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AL VS LFR of 4th and why I'm so disappointed


Reluctant Time Traveler
Some thoughts in general on Organized Play campaigns:

It is perfectly fine to provide feedback on what you like and don't like about an OP campaign. Collecting, analyzing, and managing player feedback is part of what a campaign staff is "paid" to do. (I put paid in quotation marks because payment is generally in mangy chickens.)

It is also important to remember a few other things when participating in an OP campaign:

1) An OP campaign may have goals or mandates for what it is trying to achieve that we players are not privy to. Those are going to dictate the form and function of the campaign. In almost all cases, those goals and functions are going to fail to meet the wants of a segment of the gaming community, while at the same time being exactly what a different segment wants. We players in a campaign have no idea what "a lot" of players want, because we don't talk to "a lot" of participants. We know our own desires and biases, and we usually seek out those with those same desires and biases until we think we know what "a lot" of people want. We actually know very little. It's one of the countless perks of not being an administrator of a campaign--being so very comfortable with our own ignorance.

2) Watching people try to objectively compare one OP campaign to another should be a paid event--the entertainment value is incomparable. While I was an admin in the early days of Living Forgotten Realms (LFR), I wish I could have jumped in a time machine and come forward specifically to grab this threads original post. Then I could have gone back with it and showed the millions of people (I may exaggerate) who absolutely despised that campaign (while still playing weekly) to show them that, not long in the future, LFR would be held up as an example of the crowning achievement of its day. Just like I could also show all the people who complained about Living Greyhawk in its time how that was the perfect campaign in retrospect. And don't even get me started on the veritable Pax Romana that was Living City....

3) No campaign is ever going to please everyone--all it can do is hope to meet the goals that spawned its existence and get more than a handful of people together to make up stories and have fun. Show me a single campaign rule or structure, and I will find people who will swear that it is greatest thing and they know everyone thinks so and everyone plays this campaign because of that rule, and I will find you people who think it is the worst thing ever and everyone thinks so and no one plays this campaign because of that rule.

4) Let's just look at one example of a rule: the one that limits rules to 1-2 sources per storyline season. Right now it is not unreasonable to say, "How come I can't mix content from the SCAG and EE Player's Guides?" I mean, it's just two sources, right? Well, it turns out there are many reasons. When polled in past campaigns about what made them stop DMing or would make them stop DMing, most DMs said it was rules bloat and broken PC combinations that made the game not fun for nost just DMs, but for other players at the table as well. WotC has already stated that each rules supplement released would be balanced only against itself and against the core rules--not against other supplements. To alleviate DM fatigue on the thing they said fatigued them most, the admins went with WtoC's recommendation: use all the rules, just don't mix them.

So why, one might ask, don't the admins just rule on things individually to rule out just the broken stuff? Because down that path lies madness. That was done in Living Greyhawk, and it created new documentation and countless arguments that led to quite a barrier to entry to the campaign. Not to mention countless hours of work.

But right now, one might say, there are so few supplements that it is not a problem. And that might be true, but it is better to set the precedent now than to add the limitation later. Because if you think we players howl and complain about not having access to something, the din we create when something is taken from us that we already have is deafening.

5) Five, as always, is right out.

In the long run, the good news in all this is that this is a hobby and not our livelihoods. With the Internet and the DMs Guild, we can all go out and start our very own Organized Play campaigns. And since we all know the perfect way to run a perfect OP campaign--because we know that everyone agrees with our own personal preferences for playing the game that somehow magically line up with how the perfect OP campaign should be run--it should be no problem in getting thousands of players and DMs lined up in short order. I'll be the first one in line at Origins to play!


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ArlenFrostlockes: Huh? This campaign limits creativity because you cannot play A Genasi with Booming blade? Gimme a break. The campaign admins have decided that they are going to use Story origin to dictate their character creation. I like it, we get themed characters. Do I think its blocking my creativity? No way in hell.

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...d-why-I-m-so-disappointed/page6#ixzz3yvvrwoSg Nice deflection - still did not answer my question.

Finally, because you miss out on an adventure with a certain npc, " Everything I have roleplayed since this edition has come out is meaningless! I now understand why the majority of players min/max and meta playing in AL" ..... seriously? You miss out on one adventure and EVERYTHING you have roleplayed is no worthless?

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...d-why-I-m-so-disappointed/page6#ixzz3yvwAM74x This character is not just a single season occurence, this is not saving the city from the green dragon which was a culmination of season 1, this character spanned three seasons whith thousands who have interacted with her. Your disdainful dismissal of my very valid complaint tells me that the small player, average player is beneath the concerns of the mighty here. Please forgive me for stepping out of place and drawing the notice of you.


That guy, who does that thing.
Actually it's the 4e version, where they went "Surprise, most of the humans have been Genasi in hiding all along and now tore of their masks once their elemental masters returned"

Ah, good point. I'd not considered that, since that specific interpretation was undone in the Sundering -- Calimshan is back to its 3.5 era demographics (see the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide).

How would you do "farming"? You could not pick any more items than your found items slots and you played more adventures than you had found item slots in any case. You also had the minimum XP award, so even if someone wrote 30 min MyRealms, you would end up with the same XP as having played a 4h MyRealm or standard adventure.

It was a while ago now (2009?), but I hooked up with a bunch of folks who decided to level up our LFR characters for the first year of LFR paragon modules at GenCon. Starting in February, we literally played LFR every weekend from February through June in order to get our characters from about 5th level up to the paragon tier in time for GenCon.

The next year, we found out that a different group of players in our area went from level 3 to nearly paragon tier in two weekends using the first MyRealms packet, churning through one every half-hour. They then finished off with a series of hand-picked H3 mods to make up for what they considered inadequate gearing from the original MyRealms, and voila!

It's actually fascinating seeing Skerrit, Shawn Merwin, and others giving the 'behind the scenes peek' at what doing OP from the admin side is really like. And I'll agree with Mr. Merwin -- one of the great things about not being on the admin team is being confident in my ignorance of how things work, and how I could 'obviously' make things work better. (Sh'yeah!)


Human Fighter - point buy system - 15 STR, 15 CON, 14 INT - Magic initiate feat gets BB and GFB at lvl 1. For all intents and purposes gets the main advantage of playing an EK without having to choose this subclass at LVL 3. Yet playing as a Genasi breaks the game. Perfectly good logic there mates.

I can even take this further - again Human Paladin - point buy system - 15 str, 9 dex, 15 con, 12 int, 10, wis, 14 cha. Magic initiate feat, BB & GFB as cantrips, oath of vengeance at lvl 3, bonus action hunters mark and cast a BB or GFB that crits, add smite. yet again playing a Genasi with those cantrips breaks the game and ruins immersion.
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That guy, who does that thing.
Wow, because you can build characters that can use Greenflame Blade at first level, it must mean that every possible combination of race, class, and spell from the Elemental Evil Player's Guide and Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide is totally balanced and won't break the game! Well done!


and the scenarios I gave are examples where the logic behind the ruling is not sound other than "I made this rule and you will follow it". while completely withing the realm of things, it does not absolve the decision of criticism

what do you do with a paladin that has hazirawn at lvl 11 who decides to utilize the free rebuild in order to utilize the opportunity to use those cantrips? Yet the allowed races in EE are going to break the game if they can use SCAG cantrips

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