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Alvar Thorne & Associates, Part 1 - orsal judging

Deus Ex Machina

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[sblock=DM]The thought to smother the fire had entered Valdaris' head, but since the beast had now disappeared into the night, he settled back down to his watch and resumed breathing normally once again as he sits quietly contemplating the possibilities for the remainder of his waking hours.[/sblock]

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[sblock=Ciprinus]Valdaris wakes Ciprinus at the appointed hour and settles down to finish his rest. Ciprinus and Carpio keep watch without incident until it’s time to wake Ruud.[/sblock][sblock=Ruud]Ruud is woken at the end of a refreshing night’s sleep to find that dawn is still a couple of hours away. The druid reports that nothing exciting has happened, then returns to his blankets, with the viper coiling up on his chest.

Ruud’s own watch is likewise without incident, and as the sky is just beginning to pale he wakes the rest of the caravan.[/sblock]The camp stirs, Jendral jumping up and going straight to see to the horses, Milak rising with huge yawns and muttered, sleepy curses. It’s as if he’s forgotten how to speak without grumbling. He rattles pots and pans - but not so much as to disturb the spellcasters as they prepare their spells for the day.

[sblock=OOC]Could the spellcasters please advise me of their spell choice for the day.[/sblock]Breakfast is a hasty affair, grabbed from the pan and eaten standing: fresh apples and pancakes. They’re not the lightest ever tasted, but given the standard of last night’s dinner, their chewy texture seems a minor price to pay.

”So,” says Allistra, “I take it the night passed quietly enough. Does anyone have anything to report?”

Deus Ex Machina

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"Well, while you lot were all curled up in your sleeping rolls, there was somethin' happened last night.... a dragon flew past. Off in the distance, clear as day. Pretty damn big too! He didn't come close enough to raise the alarm though, so I figured it weren't worth waking up the camp. Jus' don't be surprised if he makes an appearance tomorrow night!"

Deus Ex Machina

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"Ha! You don't believe me? Well, I reckon an elf such as you might make a tasty snack for a beastie like that!" He appraises Taelythenihel as he speaks, commenting facetiously as a grin creeps across his face.


"Are you not jesting, then?" asks the aforementioned delicious elf morsel. "Are you certain that you were not fooled by a trick of perception? Could you perhaps have seen silhouetted against the moon a bat or moth that flew close above your head and have mistaken it to be far distant and therefore larger than it was in reality? Or a night-migrating goose?"

Deus Ex Machina

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“Would I jest? Ha!” It’s a rhetorical question, but the fighter’s tone is one of bravado and amusement, as if he was enjoying every second of the banter with his elven comrade.

“If that were a goose or a bat or a moth, it’s the biggest damn one of it’s kind I ever saw! Nay… that were a dragon. Sure an’ true. Forty feet long with wings twice as wide, even from this distance. I might not ‘ave the vision you here folk possess, but I know what me eyes told me. That’s fer sure!”

Voda Vosa

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"You should have wake me up Valdaris! I'll love to see that dragon, please do it the next time you see one." Ciprinus says honestly to the warrior. Then turning to the elven mage "I don't think such mistake can happen, a goose or a bat have completely different shape, and a goose do not travel at night." he explained

Deus Ex Machina

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“Alas, my friend, the dragon had almost past by the time I saw it and I had little time to act. Otherwise I would’ve woken you all. If any spot it again in coming nights, we’ll be sure to raise the alarm. And smother the fire too, I might add. Don’t want any trouble that can easily be avoided.”


"Let us raise the alarm quietly, if the creature is seen again. An angry goose should be within our capabilities, but I do not think we are quite a match for a dragon, although perhaps it would have no interest in us, or would mean us no harm. There was talk, was there not, at the inn in Orussus, of an encounter with an affable dragon, who warned of great evil to come in the future? I was not present when the tale was first told, but have made the passing acquaintance of several of those who made the claim. One was Rinya Starflower, a half-human like you, Ciprinus."

Voidrunner's Codex

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