Best "rats in the tavern cellar" map?

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I expect to be running an intro adventure for some first RPGers this spring, and decided that I finally want to do that old chestnut: The tavern owner promises to erase the group's enormous bar tab/repair bill in return for them taking care of a "little rat problem" in the cellar.

Does anyone have any recommendations of a good tavern map that includes a rat warren leading off of the cellar? Ideally I'm just looking for the map by itself, but I'm open to getting an inexpensive PDF adventure if that's the only option.

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This one looks like it has some ideas. I do not own it, but looking at the preview it might have some stuff. And it is PWYW on DMsGuild.


Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
"Rats in the tavern cellar map" produced a few good image results on Duckduckgo. It also got me wondering; how do tavern cellars get so big? I guess it takes a village.
I think the in-world rationalization is that cellars are cooler than the surface in many settings, meaning you can keep food and drink there longer without spoiling ... until the dire rats come.

Voidrunner's Codex

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