopes, that if nothing else, we'll all be gathering around the table in the retirement home to wrap it up...That being said, I've probably covered about 2/3rd of the story so far.

After the Orc attack in the forest, Khalid and Gorak just hit 8th level (I know because I bust out some new spells in the next fight), Shayla is level 7 and Azarek is 6 I think (I never should have made him a Tiefling, I think he's actually only a 5th level Fighter here)...heh I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday, but I know exactly what level my wizard was in 2005. That says...something...about me, probably nothing good...

Last game we played, I think we hit 11th, or just a bit shy.


Khalid, still weary from the battle in the village and fretting over the fate of the staff, was in a rare mood. “Ah, our business here is none of your concern,” he snapped. “And you’re no bed of roses from the downwind side either I suspect. Yes, quite.” He glanced at Gorak for support, but his expression was inscrutable. Shayla was watching him as well, her eyes flickering between him and the woman standing above them. Azarek rested a hand on his sword, but the woman remained still, neither moving to attack or relenting, she studied each of them in turn before fixing her gaze on Gorak. Receiving no signs of encouragement, Khalid lost some of his fleeting bravado. “Ah, and who are you, to accost us on our journey?” Again, there was no response. Khalid, never one to look for a fight, was beginning to find the silence almost unbearable. Just when he thought he wouldn’t be able to take it anymore, there was a subtle shift in Gorak’s posture.

“Name’s Gorak. That’s Khalid and Shayla,” he growled. “We ain’t gonna trouble you none. We’re just passing through.”

“I am Olyna,” the woman replied, her tone cool, but no longer threatening. “Leave you shall, but first, I would know what you have brought into my realm.”

Khalid chewed on his lip. What do we do? he asked the others, silently.

Gorak shrugged, “You didn’t want it with us, and we gotta be moving on.”

Tired and frustrated, Khalid relented. Very well.

“It’s a staff,” Gorak grunted. “Orc weapon.”

“Why bring it here?”

“It’s evil, and powerful. We won’t use it, and it don’t like that. Where we’re going, it’s just gonna be a lodestone around our neck, until somebody takes it away from us. It’s best buried and forgotten.”

“And you decided to bring it here,” Olyna replied.

“Here is the middle of nowhere,” Shayla pointed out. “Seemed as good a place as any.”

Olyna appeared to consider that. After an almost uncomfortably long look at Gorak, she spoke. “It may well be. I will agree to let you leave it here.”

Khalid, somewhat concerned by the sudden change of heart, asked, “Ah, yes, but how do we know that you won’t try to use it. Yes, quite.”

“I have no desire to be either slave or master. I have encountered that thing before and I am not ignorant to its purpose. It defiles all around it. It will stay buried here until the stone crumbles into dust.”

Khalid considered himself a pretty good judge of character, but he nevertheless turned to Gorak for reassurance. His casual shrug provided little. With a sigh, Khalid stuffed his concerns down deep. Like it or not, they had bigger problems, and the weapon was a distraction they could ill afford. As they turned away, the druid shifted her form and took flight. She followed them for a brief distance, before climbing high out of view.

“What was all that about,” Azarek rasped.

“Khalid ain’t the only one that can get his point across with his mouth shut,” Gorak grunted. “I trust her enough. Let’s leave it at that.”

A hundred miles later, Martok was a gray smudge on the horizon, and before long, came to dominate the skyline ahead. The sense of vague unease he’d felt upon first seeing the mountain returned, honed to a jagged point like the mountain ahead. “Ah, are we still committed to this plan? Our reception, yes, reception at the village was less than welcoming last time. Yes, quite. Perhaps we would be better to turn south and skirt the mountain all together.”

“That means we took a long, long walk with nothing to show for it,” Shayla pointed out. “Well, not exactly nothing,” she added, with a toss of her jet black hair. The sarcasm was more than a hint.

“We got information,” Gorak growled. “That’s more than we had before. That devil took the Dwerro for a reason and heading back West, we’re gonna walk right back into that shyte storm. I’d like to see if maybe we could at least find an umbrella.”

Khalid had been trying to put that thought out of his mind, with only marginal success. He couldn’t argue with either of them, but he didn’t have to like it. Shifting in his saddle, he settled into a good worry, as the miles rolled by under the hooves of their summoned mounts. Without having to care for the horses, they rode hard as always, eating in the saddle and stopping only to sleep. A few days later, Gorak returned from one of his patrols, and shifted in front of them. “Welcoming party is out in full force,” he grunted.

“Don’t suppose they looked happy to see us?” Azarek rasped.

“Hard ta tell.” Gorak grumbled. “Khalid, magick me up a horse. No sense looking like we got something to hide.”

They eased up on their pace, turning slightly to meet the villagers head on. For once, Azarek mostly behaved himself and left his weapons sheathed. Before long they saw the warriors from the village, standing in a semi-circle as before. They reigned in a respectful distance away, and Khalid spoke, “Ah, we have no quarrel, yes, quarrel with you.”

He was only half as surprised when the old woman stepped from behind two men. “So, you’re back.”

“Ah, and you speak the Western tongue,” Khalid replied, his eyes narrowing.

“The time fer playing games is long past, don’t you agree?”

“You were expecting us,” Shayla said, more a statement then question.

The old woman laughed, a wheezy, rasping sound. “Oh, I just knew you were gonna find your way back here. I been keeping an eye out on you folk.” She tapped the center of her forehead, with a sly grin at Khalid. “More and more, when people ask powerful questions, it is your name that comes back the answer. A wise person might suggest you take better care to conceal your activities. Or at least your involvement.”

Shayla rolled her eyes. “Next one we meet, we’ll ask for her opinion.” The emphasis grated on Khalid.

“Hah,” the old woman barked, with a smirk. “That fire in your belly might have been enough to stave off your enemies until now, but folks out there are starting to take notice.”

“Don’t we know it,” Gorak grunted.

“We know you were at the fall of Caer Morag and more. And the winds bring whispers of a great slaughter in the forest to the south,” she continued, her eyes narrowing. “In fact, it would seem you’ve left a trail of bodies in your path since you walked down from the mountains.” Her smile was gone now, as she looked at each of them in turn, taking their measure.

“More than a few before that too,” Shayla muttered, her tone bordering on ominous.

“No doubt,” the old woman replied, her expression unreadable. Then she spun on her heel and began heading toward the mountain and at brisk jog. Khalid looked at Gorak and Shayla, his hopes rising that they could finally head back to the questionable safety of Gem-Sharad. A moment later, the old woman dashed them. “Well, come on then,” she called over her shoulder. “We’ve got a lot to discuss and I’m in no mood to do it out here.”

The warriors spread out around them, not so close as to threaten, but there was no questioning the direction they were riding in. Khalid didn’t get the sense they were in immediate danger but the old woman did nothing to alleviate his concern, proving as reticent as she was spry and running ahead of them in silence. Hours of silence later, they arrived at the village. Near the center of town, the old woman finally spoke. “Well you ain’t gonna fit inside on top of them horses.” With a jerk of her head, she motioned for them to follow as she parted the deer hides hanging over the door, and led them into the large yurt.

Several of the warriors remained near the door, but none of them followed her in. Khalid blinked as he entered the gloomy interior, pausing for a moment to allow his eyes to adjust. A small amount of light filtered in through the open hole in the center, above the fire pit. The inside was surprisingly similar to the nomadic tents he’d had occasion to visit with Gorak while perusing for exotic herbs in the outskirts of Gem-Sharad. Tapestries hung from the walls, and thick rugs covered the hard packed earth. A small wooden bookcase was packed with scrolls and papyrus, along with other artifacts whose purpose was not readily apparent. The old woman motioned to a young girl kneeling near the door, and she quickly left the tent, returning with cool water and a platter of hard, foul smelling cheese. Figuring they wouldn’t bother feeding him if they meant to kill him, Khalid relaxed slightly and took a slab of cheese. The overpowering aroma made his eyes water, but where free food was concerned, he rarely let taste interfere. The settled down on their knees near the middle, while the old woman settled into a low chair along the wall.

“So you’re a lot friendlier this go round,” Gorak growled with his usual tact. “What changed?”

“A great deal,” the old woman replied, leaning forward in her chair. “We appreciate what you’ve done for us. That harvest you raised when you left will last us two seasons at least, and we may yet get another planting in. And Caer Morag has fallen. But you knew that. You were there.”

Khalid saw no reason to deny it. “Ah, a most tragic situation. The city sacked, the tower destroyed, yes, destroyed.”

That seemed to surprise the woman. “Nargammon destroyed the tower? I’d never had guessed he’d have the power do it. That tower has stood for centuries. The Dwerro will not be pleased. What else do you know of the South.”

Khalid, using his talent, kept up a ready stream of dialogue with Shayla and Gorak as he carefully crafted their story, touching only the larger picture without delving too deeply into their activities. It was clear the old woman had some knowledge of their travels, but even Khalid’s relative skill at judging people left him unsure of how much the old woman really knew. “And, of course, as you have heard, there was a battle in the southern forest, yes, quite. There was a great gathering of Orc clans from the mountains and the hills around, but the villagers laid waste to their horde. We were unfortunately, yes, unfortunately caught in the middle. The Dwerro will soon secure Caer Morag, and then press, yes, press north. The rangers will make their lives miserable, yes, miserable, but there is nothing truly standing between them and Martok now.”

“We caught one,” Shayla added. “A son of Martok. And let me tell you, if the rest of them are like him, they’re gonna be showing up here real soon.”

“Perhaps. But there are few of them remaining,” the old woman replied dismissively. “Why did you return here?”

"We didn’t find what we were looking for,” Gorak grumbled. “So we still need to get into that mountain, and I think maybe you know something that’d help us.”

“I know a lot that would help you,” the old woman, said with a cackle that set the hairs on the back of Khalid’s neck up. “But everything has a cost.”

“Well maybe your information is for sale, but I’ll give you this one for free,” Shayla said. Khalid knew what was coming, but there was nothing he could do to stop it. “No sooner than we grabbed that dark skinned Dwerro, a devil snatched him up.”

The old woman ceased chuckling. “What did you say?” she demanded. All traces of mirth were gone from her voice.

“Ah, it was a succubus,” Khalid replied. “A fell creature who’s only desire is to tempt,yes, tempt men to their doom. It is likely that it was acting under anothers orders.” It was as much of the truth as he was willing to admit.

“To what end?” the woman asked, the concern evident on her face.

“Dunno,” Gorak grunted. “But maybe if we can get into that mountain, we can figure it out.”

The woman considered that for a moment. “Leave me,” she said. “I must speak with the elders. Lodging will be prepared for you.”

Summarily dismissed, they followed one of the guards to another yurt, similar in appearance if somewhat less comfortably appointed. The warrior remained just outside, making it clear they weren't permitted to wander. With little else to do to pass the time, Khalid as he always did, turned to his studies. New formula lay just within his grasp, and time to work on them had been short in the past few days. Azarek, bored by inactivity, stretched out on one of the thick rugs. Titling his helmet over his eyes, he was soon fast asleep, rumbling snores soon drowning out the sound of Khalid's quill scratching across the parchment. Gorak and Shayla sat in idle conversation, with Emma curled up on her lap.

The light creeping through the tent flap slowly dimmed as the minutes turned into hours. With no summons from their host, they bedded down in the yurt for the evening. Khalid felt somewhat exposed sleeping outside the confines of his magick but was conscious of offending the tribes folk by disappearing. Setting a watch was also discussed, but ultimately they felt safe enough to rely on Emma and Sousee to alert them of trouble, and opted to take the opportunity for a decent night's rest. Khalid couldn't deny the comfort of the thick rugs and pillows, and nervous as he was, fell fast asleep almost as soon as he lay down.

Gorak shook him awake, and for a few moments, Khalid wasn't sure if he'd slept for minutes or hours, as the sky was still dark outside. Making himself somewhat more presentable with a cantrip, he followed Shayla outside, where a faint smudge of gray on the Eastern horizon confirmed he had slept through the night, and dawn was approaching. Muttering under his breath about the uncivilized hour, he followed the tribesman back towards the old woman's hut. When they arrived, their guide pulled back the flap, and waved them inside. This time, she wasn't alone, flanked on either side by several of the other elders, and a younger man Khalid assumed was the leader of the warriors. The old woman motioned for them to sit. In what Khalid took to be an encouraging sign, an attendant offered them each a cup of sweet smelling tea, before backing out of the yurt.

The old woman stared intently at them for a moment, before speaking. “We have decided to help you,” she said finally. It was not the answer Khalid expected, and a flash of panic rolled through him at the prospect of once again clamoring into the bowels of the earth. He pushed the thoughts deep down inside to deal with later, and tried to focus on the old woman. “It's clear now, that you are no mere treasure hunters wandering blindly to your doom. Fools instead, perhaps, but an abyssal presence on the loose, our goals align for the moment.

Gorak grunted at being called a fool, but waved for the old woman to continue, when she stopped and stared at him.

“We have a way to shield you from Martok's gaze, when you cross the boundary into his domain. Once you ventured inside, you're on your own.”

“Ah, yes, quite interesting,” Khalid interjected. “How does it work?”

“Long have we lived in the shadow of Martok,” she replied. “In days past, the ritual was taught by the spirits of our ancestors that keep us safe.”

“And you're sure this works?” Shayla asked pointed.

The old woman smiled wryly. “You're asking for a degree of certainty I can't give you, my dear. It hasn't been attempted in centuries. Our stories say it does.”

“Why not go yourself an' check it out,” Gorak grunted.

“Our presence this close to Martok is like a thorn in his paw. It has festered over the years and we can feel his anger, even in slumber, growing. The risk of disturbing him would be higher, if our own people were to try to breech the seal.”

“And this way, maybe it doesn't come straight back to you, if this ritual is nothing more than smoke in the pan.” Shayla muttered.

The old woman smiled her gap tooth'd grin. “So astute, for such a pretty young thing.” She seemed amused by Shayla's derision. “Nevertheless, this is all the aid we are able to provide. It will take some days to prepare the ritual. We will lead you to the base of Martok, and point you in the direction of an entrance we believe was less used. Assuming you still wish to go?”

Gorak, without waiting for the others, grunted ascent. “We spent half a year stomping around dodging Dwerro and almost getting killed. Time we did what we came here to do.”

“Very well,” the old woman continued. “But there is something we require to complete the ritual.”

“Here it comes,” muttered Shayla.

The old woman graciously ignored Shayla's comment and continued. “The tooth of a dragonkin.”

Khalid snapped his fingers. “Ah, yes, well fortunately, we happen to have...” he started, then trailed off as Gorak scowled at him.

“I didn't take any of it's damn teeth, before we got chased off,” Gorak growled. “Just the scales.”

“Yes, quite,” Khalid said somewhat dejectedly. “Well, ah, at least we know where we can possible get some.”

“Uh, are you forgetting about that very large, very angry, talking dog that chased us off?” Shayla pointed out. “Even if the corpse is still there, I doubt he's gonna let us pick over the carcass again.”

Khalid sighed, “Ah, well, yes, but what choice do we have?”

The old woman raised her hand to silence them. “We know of another,” she said. “But it will not be easy.”

“Never is,” Gorak grunted.

“There is a tribe of ogres in the foothills, that venerate one of the least of the dragonkin. While a true dragon's tooth would be better, it should suffice for our purpose. They will not sit by idly however. They consider the beast a totemic spirit of their tribe.”

“Ogres we've dealt with. Describe this dragon thing.” As he listed to the village hunters, Gorak nodded in understanding. “Wyvern,” he grunted. “Stupid and feral. Not to dangerous if we can avoid the poison. Probably hangs around the ogres for scraps of meat.” He slapped his thigh, “Just his teeth? Might not be much more than that left after we're through with him.”

“Just the teeth,” the old woman replied.

“Alright then,” he grunted. “We'll be back in a few days.”

After a journey of several days toward the mountains, the found the ogre village nestled among the hills. Gorak shifted form, and scouted it quickly from the air, coming up with a rough plan of attack. Stout timber walls encircled a collection of a dozen wood beamed structures, housing a little over a dozen ogres. Although there was a watchtower, it seemed mostly neglected and they suspected that the ogres relied on the wyvern to warn them of danger. A small cave further up in the hills was likely the wyvern's den. The plan decided, Gorak once again ranged ahead, scouting to see if the wyvern was out of its nest. Finding nothing, he circled back, and they set they plan in motion.

The ogres were caught completely unaware as Shayla, Azarek and Khalid descended invisibly from the clouds. The fight, if it could even be called that, was short, and brutal. Shayla began by incinerating a group in the center of the village. As their dying screams drew others out, Khalid went to work incapacitating them with toxic mist, followed by summoning a mass of tentacles as they creatures tried to flee for shelter.

Gorak landed on the wall, but before he could shift and cast a spell, he was forced to dodge aside as a boulder crashed into the wall at this feet. Azarek, shield held in both hands, swooped down in front of Shayla and deflected a huge rock that would have crushed her had it landed.

Between the confusion sown by Khalid's magick, and the relentless destruction wrought by Shayla, the ogres were quickly overwhelmed. As they had hoped, the sounds of battle drew the wyvern from it's nest. With a shriek from it's serpentine maw, it took to the air, racing toward the village, the sun glinting off its bluish white scales. But Khalid was prepared for this, and before it could close the distance on them, the air around it began to shimmer and thicken. The creature struggled mightily but it was all it could do to stay aloft as it's muscles seemed to work against it, twitching and jerking as it hovered in the air. It was an easy target for Gorak and Shayla, unable to even flee as the mental impediment Khalid placed upon its mind rendered practically immobile.

They flew over the smoking ruin of the village and landed beside the body of the wyvern. With a few pokes from his staff, Gorak satisfied himself that the creature was dead, and started to work on removing its teeth, along with a few choice scales.

Tired, but unscathed, they set off back toward the village, where they handed over the teeth to the old woman.

“Very well,” the old woman continued. “we will begin the preparations. I suggest you do the same.”

With their limited resources left from months on the road, there was little for the group to do but wait, once they had restocked their rations from the villages stores. Gorak inquired about watching the ritual, but was politely, but firmly refused, and chose not to push the matter. At dawn, two days following, they were summoned again to the old woman's presence.

“It is done.” She motioned with her hand, and one of the other elders brought forth three clay jugs, slightly larger than their waterskins. “At the precise moment the sun dips below the horizon tomorrow evening, you must bath yourself in this, and then step through the portal.”

“Ah, precisely?” Khalid inquired.

“We must continue the ritual here, and try to pull Martok's slumbering consciousness to us, and away from you. The timing is important,” she replied. “Argan will lead you to the base of the mountain. Two days should be more than enough time for you to reach the gate. If you don't,” she shrugged, “the choice is yours if you wish to continue. It may work, it may not.”

“There's a lot of mights and maybes in this plan,” Shayla muttered.

“Just like always,” Gorak grunted as he took a jug.

The old woman sighed, “I know the risk you take here and I wish you good fortune. Events are rushing forward to a conclusion that none of us can foresee. Martok is part of that. Upon your return, we will discuss what you have found and hopefully all become a little wiser.”

With nothing left to say, they packed their gear on Khalid's summoned horses, and followed their guides out of the village. The ride around the lake would have been almost idyllic, if it not for the looming presence of the great mountain hanging overhead. Eventually their guides led them down to the shore, where several bound reed canoes lay hidden in the brush.

“We should camp here tonight. You can cross over before dawn,” Argan said. In the fading light, he pointed out the start of the path. “It's treacherous to climb at night, but shouldn't take you more than a day to reach the hidden entrance. And it is not the eyes of the living you need to avoid, so day or night, it makes no difference when you climb.”

They set up a meager camp, with no fire, and spent a fitful night at the mountain's base. In the morning, the loaded up the canoe with their gear. Gorak walked away into the bush a few steps and then, to Khalid's surprise, returned without Sousee. Seeing his arched eyebrow, Gorak replied to the unspoken question. “I don't think she's gonna be much help in a cave, and I don't want her stuck in some musty old tomb if something happens to us. I set her free.”

“We'll keep a watch for a few days,” Argan said, by way of farewell. “In case you need us when you exit.” Gorak clasped his wrist in acknowledgment, and they pushed off onto the lake, as the first rays of dawn crept over the horizon. Behind Gorak and Azarek's powerful strokes with the paddles, they crossed the lake in short order, hiding their canoe as best they could among the sparse vegetation at the base of the mountain.

Gorak picked out the start of the path, which, from far away looked nothing more than a natural crevice, but, much to Khalid's relief, hid a cunning carved staircase into the rock. Even so, without handholds, parts of the climb were unnerving and dangerous. Sweating under the weight of his gear, and the relentless sun, Khalid paused to mop the sweat off his face. “Ah, how much further?” he asked, somewhat plaintively.

“Hard ta say,” Gorak grumbled, shielding his eyes with his, and leaning back dangerous to look up the mountain. But we ain't there yet, and we're losing the light. No time to rest now.”

They pushed on, as quickly as was safe. Finally, as the sun was no more than a thumbnail of color on the western horizon, they came to a small sheltered alcove, with a landing barely big enough for the three of them. Gorak spent several tortured moments searching for the hidden clasp, as the light slowly faded, before giving a satisfied grunt. “There it is.” Shifting what looked to be a natural stone in the wall slightly, a mechanical click sounded from behind the door, and the rock face swung inward. Gorak peered at the horizon for a moment and held up his hand, as Khalid and Shayla dug the flasks out of their packs. Holding it above their head, they waited for Gorak's signal. When his arm dropped, they upended the contents over their heads.

For a brief moment, Khalid felt refreshed as the cool liquid washed over him. In a second however, it all evaporated, leaving only a slightly oily sheen on his face and hands.

“Now or never,” Shayla muttered.

Khalid, struck by the possibility of losing that which he held most dear, hesitated for only a second as Gorak, followed by Shayla stepped through the doorway. With a deep breath, he forced himself forward then closed his eyes and he crossed the threshold and waited. A slight shudder passed through him, that could have been nothing more than his own nerves. Listening briefly in the darkness, to see if they entrance had been detected, Gorak eventually motioned at Shayla, he enacted a quick cantrip and lit their way. Khalid did the same, and breathed a sigh of relief as his magick still worked. Following Gorak, with Shayla in the middle and Azarek taking up the rear, they made their way down through a roughly carved passage, barely widen enough for Gorak's shoulders. After a few minutes of walking, they came to a broad landing, overlooking a large shaft in the mountain.

The landing and shaft walls were perfectly smooth and polished, much different from the walls of the tunnel. The shaft extended up and down as far as their light permitted them to see. Resting at the end of the landing was a huge iron cauldron, suspended by thick chains that vanished into the darkness above. While Khalid and Shayla took up watch, Gorak and Azarek examined the mechanism in the cauldron.

“This lever,” Azarek rasped. “Release.”

Gorak nodded. “Brakes here, on the winch. I think I see how this works.”

With little other alternative, they piled their gear carefully into the cauldron. Chains attached to the lip kept it from tipping over and dropping their too their deaths, but getting in was unsettling nevertheless, as the cauldron shifted and swayed. There was enough room for the four of them, but little more. Gorak nodded at Azarek, who pulled the release. “Down first,” Gorak grunted. “Dwerro like living under the rock,” he added, by way of explanation. Lacking a better reason, Khalid agreed.

The Dwerro engineering seemed unaffected by centuries of neglect, and the descent was smooth, with only a slightly rattling of the chain, that was far too loud for Khalid's comfort. Still, after almost half an hour, they'd seen little signs of movement or any hint they'd been discovered.

“Maybe we should pick up the...” Gorak grumbled, when Azarek roared. “Get down!”

The three of the dropped to the bottom of the cauldron as Azarek raised his shield just in time to take the brunt of a huge blow from above. Holding his shield in two hands, he struggled to keep it above them, as whatever was attacking them continued to rain down blows. Through Azarek's frantic defense, Khalid could just barely making a figure clinging to the chains overhead. It was emaciated and twisted, and seemed to be covered more with ridges of bone then skin. It's narrow face lacked a mouth, but it's blood red eyes burned in the darkness. It was gripping the chains with trippled jointed feet, head pointed down toward them, as its enormous arms, tipped with razor sharp scythe's instead of hands, slashed at Azarek's shield. A whip like tail swirled behind it, with a barbed tip that lashed down between the slashes, trying to slip past their defenses. Ducking low again, as the creature lashed out, Khalid barely avoided losing his head, and the things wicked appendage sheared through the soft iron rim of the cauldron.

“Oh that's enough of that,” Shayla cursed. And extended her hand past Azarek's shield as she chanted. The creature above was engulfed in roaring flames as a ball of fire exploded directly only him. To Khalid's immediate dismay, the thing seemed totally unhurt, as it scrambled back up the chains, that were now glowing red with heat.

“Ah, Shayla,” Khalid yelled. “Fire cannot harm it, it's some sort of devil.”

“Well we need to do something,” Azarek roared. “I can't hold it here forever.” Gorak had strapped on his ironwood shield, and crouched above them beside Azarek, trying to provide more cover. Khalid wracked his brain, trying to thing of a way to use any of his spells to drive the creature back, but his repertoire was uniquely unsuited for this position they were in.

“No fire eh?” Shayla muttered. “Keep it busy for a minute, when it comes back.” She closed her eyes and began to chant softly.

“What else am I gonna do,” Azarek rasped, drawing his sword as the creature reermged from the darkness. Stabbing upward with his large blade was little more effective than Shayla's magick, but the creature seemed to enjoy toying with him, slashing back with its blades.

Khalid could feel Shayla drawing in her power, as she muttered under her breath for much longer this time. Finally, after several agonizing seconds, her eyes flicked open, burning with rage. “Give me a shot!” she screamed, raising her hands above her head. Gorak and Azarek pulled their shields apart for a brief moment, giving her a clear line of sight to the creature.

This time, the explosion was soundless. The devil was enveloped a huge greenish cloud, that sizzled and crackled as it settled on the red hot metal. The creature above threw its head back in a silent scream, as its skin smoked and bony armor became pitted and cracked from the caustic mist. Gorak and Azarek overlapped their shields again, turning aside the creatures final slash before it scurried back up the chain into the darkness.

“Did I get it?” Shayla asked.

“Ya sure did,” Azarek rasped, “Sent it running.”

The held their position for a few more moments, listening in the darkness. The creature didn't reappear and Gorak and Azarek stood up, still holding their shields above the cauldron. “Ah, do you think it's gone,” Khalid asked somewhat pointlessly.

A slight tremor shook the cauldron. “It's still up there somewhere,” Gorak growled peering around the edge of his shield. “I can almost make it out.”

“Ah, what's it doing?” Khalid asked. A question that was answered an instant later, as the cauldron tilted dangerously to one side, sending them sprawling and almost dumping Azarek over the edge. A length of chain, one of the four stabilizing the lift, hurtled past them into the darkness.

The cauldron shook again, and a shower of sparks fell on them from above.

Shayla turned to Khalid with a look of fear in her eyes, and cursed exactly the same thing he was thinking.

“Oh ****.”
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“It's cutting the chains!” Gorak roared, somewhat unnecessarily. Feathers began to sprout from his arms as he lifted them above his head. Hopping up onto the edge of the swinging cauldron, he stepped off the edge, body twisting and morphing into the form of a giant eagle. With a powerful stroke of his wings, he vanished from sight into the darkness beneath.

“Ah, go!” Khalid shouted at Shayla, “Quickly!”

Shayla pulled the black feathered cloak tightly around herself and seemed to melt inwards as it swirled around her. A moment later, he was staring into the cold black eyes of a raven. Like Gorak, she hopped onto the edge of the cauldron and flew off.

Muttering arcane formula beneath his breath, Khalid completed his spell. The weave of magic surrounded him, and he willed himself upwards, hovering an inch above the floor. Azarek, shield still raised, looked at him hopefully, but his customary scowl began to deepen at the horror in Khalid's eyes.

“Ah, yes, well, I'm sorry,” Khalid stammered.

“Oh you've got to be shyting me!” Azarek roared.

“We were ah, going into a cave, yes quite! Underground, yes! I didn't think, yes, think, there'd be much need to fly.”

Before he could reach out and grab Khalid, Gorak reappeared out of the darkness and shifted back into his normal form. “There's a ledge,” he growled, “about fifty feet down on that side.” Seeing that Azarek wasn't floating, he looked at Khalid, who shrugged helplessly. Azarek looked across the width of the tube to the far wall, which was at least twenty feet away. Gorak clapped him on the shoulder. “Well, you might make it,” he grunted before shifting back and flying off, this time heading off above them.

Azarek stumbled hard against the edge of cauldron, as a second severed chain dropped past. Khalid, prudently removed himself from his reach. Cursing, Azarek dropped his shield and pack, and unbuckled his sword. There was no time to ditch the heavy plate he was wearing, as he struggled in the swaying bowl, dragging himself up on the lip using one of the two remaining chains. “You better hope I don't make it,” he cursed at Khalid. Timing his leap with the arc of the swinging cauldron, he hurled himself off the edge. Khalid plunged down behind and even through the gloom he could tell Azarek wasn't going to make it. Flinching as a flash of gold and white streaked past he watched in amazement as Gorak, timing his dive perfectly, banked hard into Azarek at the last second and propelled him the last few feet toward the wall. Just clipping the edge of the walkway, Azarek landed with a horrendous crash and explosion of sparks as he tumbled and rolled, finally sliding to a stop some dozen feet beyond the entry arch. Flaring his wings, Gorak landed just behind him and shimmered back into his own form. Shayla settled to the ground behind them, the raven's feathers splitting open to reveal her pale white skin as she grew and morphed into her elvish form.

Khalid was about to join then, when he noticed a strange symbol carved into the underside of the keystone of the entryway. Hesitating for a moment, he finally decided that if it posed a threat to them it would have reacted when Azarek passed beneath. The brief pause almost cost him dearly and the cauldron, severed from its moorings by the devil, whistled past him close enough to ruffle his robs. He quickly floated into the room, joining Gorak at Azarek's side, who was lying on the ground groaning.

“Get up you big baby,” Gorak growled. “You didn't even break nothing.”

Azarek struggled to get his feet, his scratched and dented armour squealing in protest. “Don't even say it,” he growled at Khalid, who was about to speak. Gorak muttered a few words and placed his hand on Azarek's shoulder. With a sharp intake of breath, he stood a little straighter and stopped grimacing in pain. He continued to stare daggers at Khalid, who, desperate to shift the focus, quickly cast a cantrip and held a glowing coin aloft to get his bearings. He looked around in some surprise, as even the magical light couldn't pierce the darkness to the edge of the room they were in. Behind, the soaring walls curved above them into a vaulted ceiling almost at the edge of his vision. Supporting the roof in front of them, two rows of huge pillars of carved stone, stark and unadorned, stretched away into the black. Unlike the flawlessly carved buttresses and ceiling, the floor was strangely uneven, in places smooth as glass and others rippled and broken, like frozen waves.

“Do you think that thing will follow us,” Shayla asked.

“Din't look like it could fly,” Gorak grunted, “and it cut them chains pretty far above us. Unless it's tougher than it looks, I don't think it'd survive the fall.”

“Ah, a moment before we proceed,” Khalid interjected. “There's something odd back here. Yes, quite.” He walked back to the entrance cautiously, watching for any sign of the devil. “This symbol here. Ah, I do not no much about the Dwerro, but this doesn't look like one of their runes. Muttering a few arcane words he dragged his fingers across his eyes and stared intently at the marking. “It's magick,” he said as he tried to decipher the swirling weave of colours his enhanced sight revealed.

“What's it do?” Gorak grunted.

“Ah, normally magical sigils such as this are protective wards, yes, quite. But it didn't activate anything when Azarek breached the threshold. I'm not entirely sure. It's powerful though. Yes, quite.”

“Well, if'n it was gonna do something, it probably woulda done it by now,” Gorak rumbled. “No point standing around here.”

Shayla, mimicking Khalid's light spell, flicked a glowing pebble down the path ahead, illuminating more pillars. When Khalid looked at her in surprise, she shrugged. “What? It's not like anything that's still alive in here doesn't know we're coming now, thanks to sneaky over here,” gesturing at Azarek. Not wanting the conversation to wander back in that direction, Khalid simply nodded and began cautiously moving forward, watching his footing on the uneven floor. Gorak and Azarek moved up to join him, when Azarek, still shaken from the fall, stumbled over something sticking out of the ground.

“What tha hell,” he growled, kicking at the obstacle with his foot. “Bring that light close.”

Khalid used his hand to focus the light on the floor, catching a glint of metal with the beam. Azarek bent, and tugged at something. The floor cracked apart surprisingly easily, and he lifted up a badly damaged axe, it's blade pitted and dull, the haft scorched. “What in the lower hells happened here?” he rasped. The source of his question was immediately obvious; pulled free with the axe was a mailed hand, the bones broken at the wrist. Nudging aside some rubble with the toe of his boot, it was apparent the rest of the axe's owner were buried below.

As Khalid swung the beam of light around, there were more flashes of light along the floor ahead. “Some type of spell, perhaps,” Khalid offered, “that encased them in the earth.” he looked at Gorak, who shrugged.

“Maybe,” he grunted. “But we ain't gonna figure it out standing here.” The moved another dozen feet before Azarek called a halt again.

“Hol up,” he rasped, bending down to pull at the hilt of a sword sticking out of the ground. When it didn't come free immediately, he braced his feet on both sides and pulled with all his strength, once again cracking the floor. Pulling free a huge two handed sword, he inspected what he could see the blade, then banged it hard on the ground to shake free the last of crusted rock, setting Khalid's teeth on edge as the noise echoed through the huge all. “This'll do fer now, till I find something better.” He glared at Khalid. “But don't think fer a second you don't owe me for all my shyte lying at the bottom of that tube.”

Khalid stopped in mid apology, as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. He glanced at Shayla, and saw the same expression on her face, as she looked around nervously. “Something is coming!” was all he managed to stammer out, before a loud crackling sound rent the air behind them, followed by the acrid smell of sulphur. Whirling around, he caught a fading blue glow emanating from the rune in the archway and of more immediate concern, four large devils. For once, Khalid recalled his studies in the White Tower and recognized their nature. “Ah, beware the beards!,” he shouted, as he moved to put some distance between himself and the creatures. Covered with thick scaly plates and wielding long, wickedly hooked glaives, bearded devils were the shock troops of the underworld armies. Their eponymous beards weren't made of hair, but rather a mat of thin rope like appendages ending in vicious grasping proboscis that squirmed and twitched, seeking the blood of their prey. They began to fan out, as Gorak and Azarek, reacting like the veterans they were, moved quickly to intercept before they could reach Khalid or Shayla. Having learned her lesson from their first encounter in the mountain, Shayla withdrew as far as she could, before drawing in her power. Struggling against her natural inclination to incinerate the creatures, sweat dripped down her face as pulled and warped the weave of magic around her, the effort taking long than normal. Judging the distance between the creatures to be suitable, Khalid saw an opportunity to cast one of his most potent spells. An instant later a field of translucent tentacles exploded from the ground beneath three of the devils, seizing hold them and rendering them immobile.

Gorak moved in with his shield raised, drawing the attention of the unencumbered devil, and blocking a viscous slash from the creatures pole-arm. Azarek, seeing an opening, rushed forward to close the distance, but the devil reacted faster than he anticipated and spun around, dealing him a wicked blow. Without his shield, Azarek was forced to take the blow on his armour, illiciting a pained grunt and another deep rent in the steel. Undaunted, his momentum carried him through the strike to close with the devil, where he returned the favour with a powerful blow from his sword.

Behind them, the devils continued to struggle against Khalid's magic when Shayla's spell erupted on top of them, showering the area with a viscous mist of acid. Even their infernal resilience wasn't enough to disrupt Shayla's magic, and both howled in pain as the acid smoked and seared the flesh between their scales. But they could do little more than rage in impotent fury, as more and more tentacles grabbed hold and began to constrict.

Gorak, staying on the defensive, growled a few words and transformed his skin into hardened oak. The devil, sensing him to the greater threat, pressed the attack lashing out with his glaive and drawing blood. Azarek, hammered at the creatures back with blow after blow, the worse of which was turned aside by the thing's thick hide. Seeking to aid them, Khalid attempted a blinding spell, but the showering of golden dust that exploded above the creature failed to adhere and drifted to the floor. Shayla was likewise foiled by the creatures resilience, as her jets of acid slid harmless across the devil's chest.

Gorak, stepping back beyond the reach of the glaive, raised his hand and ripped open tear in the air above the devil, and brought down a pillar of white hot flame. Howling in pain the creature sank to its knees as Azarek stepped forward, twisting his body into the blow with all the strength he could muster, and hewed a huge wound in the creatures side. He continued to hack at the creature long after it stopped twitching on the ground.

The immediate threat contained, Shayla went to work on destroying the others. Despite her barrage of spells and the unbridled strength on the tentacles, the devils inherent toughness made the entire ordeal take far longer than it should have. By the end, Khalid was beginning to worry the tentacles would be forced to withdraw into the closing portal, when the final devil fell.

Breathing heavily, Azarek opened the clasps on his breastplate and tossed it aside. Ripping at the under-padding, Khalid could see a bloody gash across his ribs. “Mind doing something about this,” Azarek gasped at Gorak. With a shudder, Khalid watched the foul wound inch across his chest, almost as though it was seeking vengeance for its deliverer's death. Gorak, muttering a few words under his breath, grasped this wrist of his arm and sealed the wound, taking care to wipe away the black ichor that oozed out, and then tended to Azarek.

“Shouldn't those disappear?” Gorak asked, staring at the smoldering corpses of the devils.

“That, ah, that was no mere summoning,” Khalid replied. “Those things were gated in, yes, quite.”

“I guess we know what the rune does,” Shayla said.

“Indeed,” Khalid agreed, turning around and heading back toward the arch. The rune was still visible, much to Khalid's surprise, although much dimmer than it was before. “It's still here,” he called out.

“Can you disable it? This ain't gonna be much fun with those things popping up behind us.”

“Perhaps,” Khalid replied dubiously. “As I said, rune magic such as this is normally defensive, yes, defensive in nature, and expires upon use. In all my studies, I have ah, never, ah heard of rune carving such as this, yes, quite.” His sight still enhanced from earlier, he studied the rune carefully before enacting a formula that would let him unravel the weave of magic around it. As the spell completed, the rune dimmed momentarily before glowing faintly again. “Ah, I can't destroy it,” Khalid said dejectedly.

“My turn then,” Gorak growled. Standing just before the arch, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Muttering under his breath, he raised his hands up and opened his eyes, slashing them in a pattern overheard. The stone at the top of the arch around the keystone melted into clay and dripped to the floor. A moment later a three foot block of stone around the symbol dropped with a crash. “Azarek, gimme a hand,” he grunted. Working their hands under the stone, the walked it carefully to the edge of the walkway and threw it into the elevator shaft. Khalid flinched at each ensuing crash as the stone plummeted down. Eventually it was quiet again, but Khalid was uncertain if it had hit bottom, or just fallen out of earshot.

Although weary from the encounter, they decided to press on and try to find the boundary of the huge chamber they were in. The floor continued as it had near the entrance, although the further in they pushed, the found more evidence of a large number of warriors trapped beneath the porous rock. As they walked past more and more exposed pieces of armour, it became apparent that it was largely Dwerro that had been sealed in the rock.

Khalid judged they had come several hundred feet before being greeted with a towering battlement carved into the stone face of wall. Above a huge two story gate was a covered walkway with stone watchtowers jutting out, that would allow defenders to fire on assailants directly below. Khalid couldn't tell if the gate was made of wood or stone, as the same jet black rock underfoot streamed down in a frozen waterfall from ports above and beside the gate.

“Looks like we're going over,” Gorak growled. “Ain't no way to open that now.” Choosing an unobtrusive spot near the gate, they vanished into Khalid's extra-dimensional realm and sealed the gate. Safe at last, they cleaned up as best they could settling in to rest and recover. When they cautiously emerged at the end of Khalid's spell, there was no indication anyone else had passed near the area.

“Let me check it out first,” Gorak grumbled, muttering out the words to a spell. Effortlessly climbing the face of the wall under the power of his magic, he reached the crest and peered over cautiously. Seeing nothing, he clambered over, and a second later a knotted rope hit the ground. Carefully stowing their gear in the magical haversack, they climbed slowly up to join Gorak at the top. He motioned with his head toward one of the towers, and they moved along quickly and quietly. Placing his hand on the latch, Gorak seemed to surprised to find the door was unlocked. He opened it slowly and Azarek stepped through quickly, leading with the point of a glaive he'd scavenged from the devils, before motioning for the others to follow. Latching the door behind, they entered a barren room. Save for some benches carved into the wall, and an empty weapon rack, there was little of interest, except an open trapdoor above a set of carved stone steps that led down behind the wall. They descended down a level, and took time to explore a cramped hallway inside the wall. Most of the rooms were just as barren the one above, seemingly used as either barracks or storerooms at some time in the past. On one side of the gate however, was a room with a series of metal levers and steel valves amidst a maze of tubing and chains. Gorak scratched his chin, shining the magical light around room. “I think I'm starting to figure out what happened here,” he growled. “And why we didn't see anything except Dwerro corpses out there. They weren't caught in a spell. Those were Dwerro that somebody caught with their own damn trap. Musta got past them into the wall and activated their last stand machinery that dumped a whole helluva lot of lava all over this wall and that room, sealing the door. Wiped out a whole regiment of them.”

“Ah, yes,” Khalid added. “But who? Ah, and when?” The bodies they'd found were so badly damaged there was barely anything left except scraps of fused armour and weapons. Finding no answers in their current location, they continued searching until finding the way back down to what seemed to be the floor level. Entering a broad tunnel, several dozen feet across, they followed it for what Khalid judged was close to a mile before passing through another, smaller gate. On the other side, the room opened up into a massive cavern. Cut into the centre of the room was another shaft, more than a hundred feet across, with what looked to be with what looked to be enough chains for dozens of lifts at various points around the edge. Lining the walls of the circular chamber were what Khalid guessed were dwellings and shops, with innumerable doors and windows looking out into the central area. The whole area was dimly illuminated by glowing crystals embedded in the rock, which provided just enough light to allow them to move around unhindered. They cautiously approached the edge of the broad stone walkway that encircled the elevator. Above and below they could seem more levels seemingly laid out in a similar fashion to the one they were on. Khalid wasn't sure exactly what he expected to find under the mountain, but with some dismay he realized it was going to take an extraordinary amount of time to search the massive underground city.

“Up or down?” Gorak grunted.

“Well, like Khalid once said, powerful folk like to look down on the peons,” Shayla offered. “I vote up.”

“Ah, it may be that for Dwerro, deep in the earth holds more prestige than being on high, yes, quite,” Khalid replied. “But I suspect we are closer, yes, closer to the top then the bottom here. We should work our way down.”

With no other suggestions forthcoming, Gorak and Azarek set to work figuring out the lift while Shayla and Khalid kept watch. Despite the age and neglect, the mechanisms were in perfect order and before long, they had summoned a caged platform from below. They were careful to move slowly but despite their best efforts and the exquisite engineering, the clack of the winch and rattling chains echoed in the cavernous room. Passing floor after floor of empty terraces, the sheer size was almost mind boggling, and Khalid couldn't begin to guess how many Dwerro had called this place home at its height. Unsettled by the eerie quiet and anxious from being on the elevator after the events of the previous day, Khalid sought some way to calm his mind. Looking up, he could now make out the detail of what, from below had seemed a simple domed roof. Carved and painted in stunning detail was an epic panorama of dark skinned Dwerro in various activities. In the centre was a huge Dwerro with ebony skin, seated atop what looked to be the mountain fortress and crowned with a ornate circlet of gleaming white metal set with rubies,. Coiled around his shoulders was the serpentine figure of a great red wyrm. Whether king or god, Khalid couldn't be sure. From the sides of mountain poured either blood or lava which flowed down the sides to encircled a host of smaller light and dark skinned Dwerro stretched prostrate at this feet. Around the centre image were representations of the Children of Martok in various activities: mining, forging and, more often the others, engaging in battle or enslaving other races. The scenes were interspersed with mystical creatures; Khalid could pick out dragons and griffons and a few others, although there were several species unknown to him. The true scale of the carving became apparent when they reached the highest level the lift would go. Staring up, it was impossible to see the entire scene without turning your head. No matter which we he turned, the huge Dwerro's glittering eyes seemed to follow him.

Azarek unlatched the gate and they moved quickly onto the terrace, having learned the danger of being trapped on the elevator. Shayla's guess seemed to have been correct, as the carved facades here were much more ornate, and the doors larger and set further apart. While the glowing crystals were still in evidence, at this level cunningly concealed shafts had been cut into the mountain, allowing redirected sunlight to filter down. Gathering their bearings, Gorak pointed across the cavern. “That looks like the best place to start, I figure,” he growled.

Khalid had to agree. On the opposite side was another huge two story double door, flanked on either side by massive statues of Dwerro holding aloft a balcony that jutted out above. There were no other doors anywhere close, and the entirety of the wall surrounding was covered in bas-relief like the ceiling above. They kept careful eye on the doors and tunnels they walked along the ring, but no threats presented themselves. Khalid was certain the door would be sealed and barred, leaving them to rely on Gorak's magic to force their way in but as they climbed the handful of steps to a broad landing before the door he wasn't sure he was relieved or concerned by that fact it was slightly ajar.

Azarek, twisting slightly to avoid the door, took the lead, followed by Gorak and Shayla, leaving Khalid to bring up the rear. They entered a long, broad, hallway lit by more of the crystals. At regular intervals were suits of Dwerro sized plate, and it wasn't until he'd passed by ten or so, that Khalid finally managed to convince himself they weren't going to spring to life and attack. For the moment, they ignored the side passages that branched off, deciding to follow the main path to its conclusion.

“Ah, what do you think this place is?” Khalid asked, feeling compelled to whisper. “A palace or a temple?”

“Palace,” Gorak grunted, as they stepped into large square room. Directly opposite was a carved basalt throne on a raised dais. Rotting chairs were strewn about, the first evidence of disorder they'd seen since entering the city, beyond the battle site. Aside from the clutter, the room was surprising austere. Crests were carved into the stone near the ceiling of the room, but there was no carvings or statues to break the monotony of the smooth stone walls, just a few closed doors closer to the dais. As they spread out to examine the room, Khalid made a beeline for the throne. A door, barely hanging on it hinges led to another room behind the dais and the remnants of tattered tapestries and military or clan emblems hung from hooks on the wall above. Khalid went to move a scrap of cloth so he could inspect the throne and as he picked it up, he realized it wasn't a tapestry but cloak. At one time in the distance past, it had must have been a regal garment of rich silk, edged with some kind of fur, but as he touched it, it disintegrated in his hands the wispy scraps floating the floor at this feet. His eyes widened at what lay beneath. Casting a quick spell, he rubbed his eyes and then grinned. “Ah, yes, I'm claiming this as a souvenir. Yes, quite.” At the sound of his chanting the others came over, just in time to see Khalid raise a huge golden crown, studded with rubies the size of robin eggs. He placed on his head and picked up the accompanying sceptre. “I think it suits me, yes quite,” he said as he turned and struck a heroic pose, one foot on the top step of the dais, sceptre held high and chin raised. The overlarge crown immediately slipped down over his ears and got stuck.

“Ack,” he exclaimed, trying to pry it off before it slid any further.

“Yup,” Gorak grunted as he watched Khalid struggle. “Suits you just fine.”

Shayla helped him pry it off at the expense of only a little skin around his temples. “Ah, yes, I should have figured Dwerro had large heads. I'm sure, yes, sure Arbaq knows a jeweller who can resize it.” Holding it up and examining it carefully. His spell had shown it was free of enchantment, but he was quite certain that few men in the East or West had held in their hands such treasure as this. It wasn't, he noted before slipping it into their magical haversack for safe keeping, the same crown depicted on the fresco outside, but he wasn't sure exactly what that implied.

They decided to start with one of the doors on the side which opened into a broad passage that ran parallel to the throne room. More doors led off the far side of the hallway in both directions at regular intervals. Getting down to the business of why they were here, they started opening the doors cautiously and searching the rooms beyond. They seemed to be largely administrative offices, filled with desks and bookshelves, in various states of disarray. Feeling relatively confident that rooms like this wouldn't be warded or trapped, they each picked a room to investigate.

It was Gorak that paid the price for their complacency. His startled shout caused Khalid to drop the mouldering ledger he had been inspecting and rush back into the hall. Azarek burst from the room beside and Shayla emerged from behind him, all of them running toward the sound. Gorak roared again, and this time there was no mistaking the pain in his voice.

Azarek was the first to reach the room and immediately stepped inside with Khalid right on his heels. It was a long rectangular room some twenty feet across from the door and maybe twice that in length. For a moment, Khalid struggled to make sense of the scene before him. Gorak, wounded and bleeding badly was swinging widely at...something. It seemed almost catlike to Khalid, but for some reason, he couldn't seem focus on it. It was almost the size of a small horse and had far too many legs to be any species of cat that Khalid have ever seen, even in the most exotic fights in the arena in Gem-Sharad. Worse still, two long, whip like appendages tipped with wicked, hooked claws coiled to strike at Gorak again.

Shayla elbowed him aside and with her hand on Azarek's armoured back, followed him into the room. “Khalid! Is it a devil?”

Khalid gambled. “No, ah, I don't think so!”

Shayla stepped out past Azarek's body just slightly and raked the room with searing jets of fire, but the creature was clearly affecting her as well. Two of the bolts went wide, setting alight the bookshelves and scattered papers strewn around the room. The third landed true, oddly, some few feet from where Khalid thought the creature stood.

Confined by the size of the room, Khalid found his options limited. At risk of inadvertently snaring Gorak, he didn't risk his most powerful spells. Instead, he chanted a few syllables and sent and explosion of golden dust filtering through the air at the same instant the beast struck again. The first tendril flowed around Gorak's attempt to brush it aside with his staff and smashed into his face, sending him spinning around and the second followed an instant, hurling him face first into the wall. As he reeled backward, the thing pounced on him, sinking its fangs deep into the thick muscle of his neck. Crumpling under the weight, Gorak collapsed underneath the beast as it tore at his neck and raked him with its claws, searching for the killing blow.

With no chance to physically intervene, and unsure if the creature was even capable of intelligent thought, Khalid raged against the ether with the entire force of his will.


A moments hesitation in the beast's assault gave him a glimmer of hope. Much like the elementals on the road near the Hub, the peculiar empathic link he had gleaned from Ruwayd transcended language.


The beast raised its head, seeming to understand the silent message and coming to the realization that in the thirst for the kill it was now trapped in a room with only one exit. Shayla backed out slowly, and Azarek took up a defensive position in the doorway, glaive angled to prevent the creature from reaching him.

You understand, yes? Khalid pressed. We do not desire to kill you. But we are more than capable of doing so. You cannot best all three of us before we unleash our magic. This is a fight you cannot survive.

The swirling shadows around the beast coalesced, so now Khalid could make out its form a little better. Shayla's blast had clearly wounded it, leaving a charred furrow along its flank which was still smoking. It moved ever so slightly away from Gorak, but one of its snake like tentacles remained coiled around his neck. It offered no other response to Khalid's probing thoughts and he suspected it was incapable of speech, but that it intelligent enough to take the meaning of his words.

This next part will require trust. Release him from your grasp and we will retreat from the doorway. We will trust you not to kill him. You will trust that, without the element of surprise, you have no hope to best us. We have already crushed other demonic creatures in this lair and will do so again.

“Khalid...” Azarek growled.

Tuning his thoughts so only his friends could hear he interrupted Azarek. We have no choice, there is no play here that doesn't result in Gorak's death except this. I will gamble a chance for revenge against his life.

Shayla, her face a mask of cold fury, stared at him out of the corner of her eye. Biting down on her lip hard enough that blood trickled down her chin, she mastered her emotions and took a few more steps away from the door.

Khalid lowered his hands and waited for the creature to react. The appendage wrapped around Gorak's neck relaxed slightly and drew away, still poised to strike but no longer crushing his throat. Khalid took that as a promising indication, and stepped back.

Azarek! He admonished, spurring him into motion. Azarek withdrew carefully, glaive still held at the ready, keeping himself between Shayla and Khalid, and the creature. Khalid held his breath, knowing the next few moments would determine if his gamble had paid off and Gorak lived or died. Out of sight, the creature could potentially finish him off and attempt to make a run for it.

Slowly! Khalid spoke into the ether.

The creature emerged from the doorway into the hall, one tentacle still trailing into the room. It backed away from them slowly, dragging Gorak behind. When he was clearly in view, between them and the beast, it released him suddenly and sprinted into the darkness away from them.

Azarek rushed forward, leaping over Gorak's still form to bar the way, as Khalid fumbled at the buckles of the belt that held his components and potions. “Get out of the way,” Shayla spat, pushing past him with an uncorked potion, dumping the contents into Gorak's mouth. Khalid let out a huge sigh of relief as Gorak coughed and began to stir.

“Whut happened,” he growled weakly, as Shayla helped him into a sitting position against the way. “We were jumped by...something.” Shayla offered, somewhat unhelpfully. “A cat thing with tentacles.”

“A devil?” he grunted before casting a spell and healing the rest of his wounds.

“Ah, I'm not quite sure,” Khalid replied. “I'm inclined to think not, since it was wounded by Shayla's fire. Perhaps just a denizen of the caves below.”

“You kill it?”

“Couldn't risk it,” Azarek rasped. “It had you down by the short hairs.” He helped Gorak up to his feet. “Khalid convinced it to bugger off before it 'et ya.”

Clapping Khalid on the shoulder, Gorak inspected his bloodied and torn armour, before retrieving the rest of his gear. While there was no way to be certain the creature hadn't been living in this area, they returned to the entrance and did what they should have done upon their arrival, barring the door. Deciding there was little to be gained by searching further today, they retreated to Khalid's magical shelter to rest and regroup.

After the assault they continued their search, albeit much more cautiously then before. Operating in pairs, never from from the other and with defensive spells enacted, they methodically worked their way through the palace. Much to Khalid's disappointment, beyond the crown and sceptre, they found little else of value. If there was a Dwerro treasury beneath the mountain, it wasn't here. Khalid surmised the Dwerro's departure hadn't been in total haste, as despite the general mess there was little indication of looting. On the dawn of the third day, they discovered a library of considerable size and Khalid, with the aid of a translation spell, settled into a task he hadn't had the pleasure of doing since he left Gem-Sharad. Surrounded by a mountain of books, he searched for any clue of the forging of adamantite among the crumbling scrolls and tomes. The dry air had preserved most of library, but more than one book disintegrated at his touch, making the work painstakingly slow.

Several fruitless days of searching followed, with neither Khalid in the library, or the rest roaming the halls, finding anything of particular interest. On the eve of the third day following the discovery of the library, they discussed their plans over dinner.

“Two more days then,” Gorak grunted. “We've been sitting still too long. Something already knows we're here and escaped. We're gonna run the risk of getting trapped in here, if anything else comes along.

Khalid sighed. “The library should be our best, yes, best chance of finding what we seek. But despite the Dwerro's meticulous organization of the stacks, I've found little, yes, little thus far. Either the knowledge we seek was so common, it didn't bear preserving in text, or so secret it was forbidden to all but a few. I've found nothing so far that even hints, yes, hints at the process involved.”

Shayla nodded in agreement. “There's too much left to explore. If it makes sense, we can come back here once we've had a look around.”

Two nights later, they were in the same spot, Gorak absently stirring a large pot of stew while Khalid reported his findings. “The best I have managed to find, reads almost like a religious text, yes quite. It is, ah, vague in its description, but is so far the only reference I've found. Here, in this passage, it mentions the most precious metal of the earth and heavens, and goes on to say, “once it is bathed in the blood of Martok, and twice in the blood of Martok and thrice again, in the blood of Martok, and with each new birthing is made more true to the darkness of its purpose.”

“What do you think it means?” Shayla asked.

“Ah, yes, I'm not metalsmith, but it sounds like the act of quenching the metal after it's heated and forged.”

“Makes sense,” Gorak grunted.

“Indeed,” Khalid agreed. “But what's more interesting, is the inflection on Martok is different in each mention, from what I can tell. Each rune is almost imperceptibly different than the one before. But this meagre spell lacks the nuance of a native speaker I'm afraid. All I can glean is that they all refer to Martok in some form. It fits, yes, fits with the curious way our captive spoke of Martok.”

“Forged and reforged,” Shayla said. “Well they call themselves the Children of Martok. It might be literal you know.”

“Ah, my thought as well,” Khalid exclaimed. “And they call this mountain Martok, no? One may refer to the blood of the mountain.”

“Lava,” Gorak grunted.

“Perhaps the first.” Khalid mused. “The only source hot enough to make the ore malleable?”

“Then what do you think the last is?”

“I don't know,” Khalid replied, disappointment heavy in his voice. “But I suspect, yes, suspect that perhaps not all three are strictly required,” he continued. “After all, Malakai was able to refine the ore, and I seriously doubt he had all three ingredients.”

“It ain't much,” Gorak grumbled. “But it's time we moved on.”

Packing up in the morning, they considered their next move.

“Top and bottom,” Shayla suggested. “The most interesting areas are probably on both ends.”

“If lava is one of the components,” Gorak rumbled, “makes sense that the forges are as deep as possible.”

“Indeed,” Khalid said. “But don't forget, that rune gate is down there somewhere. I would not count on the fall having destroyed it.”

“All the more reason to start making our way down now.” Gorak grunted. “But it might not hurt to stop quickly and get a sense of one of the other rings. Might give us a little more info on how this place is laid out.”

Heading back out into the open ring, they moved quickly and quietly. Once on the lift, Azarek turned the which slowly, to avoid making more noise than absolutely necessary. Aided by superb Dwerro engineering, the descent was virtually silent. A few floors down, they disembarked carefully, pausing briefly to scan the area for threats. It was darker here, with less light filtering down from the skylights above, and the honeycomb of entrances more dense. Seeing nothing, they cleared the open expanse between the shaft and the outer wall and began to explore the web of passages that led back toward the heart of the mountain. Moving as efficiently as they could, it began quickly apparent that their initial assessment had been correct. The found nothing more interesting than shops filled with decaying goods and residences all in order, save for the thick coating of dust over top of everything.

After the tenth or so building, they regrouped in one of the broad stone tunnels leading back to the shaft. “I think we seen enough,”Gorak rasped.

“I agree,” Khalid replied his voice no higher than a whisper. “We'll find nothing of interest here, yes quite.”

They were halfway across the open expanse of walkway to the elevator when a flock of bat-like creatures descended upon them from their nesting place in the darkness above. Their huge wings made the practically undetectable, and before any of them could react, the monsters were in their midst, lashing out at them with claws and fangs. The close quarters rendered Shayla's most effective spells useless, forcing her to rely on a barrage of magical bolts, as she tried to drive the beasts away. Khalid was similarly disadvantaged, and suspecting the creatures didn't navigate by sight, opted to simply incinerate them, waving a jet of flames through the air, in the hopes the creatures didn't have an infernal aspect. Luck was with him, and several of the creatures, weakened by Shayla's barrage, fell smoking the ground.

Azarek's armoured body served well enough to protect him, but the creatures buffeting his face blinded and disoriented him so that all he could do was flail about madly with the glaive. Gorak, muttered a few words and his hand erupted in flame, which he used to keep the bat things away from his face. Seizing one as it passed, he hurled its burned and broken carcass to the ground.

Khalid was about to duplicate his initial effort, when a slight shimmer in the corner of his vision grabbed his intention. A moment later, the shadow cat appeared from the the darkness and barrelled into Gorak, trying push him over the ledge to his death. Leaning into the creature, he skidded on his heels as it propelled him backwards stopping just a few feet shy of tumbling into the abyss. Khalid, not trusting his vision to tell him where the creature was, changed the formula he was drawing on, and reached out to the creatures mind. Roiling the creature's thoughts with a magical lassitude, it struggled vainly as its body refused to comply, its movements becoming slow and halting. Gorak rolled the side, easily dodging the sweeping attacks of the beast's tentacles which were now too slow to track his movements, and scrambled to safety. Azarek moved to protect Shayla, sweeping the pole-arm above him threateningly, trying to drive the fiendish bats away as she continued to cast. The air above exploded in flame as the brief respite Azarek provided gave her the opportunity to finish her spell.

In rapid succession, Gorak flicked orbs of flame at the shifting cat, with limited success. Its ambush foiled again and encumbered by the weight of Khalid's magic, it turned to flee, which gave Khalid the opportunity he was looking for. Not needing to know exactly the thing stood, he opened a huge portal, spawning a sea of tentacles that cared not for the creatures feeble illusion. Unable to dodge aside, whip like appendages from the portal at its feet seized hold and began to constrict. The creature spasmed feeble as the sound of cracking bones echoed through the tunnels. Shayla and Azarek continued to work in tandem and finally drove away the rest of the flying creatures, with Shayla's lancets of forced dropping several as they retreated back to the darkness form which they came.

Khalid allowed the tentacles to finish their grizzly work, opting not to force closed the portal until he was sure the cat-like creature was dead. When the milk white appendages finally receded, Gorak walked over and nudged the lifeless creature with the toe of his boot to make sure it, before they sought shelter in one of the nearby buildings. After a few minutes, when they judged that the brief fracas had attracted no further attention, they ventured back outside.

“So that was the thing that damn neared killed me,” he growled as he inspected their foe. It was almost seven feet in length, lean and muscled. It vaguely resembled a panther, if you ignored the extra set of legs, and fifteen foot long tentacles that emerged from the shoulders above.

“We should, ah, save the pelt,” Khalid suggested. “Trophies from beasts like this often fetch a high price in the bazaar.”

“I was thinking the same thing,” Gorak grunted as he drew out his hunting knife and set to work, quickly skinning the beast. “Better if'n we had time to cure it, but I suspect the sack will keep 'er from rotting.”

Leaving that unpleasantness behind them, they continued down into the depths of the mountain. Eventually the elevator they were in reached the bottom of the main shaft and they were forced to disembark. The open area here was surrounded by what they guessed had been a huge open market, with faded banners and crumbling wooden stalls.

“Now what?” Shayla asked quietly, as they poked around the debris.

“That shaft that led to the main gate might go down further than this,” Gorak rumbled, tossing aside a piece of shattered pottery.

“Ah, but that devil is still out there,” Khalid pointed out. “And lift is damaged.”

“We can work around the lift,” Gorak grunted. “But you ain't wrong about that devil. Even ready for it, that thing'll be a bitch to handle in that tube.”

They opted to explore the bottom level first before risking the devil, and a few hours later, their perseverance was rewarded. Tucked away at the back of an enormous storeroom littered with ingots, ore, suits of Dwerro armour and weapons, was another series of lifts. These were much more utilitarian than the ones outside, heavily reinforced and with chains twice the size, obviously capable of moving vast amounts of heavy goods from below. Their suspicions of the location of the forges all but confirmed, they waited a few moments as Azarek picked through the scattered bits of martial gear left behind, finding replacements for his lost weapons and a few choice pieces of plate, to repair his damaged armour.

This lift required two people to operate, and while it was as smooth as the one outside, the noise was enough to set Khalid's teeth on edge. Covering their light so that Khalid and Shayla had just barely enough make out Gorak and Azarek turning the winch, they descended into the darkness. Without references on the smooth stone walls, it was difficult to tell how far or how fast they were moving. After a while, Khalid pulled a handkerchief out of the sleeve of his robe and mopped the sweat from his brow. Unsure if it was just his nerves getting the better of him, he whispered, “Ah, is it just me, or is it getting warmer? Yes, quite.”

Shayla nodded, absently petting her familiar Emma who was peeking out from a fold in her cloak. A few minutes later, all doubt was removed, as they could all feel the waves of warm air rising from below. Suddenly, Gorak tapped on Azarek's arm and they stopped the lift, locking it into place.

“Ah, do you need a break?” Khalid whispered. “Ah, I suppose I could try a turn...” he offered hesitantly, not at all relishing the prospect.

“Quiet,” Gorak hissed. “It ain't that...” he trailed off. Then he closed his eyes, and let out a long, frustrated sigh.

Shayla eyes widened and Khalid's heart began race, thudding in his chest so hard he though he might stagger. Very faintly, a sound reached his ears from below. A sound that had frequently haunted his nightmares since their first ill-fated trip beneath the earth, into Malakai's lair.

The rhythmic sound of hammer on steel.

No update just yet, but I commissioned some AI pictures of our intrepid heroes (I got two for Shayla for the before and after - I have another for Khalid as well, but it's more of a concept picture, and might spoil some things to come). These are just the drafts, the final versions are 8k and look pretty awesome. Given how good these turned out, I'll probably get one of Azarek at some point. If anybody is interested, pm me and I can share a link to the artist that created them.


“I'm guessing them devils didn't take up forging,” Azarek rasped.

“Ah, this place was supposed to be abandoned, yes, quite,” Khalid whispered in frustration, as they stopped the lift.

“Well it ain't,” Gorak growled. “Now what?”

“The forge is what we're looking for,” Shayla pointed out. “And if there's Dwerro here to man it, so much the better. We can deal with them.” Her tone left little doubt to her indifference on how, but Khalid felt the look in her eyes belied the bravado in her voice. Their last dealings with Dwerro hadn't ended well for any of them, least of all Shayla.

“It's gonna be noisy as hell down there,” Gorak grunted. “We can get a bit closer and then I'll go have a look.”

Slowly and quietly, they continued their descent down the shaft. The temperature continued to rise until beads of sweat were rolling down Khalid's face into his beard. Gorak wasn't wrong about the noise, which continued unabated. While it eased the risk of their passage, so relentless were the sounds emanating from below, Khalid couldn't help but think that either there was either a lone smith with supernatural stamina or the forges were manned by dozen of Dwerro.

Soon after, the dark passage beneath began to lighten with a ruddy orange glow. “Close enough,” Gorak grunted. He shifted form, mimicking one of the giant bat-like creatures they had encounter earlier and dropped down below. A few moments later he returned. “There's a tunnel at the bottom. It's pretty well lit so I couldn't risk getting too close. There's a bunch of 'em down there by the sounds of it, but it's hard to tell with the noise bouncing around off the walls.”

“The fact that they allowed the devils and other creatures free reign above, suggests that they are few in number, yes, quite.” Khalid offered. “Ah, and they can't cut the lift from beneath us, so we should be able to retreat back to the upper levels if need be.” Finally reached the bottom of the lift, Gorak led the way, with the others close behind. They quickly moved to the only exit to the room, the tunnel leading further in toward the forges. Gusts of hot air blasted from the entrance, while they waited to see if their arrival had been detected. When it seemed safe, they continued into the tunnel, following the glow and sounds ahead.

The room beyond the tunnel was long and rectangular with the entrance on the shorter side, opposite another on the far end. Workbenches lined the walls, with dozens of Dwerro bustling about at tasks that ranged from forging ingots, to hammering out molten metal, to scroll work on blades and weapon hilts. Running the almost the length of the room was a conveyor belt several feet wide, driven by some unseen engine. At its midpoint was a huge square contraption that bulged with pipes and dials, hissing and groaning as plumes of steam jetted out. Its purpose became immediately apparent when several black skinned Dwerro rolled a mining cart in from the back of the room and hooked it to a series of winches. Raising it up, the cart tipped over, dumping a load of ore into a funnel at the top. A deafening grinding sound followed as the rock was crushed between huge gears inside. Dwerro picked though rock shards that emerged from the other side, tossing hunks of black ore into baskets at their feet while allowing the remaining gangue to tumble off the edge of the belt into a pit below.

While the watched, a creature emerged from the back tunnel that he was sure would haunt his nightmares for days to come. For a second, he thought it was some sort of devil, until he made sense of the strange sight. A Dwerro with bulging arms and muscled shoulders covered with old scars and burns was suspended ten feet in the air. Around his waist was a thick metal ring, some three feet across, from which emerged eight spider-like metallic appendages that carried him swiftly around the room. Khalid could see the Dwerro's own legs, twisted and shrunken in proportion to the rest of him, dangling freely underneath. The Dwerro blew out his long white moustache and shouted in a thunderous voice that cut through the cacophony of noise in the room, gesturing with what Khalid realized was the magical Dwerro hammer they'd abandoned in the falling elevator. Pulling various levers on a control panel mounted on the disc at his waist, he scuttled over to a workbench and lowered himself down to inspect one of the smith's work.

A familiar feeling drew Khalid's eyes upwards to a curious square of rock hanging from chains above the machine in the centre of the room. Eyes widening as he felt the charge building, he looked to his companions, about to motion them back away from the danger he knew was coming. The Dwerro must have felt it too, pausing in their work to look up at the ceiling. A second later, a crackling blue flash lit the room, followed by the smell of sulphur and ash. What Khalid didn't expect, was what happened next.

Whatever caste they were, Khalid had no chance to discern as the hapless devils appeared directly above the funnel of the machine and immediately fell into the gears below before they could recover from the disorientation of the summoning. Dwerro around the base of the contraption spun valves and pulled levers, causing it to shuddered and buck, belching steam and smoke. Khalid clapped his hands over his ears in a futile attempt to block out the hideous cacophony of grinding metal and screams of dying devils. Dwerro at the end of the conveyor picked up wicked looking axes from the floor and proceeded to hack the still twitching clumps of flesh that emerged into even smaller pieces before they vanished into the slag pit below. As the last of the gore tumbled off the edge, the Dwerro let up a collective cheer in their rumbling voices and then returned to work as though they hadn't just carved up a bunch of planar monstrosities into a fine paste.

After the grim spectacle was over, Gorak motioned the back down the tunnel.

What should we do?

“There aren't that many of them,” Shayla whispered. “We can take them.”

Perhaps. But we might not need to. They are few in number but you saw how they handled those devils. And who knows how many more there could further in. They have found our packs we lost when we entered and obviously that glyph didn't fall on its own. We can possibly use that to our advantage.

“And we still need to figure out how to get out of here,” Gorak rumbled. “There's no guarantee we can leave the same way we came in, and not get cursed.”

We still don't know everything we need to about adamantite. It's possible we can deal with them. We forgo the element of surprise but the area works to our advantage.

“I'm not really looking forward to finding out what that spider thing can do,” Shayla admitted. “We try it your way. It'll be pretty obvious which way it's gonna go in the first few seconds.”

We are agreed then. I suppose I should lead the discussion, to ensure they understand us.

They prepared their defences as quietly as they could, timing their casting with the sounds from the forges ahead. Khalid sprinkled diamond dust over Azarek's, hardening his skin, while Gorak muttered a few words causing his skin to thicken and take on the craggy appearance of bark. After Khalid and Shayla girded themselves in bands of magical armour, they returned to their positions outside the archway of the workshop. Gorak and Shayla took up positions on either side, while Azarek lingered a few paces behind, so as not to risk tipping off the Dwerro with the clanking of his armour. Khalid, suddenly cold despite the heat surrounding them, recognized all too well how this meeting would play out rested almost entirely on his actions in the next few moments. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he stepped into the room.

We do not wish to fight you. Let us talk so we might both profit. If any of you leave this room, we will take that as a rejection of our offer. Khalid sent the missive to all the Dwerro in the room, injecting as much menace as he could into the statement. The effect on the Dwerro was instantaneous. With barely a moment's shock, they began sweeping items off the workbenches, or covering them up with blankets and rags. The abomination circled around the machine to approach them, flanked by several Dwerro wielding hammers. Azarek moved up beside Khalid, covering him slightly with his shield. Despite their actions, Khalid noted that none of them left the room.

We removed that from the upper levels. Khalid pointed at the slab of rock suspended from the ceiling. We have killed dozens of the beasts upstairs. He pulled the displacer beast's pelt from his back and held it up as proof. The crippled Dwerro motioned to one of his men, who walked over cautiously and pulled the pelt from Khalid's hand to inspect it. Satisfied, he nodded to the leader, who motioned to bring it closer. Annoyed, Khalid suspected he wasn't going to get it back, but figured it would be a small price to pay if he succeeded. And the hammer, he gestured at the abomination's waist. We returned that as well.

The Dwerro smirked at the last half-truth and Khalid allowed himself to relax slightly. Things didn't appear to be immediately heading toward violence. “You intrude upon domain of Martok,” he said, in halting Western. It was as much a question as a statement.

“Ah, yes, well, we had thought the place abandoned. We meant, no, yes, no disrespect.”

“Why?” The Dwerro asked again, his expression darkening.

“We sought, yes, sought the secret to forging adamantite. Yes, quite,” Khalid replied.

“Martok does not share his secrets with the faithless,” the Dwerro. “Come, worship him. You will learn many truths.” The Dwerro smiled disconcertingly, revealing a mouthful of cracked and stained teeth.”

“Ah, yes, well, we are not Dwerro,” Khalid demurred.

The fervour rising in his eyes, the Dwerro pressed. “Martok accepts all who grovel at his feet. You have helped us end the foulness that tainted the upper halls. He will reward you.”

Khalid, acutely aware they were also likely the cause of the devils arrival, had absolutely no desire to prostrate himself before an all knowing divinity, even if he was powerless. “Ah, we are not worthy to serve the great Martok, yes, quite. But in exchange for our service, we ask two things. If you will not share with us the secret of forging adamantite perhaps, yes, perhaps we may trade? If we brought you plans for a device, you could, yes, supply us with the admantite and you crafting skill, yes?

“We do not sell godsteel to non-believers.” Khalid began to think of his next ploy when the Dwerro continued. “But for you, we will listen to the request when you make it. Martok may permit it,” the Dwerro replied, his smile widening greedily. “Know that the price will be dear. What else?”

“Ah, yes, the other request, is that you show us the way out.”

The Dwerro raised an eyebrow. “Return the way you came,” he suggested.

“Yes, well, you see,” Khalid stammered, unsure of how to proceed. “The thing is, we heard, yes, heard there was a curse...”

“You did not pay Martok's price.” the Dwerro interrupted, his expression darkening. “Those scum that live in the shadow of Martok's greatness have aided you. You are right, you are not worthy to worship at the feet of Martok.”

“If we hadn't,” Gorak growled, “you'd be up to your arse in devils right now.”

“Ah, yes, quite,” Khalid interjected, trying to keep the conflict from escalating. “Suffice it to say that we want to leave, and you would have us gone. If there is another way, we would take it. Yes, quite.”

The Dwerro grinned again, but this time it was tinged with malice. “Oh there is another way, Westman. But perhaps you reconsider. It is not too late to make your offering to Martok. It may end up costing you less and the glory will last for eternity.”

“Thanks for the offer,” Shayla replied dryly. “But we'll take the path that doesn't involve a lifetime of servitude, if that's okay with you.”

The Dwerro grunted in disgust, “Then we will show you the only path that does not bear Martok's toll. But that does not mean Martok is not watching.”

Again, Khalid felt as though there was some nuance he was missing, a subtle inflection to the way the Dwerro said the name. “Ah what do you mean? I thought Martok was your god, absent like all the others, yes quite.”

“Martok is our god. Martok is the mountain, and Martok is all that dwells beneath it. We are the children of Martok, and Martok is us,” the Dwerro replied.

Frustrated, but realizing he was unlikely to get a better response, Khalid let the matter drop. “Ah, yes, very well then. Show us the way out and we will leave you in peace.”

“Yes, in peace.” The Dwerro said something in his native tongue, and the rest of the men laughed. “These men will take you.” He gestured at two men close to the door on the opposite side of the room. Follow them through the mines and they will lead you to the path you seek.”

Wary they were being led into a trap, Gorak trailed at the rear of the group, keeping a careful eye behind. Azarek followed the two Dwerro closely, making sure they couldn't dart away, while Khalid and Shayla took up positions in the middle. The Dwerro led them deeper into the earth for a time, before taking a small side passage that began to climb upwards, almost imperceptibly at first and then with enough incline to make walking exhausting. Soon the reached the end of the mine shaft and into more natural cave, with no supporting stonework and rough walls. Eventually the Dwerro stopped. “Go,” one of them said, pointing further down the passage.

“This don't look like out,” Gorak growled.

“You go,” the Dwerro repeated. “Out.”

Despite their instance, it was clear their Dwerro guides would go no further, simply pointing further down the passage, before turning back.

“Well that's just great,” Shayla muttered. “Now what?”

“Let me have a look,” Gorak rumbled. Shifting his form into that of a rat, he scurried away down the path. They waited for him anxiously, scanning the path behind to make sure they weren't being set up. After a length of time that was almost too much to bear, he returned, and resumed his Orcish form.

“It's hot as hell up there,” Gorak grunted. “And there are guards that look like lizardmen. A whole room of them, but they're, I dunno, asleep maybe? Not moving and didn't react when I got close. And you're gonna love this,” he growled, looking at Khalid.

“Ah, what else?” Khalid asked.

“I think I saw an egg.” A chill went down Khalid's spine. “Maybe more than one, and it looked damn familiar. Maybe not quite as big, reddish colour, kinda scaly. ”

“Did they lead us into a trap?” Shayla asked with scowl.

“Possible.” Gorak grunted. “But there is a way out of the room at least. On the other side past all the lizards. It's midway up the wall though, so it'll be out of reach unless we're flying. And it's narrow. Single file.”

“Ah, we'll need time to prepare,” Khalid suggested, and they retreated back down the tunnel out of earshot and considered their options. “Ah, did you see any signs of a dragon within the room?”

“No,” Gorak grunted. “But it sure as hell seems like there's one around someplace.” Khalid tried to dredge up what little he remembered about dragons from his time at the White Tower, but even there, dragons were viewed as almost legendary creatures. From their encounter in the mountains, they decided the most likely risk in this case was fire, and Gorak protected them accordingly. Khalid granted flight to himself and Azarek, and then hurried to catch up with Gorak and Shayla, already further down the tunnel. Shayla pulled her cloak tight, the feathers rippling up to cover her head as she shrank down into the form of a raven. Forgoing stealth in favour of speed, they hurtled down the path past the two immobile guards at the entrance.

The cavernous room was as Gorak had described, with slumbering lizard-like humanoids spread evenly around. In his haste, Khalid couldn't quite be certain but they seemed different than the lizardmen he'd seen fight in the arena of Gem-Sharad; taller with broader shoulders, and somehow, more regal looking, with ridged crests running from the crown of their forehead down their backs and tails. Standing at attention, but clearly unaware, he noted that several of them sported wings wrapped around their body.

At first it seemed like the mad rush had achieved its objective and they entered the room unhindered, rising up into the air. A flicker of motion caught Khalid's eye as he sailed through the room and with mounting concern he realized their presence had indeed disturbed the catatonic guards. Flying over top one, its head turned to follow his passage, slitted eyes blinking in confusion.

We must hurry! The guards awaken! Khalid warned, somewhat unhelpfully given that they were already travelling at the limit of their abilities.

It wasn't, however, the guards they needed to be concerned with.

Along the far edge of the room an enormous red scaled, serpentine head emerged from the darkness. A huge yellow eye, larger than Khalid was tall, tracked their passage through the air. Shaking loose dust and shale, accumulated over what Khalid guessed was a centuries long slumber, a powerful taloned claw reached out and pulled the dragon's huge body out of a long crevice hidden along the base of the wall. Ahead, Gorak vanished into a cramped tube near the ceiling with Shayla right on his tail.

Tossing out a litany of silent prayers to gods he didn't believe in, Khalid fought down his morbid curiosity and refused to look back, desperately hoping the tunnel was wide enough for him to fly through unhindered. Whether divine intervention or sheer luck, his was wish granted. He might, however, have spared a prayer for Azarek in his plate, who judging from the squeals of metal on rock coming from behind, wasn't faring as nearly as well. Twisting and rolling with the bends in the passage, Khalid almost dared to believe they were free as the tunnel seemed to lighten up ahead.

Luck, however, was never a friend to Khalid. Behind, the dragon drew in a mighty breath and an instant later, the whole world turned red.
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Split the Hoard

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