DMs Guild [Animancy Press] Celebrates their 300th Sale



In celebration of my 300th sale on DMs Guild, I'm discounting $30 worth of Magic Items and Magewright Backgrounds to $3.00. Simply click the Images below to add Haddri's Armor Alternatives Volume I, Magewright Backgrounds Volumes I & II, and Magic Item Menagerie Volumes I-III to you cart at $0.50 each!​

Optimize your Savings with the Magical Secrets and Adventure Coach Bard Bundle​

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Other Titles​


Bundle and Loyalty Bundles include the original and updated version at lower cost than buying the updated alone and are intended for noth new & previous purchasers.​

Magewright Backgrounds: Volume I [Bundle] [Loyalty Bundle] - Beastmage, Deckmage, Diplomage, Fieldmage, Travelmage​

Beastmage Magewright Background (Revised) - an updated Animal Husbandry Magewright with an expanded spell list, bestiary, an all new magic item, and rollable tables for background related details.
Deckmage Magewright Background (Revised) - an updated Apprentice Deck Wizard/Ship's Magewright with an expanded spell list, including the new arcane cannon spell as well as 4 more background relevant spells from the Animancy Press Catalog and new, rollable tables for randomized background insights.
Diplomage Magewright Background (Revised) - an updated Diplomatic Entourage Magewright with an expanded spell list, including 3 original spells from Animancy Press and new rollable tables regarding your diplomatic mission, your diplomatic commissioner, and your diplomatic aspirations.
Fieldmage Magewright Background (Revised) - an updated Field Research Assistant/Apprentice Magewright with an expanded spell list, including 3 original spells from Animancy Press, and new rollable tables regarding your previous work, the research you’re known for, and personality traits options.
Travelmage Magewright Background (Revised) - an updated Traveler’s Magewright, newly expanded and revised with feats, skill and tool options, and an expanded background spell spell list. The Travelmage, or Traveler's Magewright is a spellcasting background focused on travel by air, land, and/or sea and comes complete with new spells from Animancy Press, all new rollable tables to get to know your character or NPC as well as details on magewrights as PCs and as NPCs.

Magewright Backgrounds: Volume II ($5) - Agrimage/Farmage, Smithmage, Entertaimage, Shopmage, Village Healer Magewright​

Magewright Backgrounds: Volume III ($5) - Cult Prospector, Investigator, Potion Crafter, Undertaker, Underworld Foil​

Magewright Backgrounds: Volume IV ($5) - Apothecary, Herald, Page, Scribe, Tavernkeep​

Magewright Backgrounds: Volume V ($5) - Fortune Teller, Herbalist, Philosopher, Potter, Rat Catcher​

Magewright Backgrounds: Volume VI - Coming Soon! Arcane Acrobat, Arcane Mason, Arcane Gladiator, Government Official, Messenger

Magewright Backgrounds: Volume VII - Coming Soon!​

Magewright Backgrounds: Volume VIII - Coming Soon!​

Magewright Backgrounds: Volume IX - Coming Soon!​

Magewright Backgrounds: Volume X - Coming Soon!​

Arctic Animals: Giant Forest Cat ($3) - Encounters with big friendly fluffballs about the size of a large mastiff. for Tier 1-2 play.
Friendly Fiends: The Cambion Nobles ($3) - Encounters with diabolical half-fiends who were elevated to the status of deadly fiendish Lords for Tier 4-5 play.
Nocturnal Foes: The Frightlisk ($3) - Encounters with small terrifying lizards for Tier 1-2 play.
Subterranean Foes: Dungeon Dwellers ($4) - Encounters with unique Goblin and Kobold variants for Tier 1-2 play.
Subsea Swimmers: Sea Goblins ($4) - Encounters with deadly, unique, water breathing goblin predators for Tier 1-3 play.


Tier 1 Vampire Accursed Sorcerer Magewright ($2)- A vampire who serves their master by preventing their detection by divination spells.​

Tier 2 Vampire Accursed Sorcerer Magewright ($2)- Coming Soon!​

Tier 3 Vampire Accursed Sorcerer Magewright ($2)- Coming Soon!​

Tier 4 Vampire Accursed Sorcerer Magewright ($2)- Coming Soon!​

Tier 5 Vampire Accursed Sorcerer Magewright ($2)- Coming Soon!​

Level 1-20 Vampire Accursed Sorcerer Magewright ($10)- Coming Soon!​

Tier 1 Feyling Coven (College) of Noaidi Bard Travelmage ($2)- Coming Soon!​

Tier 2 Feyling Coven (College) of Noaidi Bard Travelmage ($2)- Coming Soon!​

Tier 3 Feyling Coven (College) of Noaidi Bard Travelmage ($2) - Coming Soon!​

Tier 4 Feyling Coven (College) of Noaidi Bard Travelmage ($2) - Coming Soon!​

Tier 5 Feyling Coven (College) of Noaidi Bard Travelmage ($2) - Coming Soon!​

Level 1-20 Feyling Coven (College) of Noaidi Bard Travelmage ($10) - Coming Soon!​


Haddri's Armor Alternatives: Volume I ($5)- Alternatives to both magical and conventional armor​

Haddri's Armor Alternatives: Volume II ($5) - Coming Soon!​

Magic Item Menagerie: Volume I ($5) - 25 magic items.​

Magic Item Menagerie: Volume II ($5) - 33 magic items.​

Magic Item Menagerie: Volume III ($5) - 25 magic items.​

Magic Item Menagerie: Volume IV ($5) - 25 magic items.​

Magic Item Menagerie: Volumes I-IV Finder's Tables ($4) - finder's tables for magic item menageries sorted by rarity​

Magic Item Menagerie: Volume V ($5) - 25 magic items.​

Magic Item Menagerie: Volume VI ($5) - Coming Soon!​


Feyling: An Archfey Legacy ($5) - Be a tiny or small fey creature wished into existence by an Archfey and take feats to gain the abilities of a pixie.​

Impling: a Tiefling of Imp Origins ($5) - Be a tiny or small fiend, float about your comrades and steal hit points from others.​

Oni: a Shape Changing Giant ($3) - Be a creature of many forms with many feat options to parallel the MM Oni.​

Vampire: an Undead Legacy ($5) - Drink the blood of your foes and use Vampire Magic and gain Vampire feats.​


Accursed: a Sorcerous Origin ($3) - Curse your foes as a reaction to detract from their saving throws.​

Animancy, An Arcane Tradition ($5) - Build an army of constructs to do your bidding.​

Circle of Arcana: a Druid Circle ($3/PWYW - Please Review)) - Be the wizard of the wood.​

College of Adventure Coaching Bard + 58 Spells ($10) - Coming Soon! Use your insight and your voice to encourage or discourage the outcomes of others, crosstrain to learn a spell and a cantrip, cast vicious mockery as a reaction and more! Also includes 58 spells from cantrips to 9th-level.​

Curricumancy, An Arcane Tradition + Spells ($5) - Be an interdisciplinary wizard.​

Fey or Nature: Sorcerous Origins ($3) - Be an enchanting sorcerer with shape changing features and an expanded spell list with an improved save DC.​

Hacker: a barbarian cleaver ($3) - Decimate your foes and cleave through any creature that you kill.​

The Unseen: an Otherworldly Patron +56 Spells ($10) - Be a roguish Warlock with a sort of sneak attack and other roguish similarities.​


Magic Item Menagerie: Volumes I-IV + Finder's Tables [BUNDLE]


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