Level Up (A5E) Battle Hymn Call to Arms/Overbearing Rhythm


Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could answer my question about the Call to Arms battle hymn. "Until the start of your next turn, the chosen creature can roll one additional weapon damage die on its weapon attacks." Is this ONE additional weapon die... period? Like just the one. On whichever attack they choose, they add the die? Or is it one additional die PER attack. Like a fighter with extra attack gets 2 additional die essentially. And would you say that if a Marshal forgoes an attack to allow a fighter to attack, the additional weapon die that the marshal has is applied to that? Or would the fighter himself need it.

Also, this is unrelated but I thought it was worth noting in case a dev looks at this. A5E tools needs to be fixed in the Bard section. Overbearing rhythm is defined as "Overbearing Rhythm. An attacker targeting the creature has disadvantage on its attack roll." This is extremely misleading. My party and I thought that our bard (after battle hymn focus) was making it so all enemies attacking our allies had disadvantage on their strikes. However, it wasn't until a few sessions later that I thought to check for a discrepancy between that and the book that I found "The first attack each round that targets you or the chosen creature is made with disadvantage". That is COMPLETELY different. I understand the places in A5E tools where you simplify so as not to take up a ludicrous amount of space (spells, combat maneuvers, etc) but you almost always provide a link to a different page with far more information. This is not the case here. This is simplification to the point of ambiguity that had us letting the bard do some ludicrous stuff like cast spell action, bonus action give bardic inspiration (as a vagabond, that is allowing another ally to use misty step), and then free action battle hymn target our entire party with full disadvantages against him for an entire round. With a charisma of +4, he could do that for four different rounds.

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because it says "on its weapon attacks", i'd be inclined to say it works on every one of the creature's attacks until the start of your next turn (including reaction attacks).

as for the marshal forgoing their attack, i think RAW the fighter would need to be the target of the hymn to get the die, but i don't see any balance issue in letting the marshal give it to him, so if you want to let the marshal do that it shouldn't be a problem (it's essentially including a middleman for the hell of it, but eh).


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Also, this is unrelated but I thought it was worth noting in case a dev looks at this. A5E tools needs to be fixed in the Bard section. Overbearing rhythm is defined as "Overbearing Rhythm. An attacker targeting the creature has disadvantage on its attack roll." This is extremely misleading. My party and I thought that our bard (after battle hymn focus) was making it so all enemies attacking our allies had disadvantage on their strikes. However, it wasn't until a few sessions later that I thought to check for a discrepancy between that and the book that I found "The first attack each round that targets you or the chosen creature is made with disadvantage". That is COMPLETELY different.
I've just looked, and both the tools site, the PDF, and the hardcover all say the former. It's also not listed in errata, so I can't see that alternate text you're seeing anywhere. Where are you seeing that?

I understand the places in A5E tools where you simplify so as not to take up a ludicrous amount of space
No, we don't do that. We don't have a limit on space on the internet. Maybe in a book, but server space is not an issue! :)

Yes, that's what it says in all three places I looked. Where are you seeing the alternate text you quoted?
like i said in my edit, i misread what you were saying. i thought you were saying you didn't see the former text anywhere and didn't realize you meant the opposite until after i'd posted that.

edit: also, i'm not OP.

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