An alternate version of half-orc reproduction

DMH said:
Amongst the good monsters, I think the coualt has some potential. Those families that are pious enough to be blessed with a coualt birth have the boon of a powerful family member. Yes, giving birth to a feathered snake may seem odd, but that culture celebrates them.
Presumably, it'd also be a lot less painful than a human infant.

Also, I think it's "coatl". As in Quetzalcoatl.

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Whizbang Dustyboots said:
I really like this idea, especially if it works for half-elves ... and turns the elves into half-elves and less magical and special the longer they're around humans.

Elves themselves could be debased forms of something else from being around humans too long. Heck humans could have been created by the gods of orcs to weaken the elves.

DMH said:
But then where did the first half-orcs come from? Could they be throwbacks, cursed or

IMC there are no Orcs but their are 'Half-orcs' who are human throwbacks 'blessed' by the god of reptiles, sharks and abberations - thats right Half-Orcs perceive their state as a blessing:)

Half-Elfs in that setting are infact Half-Fey (HUman + Fey parentage)

Gnomes are Fey also perhaps made mundane by proximity to humans

oh and imc Goblins are egg laying amphibians

As a point of interest I once knew one very old lady (she was born around 1900's) who claimed that her mother had given birth to a fish, she also said that her father took her 'brother' (the fish) down to a local stream which the family would visit on a regular basis

I like an adaptation of a Civil War myth:

Virginal young lass inadvertantly gets a deep, lower torso wound from a crossbow bolt that had just passed through an orc's reproductive tissue (i.e. shot his family jewels off). She recovers, but is surprised to discover a few months later that she's pregnant.

(( Ref: ))

There's some interesting ideas here. In a game I'm running (sporadically because of conflicting work/college schedules :( ) the PCs are going to find out that all races except Kobolds are some form of humanity, made the way they are because of the ongoing war between the Seelie and Unseelie Fey. Kobolds of course originated from unfertilized dragon eggs treated with a special alchemical process so dragons could have trustworthy servants. Elves, dwarves, halflings and gnomes were created from human base stock by the Seelie court, orcs, goblins, trolls, etc were created by the Unseelie.

Edit: of course I forgot to mention, the party consists of a dwarf, sea elf, gnome, goblin, halfling, kobold, and avarial (winged elf).
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Driddle said:
I like an adaptation of a Civil War myth:

Virginal young lass inadvertently gets a deep, lower torso wound from a crossbow bolt that had just passed through an orc's reproductive tissue (i.e. shot his family jewels off). She recovers, but is surprised to discover a few months later that she's pregnant.

(( Ref: ))

Do you ever watch Mythbusters? Great show. They did an episode about that and totally busted the myth. Of course, as DM if you want it to happen it'll happen ;).

DMH said:
But then where did the first half-orcs come from? Could they be throwbacks, cursed or even some failed attempt to make humans into a warrior culture?

Environmental contamination...due to excess magic use. The Wizard's Guilds deny any connection, they deny there are reliable studies that show the connection.

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