Autumn +67 AK Development

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Nothing of note happens. (Hell weeks for me. Big things coming for winter.)
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With the return of the Expeditionary Force and the apparent dispersal of the Frost Giant force the entire country breathes a collective sigh of relief.

The weather turns unseasonably wet for much of the autumn; though it is a hindrance to the people it dampens their spirits little. Few feel any qualms about the future of Caedmon with King Dolan to lead them.

King Dolan, however, is of the mind that something unknown is happening beyond Caedmon's borders. He continues his search for a proper adventuring group to send to the north and makes sure work on the Northgate continues as planned, it is set to be completed the next summer.

(( My apologies about the lateness of this))


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Soon as the spring thaw was over. The military might of the kingdom took to the march agasint the upstart faction. It's attacks were threefold. The first was the marching of its infantry forces against the oppositions in typical fashion. The initial forays were a disaster at first. Even after extensive rearmoring and rearming of its forces which were also increased due to conscriptions of travelers and peasants, the troops put forth had little training and broke ranks in the first engagements. Eventually, threats of death from the army leadership put a stop to this and the forces so far have held their own since.

Tales of strange molten rocks erupting from the sky, forces struck by bolts of lightning during stormy days and creatures of rock, wind and flame coming from nowhere and sacking military targets abound. What powers control these things... if true are unknown.


After several routs of the latest battles, the upstarts to the kingdom have been squashed. This mainly due to the strange magicks now undeniably used on the battlefield and which provided the kingdoms military with an unanswered advantage. This is now attributed to a band of robed staffwielders whom wear wreathes of thorns on their head. No one knows where this secret cabal comes from and whether they will leave or stay now that the war is over. Everyone does know most of the populace is glad that the war is finally over... except for the arms merchants.


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The Kingdom remains quiet. King Hadri seems preoccupied with the upcoming birth of he and the Queen's second child. Rumors circulate that the Queen has not borne this child as easily as her first. Her absence from public life seems to support these quiet claims.

The towns east of Crolon continue to have their trade pestered by the bands of brigands that have sprung up in the past months. There is good information that they are in fact led by a kobold sorceror of some renown. The city militia of Crolon and the garrison of Kinrisar Infantry continue to talk of plans to pacify the brigands. Nothing has happened yet and the winter is coming.

The cultish followers of Prea Abo have become more active recently. Strange runes and hushed stories of meetings of differing cabals abound.


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The summer campaigning season sees a brief flareup of rebel activity, with legions being deployed especially in the north and west to deal with the unrest. By end of summer, things have once more settled down into simple discontent, but a sense of fear pervades many social circles, as rumors of a coming political purge spread out from Doluhre.

Sorry for the delay folks - baby arrived late last week and it's been nuts here.


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Summer has gone by uneventfully for the most part. Sadly tragedy has struck and some of the fighting amongst various gnoll tribes in the Wood caused the destruction of two villages. The Rhaavin Rangers who had been trying to keep the fighting under control managed to save some of the villagers from a sad fate. The offending gnolls were slain. The Queen sent the surviving villagers her regrets and has a comittee working on housing the poor survivors. Some critics talk of the Rangers not doing their job properly though such talk hasn't been nearly enough to cause concern.

A Rhaavinian pirate hunting vessel "Storm Cutter" went is several weeks overdue. The freelance ship was based in Rhaavin and funded by the council for it's efficiency in capturing pirates. Navy officers say it's too early to write them off as fallen prey to avenging pirates and a search effort it under way. Some say this is because the captain of the ship is the brother of an Admiral though if there is bias there it matters little considering their successful run thus far.

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