D&D (2024) Animal companion as a feat?

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If you open it to everyone, why not just make it a background feature? You could have a second feat where you can make it a monstrosity and more HP.


If you open it to everyone, why not just make it a background feature? You could have a second feat where you can make it a monstrosity and more HP.
it's an idea, but too much for a background. half a feat I believe is a good cost for a mount that will not die from one attack and contribute with some damage.


there could always be an option to buy or to try find an animal in the wild.

But as many half feats give one 1st and one 2nd level spell per day, maybe simple summon would not be out of place once per day.

Maybe 1min cast so it cannot be used in combat for 2 HP pools worth of companions for cannon fodder.
The difference here is that a spell has a single purpose, has to be directed by the caster, and, except for damage or healing, doesn't have a long-lasting effect (and both damage and healing can be undone... by healing or by inflicting new damage). An animal companion would, presumably, be permanent, be useful for multiple purposes, and would be an NPC. And it would be an NPC that could be very tough, either because its hp raises to match your own (as per your initial post) or because it takes a sidekick class (as per my suggestion).


If the PCs want to have an animal companion, they can befriend it and then train it / convince it to join them. This works just fine. No feat, class ability or other mechanical requirement - just good old fashioned role playing.


If the PCs want to have an animal companion, they can befriend it and then train it / convince it to join them. This works just fine. No feat, class ability or other mechanical requirement - just good old fashioned role playing.
your roleplay will have no use when fireballs start falling on your 13HP animal.

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