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At wits end


sjmiller said:
Out of a group of nine players, I have recently had not one, but FOUR of them come to me seeking personal motivation for their character.

The rogue in me wants to tell you that in the house across the street from you, some poor Vampire the Masquerade GM is wondering why his players never showed for the game. :)

More seriously, if these players are relatively new, I can understand it. Alternately, maybe these players are just burned out a bit. Are they players who you've known for a while, or have they played under a previous DM before you? Maybe a previous DM got them in the habit of letting him come up with all the motivations.

Oh, and don’t get me started on the player who feels the need to explore the sexuality of his Paladin. That’s a whole different rant on my part.

Some things you aren't comfortable DM'ing and need to be sidelined. That should end the discussion.

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Here are some easy answers. Take everyone who wants a motivation and make them related to someone else in the group who is also seeking motivation. Family, church, service in an organization, etc. Quick and easy. If they are different races then go for an organization link or adoption relationship.


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sjmiller said:
What’s wrong with adventuring for the sake of adventuring?

Nothing. But some people want a little more to go on. They should put some effort into their background as to why they are, but you could help them along with local history and other suggestions that have been mentioned. I will echo that 9 people is A LOT of PCs! Too many in my opinion.


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sjmiller said:
Out of a group of nine players, I have recently had not one, but FOUR of them come to me seeking personal motivation for their character.
What were the recent events in the campaign leading up to this point? Do you think there was any specific campaign development that could have brought this to a head?

More generally, can I ask what the current plot of the campaign is, how far along the particular story arc you are, etc.?
They want me to give them a reason for being with the group of adventurers. Each one has expressed their want, no their need, for a personal reason to remain with the group.
Have there been any recent developments that have undermined group solidarity, unity or purpose?

Also, how recently did you start gaming with these four, compared to the other five?

Forgive all the questions but there are so many potential interpretations of what is going on that I would appreciate getting some of this stuff clarified before I comment at any length.
Each one has been presented the same information as the other players. The other five players all seem to have figured out what they are doing, why they are together, what they want to do in life.
So, what is the information that has brought them together?
Some of the players are seeking a particular ancient artifact, some are seeking a life of heroic action, and some are seeking to acquire great magic.
Are there other reasons they are adventuring together besides the desire to gain power and/or wealth? Also, why are only some of the party questing for the object? I'm guessing the ones who are after the object are the five who have not approached you with this problem.
What’s wrong with adventuring for the sake of adventuring?
Well, of course that's why the players are playing the game. But I don't think a player is completely out to lunch to want a motivation beyond the desire to raid and plunder.
Oh, and don’t get me started on the player who feels the need to explore the sexuality of his Paladin. That’s a whole different rant on my part.
I hope you've told this player that they are unlikely to find your campaign fulfilling and might need to start meeting his gaming needs elsewhere.


I suspect there might be more to this than is readily apparent. Have you considered the possibility that these four have been discussing breaking off and forming a gaming group of their own? It just seems odd to me that all four have chosen the same time to become discontent and with the very same reason. However, I don't find it odd that some of a group as large as nine might find themself asking such a question. It's hard to maintain more than five or six players in a game to a level of satisfaction that keeps play interesting.

My advice would be to get these four players together, apart from the rest of the group, and asking them to be more frank about their desire for more motivation. Ask if it is a character desire or actually a player desire. Find out if there has been discussion of breaking off into another gaming group and perhaps suggest running a group just for them on a different night if that is possible, and if it is actually the case/desire (or help them set one up, if they need the help and would prefer a different DM for a change).

If it turns out this is correct and the paladin isn't one of the four, you might want to send him along as they are bound to be a bit shorthanded... ;)


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Sometimes adventuring for the sake of adventuring is a pretty lame motivation, especially in a large group and especially if there is friction between any of the PCs. Every once in a while, players might just look around at the rest of the PCs and ask "What the hell am I doing here?" Groups built simply around the 'adventuring for the sake of adventuring' are especially prone to this because there's nothing but greed and profit motive to hold them together.
I would suggest getting the 4 players trying to find a decent motivation together to hash one out that connects their PCs together and to at least one other character at the table.


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OK so what are these characters goals in life? What do they want to achieve? If they aren't giving you any kind of background and goals to work with, how can you tell them what their motivation is? If they are just 3rd level figher with 18 strength, and Mage in a purple robe then it is kind of hard. But if it is "The last warrior from clan Xochipilli who watched his tribe, family and childen be slaughtered by an elf with six fingers, whi desires nothing more than to sever the head from the six0fingered elf." THEN you can give him motivation.....

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