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I'll have to look at it in more depth later, Shayuri, but one thing that jumped out at me is that you have more than 25 karma worth of positive qualities. You have 26! Judge!

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Forgot about that...hmmm...I can get something other than Photgraphic Memory. I liked it cuz it reduces my dependence on external memory for storing data...but it's not required for the concept.

I'll see if there's something for 5 I want...or I can just get rid of it and drop the SINer and say D0 burned her old identity.

...and I need to doublecheck the equipment list and make sure I didn't go over.


First Post
Deleting (I understood your use of burned, but just for those who aren't familiar with the setting I'm using a different term. I'll typically use burn to mean that a SIN has been discovered as fake) a SIN is possible, but it would require hacking into every SIN registry in the world which is typically only doable by powerful criminal organizations with access to a lot of resources. It's of course totally fine that D0 paid for the services of one of these organizations in her background, I bring it up because of the potential setting ties it could create should you so choose.

Edit: Though it does kind of seem like a case of wanting to have your cake and eat it, having a military background but dodging the consequences of it. Maybe a mercenary in a past life, as opposed to official military? I don't mind either way, just in a rambly mood at the moment.
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First Post
Death Otter isn't ex-military. That's my street sammy character idea. :)

And I'm keeping the SIN. I swapped Photographic Memory for Analytic Mind, which is 5 karma.

I also added a note of my karma expenditures...in this case it's easy. I spent 4 karma on additional starting funds. I have 1 karma left. I may dump that into more gear too...not sure yet.

Death Otter's background is of a nice offical UCAS family, all happy and good...and then she woke up to the Resonance, which turned her world inside out. For awhile she wanted to go by the rules and be a productive member of society, but with her newfound access to information, she learned just what the system WAS and the sacrifices it demanded...and FLOOP. She gave the double-deuce to all that and walked out. Which sounds wonderfully principled, and maybe there's a core of that somewhere, but mostly it's just being mentally unbalanced and really really selfish. :)


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Since people are jumping into the nitty gritty of character creation I'll provide the notes I'd mentioned in the OP.

- Everyone gets one bonus contact (Mac - Fixer - Connection 6 - Loyalty 1) and one bonus Rating 1 Fake SIN to start things off. The contact is how you guys meet and the bonus SIN is just to help out. This SIN might be for an 8-year old Ethiopian troll who died six months ago but you'll at least be able to go through a drive-thru.
- Everyone needs a commlink with a SIN (fake or not) loaded into it if they want to be able to interact with the modern world in any meaningful way. A convenient way to perceive AR would be helpful (through cybereyes, glasses, contact lenses, trodes, an implanted commlink, whatever - obviously Shayuri won't need to worry about this).
- Unless your character is homeless and begging for change you're going to need to purchase a Lifestyle. And unless you're living in a slum (which is possible) you're going to need to have a SIN (fake or not) attached to that Lifestyle. If the SIN attached to that Lifestyle gets burned you lose whatever investment you made in it. This means it's a good idea to not broadcast your Lifestyle SIN when you're doing work for runs. NYS has eight boroughs and some of them have Lifestyle cost modifiers but that's not too important to worry about right now. There are plenty of places with no modifier so as long as you don't want to live in an exclusive part of the city you'll be able to pay the amounts listed in the book.
-Skills (like Perception and Etiquette) will matter, so try to have your bases covered. Also important is the ability to travel through a busy city without immediately drawing heavy police attention. By all means take the obviously weaponized cyberparts but just make sure you have something to cover them with.


First Post
Oooo...that bonus SIN is actually very useful. I was gonna use my rating 2 as a running SIN, but that would be better as my lifestyle SIN since it's more expensive.

I think I'll throw that last Karma point into another 2000ny and raise it to a Rating 3 fake SIN...

Edit - Okay! I went over my inventory with a calculator, toted it up, made some changes...and it should all add up now.
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Hey, Hey, Everybuggy!

Thanks for getting this rolling. :) Not exactly sure where we are with roles, but I was considering a high agility adept that would be either physical overwatch or infiltration. Also considering a mage but don't really know anything about them in Shadowrun (my only Shadowrun experience was in Mosier's game) and not sure what role it would cover so it might not be best for me. I could also do a decker; since I did one previously I have a vague idea of how it works. Honestly, I'd cover anything since it's all still pretty new to me and, hey, it's a game with you guys!


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I offer my services as a PC building consultant as I did with Mosier's game as well. I've got some systems knowledge and access to a very handy bit of software to help crunch the numbers. :)

As for team role: Death Otter is Matrix Overwatch and Infiltration, and is good at Information Gathering as well! She's not helpless for physical infiltration with Stealth and a chameleon suit, but that's definitely a side thing for her. :)
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Chummer 5 (very likely the tool Shayuri's talking about) is a great aid. Everyone should consider downloading it here but it's by no means a requirement. I'll likely be using it myself to help validate everyone's finalized characters and make sure it's all legal.

As for roles, it looks like we have Face, Matrix, and Magic covered. Rubberneck is likely going to go Physical, which means you can pretty much do whatever you want, GlassEye. :)

Multiples of any of the roles is always handy as it provides some redundancy. If you wanted to combine a little bit of the technical with the physical you could play a rigger - someone who is capable of immersing their consciousness into vehicles (vehicle is a loose term that includes drones as well as things like buildings - many locations will have rigger security immersed into the systems of the facility itself).

But really any crazy concept can work. A street doc known for harvesting the organs of patients who die on the operating table... maybe even helping some of them along to that state? That could be made to fit any of the primary roles with a healthy dose of medicine/first aid thrown in. An extreme sport fanatic running the shadows for the adrenaline high? Physical overwatch with driving. Biologically "perfected" assassin escaped from a mad scientist's lab? A mix of physical overwatch and infiltration. The rules are exhaustive enough that we could build a character out of any concept that gets your juices flowing.
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Just to let you guys know I am nearly complete with my character and as soon as I am I will post some sort of bio. I ended up going with an adept type character that focuses on combat. He is pretty much a glass cannon. Pretty much socially awkward but very capable with automatic weapons and infiltration.

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