Well, the main point, “stupid people have babies too often and smart people don’t have babies enough,” is fundamentally eugenicist. I don’t think the writers consciously intended to tell a eugenicist story, but I do think they believe its central thesis, they just probably didn’t think about the fact that that’s a eugenicist belief. That’s a big problem in the US, we have a lot of eugenicist beliefs woven into our culture, and people don’t really think about it consciously. One of the reasons we should be doing what we can to teach better critical analysis skills.
Well, the movie doesn’t think anything, it’s not a conscious actor. But it does say things, and what it says is “there are too many stupid people and that’s bad.”And the way it shows stupidity is mostly through classist stereotypes. Again, I don’t think the writers consciously think lesser of lower-class people. I just think they uncritically used existing cultural signifiers to represent the idea of stupidity, and that those cultural signifiers happen to associate stupidity with lower economic status.