"Beast of Burden" & "Into the Fire"

Silver Moon

Joshua Randall said:
Bummer. Hope the medical emergency was not too dire. I'll be waiting impatiently for this story to continue.
Thanks for asking. My father was operated on two weeks ago and I had to fly out to Michigan to be with him, staying for the week afterwards. He's doing better now, my sister now being with him. Since I had asked the other DM to fill in for me as a favor I'm going to let him finish what he started before taking the group back. This delay with "Beast of Burden" is probably a blessing in disguise, as both Narg and Mojo's players are both huge Red Sox fans so we won't be seeing them at games anytime soon, and doing this module without the group's two top fighters wouldn't work very well.

Glad you're enjoying the story so far. In the meanwhile I'd also reccommend another Story Hour with the same Playing Characters taking place around a year earlier. It is titled "Chinese Take-out", and ran for 33 games back in 2001. It is set in the Forgotten Realms Orient, the Zhentarim's Darkhold Castle, and then has a climax battle in the Abyss. It's long, but a very fun read. The link is as follows:


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[sports] As a long-suffering, then triumphant, now newly-suffering Cleveland Indians fan, I can sympathize with the BoSox fans in your group. I'll certainly be rooting for them over the hated Yankees. [/sports]

I'll check out your other story hour. Your stories have a refreshing lack of over-dramatized pretension. Not that such a thing is always bad, but it does get tiresome: D&D is a game, after all.

Silver Moon

Game #3 - 10/19/03

Chapter 8, “Strategies” September 13th, 1019, 9:30 A.M.

As the creature gets closer there are no further suggestions of a frontal assault. A thought strikes Cassie, who comments “If these creatures are actually from another world how do we even know they are evil.” “The creature may not be, but it is commanded by gnolls! Gnolls are evil!” Narg exclaims. Cassie answers, “The gnolls of our world are, but these gnolls may not be.” “It destroyed three settlements,” Pure interjects. “Yeah, but in Kralt. Who cares about that?” Mojo comments. “I do!” Purge exclaims, raising his voice for the first time the party can remember.

Mark adds, “And they also killed one of the Dragon Stalkers.” “Okay, so they have one thing going in their favor,” Narg comments. “The Dragon Stalkers are among the good guys,” Purge comments. Cassie says, “Yes, but if one of them had to get killed at least it was that one. That mage of theirs was an arrogant and useless twit.”

The party discusses various strategies focused on attacking the gnolls rather than the creature carrying them. Narg says, “Why don’t we have Alton fly at them in wyvern form and use its breath weapon.” “Wyvern’s don’t have breath weapons,” Cassie comments. Narg replies, “No, I meant Alton’s breath.” Mojo interjects, “No, we’d probably get in trouble for that. His bad breath would be too lethal, nothing would ever grow on that site again.”

Discussion goes back to fighting the creature. Mojo suggests that Narg get below it and attack it from the bottom with his sword of sharpness, commenting about how crocodiles have less armored stomachs. Narg says, “It would probably still be too thick to cut. And even if that worked, if I killed it from below it would then fall on top of me.” “I still don’t see a downside to this plan,” Mojo comments.

By the point the creature has reached a point between the two mountains at the entrance of the pass. It then stops moving, giving the party a better opportunity to view the various buildings atop the creature. Each building appears to be made of wood and are all round in shape, varying from fifteen to thirty feet in diameter and thirty to eighty feet in height. Most have tapered tops, with crows nests atop manned by one or two gnoll archers. Along the rear of the creature the party gets a better look at the two-story deck. There are several gnoll running along the deck, which also has a crank-wheel manned by four draft horses, which appears to be how the large metal cage is raised and lowered. The heads of a pair of wyvern peer out from a space between the top and bottom decks.

They then seen activity beneath the creature, as a pair of wagons, each drawn by a team of four horses, ride out from beneath the monster’s feet and fan out towards each side of cavern pass. Each wagon has a gnoll driver and six gnoll archers in the back. Each wagon is accompanied by a quartet of gnoll cavalry. Another gnoll rider moves out in front of the monster, which now begins to move again. The party sees the gnoll cavalry riding around boulders and rocks along both sides of the pass, acting as advanced scouts to flush out anyone who might be waiting in ambush, with each group supported by a wagonload of archers on each side of the riverbed. Mark comments, “I guess that eliminates a ground assault.” Mojo answers, “What are you talking about? I’ve battled bigger groups just getting to the outhouse.

They then see activity from the deck, as a trio of winged man-sized gray creatures takes to the air. One takes up a position in the air in front of the creature, above the gnoll cavalry leader. The other two fan out to the sides, and start to investigate caves and cliff tops. As one of these starts to get closer they can see that it is a gargoyle, and is also moving towards them. “Uh oh, time to go,” Mojo comments. “Leaving. What a good idea,” Narg adds.

Staying low, they all quickly scamper bank over the mountain summit to the other side, where Alton is waiting. This time the men climb into the Bag of Holding without complaint, as Cassie jumps onto the wagon. She has Alton rapidly descend down the far side of the mountain, to keep him out of sight of the gargoyle. He then flies as rapidly as his wings will carry him the four miles back to the narrow place in the pass where they had spent the night. Cassie tells Alton, “We will probably try to board it from the cliff. Why don’t you stay on the far side of the mountain until the gargoyles fly by. Then follow from behind and wait for a signal from us if we need an emergency air pick-up.”

The others are let out of the bag, with Narg complaining, “Why did you bring us way back here? It probably won’t reach this point for another half hour.” “Exactly, we still need to plan,” Cassie states. Purge comments, “Because of the width of that yoke it will have to get by this area right in the middle, and this outer cliff will then hang around thirty feet above the highest building.” “Great, time for me to get out my grappling hook,” Narg comments. Cassie comments, “Wouldn’t your magical Rope of Climbing work better?” Narg answers, “Yeah, that’s what I meant.” Mojo comments, “It’s about time you actually used that rope for something other than strangling people.”

“Once we get on board, then what?” Mark asks. “We try to find who is in charge and stop them,” Narg comments. Cassie suggests, “You know. If we could actually capture this creature it could be quite useful if we give it to Queen Jennifer.” Mojo angrily mutters, “Who says we want to give her anything.” “Huh, what’s with him?” Purge comments. Narg says, “He’s angry at the Queen for reconciling with King Matthan.” Mojo blurts out, “Well, Yeah, Damn It! How can she do this to me? Doesn’t she know anything about loyalty and commitment! How could she leave me to go back to her husband!” Cassie adds, “Ah, so that’s what this is really all about. You want to impress her to win her back.”

Narg interjects, “Cut the crap, it’s time.” The party looks up to see the gargoyles and gnoll ground forces have now reached a turn in the pass around a mile away. Mojo says, “Cut! That’s it. Cassie, do you have a silver dagger?” “Why? What for?” the mage replies. Mojo says, “I want to sacrifice Mark to the Gnoll god.” Cassie replies, “I don’t want you dirtying my knife on that.” Mark resents Mojo’s suggestion. “You should really stop picking on him,” Purge suggests to Mojo. The fighter replies, “Well, normally I wouldn’t, but we left Alton on the other side of the mountain. What other choice do I have?”

“They’ll be here soon. What’s the real plan?” Cassie comments. Narg says, “You guys get into the bag and I use my rope to get on board.” “Won’t the gargoyles see you?” Mark comments. Cassie states, “It will see all of us in a few minutes if I don’t do something. Everyone gather around and I’ll toss up an Invisibility Ten-foot Radius spell.

Purge says, “That may keep the gargoyles from seeing us, but there’s another problem. Gnolls are like giant humanoid dogs. We may go in invisibly, but they’ll still us.” Mojo adds, “Yeah, and if they’re dogs they’ll probably then stick their noses in our crotches.” Cassie suggests that Narg use the Belt of Shape Change to polymorph into a gnoll. “Won’t he still look a bit conspicuous wearing elvan chain mail and holding an artifact-like sword?” Mojo comments. “It’ll have to work until I can obtain clothes from one of them,” Narg says. He puts on his belt and activates the transformation. Purge hands Narg a cloak, saying “Put this on. It will hide most of your stuff.”

Cassie tosses up the invisibility spell as the gargoyles draw closer. Narg says, “We’ll have to play the rest of this by ear. Everyone but Cassie, get into the bag. Here they come.”
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Silver Moon

Chapter 9, “All Aboard”, September 13th, 1019, 10:30 A.M.

Purge is the first one into the Bag of Holding, followed by Mark. Mojo starts to climb in when Narg says, “Wait a minute, take this” and unstraps the round magical shield from his back. He hands it to Mojo commenting, “Those straps were too constricting in this gnoll body.” Mojo replies, “Why do you even bother to carry that thing with you? You never use it!” Narg answers, “That’s not true. In the winter I use it as a sled.” Mojo says, “Well, most people wear them on their arms, you know, like a shield.” Cassie comments, “Why do you carry it around on your back?” Narg replies, “I keep it for sentimental reasons. It was the first magical item I even acquired.” [DM’s Note: Way back during our second game in May, 1982.

Mojo climbs into the bag just as the gargoyle checking out that side of the pass arrives. Narg, Cassie and her owl Deanna remain perfectly silent on the edge of the cliff. They momentarily panic as the monster appears to see something and flies in their direction. However, he bypasses them flying about thirty yards beyond them. It stops where Alton’s wyvern form had slept the night before, and had broken and bent the vegetation that was in that spot.

The gargoyle flying along the center of the pass comes over to join his companion. This gargoyle is taller, wider and has a leader belt with a magical sword attached. The larger gargoyle picks up a handful of dirt, he smells it, and the two converse. They then fly off again, without looking overly concerned about their find. Once out of earshot both half-elves let out a sigh of relief. By this point the ground is shaking with each step of the approaching behemoth. Narg and Cassie move out to the very end of the ledge, and she climbs onto his back.

Looking down, they are right above the left flank of the monster. The head now passes by, and they notice smaller buildings hanging from each ear in addition to the one atop the creature’s head. Next is the yoke, with a large building atop it. The next building is the first one along the torso, and while it is only around twenty-five feet lower than they are it is about forty feet out, so they opt to let it pass. The next building roof is forty-five feet directly below them, but has a small flat roof with nothing for the rope to latch onto.

The middle of the beast comes next, with the largest building on the creature atop it, and only twenty-five feet lower, but around fifteen feet outward. It has a fifteen-foot diameter crow’s nest on its top with two gnoll archers. The only other choice for getting on board is a tower further back along the creature’s flank, which will be directly below them momentarily. It has an eight-foot diameter crow’s nest atop it with one gnoll archer. Narg decides against that one, feeling that the crow’s nest is too narrow to get onto without being heard or smelled by the sentry.

He tosses the Rope of Climbing towards the larger turrent, which is now past him, grabbing onto the railing near the end. Narg does not have to jump from the ledge, as the creature’s momentum pulls them off. While Narg falls he has the rope contract, hitting the tower with his feet he is about fifteen feet below the railing, near the bottom of where it starts to taper upward. At this point they notice something that they hadn’t seen before from the distance or from above, namely that a dozen open windows just a few feet below where they are now standing ring this building.

Cassie has her invisible owl fly down and peer inside, with the familiar seeing four gnoll archers within the room, but at the opposite side of the room as the window they are above. Cassie whispers this to Narg, who whispers back “Then I’m going down. Hang on tight.” Narg repels down, bracing him feet on the outer ledge of the window. He then carefully lowers himself from the window ledge into the room. Cassie follows. They notice that each of the twelve windows has a bow and large quiver of arrows beside it. With the front window at twelve O’Clock, they had come in from the one at seven O’clock. The four gnoll archers are looking out of the windows at one, two, ten and eleven O’clock. Also in the room are two piles of rocks and debris.

Cassie holds the Bag open and sticks her upper body into it. She then recasts her Invisibility spell over the others, the audible component of the spell only being heard within the Bag. Narg then carefully pulls out Mark out and onto his feet. All three prepare to fight the archers if necessary, as Cassie lies down by floor with the bag and gestures for Mojo and Purge to crawl past her and out. They then carefully all stand up.

The room has a ladder in the center of it, going up to the crow’s next and down into another chamber. Narg gives each a silent signal to head down. Mojo activates his own Ring of Invisibility, allowing him to step outside of Cassie’s spell, and goes to the ladder. He looks below, seeing a larger chamber beneath. The larger chamber is thirty-feet in diamater, with the floor thirty feet below. The front part of the room is filled with chests, boxes, casks and kegs. The back half of the room is taken up with a large iron cage. Inside the cage are three individuals, a human female, a human male, and a male gnoll.

Mojo carefully makes his way down the ladder. Once he is around ten feet down Narg follows, and is then followed by Cassie to keep the invisibility centered. Mark comes after her and then finally Purge. Once beneath the floor of the archer room Purge pivots around to descend faster down the back of the ladder to the cage roof and then to the floor via the cage bars. Inside the cage the prisoners notice the ladder swaying, and look up to see who might be coming down from above.

Mark then loosing his footing, and falls off of the ladder. Cassie and Narg hug the ladder to keep him from knocking them down in his twenty-foot fall to the bottom. Mojo has thankfully already reached the bottom and moved out of the way when Mark lands ungraciously onto the floor with a very loud thud, causing himself eight points of damage. He has also fallen out of the range of Cassie’s spell, so is now visible. Concerned about the sound having been heard by those above, the party all look upward. They then see one of the gnoll archers peering down through the opening at Mark.

Silver Moon

Chapter 10, “A Gnoll’s Perspective”, September 13th, 1019, 11:00 A.M

It was three days ago that Yeenoghu, the Greater Demon Lord and sacred deity of the gnoll race, transported the Kadtanach (kad-TA-nak) to this world. Rizah, like all of the other gnoll around him, was honored to have been chosen to serve on Yeenoghu’s personal transport. This world appeared to be full of life, with forests as far as the eyes can see. But forests presented their own potential dangers, and so Rizah kept his bow at the ready, alert for any possible trouble.

The past two days had been productive ones, with three human settlements having been sought out and pillaged. The Kadtanach, which translates as “too massive to see all at once” in the gnoll language, continued to have its usual affect upon the human populace. The people of the towns all fled as the giant behemoth approached. Rizah was allowed to participate in the pillaging of the second community, and was with the group of golden and red-skinned Giths when the humans and their hidden hoard of treasure were discovered. Rizah took the initiative of preventing the red-skins from immediately killing the humans, stating that they should be saved for a proper sacrifice to Yeenoghu with the full sacred rituals. The skinny yellow-skinned Gith leader reluctantly agreed, and the humans were then imprisoned.

The Gith leader was annoyed by Rizah’s “speaking out of turn” and complained to the gnoll Chief about it. Chief Ujjain was actually pleased to hear about the gnoll’s assertiveness, harboring a distain for his arrogant rival leader. Ujjain had always been impressed by Rizah’s uniquely high wisdom and intelligence, and decided to reward him with a promotion to the position of Kegyai (Watch Commander). The promotion meant that Rizah could now be left in charge of the Central Howdad. This allowed his immediate supervisor, Lieutenant Gogol, to now stay in the Officer’s Howdad rather than the assigned work station. Rizah found Gogol to be lazy, and looked forward to a time when the Lieutenant might suffer an ‘unfortunate accident’, as could easily occur while riding atop a moving creature that was a hundred feet up in the air.

As the new Kegyai, Rizah commanded five troops comprised of the three archers beside him in the Central Howdad archers’ deck and the two above in the crow’s nest above. This was great responsibility, as the Central Howdad was the only structure from which the entire fortress could be surveyed. Their duties included both the surveillance of the surrounding lands and assistance to other troops anywhere on or below the Kadtanach. They also had the secondary responsibility was guarding the supplies and prison area located beneath the archers’ deck.

Rizah made sure that his troops were on full alert as they entered through the mountain pass. The ground troops and flying stone-skins checked ahead for possible danger, but it was not anticipated that any of this world’s armies would be mobilized and able to mount any type of resistance for at least another week. Still, to be caught unaware was punishable by death, and he was determined to be successful with his first command.

They were passing through a narrow area, where the Kadtanack’s yoke came within a stone’s throw of scraping the cliffs on both sides, when the gnoll Dahnn thought that he heard something. He gave Rizah a silent signal, and they both listened more intently, deciding that it was probably just shifting stones from the piles of projectiles stacked on the floor. Dahnn continued to feel uneasy, and Rizah considered that his comrade’s instincts might be correct. A very loud “Thud” thud reverberated through the room, coming from the prison and storage level below. Rizah turned to his strongest fighter, Udbal, and ordered him to go investigate.

Udbal charged over to the opening by the ladder in the center of the room, yelling back “An elf is down there!” Rizah turned to Dahnn and the other fighter Harga, but when he yelled out order no audible sounds could be heard. He then pulled the padding away from the striker on the alarm bell, but no sound came from that source either. Rizah signaled for Udbal to descend to the chamber below and then pointed to the other two archers to go support him.

Udbal climbed below as both Dahnn and Harga charged to the opening and started to fire their arrows downward. Rizah dropped his bow and then grabbed up some large rocks from the pile, throwing them out the windows at the gnolls in the lower crow’s nests to get them to sound out an alarm. One rock struck a gnoll sentry, and other sentries saw the falling rocks, but they just assumed that the Kadtanach’s movement had dislodged these rocks from the adjacent cliffs. A now frustrated Rizah then threw a rock up through the opening in the ceiling to catch the attention of his troops in the crow’s nest, so that they could sound the alarm.

Back in the center of the archers’ deck, a rope whipped up from below, entwining itself around Udbal’s bow and pulling the bow from the gnoll archer’s hands. Rizah moved towards his troops just as the cord came back up again and wrap around Harga’s left arm. Harga was then pulled down into the hole. Rizah arrived above the opening in time to see the falling Harga’s head strike against the metal bars of the cage top, breaking his neck. An enraged Udbal, now soaked with some type of liquid, was standing atop the cage roof and firing his final two arrows down at an elf and a cloaked gnoll wearing chainmail. A hammer then flew upward from the center of the room, striking Udbal in his chest, and sending him sprawling back along the cage roof. Another elf, who had apparently thrown the hammer, suddenly materialized into the room.

Rizah yelled out, although none of his troops could hear him, “Inconceivable! The gnolls of this world ally themselves with elves and even dress like them! So this is why Yeenoghu has targeted this land for conquest. The lesser races have subjugated the gnolls of this realm, and we are here to restore them to their proper glory.”

By this time Dahnn had retrieved another bow from the wall and continued to fire down at the invaders. Both Degrai and Jakit had now descended from the crow’s nest, and Rizah used hand signals to confirm with them that they had sounded the alarm. They nodded that they had not. Angered by their incompetence, Rizah signed for them to assist Dahnn as he began to climb up the ladder himself.

As he climbed upward a hammer flew up from below to the archers’ deck, knocking Jakit to the ground. Just as Rizah reached the opening to the crow’s nest he saw that the oddly dressed enemy gnoll had now climbed up to the archers’ deck. This gnoll then stabbed Degrai to death with a magical sword. Rizah climbed onto the crow’s nest and took one last glance below to see the elf with the hammer suddenly appear behind Dahnn and strike him, as the enemy gnoll moved towards the wounded Jakit. Rizah shut and locked the trapdoor behind him.

As Rizah stood up he was finally able to be able to hear sounds again. He unmuffled the striker on the alarm bell and sounded out a full alarm. The alarm had the desired affect, with other alarms now being sounded from the other structures. Lieutenants Gogol and Kajann charged out from the Officer’s Howdad towards the Central Howdad, and four other gnoll archers moved in that direction from the large aft deck.

It took a few minutes for the reinforcements to arrive at the Central Howdad crow’s nest, using a platform moved via cables and pulleys. This gave Rizah time to figure out exactly what he would tell his Lieutenant. He had clearly failed in his first command, but there might still be a way to shift this blame to somebody else. The objective of this attack must have been to free the gnoll prisoner Nahmi. Nahmi was the apprentice of the gnoll nature shaman Gnu-Dalcom and had been imprisoned as a means of coercing the elder priest into cooperating, his job being to cast Pass Without Trace spells behind the route that the Kadtanach took. Rizah never trusted either of them, feeling that Yeenoghu shouldn’t have allowed these two heretics to participate in this sacred mission. This suspicion was clearly warranted, with these shamen now working against them.

When the gnoll reinforcements arrived Rizah’s first words to the two lieutenants were “Gnu-Dalcom has committed treason. He and his apprentice have conspired with our enemies and helped them to invade our great fortress. Elves and elf-loving gnolls of this world are now below.” Lieutenant Kajann immediately ordered and led a charge below, just in time to see the enemy gnoll still on the archers’ deck vanish before their eyes. Kajann and his four men then searched both the archers’ deck and the prison level below, not finding any prisoners or foes. Kajann was left in charge while Gogol and Rizah both headed directly to the Barracks Howdad to inform Chief Ujjain of what had transpired.

Silver Moon

Joshua Randall said:
So much for the element of surprise. *shakes head sadly at the PCs* When will they ever learn? ;)
Yeah, isn't it great how much one bad dice roll can screw up a good plan! Here's the next chapter, with the PCs version of the above chapter and what then followed at a week ago's game. I should have the chapters for last night's game up shortly.

Chapter 11, “To Hell in a Handbasket”, September 13th, 1019, 11:00 A.M.

Mark’s thunderous crash onto the prison level floor had put the party on the defensive, with a muscular gnoll fighter now climbing down towards them. Cassie’s immediate reaction was to toss a Silence spell up into the chamber above, and then to recast the Mass Invisibility spell onto herself and her companions. Casting this on the fighters proved to be a waste of time, as they immediately engage in combat against the gnolls, but it continues to provide protection to both herself and Purge.

The gnoll fighter only climbs a few feet down the ladder and then moves onto the cage’s roof, nearly twenty feet above the floor, to use that as a base to fire from. Two more gnoll archers arrive above to fire arrows down at them. Narg uses the Rope of Climbing to disarm one of them. Cassie notices a secret door in the floor, telling the others, but they are all too preoccupied to deal with it.

Purge began working on the lock to the cage while Cassie sent her owl Deanna to try to empty the quiver of the gnoll atop the cage. She has the owl stop when she saw notices the human male prisoner pick up a bucket full of waste and fling the contents up towards the gnoll. The gnoll gets drenched, and the owl then manages to fly in and grab most of his remaining arrows.

Narg uses his Rope again, this time snatching onto the other gnoll, who he pulls down into the chamber. Purge jumps aside to avoid being hit by the falling monster, which bangs against the cage and then lands dead on the floor. Since Purge had still been invisible and standing where the gnoll fell, the party is concerned that the monster might have fallen on him. He states, “I’m alright, I moved.” He then returns to picking the lock. Meanwhile, Mojo tosses his hammer up into the gnoll on the cage, knocking the monster back. Purge announces that he is unable to get the cage unlocked. Cassie asks the prisoners “Do you know who has the key?” The female human prisoner replies, “The leader, and he’s not one of these two”, gesturing to the two fallen gnoll bodies. “Fine, I’ll do it myself,” Mojo comments, and tossed his Hammer of Throwing into the lock.

Three more gnoll archers now arrive above, and the room below soon begins to resemble a ‘turkey shoot’, with nearly every arrow finding its target against Mark, Mojo or Narg. Fortunately, all three fighters have rather powerful magical armor which deflects most of these arrows, but a few still impact for some damage. Mojo’s hammer’s throw is unsuccessful at breaking the lock to the cage. Narg declares, “This has turned into hell in a handbasket.” Narg scoops up his shield and starts climbing the ladder, holding the shield above his head to deflect the oncoming arrows.

The gnoll lying on the cage top begins to move, and Mark finishes him off with an arrow. Mojo moves over to the lock, and uses his full strength to hit it with the hammer, this time breaking the mechanism. Mojo then begins to climb up the ladder to assist Narg. Purge pushes the door to the cell open. The still invisible Cassie tells the prisoners, “I’m holding an invisible Bag of Holding. Get inside if you want to escape.” The two humans quickly hurry inside, although the gnoll is reluctant to do so.”

Narg is now getting close to the opening in the ceiling, and suggests to Mojo “Clear the opening.” Mojo leans back on the ladder, tossing the magical hammer up it. This knocks back one archer and also causes his two companions to momentarily move back as well, giving Narg enough time to push his way through. Narg swings his sword into the closest gnoll. Mojo reactivates his Ring of Invisibility and follows Narg into the room. Mojo moves behind the non-wounded gnoll and bludgeons him. Narg now moves in towards the one who Mojo previously hit with the hammer.

The fighters are still within the area of the Silence spell, so are unable to hear the sound of bells now chiming from all directions. Below, Cassie and Purge hear these through the walls and ask the gnoll prisoner what the sounds are. He tells them that a general alert has been sounded and that all troops will be going to their battle stations “What exactly does that mean?” Cassie asks. He replies, “It means that more gnoll troops will be coming here.” Cassie commands him, “Get into the bag. This is your only chance to escape, so I would suggest that you take it.” As he is climbing in Cassie tells Mark, “You’d better get in too. I don’t trust him.”

With both Narg and Mojo fighting up above, Cassie and Purge decide to not use the door in this room to exit, and instead hurry up the ladder. They arrive to see Narg and Mojo standing by a number of gnoll bodies. She cancels the Silence spell, with the sound of the alarm bells now reverberating through the room. Cassie tells the fighters “Reinforcements are on their way here. Get into the bag.” Mojo begins to climb in as they hear the sounds of several sets of feet now up in the crow’s nest. Narg is about halfway into the bag when the ceiling trapdoor opens and a large gnoll in heavy armor starts climbing downward.

This gnoll soon reaches the room, with four more gnolls climbing down the ladder right after him. Two of these gnolls stop at this level and the other two continue downward to the lower level. The still invisible Cassie and Purge move back to the wall and the window at two O’clock. The larger gnoll yells out in the gnoll language “They are magically hidden, find them.” The gnolls begin swinging their swords around as Cassie climb and Purge quietly climb up onto the windowsill.

Purge loops an invisible rope around the window ledge, and Cassie climbs onto his back. The two of them start to slide down the rope. The rope is dangling beside another of the cylindrical-shaped buildings, this one being twenty-feet in diameter and fifty-feet in height. The building has no visible doors or window on it, and Purge examines where to grab onto it. The giant monster that they are all riding on then shifts sharply to one side, and Purge surprisingly looses his grip on the rope.

Under normal circumstances Purge would have been able to use his monk skills to stop his descent, but with Cassie clinging onto his back he cannot, only being able to slow a bit of their momentum. They fall to the base of the building and start to roll down the side of the creature. Purge twists to one side, rolling them towards and into one of the giant leather harness straps used to secure the nearest building to the creature. At the speed they were falling at they become lodged between the strap and the monster.

They are both a bit shaken up but with a minimum of damage from this fall. They decide to crawl up higher along the strap, to keep from being crushed between the strap and the beast when it moves. They then lie back along one of the creature’s scales, using the strap as a brace. Purge suggests that they climb a bit higher, using the strap for support, until they are alongside the nearest building. They do this, finding a flatter area where they then wedge themselves along the strap at a buttress where the building sits along the creature.

Meanwhile, inside the rather crowded Bag of Holding, Narg had started talking to the rescued gnoll prisoner, saying “Okay Fido, spill it. What exactly is this place?” The gnoll gestures to the interior of the Bag of Holding and replies, “I don’t know what this place is.” Narg says, “No, I mean what is this creature with the gnoll city atop it?”

Given that Narg is in gnoll form, and speaking to him in the gnoll language, the prisoner is cooperative with him. The gnoll explains that this is the personal transport of Yeenoghu, the Greater Demon Lord and sacred deity of the gnoll race. “Who exactly is in charge here?” The gnoll replies, “Yeenoghu is.” Assuming that the gnoll is speaking figuratively about his deity, rather than literally, Narg says, “No, I mean who else is running this show other than the gnolls?”
The gnoll replies, “Yeenoghu is assisted by a human woman called Sylkess. They do not treat my master very well.” “His Master?” Mojo comments.

“Who and what is your Master?” Narg asks. The gnoll tells Narg, “My Master is of our race. He and I have respect for Yeenoghu, as the founder of our race, but we do not worship him. We are followers of the gods of nature.” Narg exclaims, “Druids! Why can’t I ever get away from Druids!” Mojo interjects, “What does your Master do here?” The gnoll replies, “He casts spells behind the creature, to conceal the path the creature took and prevent any pursuit.” Mojo comments “Must be pretty high in level to hide a path that wide.” Narg comments, “Yeah. Why can’t our druids ever do anything that useful?” Mojo asks, “So, why were you in the jail cell?” Before he can answer Narg states, “Either to force his Master to obey or as punishment for some misdeed.” “Both”, the gnoll replies.
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Silver Moon

Game #4 - 10/26/03

Chapter 12, “Chatting with Nahmi”, September 13th, 1019, 11:30 A.M.

Cassie and Purge continue to now sit invisibly in a corner by two buildings atop the creature. They see that a catapult has been loaded on a forward buttress, extending out from the first torso building and above the building on the yoke. Several gnolls are seen climbing down from a rope ladder at the end of this platform to the yoke building. The mounted wyverns and gargoyles fly all around the structures, looking intently for intruders. After a while the continuous alarms finally cease, being replaced by another series of bell rings every two minutes. The creature begins to move again, albeit slower than before. Cassie whispers to Purge, “I think they’ve gone from red alert to yellow alert.”

Back inside the Bag of Holding, Mojo complains to Narg about being “Stuck inside this bag on top of a giant dog encrusted with giant cocktail shakers.” Narg tells him to calm down, turning back to the gnoll and asking, “What exactly is this creature and what is it that you guys are doing here?” The druid states that the creature is called a Kadtanach, and that it is used to instill terror in the local populace. Narg replies, “So, basically you use it to rampage, pillage and loot the countryside.” “Yeah, something like that,” the gnoll answers.

Narg next asks, “How many gnolls are here?” Rather than answering, the gnoll asks, “Who are you?” Narg is surprised by the question and after a moment’s hesitation says, “I’m Jerry.” Mark and Mojo exchange glances at this, but suppress their laughter. Narg then starts to ask his question again, when the gnoll druid says, “Hold on. You’ve been asking all of the questions. I have a few for you.” “Okay, what?” Narg replies. The gnoll says, “Why are you here?” Mojo looks towards Mark and says, “How existential! Why are any of us here?” The druid rephrases the question, now asking “Why are you in this place? Narg says, “I was just trying to find out what is gong on.” The druid says, “You could have done that from a distance. Why did you mount an attack?”

Narg replies, “Well, there is this monastery near here.” “You’re a Monk!” the gnoll interrupts. Narg answers, “No, but a friend of mine is, and he asked me to find out what was going on.” The druid then gestures to Mark and Mojo and says, “Why do you work with these flea-bitten elves?” Mark has to restrain Mojo to keep him from responding to that insult, as Narg answers, “They do pretty good work, and THEY DON’T TALK MUCH!” Mojo finally calms down at that obvious suggestion.

Narg then says, “Look, we don’t see creatures like this one every day. Somebody had to come find out what is going on, so I was given the job.” The druid replies, “Ah, you are an advanced scout for the military of this world.” “Well, not exactly, but close enough,” Narg answers. The druid replies, “So when you saw the humans in the prison you felt obligated to try to rescue them?” Narg answers, “No, I don’t even know who they are. We broke into the cell to get you out, as I thought you might be able to give us some useful information about this thing.”

Before the gnoll can ask something else Narg states “Okay, my turn for some questions. How did you get this thing to our world?” The druid answers, “Yeenoghu brought it here. This is his personal transport.” Narg does a double take and says “Hold it right there! Are you saying that Yeenoghu is actually HERE and on this thing?” The druid replies, “Yes. He regards the Kadtanach as his chariot and the gnolls are here serve him.” Mark’s face pales at hearing this, and Mojo whispers to Mark, “Leaving? What a good idea!” Narg recovers quickly, and then asks, “You’ve actually seen this deity?” The druid replies, “Oh yes. In fact once when he was around I was slow in showing him the reverence and respect that he had come to expect from all gnoll followers. That was why I was thrown into the prison, to stay there a year or two until I learned the proper respect.”

Narg almost blows his cover when he asks, “Tell me about this Yeenoghu?” The gnoll looks shocked and says, “You don’t know about the creator of our race?” Narg answers, “Sorry, but I should have paid more attention in Sunday School. I’ve always been too busy to care much about religion, and never really got into the whole Yeenoghu thing.” The druid still looks skeptical, so Narg decides to change the subject by asking, “What exactly does your Master do around here?”

The druid explains that his master is powerful druid, an Initiate of the Fifth Circle (8th Level) and his primarily purpose is to cast Pass Without Trace spells behind the Kadtanach creature. Narg asks, “So, what is your name? And how powerful a druid are you?” The gnoll states that his name is Nahmi, and that his is currently an Ovate (2nd Level). “That’s all? What a chump?” Mojo mutters in Elvish. “Will you be quiet?” Narg tells Mojo. Mojo replies, “Actually no, I won’t. I think we need to talk about this.”

Narg thinks for a minute, and then asks Nahmi a question in the Halfling tongue. When it is appears that the gnoll does not understand him, Narg turns to Mojo and says in Halfling, “He doesn’t seem to know this language.” Mojo replies in Halfling, “But do we have it? Talking in Halfling is so annoying, with every third word being a type of pie. And do you really need seventeen different words for cake?” Narg starts to get annoyed and replies, “Look, I’m not planning to ask him what type of cake he prefers! What is it that we need to talk about?”

Mojo pauses for a minute and states, “Something doesn’t smell right about this.” “Of course he smells bad, he’s a gnoll!” Mojo replies, “No, I mean this sounds odd. If this gnoll deity is actually here then he’s omnipotent and does not need material possessions. Why would he go to all this effort just to rob a bunch of poor farmers? And why would he also need to keep a medium-level druid around to cast a spell for him? (The player then makes an analogy to the fifth Star Trek movie, and Kirk’s line of “Why does God need a starship?”)

Realizing that Mojo has a point, Narg asks Nahmi “Are you sure that the leader here is the real Yeenoghu and not some imposter?” Nahmi replies, “Oh yes. He is clearly a deity. He has a certain aura around him and you are drawn to listen to him. It is kind of hard to explain. Have you ever been in the physical presence of a deity before?” Narg replies, “Actually, I have, on a number of occasions. I once stood up to Loviatar, the Mistress of Pain.” “And got the crap beaten out of you,” Mojo now mutters in Gnollish. They both turn to Mojo who says, “Hey, I’m with Rover here on this one. I understand being enthralled. Why there was this girl that I met last year in the Orient….”

Silver Moon

Chapter 13, “Moving across the Kadtanach”, September 13th, 1019, 12:00 P.M.

Once the creature had stopped and the gargoyles returned to it Alton was able better observe the situation. He assumed that the Silver Moon Adventurers were responsible for the alarms that now sounded. Alton waited patiently, fully expecting to see one of Cassie’s massive fireballs erupting from the structure, but no explosions occur. The alarm bells then change to a different pattern, and the creature started moving again. Two of the gargoyles flew back to watch the cliffs, the third one staying atop one of the buildings.

Alton decides to flies along behind the mountain peeks. He continues to hear the same bell alarms sound every few minutes, which helps him gauge exactly where the beast it from the opposite side of the cliffs. When they are within two miles of the end of the mountain pass Alton decides to fly on ahead from the other side of the mountain and get into position ahead of it.

Meanwhile, Cassie and Purge have continued to cautiously watch from their perch. The gargoyles and wyverns are no longer flying around the creature, making Cassie feel a bit safer. They see a trio of gnolls head out to the end of the ramp housing the catapult, and lower themselves on a rope ladder down to the building on top of the creature’s yoke, helped onto it by a half-dozen gnoll archers guarding that building.

She opens up the top of the Bag of Holding to get some fresh air circulating inside. Narg briefly informs her in the Halfling language of what the gnoll druid has told him. Upon hearing that the gnoll deity is nearby she panics and says, “I think we may be in over our heads with this one.” Mojo comments, “I think that is a load of hooey. I doubt it’s really a god in charge here.” Narg interjects, “The gnoll believes that it is.” Mojo replies, “Nothing against Old Yeller here, but I think he’s wrong. Going around robbing farm towns is far too run-of-the-mill for a deity to bother with. And he needs a druid to cast spells for him! What kind of god is that?”

The alarm bells sound again and Narg snaps, “What’s that?” Cassie replies, “They’ve been sounding that bell sequence every few minutes. We think it is a Yellow Alert signal.” Mojo says, “Don’t worry about it. These are dog-creatures. You know how dogs are, once they hear something that spooks them they’ll bark continuously for the next half hour. That’s all this is.” Narg talks to the druid and confirms Cassie’s assessment of what the bells signify, being told it is the signal for a medium alert.

Cassie, Narg and Mojo continue to strategize. Narg suggests, “If you cut off the head the creature will die.” “I think it looks a bit thick to cut through,” Cassie replies. Narg answers, “No, not the animal’s head. I’m talking about whoever is controlling it. Get rid of them and it’s a whole new ballgame.” They debate trying to point the creature in a direction they may want it to go, but cannot agree on where that might be.

Purge then interrupts Cassie, saying, “What are those?” Cassie looks up, seeing three creatures emerge from the building atop the yoke. One is a yellow skinned humanoid with red eyes, wearing gold and jeweled belts and headband. It has a serrated sword hanging from its belt. (The DM shows the players the cover of the 1st Edition Fiend Folio book for the visual aide for this creature.) The other two creatures are larger, red-skinned, red-eyed, spiked dark hair, and armor that appears to be made of bones. The creatures then vanish, appearing thirty feet above on the ramp by the catapult, before heading towards the first building along the torso.

Narg asks the druid Nahmi what these creatures are, and is told “Giths. They work for Yeenoghu. The gith leader is equal to our Chief.” “Why do these giths look so different from each other?” Narg asks. The druid replies, “The red ones are only half-gith. We don’t know what the other half is, but presumably something much larger and stronger.” Cassie comments, “This gets worse every minute. Not only are we up against a deity, but now we also have to oppose teleporting creatures of races we’ve never seen before.”

Cassie has Narg ask the druid how long the creature plants to stay. Nahmi replies, “Usually it spends only a few weeks on each world. The gnoll army takes what it can until the armies of the world get organized enough to oppose it. If a large enemy force is seen Yeenoghu moves the Kadtanach to another world rather than staying to fight.” “Typical strategy for a bully,” Narg comments. Mojo says, “There’s the answer. We get the army here to stop it, and they’ll just go away.” Cassie comments, “Except you are forgetting one thing. The Queen doesn’t have an army – we’re it!” The only Lordholdings with military forces are Cantage and Jawlt, and they’re hundreds of miles from here.” “So what, it will be there soon enough at the rate it’s moving,” Mojo comments.

Narg suggests that Mojo call up the Queen again. Cassie says, “That magic item only works once a day, so why don’t you hold off on that.” “I don’t want to talk to her anyway!” Mojo pouts. Cassie lectures him with, “Will you please get over your jealousy! So she picked her husband instead of you. Accept it!” Narg interjects, “Okay, hold off on contacting the Queen, but we should get a hold of her sometime soon.” “I wish I could, but there’s a guy in the way” Mojo mumbles.

They discuss strategy some more, with Cassie again expressing reservations about taking on a god. “Nothing we haven’t done before,” Narg comments. Cassie replies, “Yeah, but we only won on those occasions because of powerful assistance. I don’t see any divine beings offering to help us this time.” Mojo suggests, “Look, this thing is like a giant dogs with more dogs on top of it. Why don’t we just construct a giant fire hydrant!” Narg and Cassie decide to just ignore him.

Purge interrupts again, stating that the three giths have returned with a gnoll. Cassie looks up and comments that the red-skinned giths are grasping the arms of an unarmored gnoll, forcing him to accompany them. The yellow-skinned gith is also brandishing his sword towards this gnoll in a threatening manner. They get to the end of the catapult platform and then teleport away. Nahmi asks for a more detailed description of what this gnoll looked like, which Cassie then provides. Nahmi confirms that was his master that the giths had seized.

Narg tells Cassie, “Look, this fake god is probably just somebody polymorphed by that wizardess to fool the gnolls. She’s the one running the show. Try to figure out where she might be and get there. Then let us out of the bag, we kill her, end of story.” Cassie answers, “Easier said that done, but that building along the Yoke seems to be main activity point. Purge and I will do what we can to get there.” She closes up the Bag of Holding, and then fills Purge in on the conversation.

The two try to figure out the best way to get to the building on the yoke. They tie themselves together and begin to climb down the creature, gripping onto the sides of the scales. It is a steep downward climb towards the creature’s neck. At this point the creature has exited the mountain pass. A new series of bell rings follow, after which the behemoth starts moving at a much swifter pace, crushing and uprooting the trees in the forest before them. The creature’s harness between the neck and torso is a patchwork of horizontal and vertical straps, creating twenty-to-forty foot diameter squares and rectangles. Purge uses one of the vertical straps as a handhold as they further descend.

Meanwhile, Alton had reached the end of the mountain pass and transformed back to his human form. Using the forest for cover, he watches as the creature exits the mountains. The creature continues to travel due west, and Alton moves into position in front of it. He then removes several magic items, transforms into a white chimpanzee, then puts on and activates the Ring of Invisibility. A player comments about the choice of animal, saying “A chimp? They eat bugs off of themselves.” Another player quips “And you think Alton doesn’t already do that?”

The invisible chimp moves a safe enough distance that he won’t be stomped on by the beast, and waits until it is parallel to him. He then scampers forward and carefully times a dive onto one of the rear legs of the beast, then climbs up.

The Kadtanach bumps a front leg on a large boulder, causing it to slightly stumble. This sudden lurch to the side causes Purge to lose his footing, on the ledge created by the strap, and he falls. Once the end of the rope linking him to Cassie is taut she falls as well. He manages to grab onto the next horizontal strap but Cassie misses it and the speed of her fall pulls him off as well. Thirty-five feet later they both grab for the next horizontal strap, with Cassie grabbing it this time. However Purge misses, and his weight and velocity then pull her off.

Only one horizontal strap remains prior to them hitting the solid wall of the yoke and building along it. The temporary stops have slowed their momentum, but the impact on the bottom will still probably prove fatal to both of them. Cassie considers using the Helm of Teleportation to get them out of this predicament, but thinks that she still may be a few minutes shy of the item’s twenty-four hour recharge time from when it was last used. Cassie reaches for the final strap and this time manages to gets a very firm grip on it. Purges grabs it too, but the creature’s continued movement causes him to again loose his grip. Fortunately he has held onto it for long enough for Cassie to better secure the rope on the strap and then help him climb up to her.

Cassie and Purge may have experienced problems moving along the scales of the creature, but it is proving to be second nature to Alton’s chimp form. He reaches the top of the beast and moves forward, avoiding the buildings. He reaches a point near one of the forward buildings and makes his way around it. After a few minutes he hears some other sounds. He continues moving, stopping several times to listen, and concludes that somebody invisible is following him. He stops at a corner by the two front buildings. Alton is able to vocalize enough sounds in chimp form to cast Dispel Magic, centering the spell on the area that the sounds are coming from. This causes both the white chimpanzee and a male gnome to become visible.

Silver Moon

Chapter 14, “Another Chapter as the Gnoll sees it." September 13th, 1019, 11:45 A.M.

Chief Ujjain stared both Rizah and Gogol in the face, then grabbed each of their uniforms by the lapel and pulled their faces close to him. The gnoll leader then yelled, “So you are saying that you retreated your post! Abandoning the Central Howdad in cowardice and letting the enemy take what they wish from it?”

A clearly intimidated Lieutenant Gogol stutters out a response of “Rizah did. I wasn’t there when it happened.” Ujjain throws the Lieutenant to the floor and then kicks him while stating, “How dare you try to shirk the blame for this! You are responsible for the actions of all of your subordinates. I should kill you for your negligence!” Ujjain releases Rizah and then kicks Gogol again with full force, cracking one of the Lieutenant’s ribs. Ujjain yells, “But I won’t kill you. You should be ashamed of what you have done so you need to feel shame. You are stripped of your rank, and deemed no longer worthy to ride upon the Kadtanach. Take the basket to the ground below. Inform Lieutenant Renjarr that you are his new wagon driver.” As Gogol stands up Ujjain strips the gnoll of his insignia, and bellows “Get out of my sight, you sicken me.” Gogol hurriedly exits the howdad.

Ujjain then turns his eyes towards Rizah. Rizah stands straight at attention and states, “My Chief, administer whatever punishment you feel I deserve, but please allow me the opportunity to first explain my actions.” The Chief moves so his face is within an inch of Rizah’s and says, “Very well Kegyai, what excuses do you have?” Rizah remains unfazed at his Chief’s proximity and replies is a strong and authoritative voice, “No excuses sir, just an explanation. I would have preferred to remain on the Archers’ deck, fighting alongside my men. However, my discovery that the gnoll heretics were the ones who were responsible for this incursion changed that. I was the only one close enough to the ladder to go sound an alarm and thought that my first duty at that moment was to and report this act of treason to my superiors. If that judgement was incorrect then I will freely accept any punishment you see fit, up to and including my death.”

The Chief moves back and ponders what Rizah has said, as well the courage the gnoll has just shown in standing his ground. Ujjain replies, “Rizah, I find that your judgement in this instance was correct. But if you ever abandon troops assigned to you again, for any reason, I will personally kill you for cowardice. Do I make myself clear…Lieutenant?” “Yes. You do sir,” Rizah replies. Ujjain hands Rizah the insignia formerly worn by Gogol, which the new Lieutenant pins to his armor.

Lieutenant Kajjan then enters the Howdad and says to the Chief, “Father, there is no sign of the intruders and all of the prisoners are gone. The stone-skins and lizard-fliers report that no enemies are in sight anywhere on the Kadtanach. They also report that the traitor Gnu-Dalcom appears to still be within his own howdad, so perhaps the enemies have gone there.”

Ujjain turns and orders Rizah “You will go to the Yoke Howdad and inform the Great Demon Lord of what has transpired. He will decide how to best deal with Gnu-Dalcom.” The Chief then turns to Kajjan and states, “Son, we are at great risk while we are stopped. We must get the Kadtanach out of these mountains, but I do not want to hurry into what may be an ambush by our enemies. Signal for the beast to resume traveling at half its regular pace. Put the troops go to medium alert except for those near Gnu-Dalcom’s Howdad. Have those archers stay at full alert and fire on anyone exiting that habitat.” Both Lieutenants depart with their new orders.

Rizah sees a pair of gnoll archers and orders them to accompany him. They make their way back to the Central Howdad, then along the bridge connecting it to the Shoulder Blade Howdad. By this point the bells have changed to Medium Alert and the Kadtanach has started moving again. They head down the forward ramp and around its catapult. At the edge of the ramp the rope ladder is lowered and the three gnolls climb down towards the Yoke Howdad below them.

They are assisted onto the Yoke Howdad crow’s nest by Drog-Jeru, the gnoll Sub-Chief and tribe’s shaman. He is flanked by the five most powerful gnoll fighters on the Kadtanach, with the six of them serving as the Elite Guard to the gnoll deity. Rizah respectfully tells his Sub-Chief what has transpired. The Sub-Chief opens the trap down to the building below, ordering Rizah to accompany him. Rizah has never been inside of this structure before, and is unsure of what to expect.

The demonic dog belonging to the giths is in the room below and barks at them, not recognizing Rizah as someone authorized to be inside of this howdad. In fact, the beast would have most likely attacked and killed the new lieutenant if one of the three red-skinned Duthka’Gith warriors had not held it back. Both of the yellow-skinned Ghustil (priests) of the Githyanki race then question the two gnolls as to what is taking place. Both Ghustil then accompany the two gnolls down the ladder to the bottom level, where Yeenoghu awaits.

Rizah immediately feels a sense of awe in the presence of the gnoll deity standing before him. He takes his cues from both Drog-Jeru and the two gith shamen as to the kneeling, reverent gestures and other ceremonial groveling that is expected in the god’s presence. After begging for the god’s blessings and giving declarations of each one’s unworthiness, Yeenoghu commands them to stand. Drog-Jeru reverently requests permission to address Yeenoghu directly. Once granted, the Sub-Chief relays the information told to him by Rizah. Yeenoghu gazes at Rizah, and asks for confirmation that the gnoll druid Gnu-Dalcom has committed treason. Rizah feels his heart racing faster and sweat appears on his paws. He bows his head before the great Yeenoghu and confirms that the heretics have betrayed them.

Yeenoghu orders one of the giths to bring Gnu-Dalcom to him. The yellow-skinned being climbs upward, continuing up to the crow’s nest along with two of the red-skinned giths. The A period of time passes, during which both of the shamen converse with Yeenoghu in the Gith Language, which Rizah does not yet know. Twenty minutes after they left the giths finally return, forcefully holding the gnoll druid. When questioned, the druid claims ignorance of the invaders but has no explanation as to how or why his apprentice was involved. Yeenoghu commands the duthka-giths to “force some different answers from him. Ten minutes of physical violence and torture follow, with the druid’s responses remaining the same as before.

While the druid is being tortured, the Kadtanach reaches the end of the mountain pass. The deity commands that the beast’s speed increase to full. The alarm bells soon change to a different series of rings, and the pace of the monster picks up.

Yeenoghu states in the Gnoll language that Gnu-Dalcom is lying and that an example must be made of him. Drog-Jeru and Rizah are commanded to spread the word for all of their gnoll tribemates to watch the punishment. He then speaks to the Giths in their own language. The two gnolls climb back up to the crow’s nest. Drog-Jeru and his troops start to climb the rope ladder back up to the platform above. Drog-Jeru says that he and his elite troops will spread the word of the coming example to the main fortress. Rizah and his two archers are told to get word to the howdad and baskets atop the creature’s head.

This assignment proves to be both challenging and very dangerous, in that the only way to reach the head is by a cable running between the crow’s nests of the Yoke Howdad and Head Howdad. This maneuver is usually conducted when the Kadtanach is stopped, and it is now moving at near its top speed. The cable used for this is also currently strapped down to the creature’s scales, to prevent it from snagging along branches and cliffs as the beast moves. It takes the combined strength of all three gnolls to pull the cable loose from its fastenings.

A hooked swing is then attached to the cable. One of the archers attaches a thin rope to an arrow and fires it into the Head Howdad’s upper wall just beneath the crow’s nest. The gnoll sentries in the Head Howdad pick up the rope, and Rizah orders one of the archers to go first. The gnolls at the Head Howdad use the rope to quickly pull him across. The swing is then drawn back. Rizah decides to go next, and is then pulled over. The swing is returned once more and they begin to pull across the final archer.

The Kadtanach continues to march onward through the forests, splitting or knocking aside any trees in his path. One such tree happens to house a large flock of Elgart Birds, a species, which resembles a giant quail. As the birds’ home becomes uprooted the flock flies upward. The Kadtanach sees the two-dozen large birds fly up in front of its face. It opens maw and cranes its neck upward at them as they attempt to fly higher and away from it. The beast’s mouth envelops the entire flock, and its great jaws close over them.

This sudden and violent neck movement causes the cable between the two howdads to suddenly pull taut and then snap. The gnoll had been midway across when the cable breaks, and he falls for thirty feet, landing hard and on the behemoth’s neck. The neck then begins to rumble and sway as the Kadtanach swallows its meal, causing the gnoll to slip. He attempts to grab onto the beast’s scales, but is unable to get a firm grip as the weight of his own body now works against him. The gnoll slides off from the creature and falls a hundred feet to his death.

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