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(Announcement) Help me organize all of the LEW world information!


We have a promise from our good friend Scorpio to handle a map for our world. I'm trying to compile all the useful information for him into one thread. I'll be adding content as I can, but I will also need help from others to search out any pertaining info I miss.

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First of all, Enworld is a flat world that rides atop a single great elephant named Morrus. The world is similar to Pratchett's Discworld, but we have a single androgynous imortal elephant to ride across the universe.



At the center of the globe there is a single great city named Orussus Trade City. Orussus is the home of thousands of classic adventurers, and is alongside a body of water, and surrounded by mountains with roads leading in most directions.

(I need some notes on the other cities, if someone could confirm the "how far north and south of orussus" that would help").

Other major landmarks include 6 great towers that represent the elements of Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Positive Energy, and Negative energy. Each of the primary elements is surrounded by representative countryside. The towers go down into the root of Enworld's disc. They are near the edges of the world, equidistant from the center.Originally thread on the towers arcane...

Fire - This elemental region is covered with volcanic activity and dangerous natural phenomenon. It never rains within a hundred miles of this tower, so it is surrounded by desert beyond the mountains. (Volcanic mountains around the tower, surrounded by deserts. Located in the Southeast.)

Earth - This is the most temperate tower, having been one of the most fertile growing lands in history. Metal veins run deep around this tower, and wealth is common. The tower itself is surrounded by mountains of stone and metal, once bastiosn to passing civilizations. The land is flat beyond the mountains, and forests populate this area. (Large mountains surround the tower, surrounded by forests and green plains. Very traditional DnD region. Located along the Northeastern corner of map.)

Wind - This region is the most isolated of all the towers. Where the earth, fire, and water towers are protected by natural phenomenon, the Wind tower is seperated by a lack of such. The land around the tower of wind has fallen off Enworphant's back, ages before any can recall. Now the tower, jutting down towards the planet, is surrounded by nothing but the uncontrollable winds that it controls. (Broken off section of map, tower sits on the edge surrounded by tempests of wind. Located along southwestern corner of map.)

Water - The tower of water is part of the largest ocean of Enworld. Here you have a tower surrounded by mountains of ice and then by water for miles. Near the tower itself, it is nearly impossible to land a boat. Isolated and cold, even during the summer, the water tower is an isolated place. (Located opposite fire tower, far Northwestern tower on map.)

Positive Energy - This tower, like all the others is a large grey stone pillar. (really havn't figured this one out, thinking mount celestia type thing, farthest north).

Negative Energy - A lone grey tower, surrounded by the graveyards of the dead. It is rumored that all evil bodies and souls migrate to this place after death... a place made of bone, surrounded by the unfertile soil of death. (Located farthest south).

Kahuna Burger

First Post
This is what I wrote about the kingdom where A Merry Chase is taking place...

What is known in the greater lands as the Northern mountains actually forms most of Earling's southern border. The largly impassable range dwindles to these merely annoying hills and gullys only to the most eastern side. Further on, they are cut by the mighty river which consitutes the state's eastern border and separates them from the Wilding Wood. Earling doesn't so much have a western border as it has a large contested region before the harsh desert where orcs, goblins and lawless nomads hold sway. To the north other city states hold their own land between the river and the desert, but Earling is the largest and taxes the easiest routes to the wider world and trade.

There is a pass through the Northern mountains coloqulially known as "Big/Little Pass" which comes out near the city state of Andren, which is nearly due north of Orosus. There are many smaller villages in the hills around andren, including a now largely non existant one named RedOak. ;)

Thats all the geographical info which I've included in any of my games...

At some later point I may want to establish an 'inn' in the mid ocean for aquatic/coastal adventurers, but I'll wait until it can have folks start at a higher level...

Kahuna burger

Kahuna Burger


Lathirn could really be anywhere. Sorry that I was vague about it's location... however, it could be anywhere that would have a long rainy season, and in lowlands, with plains around at least half of it.

I'll leave anything more specific to the judges.


First Post
If they're accepted into the almanac (in dire need of updates), the two locations I've created are as follows:

Tharol: Definitely somewhere in the Earth region; a few weeks' travel northeast from Orussus; bordering a forest and a lake, and probably very nearby a mountain range that keeps it isolated.

Kingdom of Medibaria: East from Orussus, in a moderately forested region. It's a fairly small kingdom (capital city + one major city + ~20 smaller towns), and possibly a bit north of east, bordering the Earth region.


Registered User
Is there going to be an attempt to integrate the geographical information from character backgrounds? That would make for an interesting project.


Living EN World Judge
Er...(shakes his head at the Elephant/Turtle silliness...)


Location: Some 250 miles North of Orussus, located in a hilly region between the forests of The Silverwood to the North, the hilly woods of Larkenwold Reach to the South ,the Vastermarch (a region of plains and rich fertile grasslands, as well as light woods) to the West and the hostile Human realm of Hendrallia sitting to the East.Rivenblight is the largest congregation of Elvenkind in all of Enworld, with every race of Elvenkind being represented, even the Drow...

Rivenblight, Independant Metropolis
Pop: 89,430 (77% Elvish< 35% High,17%Wood,13%Grey,7%Half-Elf,4%Drow, 1%Half-Drow>, 11% Human, 6% Gnome,3%Dwarf,2%Halfling,1% Half-Orc)

Government: Oligarchy (the Council of Nine, made up of the leading Guilds,Houses and Clans from the surrounding lands as well as the City).

Religion: All, particularly Grendath and Hyrag.

Imports:All manner of trade goods, much coming from the Vastermarch, which borders many lands and comprises an astounding array of Trade prospects.

Exports: Worked crafts of all sorts, renowned for musical instruments and pigments for use in painting as well as finished works of literature.
The last century has seen Rivenblight exporting a growing trade in weapons and armor, as the World around them demands a higher and higher quality of Arms.
As well, there are ruins and entrances to the Underdark in Rivenblight, giving rise to opportunities to secure riches untold of.

Alignments: All, with Chaotic Good,Neutral,Neutral Good and Lawful Neutral being predominant. It is an odd phenomenon that amidst the carefree nature that elves are known for, there exists a very ordered and structured way of life in Rivenblight. In a land where the slightest mis-step coud bring about a Duel, knowing the Law is crucial.

Politics: With three of it's four borders comprosed of bastions of Elvenkind, Rivenblight would seem an ideal place to live for an elf. However,Hendrallia sits upon the Eastern border of the City, a land thatfeels no love towards Rivenblight. Indeed, antipathy and even outright hatred for the Elves is kept in check only by the massed might of the Houses,Clans and Guilds theirein, should they ally against an external threat (which they have done before).Hendrallia feels that the Elven city is stiffling it's trade opportunities, as the elven nations were far less organized (thus, Hendrallia fared far better) before the city arose.
This is a long-standing Grudge, as Rivenblight was founded some 500 years ago (then known as Beryl), but the hendrallians have a long memory.


Rivenblight was once a thriving trade center utilized as a middle ground between the Grey Elves of Larkenwold Reach, the Wood Elves of the Silverwood and the High Elves of the cities of the Vastermarch. As well, humans, Dwarves and Halflings all came to trade in the great Metropolis. In those bygone days, the City was known as Beryl. All of this changed one dire day some 300 years ago, when a Cataclysmic Earthquake literally split the city in twain, half of it sliding into a great crater/cleft, much of it and thousands of it's residents all destroyed and killed. Diviners and Seers sought the cause, and though no definative source was evident, it was surmised that the Drow had a hand in the Foul deed.
Though none blamed the others for the catastrophy, the various elves all became suspicious of the other Guild Houses, Clans and Trade Unions. Many sought to profit from the sorrow of others during this time of trouble. Food importation and crafts, housing and jealousy of what others still had <when some had lost all>quickly escalated into open hostility and Warfare among the Elves.
Some groups fought along racial lines, some for their Guilds and some fought as mercinaries for whomever paid the most coin, foodor had the sweeteast promises of things to come.
Into this came the Drow, stealing forth from below, as some of Rivenblight (as the former City was now known) was now permanently in the dark, shaded by the walls of the crater that fully a third of the city had fallen into. As well, Gnolls and Goblins, Orcs and Ogres used the strife as a destraction so that they might take up residence in the Ruins of Rivenblight as well (perhaps aided by the Drow, who use these as fodder in their armies). Rivenblight was a dangerous place indeed.
Now, some three centuries later, the Elves still live in an Uneasy situation, though open Warfare between them is now a thing of the past. Dwarves have begun entering the Ruins looking for treasures, 'plots' sold off by Elven Lords for a share of the profits.
The Human Realm of Hendrallia sits on the Eastern border of the city, a hostile presence not strong enough to depose the Elves and plunder their city, yet too strong for the Elves to remove.
Many eyes look to this Ancient and Rich place, from Lands abroad and Lands Below...
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Get your info in now guys. Scorpio is being the greatest guy ever and working on a map, and if something needs to make it in, it needs to be said. I've only got the information on my own creations and the general world concept, but theres a LOT of other stuff that I've read but can't really confirm the location of.

I remember an orcish clan inhabiting certain mountains, and I know Janos placed something 500 miles away from the main city.

Voidrunner's Codex

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