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Americanarchy [Updated 8 March, 2004]


Herder of monkies
Eyas said:
<mubles about traffic and quietly takes a seat next to ledded>

So...what did I miss?
*offers 2nd flask to Eyas, with a quick glance back at Lola and the still-reeling Broccli_Head*

"Sssshh, I wouldnt attract too much attention..."

Great story so far. Scary canadians... I bet it's all those Quebecians... Quebecers... Quebecalists... oh never mind, those guys from Quebec :)
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*pierceatwork cheers while draining his second beer*

yay! I'm off tomorrow, so I'll sit here hitting the refresh button until your update shows up. I got nuttin' better to do.

Yo, Tellerve! Need another refill! *chunks empty over his shoulder*


First Post
*click* refresh.... *click* refresh..... *click* refresh..... *click* ref- oh thanks for the cold beer, T! *click* refresh... *click* refresh.........


Registered User
yup, *nods a 'no problem'*

*click* refresh.... *click* refresh... hmm, I think my mouse is broken or the moon is too close, or someone has abducted C. Baize!


C. Baize

First Post
Americanarchy [Updated 12-30-03]

Associated Press said:
January 23rd, 2003. Associated Press - Staff Writer James Calhoun.

Canadian Prime Minister Blasts The United States For “Decadent and Harmful Lifestyle”
Just weeks after polarizing Canadians to stand independently in the world community, Canadian Prime Minister d’Gorthar speaks out on American lifestyles, calling them “…decadent, and worse, harmful to the world as a community…” d’Gorthar went on to verbally bombard American politicians for “…allowing the pollution in the air, and in the water to infect the rest of the world with what amounts to the sewage of American industry…” State Department officials expressed concern regarding the outright attacks on the E.P.A., and regulatory policies.

“Son of a…” President Bush slammed his morning paper onto the large table, “What the hell is goin’ on? Why’s this sombitch talkin’ this crap? Somebody better be gettin’ me some damn information!”
Mr. Hoskins fidgeted nervously, “Mr. President… ehhh… the Canadians are growing increasingly more tight-lipped toward us, and are really not telling us much of anything.”
“Well,” president Bush started, glaring at his aide, “you’d best find somethin’ that’ll get ‘em ta talk, and do it damned quick. I wanna know jus’ what the hell is goin’ on, up there, an’ I wanna know yesterday, do I make myself clear?”
“Very clear, sir.” Hoskins answered.
The presidential aide watched as Bush walked away toward the Oval Office.


“Mr. Prime Minister… Jacques!” general Sharkey yelled after the prime minister, “Sir… I’d like to speak to you, privately, sir.”
“Very well, General… My office. Now.” d’Gorthar and General Sharkey walked in silence to the office.
Sharkey opened the door, then closed and locked it, as the prime minister sat at his desk.
“Sir,” the general began, “success! Your modifications were a success, and when combined with the chemical and bio agents, have produced… unprecedented results, sir.” The general was nearly beside himself with excitement, “Sir… I’ve never seen results like this… never dreamed it was truly possible, and nearly complete neural breakdown in the subjects.”
“That is good news, general,” the prime minister allowed a glimmer of a smile to cross his face, “good news, indeed, general. How soon before we can put Project Coldwalk into effect?”
“Well, sir… while we … could put it into effect, tomorrow,” Sharkey stammered, “I don’t believe we are truly prepared.”
“No, general,” d’Gorthar answered, “not quite yet. There are a few more minor details to complete. You’re dismissed.”
General Sharkey left to view the results of the project, leaving the prime minister to his politics.
Prime Minister d’Gorthar pushed the intercom button, “Sheila, get me in contact with President Hu Jintao, and President Putin, and start the process of getting me in contact with Mr. Castro.”
d’Gorthar released the intercom button, and smiled, “MMmmm…. This is turning out to be a very good day.” He turned and stared out his window. “Details…. details…”


GSGT Jackson spoke into his comm device, “Any idea what our target is?”
“None,” SSGT McEvoy answered, “we’ll be briefed when we get there, sir.”
“You ever seen any damn stripes on my arm? I work for a living, sergeant.” Jackson told him. He could see SSGT McEvoy laughing in the forward Hummer, and suppressed the urge to give him the finger.
Upon reaching the rendezvous point, CPL Wolfham saluted the Sergeants and held it until they returned the salute.
GSGT Jackson addressed him, “Corporal, my orders tell me that you’re to brief me on the particulars of the mission.”

45 Minutes Later

“You’ve GOT to be kidding me, corporal, there’s no way.” GSGT Jackson looked incredulous. “You need to get a CAT scan… quick. Maybe some shore leave… Man, I know this hooker in Oahu… she’ll get your head on straight, man.”
CPL Wolfham stood at attention, “Gunny, I know how this sounds… believe me… If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I know I wouldn’t believe a word of it, Sergeant, but this is no bull story. Captain Holmes can confirm parts of it that he witnessed. Gunny, these …. things… …. I never saw anything like them, sergeant. Apparently, command wants one with minimal collateral damage to the corpse, or they’d call in a full strike, is my guess.”
GSGT Jackson and SSGT McEvoy exchanged glances.
Jackson sighed. “Alright, well, if these are our orders, then that’s what we’re doing. Let’s go, Mac.”

To be continued.
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Registered User
*click* refresh....err Ahhh AHH! WEEEE!!


mhmm, Lovely! Go Canada, lol. Man, I so terribly want to play in a campaign like this. *sigh* maybe I can just steal the idea near wholesale and try and run it here for people. Great job C. Baize

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