D&D 5E An Alternative Dark Sun Conversion

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Hi guys.
Due to the coronabreak, I have had some time to clean up the PDF.
A few minor alterations have been made.
It is now available on my Google Drive.


it would be quite helpful if you added a table of contents.

This is very important and squibbles has it right on.

For when I'm perusing places like DTRPG or DMsGuild, my first rule is:
If they are trying to put off as a "professional" product and it has more than 5 pages and no ToC, I don't even look at it.


This is very important and squibbles has it right on.

For when I'm perusing places like DTRPG or DMsGuild, my first rule is:
If they are trying to put off as a "professional" product and it has more than 5 pages and no ToC, I don't even look at it.

Yes; I will put one in eventually. (Note this is not a professional product. It is a playtest material that I put out for the heck of it, other's enjoyment or inspiration. I have no plans to make money of a homebrew Dark Sun campaign (IP of wotc)).

unnatural 20

I hate to sound like a fan boy, but I am. I've followed this for quite some time. I really enjoy this conversion, so much I didn't notice it was missing the ToC. I'm more interested in possible DM guide rhat was mentioned?


I hate to sound like a fan boy, but I am. I've followed this for quite some time. I really enjoy this conversion, so much I didn't notice it was missing the ToC. I'm more interested in possible DM guide rhat was mentioned?
Hi unnatural, thanks for your interest.
Yeah, I did start working on another manual last year and it looks like, due to crisis, some more work will be possible to be put in. There's a number of things, like monsters and psionics that needs fleshing out (and playtesting really!).
Of course, you can always also try playing a bit with what you've got and let me know. The manual as now should be good enough to run a whole party as long as you've got the DS lore from other places. I hope to start up a new online group soon, so if you're interested, let me know.

Voidrunner's Codex

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