Dear Esteemed Designers at Cubicle 7 and Fantasy Flight Games,
Hello! I'm very happy to report that I am a proud owner of products in several of your product lines. I have greatly enjoyed using them, and am very happy with my purchases to date.
But when Edge of the Empire was released a few weeks ago, and support for Jedi character concepts were only conceived in vague hints and allusions to future products, something inside of me snapped.
See, I totally get that you're in business to make money, and making money means producing products that people will buy. If you don't sell products, you don't stay in business. Thus, on the surface it seems to make sense that if you have people that are "fans" of your games, they'll buy the products you put out for them. Thus, why shouldn't you, Fantasy Flight, delay the inclusion of Jedi character building mechanics in the third or fourth boxed set for Edge of the Empire?
This is very much the same tactic Cubicle 7 seems to be taking with The One Ring product line. Edge of the Wild was a FANTASTIC release, and I love the system and the cultures included with it. But little did I know that the rest of the core stuff, the stuff EVERY LIVING BREATHING TOLKIEN FAN WANTS TO HAVE IN THEIR RPG, wasn't going to come out for another three years, if ever.
Look Cubicle 7, it's pretty simple---give us the cultures for the Men of Rohan, Gondor, and the High Elves / Noldor, and give us adventures in the places we want to adventure--Minas Tirith, Dol Amroth, Edoras, Helm's Deep. Why are you dragging this out? Yeah, the proposed stuff for Rivendell seems okay, I guess. But believe me when I tell you, we . . . want . . . to . . . play . . . in . . . Gondor . . . and Rohan. We want to wander the forests of Beleriand as high elves, and fight battles against Melkor as Feanor.
Quit messing with us, your customers, and give us what we want.
You too, Fantasy Flight. This is mother-friggin' STAR WARS. STAR WARS = JEDI. Yeah, the whole Han Solo / rogue scoundrel / Hutt-evading-smuggler thing has some appeal.
But we want light sabers. And deflecting laser bolts back at stormtroopers. And cutting off people's hands in space cantinas. WE WANT JEDI. QUIT MESSING AROUND WITH THIS WHOLE, "Oh, we'll get to the Jedi in some expansion in 2018, you know, if we feel like it."
I was all excited about the potential of Edge of the Empire . . . until I found out I was going to have to wait four years and spend another $150+ to get CONTENT THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE FIRST BLOODY BOOK.
There's way too much competition now. If you string your customers along, we'll move on to other interests. Or decide to just go with one of the earlier versions of the Star Wars RPG that, you know, ACTUALLY HAS JEDI IN THE FIRST PLACE.
So, in conclusion, Cubicle 7 and Fantasy Flight -- Cut the foreplay and give us the good stuff.
Sincerely a gamer more than willing to give you money for stuff I actually want,
Hello! I'm very happy to report that I am a proud owner of products in several of your product lines. I have greatly enjoyed using them, and am very happy with my purchases to date.
But when Edge of the Empire was released a few weeks ago, and support for Jedi character concepts were only conceived in vague hints and allusions to future products, something inside of me snapped.
See, I totally get that you're in business to make money, and making money means producing products that people will buy. If you don't sell products, you don't stay in business. Thus, on the surface it seems to make sense that if you have people that are "fans" of your games, they'll buy the products you put out for them. Thus, why shouldn't you, Fantasy Flight, delay the inclusion of Jedi character building mechanics in the third or fourth boxed set for Edge of the Empire?
This is very much the same tactic Cubicle 7 seems to be taking with The One Ring product line. Edge of the Wild was a FANTASTIC release, and I love the system and the cultures included with it. But little did I know that the rest of the core stuff, the stuff EVERY LIVING BREATHING TOLKIEN FAN WANTS TO HAVE IN THEIR RPG, wasn't going to come out for another three years, if ever.
Look Cubicle 7, it's pretty simple---give us the cultures for the Men of Rohan, Gondor, and the High Elves / Noldor, and give us adventures in the places we want to adventure--Minas Tirith, Dol Amroth, Edoras, Helm's Deep. Why are you dragging this out? Yeah, the proposed stuff for Rivendell seems okay, I guess. But believe me when I tell you, we . . . want . . . to . . . play . . . in . . . Gondor . . . and Rohan. We want to wander the forests of Beleriand as high elves, and fight battles against Melkor as Feanor.
Quit messing with us, your customers, and give us what we want.
You too, Fantasy Flight. This is mother-friggin' STAR WARS. STAR WARS = JEDI. Yeah, the whole Han Solo / rogue scoundrel / Hutt-evading-smuggler thing has some appeal.
But we want light sabers. And deflecting laser bolts back at stormtroopers. And cutting off people's hands in space cantinas. WE WANT JEDI. QUIT MESSING AROUND WITH THIS WHOLE, "Oh, we'll get to the Jedi in some expansion in 2018, you know, if we feel like it."
I was all excited about the potential of Edge of the Empire . . . until I found out I was going to have to wait four years and spend another $150+ to get CONTENT THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE FIRST BLOODY BOOK.
There's way too much competition now. If you string your customers along, we'll move on to other interests. Or decide to just go with one of the earlier versions of the Star Wars RPG that, you know, ACTUALLY HAS JEDI IN THE FIRST PLACE.
So, in conclusion, Cubicle 7 and Fantasy Flight -- Cut the foreplay and give us the good stuff.
Sincerely a gamer more than willing to give you money for stuff I actually want,