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Ashes, all [closed]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"I think you are both right. We need to get rid of this burden to which we have committed ourselves. Crown Point needs its relief. When we get there, we can offer to go to this mysterious base (that might be information they could use as well), or see whether we are needed most there. There's no scale here, but given that this mysterious point is as far away as both the towns n our journey, it might be a huge settlement, and it might also be quite far away. I think we can't tell, and so should get rid of the cart, that would never make the path. Those are my thoughts at least: if someone doesn't want to come on the journey, we can also leave them safe as can be in Crown Point.

But for now, it is dark, and we have corpses that need tending to. I suggest we spend the night here.Can someone please take the first watch? Does anyone need healing before I rest?
" He looks wearily at his companions, and does what he can if needed.

Assuming there are no objections, Heron begins his meditation cycle, leaving the others to sleep or rest as they wish.

A few hours later, assuming that goes well, he begins to tend to the bodies. He fishes them out of the well and lines them up. Can he tell from the animal corpses if they've been recently slaughtered? Perhaps there is meat that can be salvaged, or perhaps they should all be burned. That's too big a task for this group, obviously, but he looks for a respectful way of disposing of the bodies: lining them up indside the house where they may be safe from any scavengers; or in a bonfire.

Heron will take cues form anyone who understands these people's culture better than he does. He leaves the toy animal he picked up on top of the little girl.

If that all goes well, he is ready to move on.

OOC: Hey tem; feel free to interrupt or insert actions in any of this; I'm not try ing to be prescriptive, just to move us along.

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First Post
"I think you are both right. We need to get rid of this burden to which we have committed ourselves. Crown Point needs its relief. When we get there, we can offer to go to this mysterious base (that might be information they could use as well), or see whether we are needed most there. There's no scale here, but given that this mysterious point is as far away as both the towns n our journey, it might be a huge settlement, and it might also be quite far away. I think we can't tell, and so should get rid of the cart, that would never make the path. Those are my thoughts at least: if someone doesn't want to come on the journey, we can also leave them safe as can be in Crown Point.

But for now, it is dark, and we have corpses that need tending to. I suggest we spend the night here.Can someone please take the first watch? Does anyone need healing before I rest?
" He looks wearily at his companions, and does what he can if needed.

Assuming there are no objections, Heron begins his meditation cycle, leaving the others to sleep or rest as they wish.

A few hours later, assuming that goes well, he begins to tend to the bodies. He fishes them out of the well and lines them up. Can he tell from the animal corpses if they've been recently slaughtered? Perhaps there is meat that can be salvaged, or perhaps they should all be burned. That's too big a task for this group, obviously, but he looks for a respectful way of disposing of the bodies: lining them up indside the house where they may be safe from any scavengers; or in a bonfire.

Heron will take cues form anyone who understands these people's culture better than he does. He leaves the toy animal he picked up on top of the little girl.

If that all goes well, he is ready to move on.

OOC: Hey tem; feel free to interrupt or insert actions in any of this; I'm not try ing to be prescriptive, just to move us along.

"I'll take the first watch.", said Ashurn without any hesitation, as he looks around before settling down beside a tree keeping vigilance over the camp.


"I think you are both right. We need to get rid of this burden to which we have committed ourselves. Crown Point needs its relief. When we get there, we can offer to go to this mysterious base (that might be information they could use as well), or see whether we are needed most there. There's no scale here, but given that this mysterious point is as far away as both the towns n our journey, it might be a huge settlement, and it might also be quite far away. I think we can't tell, and so should get rid of the cart, that would never make the path. Those are my thoughts at least: if someone doesn't want to come on the journey, we can also leave them safe as can be in Crown Point.

But for now, it is dark, and we have corpses that need tending to. I suggest we spend the night here.Can someone please take the first watch? Does anyone need healing before I rest?
" He looks wearily at his companions, and does what he can if needed.

Assuming there are no objections, Heron begins his meditation cycle, leaving the others to sleep or rest as they wish.

A few hours later, assuming that goes well, he begins to tend to the bodies. He fishes them out of the well and lines them up. Can he tell from the animal corpses if they've been recently slaughtered? Perhaps there is meat that can be salvaged, or perhaps they should all be burned. That's too big a task for this group, obviously, but he looks for a respectful way of disposing of the bodies: lining them up indside the house where they may be safe from any scavengers; or in a bonfire.

Heron will take cues form anyone who understands these people's culture better than he does. He leaves the toy animal he picked up on top of the little girl.

If that all goes well, he is ready to move on.

OOC: Hey tem; feel free to interrupt or insert actions in any of this; I'm not try ing to be prescriptive, just to move us along.

ooc: The Ublers and the animals you can find were all killed within the last day or two, no more. Generally, they would be buried but that would take at least four hours by multiple people for four graves.

Someone thinks to douse the fire in the fireplace so the house won't burn down. Someone else thinks to clean the bodies of the family, dress them and lay them in state in their house, covered by blankets.
It is a somber, but quiet night in the camp and the usual chatter is missing tonight. The dawn comes, cold and clear, with the promise of a decent day and you are on your way again with your wagon.
The next four days pass slowly, the weather holds but fall is coming and will be here soon.
Finally you come to the crest of a small hill and, in the distance, you can see the town of Crown Point. You can see small figures moving about the wooden palisade, as well as on the grounds surrounding it and lazy wisps of smoke wafting up from various parts of the town. From this vantage it is easy to tell that several, if not most of the buildings have sustained some damage.
It is a short time later when you approach the heavy gates, there are any numbre of people a short distance away holding shovels, picks, and various other implements. There seem to be a greater number of elderly, women and young to teen-aged children. Standing in front of the gate is a Dwarf in heavy mail, left arm in a sling, one side of his beard badly singed but carrying a heavy, bearded ax. "What're ye for?" he asks.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Relief, from Herons' Hollow," announces Heron, with a tilt of his neck to point to the supplies. "And perhaps reinforcements."


At this the dwarf gives a gap-toothed smile 'It's about dadburned time!
'Open up, Gritch! And fetch Silverthorn, he'll want to to talk to these ones!'
Within moments, you hear large bars being moved and the gate swings open, revealing a battered and burnt Crown Point. Nearly every building you can see has at least some damage. Some have been recently repaired, mostly homes. Others stand empty with still smoldering roofs.
The ox' hooves echo weirdly in the nearly barren streets. You see only the very old or the very young loitering about, everyone able seems to be working hard, outside the palisade, repairing buildings, and bringing food and water to those in need.
As soon as the cart is through, the large gate closes and is barred again, leaving only a small man-door open.
Within a minute or two a large man with dark hair and an impressive mustache, wearing a dark grey cloak emblazoned with a three-pointed silver star approaches and says 'greeting and well met. I am Alain Silverthorn, current leader of what remains of Crown Point and her people. I understand you have come from Herons' Hollow. You are most welcome as is whatever you may have brought with you. You may leave the cart here, it will be taken by one of the people to be handed out according to need. Please, follow me.'
With that, he leads you on a circuitous route to a large building. There is black soot staining the exterior walls, as well as the roof, which show signs of recent repair.
He leads you into the building and offers you all seats. 'You may have noticed signs of damage to our fair town. I tell you now that we are lucky it is standing and that only the resilience of the people make that true.
'Almost fourteen days ago, the Crown Point was attacked by a large, monstrous host. Goblins and Hobgoblins made up the bulk of the host but I know that I saw at least one Ogre as well. They pelted the palisade with arrows and stones for a night and a day, but the wall held. Then they started with the flaming pitch and arrows. We had not the men to fight the fires and the horde, though we certainly tried. They breached the gate and killed or captured many of our best warriors.
'Then, their leader, a huge Hobgoblin called Kuruk came to the gate with a white banner, asking to treat with us. We could not refuse for they had us, if they had wanted to.
'This Kuruk stated he wanted the wepaons of "The black sparrow". I told him truthfully I knew not what he spoke of. He said that I would and that I would deliver them withing one moon cycle or his host would return and burn Crown Point to the ground, and I believed him. Every few days he sends some of his host to harass our people.
Right now, what we need most is knowledge. Who or what is this Black Sparrow? What are the weapons Kuruk spoke of? We just don't know.
If I were not tied up with trying to restore Crown point, I would seek out master Kelik, who lives in a large building near the north wall. He has not been seen since before the creatures came, though so I have no knowledge if he is alive or dead.
We are living upon borrowed tie already and, in truth I know not what you could do but I encourage you to try. My order, the silver thorn, will help in any way we can.'


Having time to clear his head on the wagon ride here, Penton has regained much of the composure he had previously lost. "Ogres, truly? Alongside others, working together. This cannot be a good omen," says Penton.

If I can, I'd like to make an untrained history, or some other check, to figure out how likely it is that these creatures would be working alongside eachother, especially with the ogre, and the collective goal of finding this item

"We ought to tend to anywhere we're needed in the meantime, but first, we must find this Kelik," asserts Penton, in an unusual change of character. "This requires a swift response," he concludes.


If I can, I'd like to make an untrained history, or some other check, to figure out how likely it is that these creatures would be working alongside eachother, especially with the ogre, and the collective goal of finding this item
Hobgoblins will often use Goblins for fodder and Ogres on occasion will join with a particularly formidable band or may be pressed into service if the hobgoblin leader is able to do so.
'As sad as it is to say, we are still recovering parts of the town so you would be most welcome there.
'Also, Townmaster Evans is missing, presumed captured or killed but, if you find him alive, please ensure his safe return.
'Finally, there is a matter I hesitate to mention. Near the northern wall there is a old warehouse that was being worked on to convert it to some sort of business or factory. It had been silent but, since the initial assault, there have been reports of seeing people in and around it but, we've been so busy digging out, dealing with the wall, the raiders and everything else we've not had time to investigate it.'
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"I-I-I, um, have some of my own b-business to attend to here as well," ventures Lester, made nervous again by new places and personages. "The same, uh, that brought me to H-Heron's Hollow."


Penton glances at Heron. "To the north end o' town then, shall we?" Penton asks, gesturing toward the road leading to the north end of town. "The sooner we get this all done, the better. I'd like to have this all behind me," Penton mentions, toward no one in particular.

Voidrunner's Codex

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