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[AU] Siege on Ebonring Keep - Part 2



ooc: stepping back in time a bit to stick my head in where needed while I was out.

Ys-Baddaden looks on in shocked amazement as his older brother pulls him in for a tight hug. After a speechless moment, the giant regains his composure and answers Ys-Korros, "I ... was not expecting ... this. I am glad to see you too. What did father and mother say? However did you find me? I hope your journey was less eventful than ours."

As the questions and concerns come tumbling out of the younger brother, a grumble escapes his stomach, reminding him of his current situation. "I have so much more to talk with you about, brother, yet I have one more pressing concern." Leaning down, Ys-Baddaden whispers in Ys-Korros' ear, "Do you by any chance have some of that barkbread that mother makes?"

Over joyed to see his younger brother, Ys-Korros tries to relate everything to him, which though ponderous and slow to the others is quite quick for the giant. "It was pretty easy to follow you. You had headed in the general direction of the nearest major city. When I got there I met this very helpful woman who told me that you had come here answering the call for adventurers. Oh mother and father are fine, not many problems with work. Oh, Knocks the baker, remember him, he had some trouble with some kids swipping some of his breads. Father caught them at it and reprimanded them something fierce. I do not think that they will be trying that again."

"Oh yeah here I have a couple of things from home for you. Indeed I do have some of mother's barkbread here for you and also father gave me a couple of crowns for you. He said to make sure that you were eating right, he said he knew something of the fare adventurers eat."

Following the re-union, Ys-Korros looks to his brother to introduce the others in the party greeting each one. He is amused with Pyior's frantic nature. He generally takes a paternal tone with those he meets. Following the evening meal he settles down with the others. Having told many other tales from the neighbourhood he is quite sure that he has bored the others to death.

Ys-Baddaden awakens to the morning call of Pyior. Feeling unordinarily refreshed, the giant looks at his companions through new eyes. Upon spotting Aurial, he lingers for a moment, his mind tugging on something, then he notices the sprite looking back and gives her and big sheepish grin before leaning over to wake his brother, "Ys-Korros, wake up... I have the most amazing thing to share with you..."

Woken by his brother's touch, Ys-Korros blinks at the early morning light. "Good morning brother, good morning everyone. What is for breakfast?" Then remembering the urgency in his brother's tone, "Oh, yes, what is it little-brother?"

occ: returning to the present :)

Looking around at all the junk on the floor, Ys-Korros does his best to help move anything that Pyior needs moving. He goes about his business in a slow but delibrate manner, always being careful about those around him to make sure that he doesn't bump into anyone, or cause an avalanche of junk.
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Liminal Syzygy

Community Supporter
Pyior seems loathe to set his staff on the ground with the two giants walking around and the heavy objects carried about. He comically tries to pick up a few objects while carrying his staff at the same time without much success.

"Hmmm... Obviously I'm not cut out for this so I'll take a quick look in the barracks to see if I can spot anything out of place in there. Aurial, you are welcome to help me if you like."

OOC: Pyior will recast Precise Vision if necessary and Canny Effort on Aurial if she helps.


First Post
Pyior and Aurial give the others a quick synopsis on the quickest route back through the junk to the trapdoor. While the heavy lifters get to work, the faen check through the barracks room.

The barracks is the mirror image of the storeroom - a long skinny room wrapped around one side of the ring chamber. Bunkbeds line both sides, leaving only a narrow path down the middle. At the moment, there are no soldiers present, though there are accomodations enough for about sixty men. It stinks of sweat, leather, and oil. A few small lock boxes sit here and there, but the rest of the soldiers' gear is stored in sacks and heavy backpacks.

Pyior's Precise Vision spell is still active, and together they give the walls, floor, and even ceiling a quick but thorough examination. Nothing is found. (ooc - I'm assuming that you're not going to actually go through the soldiers' belongings.)

Danwyn, Ys-Baddaden, and Ys-Korros begin to pull out some of the more precariously placed pieces of junk. In spite of their caution, parts of the pile collapse around them. Luckily, no one is injured. Taking a different tact, long sticks are used to force piles to collapse from a distance, then the pieces are removed. Given the remarkable strength of the three, they manage to clear a path in fairly short order.

Pyior and Aurial return to report their lack of findings just as the other three have shoved aside the desk that sat over the trapdoor.

ooc: I'm going to be out of town (and away from a computer) until Wednesday night. I imagine you'll want to go through the trapdoor. I'll let you discuss any particular strategy you may wish to employ until I return for the next post.


Taking care to make sure that none of the remaining debris might fall upon the smaller members of the group, Ys-Korros leads the faen to the newly cleared trap-door. "The trapdoor has been cleared. If it is alright with you I would like to be the first to descend into whatever might lay beyond. Does anyone have a torch or other form of light for me to carry?"


Ys-Korros, pauses a moment, "Actually, where is my gear? I think that I have a few torches somewhere in there. My dad tried to pack everything that I would need to follow my brother here and I bet he included a couple of them." He reaches for his backpack and digs down to the bottom of the great sack. Drawing out a torch as well as a small flint and steel kit, "Ah yes, here they are, how forgetful of me. Are we ready?" he asks before setting his torch to flame.

Liminal Syzygy

Community Supporter
"Ready! But keep your wits about you. This may very well be the secret passage through which the rest of the Rhodin escaped. It may be trapped, or they may have left some of their number behind as guards."


"Well... will you look at that..." Ys-Baddaden says in response to the request of his brother for a light source, as he watches a Lesser Glowglobe form on his palm. "We should use this, brother. That way no one has to carry a torch." The giant watches as the small sphere of light rises into the air and floats there, near his head.

Voidrunner's Codex

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