Better Name for Elven Concentration Camp

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Okay, let's delve a bit into psychology here...

It's not just a question of what the rest of the world thinks. It's a question of what the elves think.

Remember, there have now been several generations born into slavery, yes? The lizardmen want the elves to come to believe that this is the natural order of society, that they're the workers and the lizardmen the masters. If you call them "slave camps" or "concentration camps," you're reinforcing the idea in each generation that the elves are, in fact, slaves.

If you go with "the elven villages" or the "sylvan santuary," you distance the elves themselves from the notion of slavery. It may sound silly, but over generations, that sort of tactic is frighteningly effective. When people don't think of themselves as slaves, they're less likely to revolt.

Edit: Fixed typos, added to the closing thought.
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You also have to consider whether, by and large, the lizard folk believe that this is the natural order of things. Or are they well aware that this is wrong (continuing to enslve the elves) and are just part of a system that they feel is too big to change. Maybe just the top of the lizardfolk hierarchy is supporting the enslavement. Do they just want the cheap labor, or is there an ancient time when the roles were reversed (and therefore a long-standing score is being settled)? Lots to think about on this one... :)

Black Omega

First Post
So, in brief. Call it Brightblossom. It's a good elven sounding name, hides the real sinister purpose well, and later on you can tell admireres "Yes, I made my players shudder at the very mention of Brightblossom.":)


or you could call it a Re-Education Centre. It is for their own benifit...then you spread lies about their history...first thing to quash...and you separate the children from the elders so they can't pass history from one generation to the next. You create a new history that shows them that the elves were a terrible people and that the lizard folk saved the world from them and decided that they unlike the evil elves they had captured could not kill the poor elven children...instead they would educate them and allow the to repent.

see.. and eventually all elves will come to believe the "truth" that their "benevolent" saviours have told them.


House Ruler
Lizardman: Ch'Sskaliissn Crevice
Elves: Morning Glory Village (Brightblossom is good, too!)

I think you need an evil sounding name that the captors use and a hopeful name the prisoners use.
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WotC's bitch
Am I the only one who read the title of this thread and thought, "It's about time the elves got off their butts and implemented a Final Solution to the orcish problem"?


First Post
How about simply calling them the Elfholds?

The elves are taught that they're the elves' "holdings". Their hereditary homes, which the elves must maintain lest they lose their "heritage". Heck, after a few generations, the elves may have come to nurture 'sympathisers' among their captors who they 'manipulate' to preserve the status & protected homes.

The captors on the other hand use the term knowing that they're where the elves are 'held' lest they re-discover their natural heritage (out in the true sylvan forests) & return to being rebelious.

Heck, escaped elves who do discover their true sylvan heritage might be regarded as insane, heretical disidents & enemies of their cousins living in the Elfholds.


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bloodymage said:
Elves: Morning Glory Village
Might want to stay away from that name if you have any English players. It has connotations that you wouldn't want to explain in polite company :eek:.


Dark Helmet

First Post
I think what you're describing is not so much a concentration camp as a plantation.


Thank You. Thank You. I'll be here all week. :)


First Post
Das Elfenkonzentrationslager?

Wait, that would definitely be a too overt.

Das freundliches Elfenkonzentrationslager...mmm, better. :)

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