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Anyone got a hankering to GM d20 Future?

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Haven't got the book yet :( Still, the previews I've seen on-line look pretty nifty.

I'm not really in the field to start GMing another game until mid-October or so (in other words, after my exams :)), but if you're willing to wait that long, I'll certainly be willing to run something.

Karl Green

First Post
So I was re-reading Bughunters last night and started forming some ideas about what one could do with this setting. I am not sure I have the time to run a new game right now, especially sense I will be going on vacation in three weeks, but I wanted to put out some ideas about it…

I was thinking about the Synners first. While I like the Bughunter AdC in d20F, I also think that they should be Templates for the basic 'model'. As all the players are going to be synners, I am not going to worry too much about CL stuff (although I would say at least +2 if I had to ;))

In the old Rules, Synners got a boost to all their Stat's except CHA (the stat are not the same but close). The had more "hit points" then standard humans with the same stats (were called Stamina and Life Points), could carry more, and were resistant to lots of psychical and psychological trauma, redundant organs, and special biochemical plastic is injected in various locations to further cushion vital organs and to supplement the skeleton, etc. With that in mind I am thinking…

Ability Scores: +2 to all Attributes except CHA, and additional +2 to any one Attribute (i.e. +4 to either STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS or even a +2 to CHA)
Racial Toughness: Increase the Hit Dice of the whichever Character Class (max d12)
Racial Feat: Improved Damage Threshold
Racial Damage Reduction: Natural Damage Reductions 1/- (stacks with an other Damage Reduction)
Racial Increases Carrying Capacity: Increase Carrying Capacity, as if STR was +2 points higher
Psychological Training: +1 Will Saves
Racial Resistance: Immune to "Jump Flu" (adverse psychological effects of being 'awake' in Jump Space)

I think I would start characters at 2nd level, 30 Attribute Buying Points. 1st level would be the "donor" class and Occupation (But these Occupations would give no Reputation bonus and the wealth bonus would be -2 whatever is listed). At 2nd level characters would add a second Occupation, either Military (for the Marines MOS) or something like Astronaut Trainee (for most Aerospace MOS) due to the year long "basic training" (this Occupation would give the normal Reputation bonus but no Wealth bonus). They are now new 'recruits' in the UTRPF.

All recruits are going to be required to have at the least Personal Firearms Proficiency and Light Armor Proficiency Feats. Marines will require different ones depending on their MOS but would included Medium Armor Proficiency (what I would assume is the basic armor that the troopers would wear). I am debating the idea of giving each of these feats to characters for free to represent their basic training, thoughts? To much?

For Progress Level/Equipment, I am still debating that, but I would think PL6 as the base. Most weapons and equipment would be assigned to Troops. I would probably create the basic weapons etc. from the ground up, just to keep the favor of Bughunters. So, the main weapons would be somewhat modified (I would considers the following weapons a Mastercraft)…

MA-54 10mm caseless 'charge' flechette Assault Rifle [DAMAGE 2d10; CRIT 20/x3; DAMAGE TYPE Ballistic; RANGE INC 90ft; ROF S, A; MAG 100 box mag; SIZE Large; WEIGHT 12 lbs; Purchase DC 22; Military (+3)]

Add on features include a 4-round Grenade Launcher (+6lbs), Bayonet fitting, etc. Standard rounds would be APHE, giving them +2 to attacking vs. anyone with Armor, and +2 damage vs. anyone with Armor and or DR/Hardness (natural or tech based).

Sniper Laser Rifle [DAMAGE 3d8, CRIT 19-20/x2; DAMAGE TYPE Energy; RANGE INC 150ft; ROF S; MAG 10 cell mag; SIZE Large; WEIGHT 15 lbs; Purchase DC 23; Military (+4)]

UN-T4 11mm caseless 'charged' flechette Heavy Pistol [DAMAGE 2d8; CRIT 20/x3; DAMAGE TYPE Ballistic; RANGE INC 50ft; ROF S, A; MAG 20 box mag; SIZE Medium; WEIGHT 6 lbs; Purchase DC 18; Military (+1)]

The Bayonet/Combat Knifes described in Bughunters are made of a single piece of high density ceramic, the forward edge of which is fitted with a titanium blade. This cutting edge allows the knife to slice though even combat armor with relative ease. I would make it maybe +2 or +3 to attack rolls against anyone wearing armor and a mastercraft weapon (maybe even doing a base 1d6 damage instead of a d4). If used as a Bayonet it would do 1d8 damage and considered a two-handed weapon.

I am debating types of Armor also, maybe including a Lighter Scout/Sniper version, a Standard version and a reinforced Heavy Weapons versions.

Advanced Classes I am not 100% sure about… I will have to read more. I think that the basics one in d20Modern are fine, and the Bughunter found in D20F are ok but that is about it, not sure about the rest.

I think that Starships might be cool also but I would guess most are around PL6 Cutter class ships. I always like the Aliens idea of most ships are mostly automated such that there would not need to be a huge crew. Maybe 1/5 would is listed in d20F. Most Combat Ships that the Synners are assigned to for missions would be small as the teams themselves, maybe 10 Marines and 4 or 5 Aerospace Crewman (Pilot, Engineers, etc) and 1 or 2 Human Officers (who would be in Stasis Sleep through most journeys). In the older Bughunter rules, the fastest Jump Drive ships was about 20 times the speed of light, so it would take just over two months to get to the nearest star system, and about the farthest outpost is only 20 light years from earth. That is still about 80-100 possible star systems.

Just some random thoughts, still forming all the ideas… other any thoughts? Have I been smoking to much crack?
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I was hoping to scare up a Genetech gm but I'd be interested if you allow Moreaus. (wanna try a tiger type.. maybe make him a soldier hvy weeapons type)

Karl Green

First Post
Hmm I dug up that Poly mag with the Genetech stuff in... pretty cool also... of coruse I am not sure I can start anything for a while... I would ask if people are interested in Genetech, what would you want?

Are the characters working for the Gov?
Are Moreaus know or a secret?
Missions that you would want to be involved with (criminal, esp, etc)?

Just thinking outloud :)

It did sound like Jarval might be interested in Running a Moreaus game...

I will think about it some more also but might keep developing a Bughunter one-shot or something


First Post
I am planning on starting a Wastelands/Fallout/GammaWorld type game using d20 Future in a few weeks. Right now I am going over the book and choosing stuff to use or not. Let me know if your interested.

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