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Best Five RPG Books You Own


Here's some of the requested links.
EditorBFG said:
1) Dogs in the Vineyard - Probably the best RPG ever published
You can buy it here:http://www.lumpley.com/games/dogs.html And there are a lot of really great free resources for it at that site, too.
EditorBFG said:
2) Mutants & Masterminds - Just plain smart
From a company called Green Ronin that everyone here has heard of, right? If not, imagine a bunch of current and former WotC writers putting out better and more consistent stuff for another company. That company is Green Ronin. http://enworld.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=487&products_id=6064&
EditorBFG said:
3) Delta Green - Either version- just plain better than any other setting book
This is a link to the newest version, which contains conversion rules for d20 Call of Cthulhu/Modern/D&D: http://www.arkhambazaar.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=161
EditorBFG said:
4) Pendragon - Underappreciated, thank God White Wolf has decided to revive it
Link to EN World Gamestore page: http://enworld.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=11070&
EditorBFG said:
5) The System Reference Document - The innovation wasn't d20, it was making it open

Runners-up: Warhammer FRP,
EditorBFG said:
Star Wars (Saga Edition), Dread
Interestingly, there are apparent two rpgs called Dread. You want the one that involves Jenga (seriously), available from Indie Press Revolution http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/product.php?productid=16200
EditorBFG said:
True20 (wonderful, just not as good as M&M), and a little-known game called Carry that you can actually download for free-- it's not on this list because I don't own it in book form, but my first session was the single best role-playing experience I've ever had with strangers.
Carry is available for free here: http://www.1km1kt.net/rpg/Carry.php and in a pay-the-author-for-all-his-hard-work version here: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/product.php?productid=16181&js=y

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That's tough. I'd go with the following:

1. Mutants & Masterminds 2E
2. Magic Item Compendium
3. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
4. Scion: Hero

Honorable mention to the Rules Cyclopedia and the original Dark*Matter.


First Post
Pirates of the Spanish Main
Wild Talents
Promethean: the Created
Big Eyes, Small Mouth 3e
HERO System 5th edition Revised

no one on here said they had to be just d20 books ;)


First Post
In no particular order

Mutants and Masterminds 2E

MnM: Ultimate Power


Eberron Campaign Setting

Spell Compendium (though I would've preferred an explicit list of spells that changed from their original printings)

Shining Dragon

First Post
1. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
2. Shadowrun 4th Edition
3. Weapons of the Gods
4. Scion: Hero
5. Vampire: The Requiem.

No "honorable mentions" - if 5 were asked for I see no need to mention another 10...

Teflon Billy

Shining Dragon said:
No "honorable mentions" - if 5 were asked for I see no need to mention another 10...

Your restraint is admirable:)

I recall years ago I posted a request for folks' "Top 3 Characters from Fantasy Fiction" or something and kept getting lists posted from people who "just couldn't pick 3"


Deuce Traveler

Let's see... here are my 5 favorites, but I'm considering sets as one book.

Original DnD Red Boxed Set: I still love flipping through this.

Ptolus: Beautiful book and a great work!

Wilderlands of High Fantasy Boxed Set: I don't like the history as written inside, but I do love the content and idea, especially when I think of making some changes and dropping in Ptolus along with some old dungeon crawls that heroes can venture to.

Castles and Crusades Set: Beats out Lejendary Adventures to make this list, and has an old school feel that can adopt many of the cool new ideas that have come out.

Mutants and Masterminds- Freedom City: I love the campaign ideas in this book and it almost makes me want to play the game over my current fantasy-themed ones... almost...


This thread could become very expensive for me :D I just ordered Beyond Countless Doorways and I'm thinking about getting Dawnforge, Book of Artifacts, and the Spell Compendium...lol.

Thanks for all the "tips" on great books.

Voidrunner's Codex

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