• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Anybody else excited for Esper Genesis?


I pre-ordered on Amazon a few days ago and got locked in at $23.54, the price is now $49.95, which is more of what I expect to pay for a 300 page RPG hardcover.

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Star Frontiers can still be obtained, and I think I've heard someone is working on an updated version or something. (If you hit the Star Frontiers sites, you'll be able to find out for sure, or if it's just a fervent imagination playing tricks.)
And yes, I think a 5th edition rules of the Star Frontiers game would be pretty fantastic!

As to Esper Genesis, I like it better than Starfinder, though Starfinder is getting adventures out faster.
Give me something yo use my stack of traveller adv for.


Just started a campaign with Esper Genesis and I love it. The art is awesome and it's solid mechanically with only a few hiccups here and there like many first printings. It's leaps and bounds above Hyperlanes in quality.

Being 5e really makes it easier for the players to let the mechanics of the game fall to the side and enjoy the world.


I think if I want to play full on sci fi, I'd go with that new Star Trek RPG, I'm a huge trekkie.

I am a trekkie as well and i bought that game and watched Shield of Tomorrow for a while but that system's game-play trips my triggers in very bad ways so i gave it a hard pass due to system. It is a great sourcebook IMO and if their system gameplay and mechanics (some of which i like in principle and even in other systems) is one you like its a good trek resource for play IMO.

I have not considered an EG-trek cross-over - it doesn't seem like a good fit for me but i bet someone has some stuff for it, or will soon.


Stuck in the 90s
I played a game with the basic rules pdf a while back, and love the feel of it. They worked the 5E rules into scifi pretty well.


I don't know about the new Trek RPG, but the space combat in the FASA Star Trek RPG was the greatest thing ever!

The new trek uses 2D20 rules. Honestly if they'd just used 5e rules it would have been easy sell to me. Still honestly Star Trek Online hits my needs for Star Trek Pretty well, so I've prioritized getting D&D 5e stuff like FR and Ravnica books as well as the Chronicles of Darkness Books like Changeling 2e, Geist 2e, ect...

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