• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Attn D12: You've been Gnomified

The first sketches were a little more true to life, but not as evil looking, so I'm afraid the final version might be a little off. Jessie plans to add a few finishing touches, but here you are, in all your villainous glory.

To everyone who is not D12, feel free to take a look at Tinker Oddcog, one of the sample villains from Natural 20 Press's D20 Supers.


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WotC's bitch
Darkness said:
Aren't you Ryan? :)

No, _I'm_ Ryan!

Apropos your sig: I too would like to become a patron of Hentai XXXVIII. I am willing to make great sacrifices for this. I will rent every tentacle flick I can find, and watch them until... well, until I go blind. Or something. Tell me now, Darkness my fellow Austrian, what is required to show I can handle this awesome responsibility.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
hong said:

No, _I'm_ Ryan!

Apropos your sig: I too would like to become a patron of Hentai XXXVIII. I am willing to make great sacrifices for this. I will rent every tentacle flick I can find, and watch them until... well, until I go blind. Or something. Tell me now, Darkness my fellow Austrian, what is required to show I can handle this awesome responsibility.
/me wonders when some kind of "I am Spartacus!" pic will be posted... ;)

Heh. I think you're Australian, hong... Which, of course, is close enough - geographically, at least. :p

Anyway, if you look a bit into the history of Legend of the 5 Rings, you'll understand where this comes from... :D


WotC's bitch
Originally posted by Darkness
Heh. I think you're Australian, hong... Which, of course, is close enough - geographically, at least. :p

This has caused no end of confusion, that's for sure. I keep telling everyone that Austria is the country, and Australia is the continent (which is why Australia has never made it to the World Cup, because continents can't field teams); but it's like swimming up a waterfall. You can trust me, because I always check my facts before posting nonsense to web boards.

Anyway, if you look a bit into the history of Legend of the 5 Rings, you'll understand where this comes from... :D

Legend of the 5 Rings? Isn't that the weirda$$ Japanese setting that features a Porcelain Throne or something? Man, I'm not into that at all. I'm quite happy with the weirda$$ Japanese setting found in Oriental Adventures.
Last edited:


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
hong said:

This has caused no end of confusion, that's for sure. I keep telling everyone that Austria is the country, and Australia is the continent (which is why Australia has never made it to the World Cup, because continents can't field teams); but it's like swimming up a waterfall.
Luckily, tourists who come to Austria usually know that we don't have, say, all that many kangaroos around here. ;) Of course, here in Vienna, we also have an Australian pub or three and I hear that these serve kangaroo... ;)

You can trust me, because I always check my facts before posting nonsense to web boards.
*nods* I've only rarely seen nonsense that has as much substance as yours. :)

Legend of the 5 Rings? Isn't that the weirda$$ Japanese setting that features a Porcelain Throne or something? Man, I'm not into that at all. I'm quite happy with the weirda$$ Japanese setting found in Oriental Adventures.
OA 3e, I presume? Well, you don't really need L5R, then... :p

Anyway, when I started with the L5R RPG, Hantei the 38th 0wn3d, or at least ruled, the region. And really, he's more of an Emperor than all those who came after him.
Very proud, too; he only lost his face when he lost his head. :cool:
Heh. Too bad for the poor Emperor, though, that I once decided to create the ruler of the layer of a fiendish for D&D, and that my brain works the way it does... :eek:

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