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Apparatus of Dreadful Construction


Monster Junkie
I too will second disagreement on the really high resistances. While I like the idea (and Sean K Reynold's wrote an interesting article on the topic on his website), the fact is, none of the other creatures work that way. We try to follow the standards as much as possible, so I'd rather stick with immunities or reasonable (less than 50) resistances. There's no reason you can't swap it out with resistances in your own campaign, though.

I definitely agree with Clifford that it should have immunity to fire, if nothing else.

I like the suggestion on the cold slowing it effect...it makes sense.

Hardness for creatures has been almost universally replaced with damage reduction x/adamantine now, which it definitely should have.

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Creature Cataloguer
i'm glad that they reintroduced the idea of cold slowing certain creatures - that was a good effect back in the day. ;)


Monster Junkie
Attempting to tackle some of the abilities...

BOZ said:
Three great metal chimneys rear from its stern, spewing sparks and flames up to 30 feet into the air. (The fires cause any flammable material within 30 feet of the device to save vs. normal fire or burn.)

Combustion Cloud (Ex): Three great metal chimneys rear from the Apparatus's stern, spewing sparks and flames up to 30 feet into the air. Any creature or object within 30 feet must succeed on a DC X Reflex save or take an extra X points of fire damage as clothes ignite or armor becomes searing hot. The damage continues while within the area and for another X rounds thereafter. Unattended flammable materials within the area ignite automatically. The save DC is Constitution-based.

BOZ said:
Two monstrous studded wheels enable the apparatus to cross any terrain at a constant speed (MV 24,or 8,182 miles per hour), night or day.

That translates to a land speed of 60 feet.

BOZ said:
Most fearsome, however, are the eight human-sized metal teeth at its front, each driven by a great piston, which chew through every kind of stone, metal, or other substance. If the apparatus runs into a cliff or mountainside, it digs its way through at a reduced but still rapid speed (MV 18), leaving a permanent tunnel behind it. Any being run over by this device, whether crushed by a wheel or "bitten" by a metal tooth, takes 10d12 points of crushing damage and 6d6 points of heat damage (no saving throw), and must pass a system shock roll or die at once.

That translates to a burrow speed of 45 feet (or round down to 40).

Burn (Ex): The Apparatus's natural attacks deal normal damage plus fire damage because of the creature's great heat. Anyone hit by the Apparatus's natural attacks must succeed on a DC X Reflex save or catch on fire. The flame burns for X rounds. Unless it is still in contact with the Apparatus, a burning creature can take a move action to put out the flames. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Creatures hitting the Apparatus with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the Apparatus's attack, and also catch on fire unless they succeed on a DC X Reflex save.

BOZ said:
As the apparatus travels across the landscape, it destroys everything before it in a path 20 feet wide, moving in a perfectly straight (if not entirely level) line. Nothing, not even a wish spell, can turn it aside or direct its movements. Witnesses report that the apparatus is able to survive falls from considerable heights without damage, observing that it continued on its journey as if nothing happened. The single mindedness of the apparatus's movements and feats leads most observers to believe that it has escaped its original owner or creator and is now running without any intelligent control.

Immune to falling damage?

Immovable (Su?): The Apparatus cannot be moved by any means short of epic magic or direct divine intervention. It automatically succeeds on all opposed bull rush, grapple, and trip attempts.

BOZ said:
As it moves, part of the mechanism takes the rocky material it destroys, draws the debris into the vehicle, and leaves it behind in the form of a black paved road measuring 12 feet wide, with churned earth and ground rock littering either side. The created road is exceptionally durable, making all saving throws as metal +4. Immediately after the passage of the apparatus, however, the roadway is extremely hot, doing 6d6 points of damage to anyone who touches it; it cools by one die of damage for every hour that passes after it begins to cool. Furthermore, the road contains poisonous substances that kill all plant life within 50 yards for a full year. This road, though of high quality, of course leads nowhere in particular except by random chance. Any city unlucky enough to be in the path of the device must be abandoned until it has departed, leaving road and ruin behind it.

Road of Ruin (Su?): As it moves, the Apparatus converts destroyed material into a black paved road measuring X feet wide (I'd recommend the same as its Space), with churned earth and ground rock littering either side. The road has hardness X and X hit points per 5-foot section. The road is extremely hot, dealing 6d6 points of fire damage to anything that touches it within the first hour. For each hour thereafter, it cools, dealing 1d6 less damage until it is completely cool 7 hours later. Additionally, the toxic substances mixed with the raw materials are deadly to plants, automatically killing all plant life within 150 feet. Plant creatures are entitled to a DC X Fortitude save; even on a success, the creature still takes 5d6 points of damage. The save DC is ?-based.


Monster Junkie
The apparatus travels from world to world as a result of a random plane shift power, 1-20 rounds after it is fully submerged in water - ocean, lake, or river. After its plane shift, it reappears out of the deep waters of another world, in another crystal sphere, to drive across the landscape until it reaches water again. A few wizards and priests discovered this aspect of its nature arid exploited it by having lakes dug and filled in its path to protect cities, causing the device to leave their world for another.

Random Plane Shift (Su): If submerged in water, the apparatus is randomly transported to deep waters on another plane 1d20 rounds later. This functions like the plane shift spell (caster level xth), except it affects only the apparatus and the destination plane is determined randomly.

Though the device has caused destruction in its passage across inhabited lands, the ruin is very limited in scope and the damage is eventually reversed (though the roadway it creates remains). In some cases, its passage has even been beneficial, as it opens tunnels through the most impassable mountains and builds roads across the worst terrain. It is more an annoyance than a real threat. The device radiates enormous, powerful magic, and its invulnerability to all forms of magical and physical attack certainly indicate that it is an artifact. Because the upper part of the apparatus has the appearance of a beast's head, complete with fiery nostrils and smokestack "horns," it is sometimes called the Iron Bull, as well as Ground-Eater, Road-Maker, the Starving Juggernaut, and a few less pleasant epithets (particularly thrown by those who have lost farms and forests to its flames).

Mostly flavor text, but we can extrapolate that it is a major artifact, and thus...

SRD said:
Unlike all other magic items, major artifacts are not easily destroyed. Each should have only a single, specific means of destruction.

...so, should we give it an immunity to total destruction by hit point loss?

Certain elements of its appearance have led to speculations that it was built with the assistance of Krynnish tinker gnomes (Minoi), though there is neither record nor proof of this. (Indeed, some tinker gnomes actively pursue the device in order to learn more about it.) Another theory is that it is a reactivated relic from the ancient empire of Blackmoor - of Mystara, not of Oerth. The truth cannot be known at this time. As its first appearance in the Known Spheres dates back to only 130 years, the assumption of scholarly sages is that the device is either of recent construction or lay dormant until accidentally activated by a curious (and no doubt now deceased) discoverer.



Creature Cataloguer
i would hope that it would be considered a major artifact! ;) it just happens to have creature stats.

i have to imagine that the submersion sometimes happens when the creature runs off the road into the ocean. ;) do you think it is "smart" enough to avoid falling in the water - especially when it has no real need to fear its own destruction?


First Post
as far is the indestructable goes i think after it is reduced to zero Hp is simply plane shifts to another place with full Hp.

Perhaps the death of all tinker gnomes will cause its final destructions.

Than again that might be wishful thinking on my part.

Voidrunner's Codex

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