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Alea Iacta Story Hour: A Mythic Rome Campaign (Baby Announcement: 8/17)


First Post

This will be the last update for a while, as
I'm off to do research in Italy and Switzerland for five weeks, and e-mail access will be spotty. On the plus side, when I come back I should have all the sessions up to date. In the next session, we visit the baths of Aquae Sulis, the Iceni headquarters, and once again face the wrath of Aeduana, Chief Druid of all Britannia. Oh, and Cornelia is reckless with her mom's jewelry. And, in the first episode of what will be an ongoing trend, a PC is nearly killed in PC-PC combat!

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First Post
Third Session: Light Thickens 1st Chapter: The Baths

Several months passed. During this time, Cornelia and Meloch and her aunt and uncle went off to enjoy the baths at Aquae Sulis. These were some of the best months of my, Shast the monkey’s, short life. Being spoiled and fed rich food by Auntie Petronilla, soaking every day in the warm mineral springs of Aquae Sulis, no annoying dogs to deal with...it was as good as it gets in Britannia.

Meanwhile, Metellus and Marcus engaged in military drills, with Marcus running numerous war games to test the Praetorian Guard and eventually setting up a backup system of guards for the Governor. Llyr, after spending some time efficiently cutting down trees, was sent on leave home to the Brigantes to fish and spread pro-Roman propaganda. Wena went home to the Iceni to serve her people as their Vates, or Loremaster, and also encourage peace. Heilyn made many many spears and swords for the war effort, and spent most of his time indoors, as it rained huge amounts.

In late March, about a month before the northern expedition was due to start, Metellus, Marcus, and Wena were summoned by the Legate, Cornelia's father, and asked to go on a diplomatic mission to the Brigantes and the Iceni, reiterating the importance of maintaining peace with the Romans and quelling any thoughts of rebellion. The Legate ordered them first to go to Aquae Sulis and ask Cornelia to join them, as the Iceni, in particular, would respond better to an expedition led by a woman. The Legate himself was leaving immediately to join the Governor at Hadrian's Wall, for a last month of combined military drills with all the troops together.

So, they set off for the baths of Aquae Sulis. Upon arriving, they were told that Cornelia and Meloch and I were actually in the baths that day, so they set out, entering through the appropriately gendered gates and changing into towels. (Marcus insisted on keeping his knife, carefully hidden under his towel, which incited various jokes about his state of happiness.) I ignored the lot of them and soaked my tail peacefully in the caldarium.

Cornelia began catching up on recent events with Wena in the women’s bath on the other side of the main complex, which was separated from the men’s by the large central swimming pool; she was then approached by a harried-looking woman who claimed to be a Wall's Wolf, one of the scouts from north of the Wall. She told Cornelia and Wena that the Caledonii were going to attack within a few days, since their crops had been artificially hastened by the power of Druidic magic fueled by massive amounts of human sacrifice. Furthermore, the Druids had called down the aid of the powerful spirits from the Northern islands of Caledonia.

Aeduana herself, with a small retinue, was traveling south of the Wall, in an attempt to convince the Brigantes and Iceni to rebel against the Romans while their military forces were occupied in the North, and devastate Eburacum and Londinium. Aeduana had been preparing to leave only...and at this point, an arrow, shot by an unknown assailant, bounced into the marble wall by the Wall's Wolf's head. Another arrow took the scout in the chest. Cornelia and Wena retreated into a corner, firing magic missiles with great success at the now-visible archer, but were unable to save the scout.

Meanwhile, the archer fled, and while due to their deep relaxation in a stupor of steam and healthful minerals, the men of the party at first ignored the sounds from the other wing, we eventually picked up on the screaming from the women's quarters. They ran out into the central communal pool in time to see the archer dash out onto the narrow curving pier that stretched above the original natural hot springs. The pier, a pleasant stroll under normal conditions between two large areas of boiling hot mud, stretched eventually into safer, marshy land. As Meloch ran out following the archer, he was pierced with several more arrows, from a row of tribesmen defending their comrade's retreat. At this point, Meloch dropped his
towel. And then went invisible. Which clearly startled the archers, who missed whatever they were aiming at. Marcus and Metellus dashed out onto the pier, only for Metellus to be kicked nearly into the boiling water by the assassin, who was now fighting with more conventional weapons. A long tense struggle followed in which the Tribune clambered back onto the pier.

Eventually, they knocked the assassin unconscious and killed the others, except for one, who escaped successfully. The assassin told them that she had been sent by Aeduana in pursuit of the scout, and that Aeduana was already south of the Wall. Little other useful info was obtained.
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First Post
Alea Iacta returns!

As you can see I have returned from vacation; sorry for the long absence!

One note about the previous post - I used actual site plans of the baths at Aquae Sulis including the pier structure above the boiling hot springs; these were copied from the very good book _Roman Bath Discovered_ by B Cunliffe



First Post
Third Session: Light Thickens Second Post: The Iceni

The party, once updated as a group, decided to head for the Iceni first rather than the Brigantes, on the grounds that they were far more
likely to revolt. Cornelia sent Cato, her owl, to inform her father of
the danger, thankfully meaning that I didn't need to deal with the competition like usual. On reaching the Iceni, they made their case to Queen
Brythaena of the Iceni, who understood their arguments about peace but mentioned the plentiful reasons for hatred and distrust of the Romans. (The Iceni revolted 30 years ago after Roman tax collectors flogged and raped Queen Boadicea and her daughters; the Romans punished them with a fierce crackdown which killed or enslaved much of the adult Iceni population.) Brythaena also
questioned Wena's loyalties - were they to her tribe, the Iceni, or to her Roman friends, and Wena tried to explain that she felt both interests could be served at the same time.

At this point, Aeduana and her escort arrived and made their case for rebellion. Many glares were exchanged between the two groups. Brythaena
announced that she would render her decision at dawn. Aeduana retreated to sleep outside the town among the trees; the party took Brythaena up on her offer of hospitality in the village.
Around midnight, a headlong figure came darting towards the PCs,
pursued by Iceni guardsmen. Only a few seconds before the PCs would have attacked him, they recognized him as Kynton the charioteer, Llyr's cousin. He announced to them, in tones of great solemnity and dread, that Aeduana was south of the Wall. Cornelia responded dryly, "We know."
KYNTON: Oh. Well, she visited my Uncle Gyrnax, you know, the King of the
Brigantes, and demanded the traditional right of peaceful travel and
speech of the Druids, and he reluctantly gave it to her, and she said we should rebel and sack Eburacum, and then Llyr shot her with his ballista,
or tried to..."
MARCUS: Llyr what?
KYNTON: Tried to shoot her with his ballista. But it bounced off her skin
somehow, like she was an oak. Really neat, actually. But this didn't
exactly make Uncle any happier.
METELLUS: Of _course_ Llyr tried to shoot her. <sigh>
KYNTON: Anyways, Gyrnax said we were happy with the Romans and that she should just go away, and she did, which seemed to solve that problem,
except that, well, later that night some folks kinda kidnapped Llyr and me
and our cousin Arnath and Aeduana said she was going to sacrifice us
unless the Brigantes agreed to join her, I think, but then Llyr managed to
untie my bonds and told me to ride and get help. So I went to Eburacum but
there's practically nobody there, so they told me to find you here. So
here I am. And hey, I brought Llyr's ballista along, because I thought it
might be useful.


First Post
Third Session: O to Be in Britannia Third Post: Nature Vs. Technology

The party collectively shakes their heads at Kynton and Llyr's behavior, and then goes back to try and catch a little sleep.
At dawn, Brythaena announces that the Iceni need an ally with the greatest strength, resources, and honor so she will test their commitment to this alliance by having a formal trial by combat. Cornelia, as putative leader, chooses who will fight - all of their group except Kynton versus Aeduana and her four escorts. Aeduana chooses the location - the former sacred grove of the Iceni. Suddenly, we realize why Aeduana chose to spend the previous night outside town, and gets very nervous. En route to the grove, all the humans utterly fail to notice the suddenly darkening skies - I notice, because I don't like getting my fur wet, but it's not like anyone pays attention to me anyhow. We are fighting without two of our best warriors, Heilyn and Llyr, and although the odds are theoretically even - Aeduana's escort includes three young warriors who look skilled in the ways of the woods and one enormous man, covered in woad-designs and carrying an enormous ax - we have no idea how great her abilities are. Meloch also notes that Aeduana is now carrying a long wooden staff with intricate runes carved on every inch of its surface.
Together, Cornelia and Meloch manage to nullify some of the pre-cast spells Aeduana has on the grove.We face off, with Brythaena, her consort, children, Kynton, and other Iceni sitting on thrones at one end of the grove to watch, and Queen Brythaena gives the signal to begin. The party is extremely slow in their reactions - I've noticed before that they aren't really morning people. Meloch, the swiftest of our group, decides to go for show over substance and changes himself briefly into a horse-headed eagle, proclaiming that their group stands as the champions of both the Romans and Epona, the horse goddess of the Iceni. Brythaena seems mildly impressed; the Druidic group are scornful.
Aeduana starts things off by summoning a lightning bolt down from her
previously summoned heavy thunderstorm; this crisps everyone except Metellus rather nicely, nearly killing Cornelia and Meloch. (I also realize at this point that without Heilyn we have very little ability to heal ourselves in case of wounds, and take cover in a tree for the rest of the fight.) The rangers and barbarian attack Marcus and Metellus, wounding Marcus but failing to penetrate the new armor Metellus had just commissioned from Heilyn.

At this point, Cornelia gets a sudden clear image from Cato the owl, whom she sent to warn her father of the imminent attack, and her eyes widen. While it is over a far distance, Cornelia sees through the owl's eyes flying high over Hadrian's Wall at the fort for Birnanum, on a day even more stormy than their current location. Beyond the Wall, the three legions of Britannia are drawn up in perfect formation, 18,000 Roman soldiers with shields gleaming and spears at the ready. Advancing towards them is a far greater force - it looks like most of the warriors of the Northern tribes are there, but it is difficult to tell, because they hold branches in front of them and seem to look as much like a forest as an army. As Cato flies higher, Cornelia can see not only Druids exhorting their tribes but large, strange animals and oddly glowing figures interspersed among the tribal forces.

Turning back to the immediate battle at hand, Wena skillfully mindblasts Aeduana and amanages to stun her for two crucial rounds, during which the party deals with some of her flunkies. In particular, Cornelia sends one of them running in terror out of the grove, and Meloch causes the barbarian to fall in sudden lust with Queen Brythaena and run towards her with arms open screaming his passion; Brythaena responds by spearing him neatly through the heart. Meanwhile, Marcus and Metellus deal with the other two rangers and start moving forward to confront Aeduana herself.

All this makes the party slightly happier, but still grievously wounded. Cornelia tosses one of the balls from her mother's necklace, which has three unknown baubles of power on it, at Aeduana, and a cylinder of icicles spring up around the Chief Druid. This hurts her rather a lot. Metellus is still unwounded, despite having had two of the remaining flunkies on him. Aeduana, now quite wounded but unstunned, suddenly transforms into a thirty-five foot long giant mountain cat. I climb gibbering farther up into my tree, and even Marcus blanches a little.

Cornelia, pulling back due to her grave wounds from melee combat, receives another vision from Cato. Bolts of lightning are shooting down from the sky and vaporizing entire centuries of Legionaries. The line is beginning to break, as hardened soldiers face previously unknown horrors and see their comrades mauled by giant wolves. Suddenly, she sees a large sortie of well-armed men pushing their way to the front of the line. She asks Cato to fly closer, and he reluctantly obliges, so that she can see that it is Cimbrus himself, accompanied by her father, G. Cornelius Crispus, now commanding the 6th Legion, the suspect Praetorians, and the first century of the 6th Legion. Cato sees what seems to be Crispus remonstrating with Cimbrus, begging him to go back to the Wall and safety, but Cimbrus points at the terrified soldiers and presses onwards. And as the soldiers see their Governor, the Emperor's own son, striding forward to fight among them, they do gain courage, and the line begins to hold again, as Crispus carefully watches Cimbrus's back.

Meanwhile, Marcus and Metellus start whaling on the giant cat, who in the meanwhile shreds Marcus with a casual swipe of its enormous claws. Llyr appears at one side of the grove, bloody and bruised, and starts forward to aid his allies, who yell at him not to help, because they don't want to break the terms of the sacred combat. Kynton, not understanding, starts galumphing around the grove, shouting, "Hey, Llyr, I've got your ballista!" Finally, Cornelia, in desperation, throws the second of the three baubles on her mother's necklace at the cat. She misses, hitting the rear rather than the middle, but a cloud of green, smoking mist emerges, which devastates not only the giant cat but about a third of the trees in the sacred grove and
begins drifting through the forest, killing plantlife as it goes and forcing me, Shast, to make a sudden leap for another, safer tree. Aeduana, knowing she is about to die,
begins chanting the following curse:

You have slain a sacred servant of the land with foul magics that kill not only me but the land and plants themselves. The very earth shall rise up in horror against you. No plant shall succour you, no grain will feed you, no berries will provide nourishment on a hot summer's day. Flax and linen will burn your skin for the outrage you have committed against their mistress. No roof of reeds or thatch will give you shelter, nor will the wood of the Gods' trees warm your hearths at night. All this shall last until the last piece of my body has passed through the earth and the water and the sky and the earth again seven times, or unless you bring my holy staff and lay it to rest in the sacred grove of the ancient Druids, on the lost Isle of Mona. Thus do I, last of the Druids trained on Mona, curse you with my dying breath. May you fear the land as it fears you.

While she gasps this out, the party hacks at her. While they fail to disrupt her concentration, they do succeed in killing her rather handily, with I believe Metellus delivering the final blow.

As she dies, the five party members, barely standing, see the grass wither around each of them, in a five-foot circle. The Spring
flowers die under their feet as they walk, and when they touch a tree, the
bark falls off.

Cornelia, at this point, receives another set of rapid images from Cato, colored by panic and distress. While the appearance of Cimbrus succeeded in holding the Roman line, the Druidic forces have also noticed it, and started concentrating their forces on that area. Crispus, Cornelia's father, seems to gesture again at Cimbrus back towards the Wall, but Cimbrus stubbornly refuses and begins to fight his way towards the front lines. Crispus then gives some sort of hand signal to his _primuspilus_ centurion, who is fighting with them, and the centurion promptly hits Cimbrus over the back of the head with the flat of his sword blade, knocking him unconscious. Crispus calmly takes the ornamented purple and red-crested helmet off of Cimbrus and puts it on himself, while the centurion puts Cimbrus's unconscious body on the back of a horse and begins riding at full speed towards the Wall. Meanwhile, Crispus leads the front lines attack, wearing Cimbrus's helmet, and they begin to drive the Druids solidly back. A victory seems clear, but just as the tribal forces begin to be routed Cato sees three bolts of lightning shooting down from the sky, aiming directly for the Imperial helmet, and after the flash there is no sign of her father.

Queen Brythaena announces that the Roman group have won, but asks
them firmly although politely not to enter the main village or go anywhere near their fields, given the effects of their curse. Cornelia collapses, knowing that her father
the Legate has died saving the Legions and the Governor. Llyr rejoins us, having managed to finally free himself from his bonds in Aeduana's nearby camp; he was unable to save his cousin Arnath from being sacrificed.
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First Post
Dreamed about you last night. Wish there was more to tell--I know it was you, and your stories. But all too vague to tell this morning.

There were good costumes, as I recall.


Hold the Peppers
Hot diggity. I've said it to you before, Ori, and I'll say it again. This game rocks. I find your weaving together of traditional Roman era myths, superstitions, and beliefs and the D&D rules set/spell lists to be nothing short of genius.

Can't wait for more.


First Post
Third Session: O to be in Britannia Fourth Post: PC-PC Action

The party rests and heals in a small hut at the far outskirts of the Iceni village, which Brythaena has provided. Immediately, a major argument breaks out about what to do with the staff of Aeduana. Meloch and Wena believe firmly that they need to go to Mona as soon as possible and get this curse lifted; they are extremely unhappy about having the grass die under them, the horrible bitter taste bread and fruits now have, and the very fact of having a curse.

Marcus, on the other hand, wants no truck with doing what a Druid wants. He suggests new careers as road cleaners for the Empire, while they patiently wait out the seven years, and starts trying to figure out ways of safely using boats, which (they test) would normally rot out from underneath their very feet. Metellus is undecided. Cornelia decides that she can't deal with this right now, and goes off to the cliffside, to mourn her father and make the appropriate offerings. She asks the spirit of her great-grandfather, with whom she can communicate through his funeral mask, to watch over her father and await his arrival in the Elysian Fields.
Metellus eventually decides to take the matter to Governor Cimbrus and ask for his decision, which Marcus and Cornelia accede to, and Meloch and Wena end the debate. However, Meloch and Wena decide to take the more forceful approach, since going to the Governor will take far too much time. I heartily approve of this, since as Meloch's partner the curse affects me as well, and I can't even climb trees anymore without having the wood start to rot under me. Not to mention the diet issues- it's all very well for the humans to subsist on roast goat, but I prefer peeled grapes and some fresh nuts, and tell Meloch he'd better get this taken off us quickly! So, while Wena distracts Metellus and Cornelia, Meloch sneaks in invisibly to the hut where Marcus is guarding the staff, planning to grab it and run.

While Marcus fails to notice anything at first, when Meloch grabs the staff and recasts invisibility on both himself and the staff Marcus hears him. He begins swinging around with his sword in wide arcs, and Meloch's blood starts appearing in the air and coating the ground and walls. He comes close to nearly killing Meloch, who is trying to scramble out through the roof, poking holes in the thatch with the aid of the staff. Meloch scrambles halfway out the hole when Marcus slices half his ankle off, at which point, about to fall unconscious, my cowardly partner gives up and turns visible and bloody, claiming to have been under mind control of evil Druids. It's unclear who believes this story, but Wena backs him up, claiming that she too has heard the siren call of the evil Druids, which only confirms that they need to return the staff as soon as possible.
However, they decide in the end to take this to the Governor, and to ask the advice of Heilyn, who knows about spirits. The Governor decides to ask the opinion
of various sages, priests, Heilyn, and experts, and in the meanwhile exils
the cursed ones to a barren island in the middle of a loch, where they
can't destroy anything.


First Post

Thanks for your comments, Sialia and Fajitas. And I'm glad they were cool costumes - I spent some time in Italy taking photos of Roman statue busts that reminded me of the PCs...I will post them once I get my computer back from the hospital. :(

Next stop - the Island of Mona, and yet more Evil Druids...and more PC-PC combat. I swear, I don't actually need to come up with enemies for this campaign - they do that all by themselves.



First Post
Fourth Session: Legacies and Freedom First Post: Spirits and Stories

N.B.: Certain events in this session are still unknown to a majority of the PCs, so you won't be getting the full story at the moment - feel free to email me with direct questions.

Having defeated Aeduana, Chief Druid of all Britannia, in early spring, and been horrifically cursed by her to destroy all plant-life within a 5-foot radius, Metellus, Cornelia, Wena, Marcus, and Meloch the Pygmy spend the rest of the spring and summer in exile on a barren island in the middle of the Lake Country in Britannia. Meanwhile, Llyr brings Aeduana's Staff to Heilyn for examination. On careful study, Heilyn realizes that the staff has two powerful spirits, each nearly as powerful as the Spirit of the Games, bound up inside of it, one of Wind and one of Stone. He finds some intermediary lesser spirits who can speak successfully to the bound Spirits, who tell him that the Druids long ago bound the two of them into one Staff and their brother and sister, two Spirits of Fire and Water, into another Staff, promising them power and knowledge. While the Wind Spirit has been somewhat appeased in recent years by the blood sacrifices Aeduana performed, both Spirits' primary goal now is to gain their freedom from the Staff, which can be accomplished by breaking it. Now that they are no longer being held back by Aeduana's rituals and powers, they threaten to begin to try and escape the Staff themselves if they are not freed soon.
Before breaking the Staff, however, Heilyn decides to contact a powerful spirit ally, who tells him that the effect of suddenly releasing two such powerful spirits would likely destroy everything alive within three days' walk. The only way such a procedure could be carried out safely would be in a place where the boundaries of the spirit world and the normal world are joined, of which the most suitable location is the Isle of Mona, former home and training center of the Druids of Britannia. (Stonehenge at the summer solstice might also work, but unfortunately by the time this is ascertained they would have to wait another eleven months, and this seems to be a dubious plan.) Heilyn tells Llyr and Governor Cimbrus about the potential extreme hazards of breaking the Staff of Wind and Stone outside of Mona, and Cimbrus decides to send our group to Mona to break the staff in the sacred grove at the center of Mona and safely release the spirits, also thereby freeing us of this dreadful curse. Meanwhile, Heilyn makes a deal with the spirits in the staff to cooperate with him in return for gaining their freedom. Heilyn's spirit ally also tells him that there is something deeply wrong on Mona, and that the Celtic god Lugh, Lord of Light, youthful trickster deity and to the Romans a Mercury equivalent, went there some time ago [the spirit has little conception of the passage of mortal years] and has not returned.
Meanwhile, those of us on the island have been racking our brains for stories about Mona. Cornelia's great-grandfather, whom she can speak to through his funeral mask, tells her about the great battle of Mona, some sixty years ago, when the troops of G. Tacitus Agricola, during the reign of the Emperor Trajan, swam over to the seemingly impregnable island by night and took the Druids by surprise in their sleep, killing all the inhabitants and eliminating the center of Druidic power in Britannia. However, the very next morning, just as they were beginning to gather up the corpses for proper burial, Agricola received news of a revolt in southern Britannia, among the Catavellauni and Iceni, as usual, and the legions on Mona dashed to rescue Londinium, leaving the Druidic dead unburied and unmourned. Ever since, the island has been said to be haunted, and no one has returned alive from it.
Llyr and Heilyn rejoin us, somewhat to Meloch's and my displeasure in the latter case, and we set off for the Welsh shore to embark for the island of Mona. We are all somewhat disturbed during the trip when the Staff of Earth and Stone grows green tendrils which attempt to embed themselves inside Heilyn's arm; Heilyn reassures us that "the spirit meant no harm," but I think nearly everyone decides to keep a close watch on him. At the shore, it is highly difficult to persuade a fisherman to row us anywhere near the Island of Mona, and he consents only to get us ten feet offshore, and then to return in three days' time to that spot, in return for an exorbitant amount of Metellus's sestertii.
Although it is a gloomy, cloudy day in early autumn, initially the trip across prevents no hazards. Suddenly, however, Wena spots a wave cresting towards them, and then Meloch and Llyr see what appear to be one-eyed horses, with shining, sharpened canines, galloping towards them in the wave. The horses attack, wounding Marcus and Llyr, and then sink down beneath the waves again before anyone but Llyr gets a swing at them. When the wave crests again a minute later, however, the group is prepared, and waits to attack until the horses are washing over the boat. Cornelia excitedly identifies these as Fomorii, the ancient spirits of Britannia imprisoned beneath the waves by Lugh and others of the Celtic gods known as the Tuatha de Danaan. Within a few rounds of carefully timed spells and sword swings, the party manages to hurt the Fomorii badly enough that they settle beneath the waves and allow the group to continue on to the shore of Mona.

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