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B-MOVIE : Apocalypse now

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Shannon had arrived at the local diner early. It always seemed that she arrived early to places.

She sat in a booth, sipping a strawberry shake and looking around her at the other patrons.

She sipped and spotted a couple in the parking lot outside who were having a heated debate about something. At least that's what Shannon assumed was happening. The woman was waving her arms and pointing at the man who was shrugging his shoulders and appeared to be yelling back, red faced.

Shannon pulled out a pen and one of her ever present notebooks.

She set the shake down, and chewed on the end of her pen thoughtfully, tilting her head as she continued to watch the exchange.

It would appear that she's mad at him....that he forgot something....I wonder what it could be? He's yelling back. Acting defensive. Perhaps it was unimportant? She scribbled in her slightly messy print.

She picked her shake back up and sipped it again, tilting her head the other way, her brown hair falling over her shoulder. Watching and waiting.
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Watercreeck, pop 325 1/2

Watercreeck is a small town. A very small town. At the center, there is a small crossroad, one road leading up to the mountains, one towards a few large farms, and one onwards to the next village some fifty miles away.
At the crossroads there is the local diner/hotel, the watercreeck inn. It's an old wooden building, the ground floor being the diner, and the two upper floors being hotelrooms.
Shannon easily has a booth to herself. There is an elderly coupple having a quiet conversation a few tables away. The friendly waitress, Sue, occupies herself with cleaning some allready clean glasses.
The diner was redecorated somewhere in the early seventies. The main theme seems to be hunting and fishing. Someone, presumably the owner, appears on several pictures, smiling and shaking hands with various has-beens or now dead tv-actors and second-rate singers in hunting outfits.

On the opposite side Joe's Hardware store & Gas station is easily the largest building around. Joe seems to sell almost everything, from food and groceries to canned goods, camping gear, clothes, hunting gear, fishing gear, farmtools, and everything you need to repair one of the beaten-up pickup trucks that stands outside his garage. Someone in a a dirty overall is talking to a driver while filling up his car. On the parking lot a couple seems to be having an argument, much to the amusement of the overall-guy and the driver.

The sheriff's office-cum-town hall-cum-primary school, such as it is, occupy another corner. A police jeep stands on the parking lot, but not much else is moving.

The last corner is occupied by a fairly large house. A copper plate is attached to the wall, but is too far off to be easily read.

About fifty fairly similar fouses line the main street. They are faitly well maintained. A few cars stand in the driveways, indicating that at least some people are home. At the far end of town a small church and graveyard have some room for themselves.

Not much is moving in the afternoon sun. The town appears to be waiting for the tourism season to get started in a week or two.


The man with the probe
"Meat, you got us dragged into stoping for that guy, so you're buying dinner." Brian announces as he gets out of the rover and stretches his legs.


"Watercreek Inn! They have great cheeseburgers."

Steph gets out and stretches her limbs, glad to take a break. She starts walking toward the resturant.


The man with the probe
Bobitron said:
"Watercreek Inn! They have great cheeseburgers."

Steph gets out and stretches her limbs, glad to take a break. She starts walking toward the resturant.
"You can eat cheeseburgers on your diet? I need to learn that one." Brian walks with Steph to the restraunt. "That does sound good though, The ones at basic are... well... I think it's best they not be described."


Bront said:
"You can eat cheeseburgers on your diet? I need to learn that one." Brian walks with Steph to the restraunt. "That does sound good though, The ones at basic are... well... I think it's best they not be described."

Steph shrugs. "I dunno, I've never really had to diet much. As long as I'm not a total oinker, I don't gain weight."

As she approaches the plate glass window in the front of the diner, she lets out a exclaimation. "Hey, there's Shannon!"


First Post
Shannon had grown bored watching the couple argue and noticed people approaching. She saw Stephanie and almost choked on her shake.

Oh my god they're here....okay okay, calm Shannon...calm...these people aren't here to poke fun at you...you were invited too remember?

She set the glass down and made one last note in her notebook before putting it away.

god help me this weekend...I have the strangest feeling I'm going to need it....


Steph enters the diner bearing a wide smile for Shannon, plopping into the booth next to her. "Hi, Shannon! Ready for the big trip?" She grabs the menu and starts looking for a waiter to flag down.

"Gimmie the biggest, baddest cheeseburger you've got. Something with cheddar, bacon, and chili. And a vanilla shake, please. Thanks!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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