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Amusing Character Concepts You Played/GMed Out In A Game


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As what the title says, I'm looking to see what kinds of character concepts you made for games you played in, or even GMed out in your own games if you're the kind of person thats forever stuck in the GM role that are silly/ not meant to be taken seriously. It can be from any tabletop game in existence, or even from a video game or even from your imagination. I don't care the source, so long as if its silly.

Now then, I'll tell you about a character I made for a Star Wars Saga Edition game I played in. His name was Saiah "Old Slice" Mufasta; The man your man can't stealth like.

(For those of you who don't know, Slicing in Starwars is about the equivalent to hacking into computers in real life.)

Saiah's message when he leaves one behind always goes something like this (Change the locations and subjects as needed):

"Hello, ladies, look at your computer systems, now back to me, now back at your computer systems, now back to me. Sadly, they didn't work, but if you stopped using half-assed security measures and accounted for Old Slice, then you could have caught me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on the bridge of a starship with the man your men couldn't capture. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s the passcodes to ensure safe passage through the blockade you set up. Look again, the passcodes have sent us through your blockade. Anything is possible when you can stealth like Old Slice with your security not being good enough to catch him. I’m on a transport."

With that said, what are some of the silly character concepts you came up with that you're willing to share with us?

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Hand of Evil

Warhammer FRPG.v2 - Halfling Cook, I know, type casting, but he could not cook, that was his name; Halfling Cook; human, bartender, loan shark and fence, would buy and sell anything. Sold the player characters twice, hey, they owed him and he sold their services for adventures. Sold one of them to a Doctor for reseach, lucky the other players found out.

Had a lot of fun with the name:
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In our first 4e campaign I played a stereotypical dwarf. He was raised in the human lands, and learned everything about being a dwarf from watching human comedies about dwarves. When I pitched the idea to the DM he said "so the real dwarves laugh at your lederhosen?" which exactly nailed the tone of the character. In fact, when we made it to the dwarf city and had to meet the dwarf king, I went out and bought every PC lederhosen so they would "fit in." He was awesome to play.

In a Savage Worlds game I played a fake charlatan. He would set up fake seances and fleece the petty nobles out of their valuables. He really could see and speak to the dead, but that freaked him out so he tried to pretend it wasn't real. That game was chock full of high powered combat monster PCs, so I played the knowledge/subterfuge/intrigue character. I spent most combats hiding behind the girls (who were all incredible combatants) and using Smarts Tricks. But mostly hiding behind the girls. :D



Staff member
I had a V:tM character named Major Mosquito. He was an Austin area private detective who had been attacked by an ancient Brujah clan vampire. When he rose again, he went insane, and figured that his superhuman speed, strength and toughness meant he was a superhero. His shattered mind pieced this together with the comic book hero, The Tick- including a surgical steel "crime straw" for (actually) feeding on "miscreants"- and the Forever Knight TV show (he slept in his car's trunk). Plus, some of his past encounters with other vampires made him adopt a Kevlar & steel armor vest for his own protection and a crossbow as his main weapon.

IOW, he was a deranged, superstrong, superfast, super tough anti-vampire vampire. But with a nutty vibe that was utterly unlike Blade.
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i once ran a 2nd ed AD&D campaign where the bad guy was an archmage with a penchant for experimenting on critter/pc races (think Dr. Moreau, but funny results) who crossed a halfling with a spider monkey..the resultant NPC was a fuzzy, ultra acrobatic, wisecracking mega theif, who was more than a bit comicly deranged. Whenever he appeared he would be doing flips and rolls and giggling out his masters name while mumbling whatever mission he had been "sent on". Seems the wizard "Cameroon" considered him a failed experiment, and tried to lock him away but the little fuzzball always escaped, snuck into the wizards warroom and would listen in on the plans and get his own mission from whatever was said, often to the detriment of both sides of the confrontation.
Like, Cameroons plans were to aquire an artifact that in the heros hands could defeat him, so he dispatches a group of his leutenants to get it, while the party were also enroute to get it. Eventually the good and bad guys would find themselves in the location of said artifact and battle would ensue. In the middle of the battle here comes the fuzzball, in his usual hyperkenitic style. The momentary distraction disrupts the battle for just a moment, plenty of time for the fuzzball to spring up to the item, laugh and point at the combatants, grab the item (if it was small enough to grab) and then tumble, duck, roll his way through the melee and escape, generally setting off any traps in the room that hadn't yet been triggered, throwing the combatants into chaos as they scramble to avoid the traps and try to catch the fuzzball.
After the defeat of Cameroon I occasionally tossed the fuzball into the occasional adventure when the mood struck me, saying he liked the characters enough to want to see them from time to time, again usually to the chagrin of the PC's, but always to many laughs after the game session was over.


First Post
Not usually my thing.

But for one humor-oriented game, I played a sorcerer with the accursed bloodline. It was naturally a charismatic character, I took every rule option related to being hideous and unappealing, crushing my Diplo in favor of Intimidate. The character was also a lawyer and worked as the equivalent of a public defender, invariably alienating client and judge alike due to his haglike repulsiveness. I played the character as being completely unaware of his nature (part of the curse, I guess).

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