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Bardic Whispers


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Ok I realise this is far from finished (as I have not touched much since I wrote it) but here is the Spirit Dancer Prestige Class

I am posting it in the hopes that one might take it and run with it creating a Bardic Class worthy of the project. I personally thank that it should incorporate more dance related stuff (and like the Alt. Bard of Monte's be able to work in a cohesive group of other Spirit Dancers to some special effect.

The Spirit Dancer

Foreswearing the use of weapons with the intent to kill, The spirit dancer has learned that the bounty of life outweighs all the short-term worries of the world. Serving as Speakers for the dead, Spirit dancers adventure from kingdom to kingdom performing the Ritual Spirit dances to help send those who have died into the afterlife.


Alignment: Any Good, Neutral
Skills Knowledge ( Spiritualism*), 5 ranks Perform(Dance) , 8 Ranks
Diplomacy 5 Ranks, Sense Motive 8 Ranks
Special Characters who are eligible to become Spirit dancers must have had at least one near death experience in the past to be able to gain the first level as a Spirit dancer

The Spirit Dancer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Composure (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit direction ( Wis), Knowledge(Spiritualism*) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Spellcraft (Int). See Chapter 4 of the PHB for skill descriptions.

Skill points at each level are 6+ Intelligence modifier.

* Spiritualism can be substituted with Knowledge (Religion) for use in other settings

[COLOR=burly]Table 1-24: The Spirit Dancer
Lvl Base   Fort Ref Will  Special
1   +0       +0  +2  +2 Dance of the Soul, Spells
2   +2       +0  +3  +3 Sacred Spirit (Evasion)
3   +3       +1  +3  +3 Aura of Peace, Turn Undead   
4   +3       +1  +4  +4 
5   +4       +1  +4  +4 Incorporeal Form, Sacred Spirit (Cha bonus to AC) 
6   +4       +2  +5  +5 Spirit Dance
7   +5       +2  +5  +5 
8   +5	      +2  +6  +6 
9   +6       +3  +6  +6 Sacred Spirit ( +1 Vs. Traps)     
10  +7      +3  +7  +7 Timeless Body 

Level		0       1       2       3       4              
-----		-	-	-	-	-		
1		2       —       —       —       —       
2		3       2*      —       —       —            
3		4       2       —       —       —             
4		4       3       2*      —       —              
5		4       3       3       —       —              
6		4       3       3       —       —              
7		4       4       3       2*      —              
8		4       4       4       3       —              
9		4       4       4       3       —              
10		4       4       4       4       2*            
*Provided the Spirit Dancers has sufficient Charisma to have a bonus spell of this level.

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Spirit Dancers gain no additional proficiency with armor or weapons. While retaining any weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies granted by their previous class, or classes Spirit Dancers are reluctant to take life, and unless the situation is truly dire will attempt to avoid the use of lethal force.

SpellsBeginning at 1st level, the Spirit Dancers gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells. The Spirit Dancer casts these spells without needing to memorize them beforehand or keep a spellbook. Spirit Dancers receive bonus spells for high Charisma, and to cast a spell a Spirit Dancer must have a Charisma score at least equal to 10 + the level of the spell. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a Spirit Dancer’s spell is 10 + the spell's level + the Spirit Dancer’s Charisma modifier.

Each Spirit dancer must choose a time at which she must spend an hour each day in quiet communion with the dead to regain her daily allotment of spells. Time spent resting has no effect on whether a Spirit Dancer can prepare spells. See Spirit dancers spell list below

0 level spells Guidance, Light, Read Magic, Virtue 1st level spells Bless, Deathwatch, Detect undead, divine favor, invisibility to undead, obscuring mist, protection from chaos/evil, remove fear, sanctuary. 2nd level spells calm emotions, gentle repose, Remove Paralysis, Shield Other, Silence, Sound Burst, Undetectable Alignment, Zone of truth 3rd level spells Create Food and Water, Helping Hand, Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil, Magic Vestment, Negative Energy Protection, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Speak with Dead 4th level spells Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Discern Lies, Dismissal, Divination, Freedom of Movement, Restoration.

Dance of the Soul (Ex) The Spirit dancer gains this ability at first level,. When in combat the Spirit dancer can add her Charisma bonus (if any) to that of her Dexterity to determine her Armor Class. This ability can only be used when the Spirit Dancer is wearing no armor, or light armor.

Aura of Peace (Sa) Beginning at 2nd level a Spirit dancer gains the ability to unleash an aura that calms, and pacifies all but the most enraged of foe. Enemies within 20 feet of the Spirit Dancer can save verses the effect by rolling a successful will check of DC 25. Those who fail their saves however grow calm, and are more easy to deal with. Insuring that the Spirit dancer will be able to find a diplomatic solution to an otherwise violent confrontation. Calming the emotions of enemies is a supernatural ability.

Turn Undead: At 3rd level the Spirit dancer gains the ability to turn undead. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to three plus the Spirit Dancer's Charisma modifier. The Spirit dancer turns undead as a cleric of one level lower would.

Sacred Spirit ( Su) Upon attaining 4th level the Spirit dancer gains the supernatural guidance of a sacred spirit. This is reflected by the following ability.

Defensive Awareness

Evasion: At fifth level the Spirit dancer gains evasion. If exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, the Spirit Dancer takes no damage with a successful saving throw. Evasion can only be used if the Spirit Dancer is wearing light armor or no armor. It is an extraordinary ability.

Notes on Role Playing the ability The way in which the Sacred spirit talks to the Spirit Dancer is up to the whim of the DM. Examples of how some could do this. Is rapid changes in temperature, visions, and/or whispering voices. The spirit can be visible to the Spirit dancer, but does not have to be. Again it is at the discretion of the DM as to how the ability will be played.

Incorporeal form(Su) The Spirit dancer gains this supernatural ability at 9th level. Thrice per day she may choose to turn incorporeal by leaving her body. These out of body experiences lasts 5 minutes per level of Spirit dancer the character holds. If the characters body is fatally damaged while she is in this form she is stuck in her Ghost form until either she has been resurrected, or her Deity calls her on.

Spirit Dance (Ex) At fifth level the Spirit dancer gains the extraordinary ability to perceive the combat actions of those around her. Because of this ability, during any combat situation she gets + 4 to her A.C. as with the sacred spirit ability this is due to the warnings of spirits watching her.

Timeless Body (Su) After achieving 10th level, a Spirit dancer no longer suffers ability penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties she may have already suffered, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the Spirit Dancer still dies when her time is up.

Good Luck whoever takes this up ( I originally had this PrC thought whilst writing a short story based in my campaign)

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Well, as long as we're throwing out Bardic PrCs, here's one I made up a while back for Barbarian/Bard or Fighter/Bard types.


Where war stirs the blood, look for me. For there, in the front lines, you will find me. Wolfram Chathers, Dwarven Skald.

Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Hit Die: d8.
Class Skills: The skald's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha, exclusive skill).

Skalds receive 4 + Int Mod. skill points per level.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Skalds gain no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

BAB: As Fighter
Good Saves: Fort, Will

1..........................Tunes of the Skald, Rage
2..........................Level Head
3..........................Marching Tune
7..........................Battle Hymn
10.........................Inspire Glory

Perform: 7 ranks.
Feats: Skill Focus: Perform, Weapon Focus (any martial melee weapon)
Spellcasting: Must be capable of casting 2nd level arcane spells.
Special: Must have the Bardic Music class ability and either the Rage class ability OR Weapon Specialization in a martial melee weapon.

Spells per Day
When a new, even-numbered Skald level is gained (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th levels), the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus metamagic or item creation feats, bard or assassin abilities, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of Skald to the level of whatever other arcane spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly.

If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before he became a Skald, he must decide to which class he adds each level of Skald for the purpose of determining spells per day.

Tunes of the Skald
A Skald adds his Skald class levels to his bard levels for determining his usages of Bardic Music per day.

The Skald can rage as a barbarian does 1/day at 1st level. This ability increases to 2/day at level 5 and 3/day at level 9. This stacks with the Rage ability from all other sources.

Level Head
A Skald is so in tune with the enhancing power of his songs that he may use the Bardic Music ability to perform any ally-enhancing song even while raging. He may even begin a performance while raging. This is an Extraordinary ability.

Marching Tune
A Skald of at least 3rd level can strike up an inspiring marching tune, aiding himself and his allies over a long march. To be affected, an ally must hear the Skald perform for a full round. The effect lasts as long as the Skald performs and for 5 rounds after the Skald stops performing (or 5 rounds after the ally can no longer hear the Skald). All allies within 30 feet + 10 feet/level of the Skald are affected. While the Skald plays, all allies receive +10 feet per round to their base movement, before any movement-limiting effects (such as armor or encumbrance) are applied. Marching Tune is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability that consumes one use of Bardic Music.

Battle Hymn
A Skald of at least 7th level can chant a hymn of glory and battle that allows he and his allies to fight long past their normal endurance. To be affected, an ally must hear the Skald perform for a full round. The effect lasts as long as the Skald performs and for 5 rounds after the Skald stops performing (or 5 rounds after the ally can no longer hear the Skald). All allies within 30 feet of the Skald are affected. While the Skald performs, all allies are under the effects of a Regenerate Light Wounds spell. (They regain 1 HP per round and do not heal wounds gained before the Skald began performing.) Also, any raging barbarians that hear the song can lengthen their rage duration by a number of rounds equal to half the character level of the Skald. Battle Hymn is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability that consumes one use of Bardic Music.

Inspire Glory
A Skald of at least 10th level can inspire glory in himself or another creature. For every four character levels of the Skald, he can inspire glory in one additional creature. (Thus a 4th bard/6th barbarian/10th Skald can inspire glory in 5 people). To inspire glory, the bard must sing and the creature must hear the bard sing for a full round, as with inspire courage. The creature must also be within 30 feet. A creature inspired with greatness gains temporary Hit Dice, attack bonuses, and saving throw bonuses as long as he or she hears the bard continue to sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. (All these bonuses are competence bonuses.)
The target gains the following boosts:
* +(Skald Level/2) Hit Dice (d10s that grant temporary hit points).
* +(Skald Level) competence bonus on attacks.
* +(Skald Level/2) competence bonus on damage.
* +(Skald Level/2) competence bonus on Fortitude and Will saves.

Apply the target's Constitution modifier, if any, to each bonus Hit Die. These extra Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining effects such as the sleep spell. Inspire glory is a supernatural, mind-affecting enchantment ability that consumes two uses of Bardic Music.
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Good ideas within these PrC's.

I think 2 of them (Skald and War Beater) could benefit by being a 5-level PrC.

It would tighten up their focus more and accomplish the PrC's goal more efficiently.

Priest - 'my' Fan Dancer (modified from another gentleman's work) has some of the same ideas as the Spirit Dancer.

I'll post it when I get time to re-visit some of the decisions that were made to make it a Core Class.

the Jester

reapersaurus said:
Good ideas within these PrC's.

I think 2 of them (Skald and War Beater) could benefit by being a 5-level PrC.

It would tighten up their focus more and accomplish the PrC's goal more efficiently.

Priest - 'my' Fan Dancer (modified from another gentleman's work) has some of the same ideas as the Spirit Dancer.

I'll post it when I get time to re-visit some of the decisions that were made to make it a Core Class.

Part of the reason the war beater takes ten levels is that their abilities are good enough that one every level would be too good, imho. I break up the prestige classes I make on purpose; I don't ever insert 'bonus feat' as a level ability, that's lazy design, but a level that makes you wait for something is okay.

Still, I'm open to discussion.


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Sorry for the Long Silence I just got back from Vacation, and am able to spend much more than a few minutes at a time here.

Jester- I am editing your first two Prestige Classes this week, and will be contacting you by email once that process is finished. Also I would still love to see those feats, and any that you thing else you have come up with.

Also I would like rules for Creating Magical Instruments (Much the same as for weapons & armor) with instrument enchantments, and everything, as well as few minor to major, or artifact level magical instruments.

As well as a brain storming on Ideas for new ways to show the Masterworked Instruments (such as a Strativarius for example)

New Bardic Class abilities would be nice as well.

the Jester

Okay, here are a number of feats, all of which are (imo) good for bards. Many are "bardic" feats; this means you have to have the bardic music ability to take them.

Animals love your music and will follow you around for it.
Prerequisite: Handle Animal skill, Bardic Music ability
Benefit: You can use your bardic music to enchant animals. Treat this as an animal friendship spell, except that you cannot teach animals tricks (though you can use handle animal on them) and you can only have a number of HD of animals enchanted equal to your Cha bonus at any one time.

You can use your cloak to entangle an enemy’s weapon.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Int 13+, Expertise, Weapon & Cloak
Benefit: If you are using Weapon & Cloak style and an enemy misses you due to your miss chance from it, you may take a special attack of opportunity to attempt to entangle their weapon in your cloak. You first deliberately provoke an attack of opportunity; then you may make an opposed melee attack roll. Success indicates that you’ve tangled the weapon in your cloak, losing your miss chance from Weapon & Cloak style but effectively trapping the weapon until you release it or they succeed in an opposed grapple check. If you entangle a slashing weapon, your enemy gets a +8 circumstance bonus on their opposed grapple to free the weapon.

Your ability to entangle weapons has gotten much better and you are even able to disarm foes with your cloak.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Int 13+, base attack +4, Expertise, Hide the Sword, Improved Disarm, Weapon & Cloak
Benefit: When you attempt to Hide the Sword you no longer draw an attack of opportunity. Your enemy’s opposed grapple check to free the weapon gains only a +2 circumstance bonus if it is a slashing weapon, and if you win a grapple check on your turn (as an attack) you can relieve your enemy of its weapon.

Your bardic music can frighten and disturb.
Prerequisites: Cha 15+, Bardic Music ability, perform (7 ranks)
Benefit: As a form of bardic music you can inspire fear in all creatures within 5’ times your perform check. All creatures gain Will saves (DC13+ your Cha bonus) to negate the effect. Those failing are shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty to attacks, saves and checks. Allies get z +2 circumstance bonus on this save and are totally unaffected if under the influence of your inspire confidence ability. Using this feat is a supernatural, mind-affecting fear ability.

Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Intimidate (4 ranks)
Benefit: Whenever you successfully intimidate someone, they will remember you. You may make one demand of the target's future behavior, such as not revealing that they saw you, not attempting to waylay travelers on the bridge anymore, etc. Before violating your demand for the first time, the victim of your intimidation must make a successful Will save, DC10 + your cha modifier. After they succeed for the first time, the force of your intimidation fades. The subject of your intimidation may attempt to violate your demand once per day, and for every week that passes without the victim seeing you they gain a +2 circumstance bonus on the saving throw. These bonuses stack, so the victim will eventually shake off your intimidation.

You can pour your heart and soul into a performance.
Prerequisites: Bardic Music ability, perform (4 ranks)
Benefit: You can use one bardic music use to gain a +4 bonus on your perform check.

Your bardic music can break enchantments.
Prerequisites: Bardic Music ability, perform (8 ranks)
Benefit: Any ally who hears you perform the Melody of the Free Mind is allowed a second saving throw against any enchantment she fails her save against on her next turn, just as a rogue with slippery mind would. While you could conceivably begin singing after someone has failed her first saving throw, you would have to start before a round passes and the opportunity for her to attempt a second once passes. Allies making a second saving throw get a morale bonus equal to ¼ your bard level. A rogue who has the slippery mind ability can make a total of three saves if she also hears the Melody of the Free Mind. You may maintain the melody for up to 10+ your cha bonus rounds. This is a mind-affecting sonic supernatural ability.

Your voice is powerful and carries much better than most.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Bardic Music ability, perform (6 ranks), True Tone
Benefit: Your bardic music works at double the normal range.

Prerequisites: Bardic music ability, Perform (6 ranks)
Benefit: You can stabilize the dying and stir them to consciousness. Thus, even at –9 hit points, an ally could act as though merely disabled (0 hit points). This effect works only once per ally, per song; in other words, if a rallied ally again falls unconscious, he cannot be rallied again unless the bard begins a new song. This counts as one use of bardic music for the day.

RAT-A-TAT [Bardic]
Prerequisites: Bardic music ability, Perform (10 ranks)
Benefit: A bard can direct a wave of concentrated harmonic vibrations toward one enemy in order to (a) cause his heavy metallic armor to vibrate wildly, giving him a –6 dexterity penalty (-3 AC), or (b) cause his metallic weapon to vibrate wildly so that his attacks are subject to a –2 penalty. This effect is subject to Dispel Magic, and lasts as long as the bard sings. The bard can shift the sonic wave toward a new opponent each round if she wishes. This ability is a supernatural sonic effect. This counts as three uses of bardic music for the day.

Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Diplomacy (4 ranks)
Benefit: You may criticize the performances of another either at the time or after the fact. If you heckle a performer at the time of the performance, you may subtract your cha bonus from the perform check of the performer. If you criticize after the fact, all creatures that hear you do so are less impressed by later performances by the same performer, and the performer's perform checks are penalized by twice your cha bonus as regards those who heard you utter your criticism until the performer manages to roll a perform check that exceeds twice your charisma score (including the penalty) in their presence, thereby overcoming your scornful critique in their eyes.

Your mind works quickly on puzzles and riddles.
Prerequisites: Int 13+
Benefit: Whenever you are presented with a puzzle or riddle with a time limit, you are considered to think extremely quickly and are allowed one and a half times the allotted time. Whenever presented with a non-timed riddle or puzzle you are allowed one free mistake (your subconscious warns you just before you actually make the mistake). This feat doesn’t help you with traps, locks, etc. without puzzles or riddles as part of them.

Your music can inspire your allies and yourself to move further and faster on the road.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Bardic Music ability, perform (6 ranks)
Benefits: You can use your bardic music to encourage quick travel, allowing your group to hustle for up to your Cha bonus in hours per day. You can also give a +2 morale bonus to Con checks for forced marches. Soldiers’ March counts as one use of your bardic music ability for every two hours of use. This is a supernatural sonic mind-affecting ability.

Prerequisites: Bardic music ability, Perform (6 ranks), Spellcraft (6 ranks)
Benefit: A bard can use this ability like a meta-magic feat, increasing the casting time as normal for a spontaneous caster using a metamagic feat. He must make a Spellcraft check against a DC of 15 + Spell level (taking 10 not permitted). If he succeeds, the Spell is cast as if under the effect of Spell Focus--if he fails, the spell is lost. This counts as two uses of bardic music for the day.

Prerequisites: Bardic music ability, Perform (7 ranks)
Benefit: A bard can influence many people at once. He can change the attitudes of NPCs as per the DMG, but he replaces the Diplomacy check with his Perform check. He influences all people that can hear him. The Bard must perform for at least ten minutes to use this ability. This counts as one use of bardic music for the day.

TONGUETWISTER [Class feature, bard]
Prerequisites: Bardic music ability, Perform (11 ranks)
Benefit: A bard can use music or poetics loaded with alliteration and rhymes to confuse spellcasters in the act of recalling verbal components. The effect has a range of 30 ft. from the bard. The opposing spellcaster must make a concentration check against a DC of 10, plus the bard’s level, plus the spell level. This counts as one use of bardic music for the day for the bard.

TRUE TONE (General)
Your voice is well-trained and you have perfect pitch.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Bardic Music ability, perform (6 ranks)
Benefit: Your voice is a masterwork instrument, giving you a +2 circumstance bonus on any perform checks with a vocal component. (This will not stack with the +2 circumstance bonus you receive for playing another masterwork instrument.)

VIRTUOSO (General)
You have a great talent for one specific type of performance.
Prerequisites: Perform skill
Benefit: You get a +4 competence bonus to a specific type of perform check.

WEAPON & CLOAK STYLE (General, Fighter)
You have been trained to use a one-handed weapon and a cloak in your off-hand, swirling it to baffle your enemies.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+ [it takes balls to use this style]
Benefit: You ready a cloak as you would a shield. You can do this as part of a normal move. On your turn choose one enemy that you can see. Against that foe you gain one-quarter concealment (10% miss chance).

Hope you enjoy them!


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Well I have got most of the Meistersinger edited, and am working on the War Beater tonight and tomorrow.

Jester-again thank you for the Feats I like most of them, and love a few of them I am working on a few new things myself so will see how it comes out.

Hmm new thoughts for the History side of the Bard a 4,000 word article on the history of bardic traditions (perhaps on how cultural traditions effect the modern Idea of the bard)
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Test blurb for the Wandering Composer

The Wandering Composer

There are composers who sit in musty lofts writing unimaginative compositions for the courts, and the choirs of the lands, and there are those who travel the lands, and sail the seas searching for a song in every branch or breaking wave. These wandering composers
fling about from one enchanted forest to the next learning the secret language of birdsong, and the beat of the eternal waterfall.

Wandering composers keep sketchbooks of sounds, and rhythms. Notes on this or that new wondrous instrument, even sometimes poetry, or sketches. With these notes the wandering composer will create his masterpieces, soaring works of imagination that bring innovation into the halls of kings, and inspire creativity in court bards. Often the wandering composer will be called before the kings of the land to conduct his true rendition of a song. Bards who have specialized in the written song often take levels as a wandering composer, though wizards, and sorcerers who are looking for new ways to record their magical secrets might find this a tempting calling.

As NPC’s the wandering composer is a wayfarer of the odd places of the world rummaging through the faded ruins of ancient lords searching for the missing pieces of the songs of yesteryears. It is most likely a wandering composer who first put to paper the haunting voice of dragonsong, and it is he who traced the captivation of the harpy into notes.


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Hey guys I know it has been awhile since anything has been said about this project but I would still like to get it done.

Jester I would like your permision to use the Feats the Riddlemaster, and Virtuoso in another project of mine ( I will email you about specifics) of course I will give you credit for them


Here is an old PrC I came up with awhile back.

I am working on a Lawful bard like character. THe class will be the available to devout followers of Clangedin Silverbeard, the dwarven god of battle. I would like the "special" abilities to be geared toward combat, espicially dwarven combat.

To become a Battle Bard, the character must fullfill the following criteria.

BaB: +6
Skills: Perform (sing)6 ranks,
Feats: Weapon Focus (any axe), Skill focus perfrom

Essentially the BAB, Saves, Hit DIce, SKills, and Skill Points are the same as the Bard class.

Replacing the songs and spells are the abilities below. THey function like Bard's songs, they take a full round of singing before taking effect. The only difference is that each song can be sung once per day.

1st- The Inspire Courage Bardic Ability, Smite Hill Giants

2nd- Endurance-

3rd- Sing though Silence

4th-Inspire Greatness Bardic Ability

5th - Axe Storm of Clangedin

* Inspire Courage: A bard with 3 or more ranks in Perform can to inspire courage in his or her allies. To be affected, an ally must hear the bard sing for a full round. The effect lasts as long as the bard sings and for 5 rounds after the bard stops singing (or 5 rounds after the ally can no longer hear the bard). While singing, the bard can fight but cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate magic items by magic word (such as wands). Affected allies receive a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls. Inspire courage is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability.
THese seem a little underpowered compared to the spells and entire list of standard Bardic abilities.

* Smite Hill Giants- Once per day the Batle bard can sing and get to add his/her BATTLEBARD level to her attack rolls against Hill giants and recieve a 1d6 extra damage vs. hill giants.

*Endurance- As spell but the Battlebard does not need to touch the target, the target only needs to hear the song. THe duration is length of the song + 5 rounds.

*Sing through Silence- THe battle bard may make a Perform check of 30 to sing through magical silence.

*Inspire Greatness: A bard with 12 or more ranks in Perform can inspire greatness in another creature. For every three levels the bard attains beyond 9th, the bard can inspire greatness in one additional creature. To inspire greatness, the bard must sing and the creature must hear the bard sing for a full round, as with inspire courage. The creature must also be within 30 feet. A creature inspired with greatness gains temporary Hit Dice, attack bonuses, and saving throw bonuses as long as he or she hears the bard continue to sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. (All these bonuses are competence bonuses.)
The target gains the following boosts:
* +2 Hit Dice (d10s that grant temporary hit points).
* +2 competence bonus on attacks.
* +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves.
Apply the target's Constitution modifier, if any, to each bonus Hit Die. These extra Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining effects such as the sleep spell. Inspire greatness is a supernatural, mind-affecting enchantment ability.

*Axe Storm of Clangedin: When the Battlebard may sing this powerful song ALL listening, allied dwarves recieve once free partial attack at their highest bonus but only with an axe. Only dwarves with axes recieve the free partial action. It does not stack with the haste spell or similar magic.

Comments welcome

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